Unexpected Chances

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Unexpected Chances Page 5

by A. M. Willard

  “I meant to ask you. How was last night? Sorry, I dropped out at the last minute, but this jet lag is kicking my butt."

  “I know. You didn’t miss much. We stayed at The Hill and then I lost Seth. As I think about it, I lost everyone other than Cory,” I say, as I think back to when they all disappeared. It’s not like them all to leave me. I mean I had Cory, but, usually, one of the others stays as well.

  “How’s Cory?” Angela asks giving me a stern look.

  “He’s Cory. I don’t know what I’m going to do with him. He started in last night with the whole I love you, blah blah blah shit again,” I explain, waving my hand about.

  “You know I still think you two are meant for each other.”

  “Wow. That jetlag is affecting you. Have you lost your ever-loving mind?”

  “No. Ask Seth. He agrees.”

  “You’re telling me my big brother who’s a player, agrees that I should go out with his best friend?’

  “He does and so do I.”

  “Have you been drinking? Do you have a martini in that water bottle?” I ask, as I reach over and grab the clear plastic bottle. I open the lid and take a whiff. “No I guess you’re sober,” I say, as I sit it back on her desk.

  “You’re mental, you know that?” Angela says, as she reaches for her briefcase.

  “I know what we can do. When you come back, I’ll have your head examined,” I explain, as I get up and walk out of her office.

  Angela yells out to me, “Better get a two for one because you’re coming with me,” I laugh at my best friend and make my way back out front to my office.

  When I step into my office, I look around shaking my head from the madness. It makes me think that from just having Carter in the same room with me leaves it looking as a category five hurricane just whipped through.

  I can’t imagine what the sex would be like.



  Thankful for a short plane ride, I make my way to the office. I’ve got to find a way to clear my head. I’m all over the place and afraid I might screw this up even more than I have.

  Just as I’m about to take my exit off Interstate 5, I jerk the wheel back over into traffic. I know what I need, so I head towards home.

  Parking my truck in the garage, I get out and head across the space. I snatch my black leather jacket and helmet off the rack and slide over to the bike.

  She’s a solid black Harley Sportster. I bought her a few years ago. It started out with me just pissing Bethany off. Now, it’s the way I clear my head.

  I don’t have a lot of time today, which means I’ll head out towards The Mercer Loop. The roads are windy, but the view of the city and mountains is worth it.

  I can lean back on the bike and stare out over Lake Washington. It’s a Friday, which means the area shouldn’t be full of family enjoying the trails and bike paths today.

  I’ve yet another function to attend tonight with not only Bethany but her whole family. Already knowing how the evening will end makes it ten times worse.

  Defeated is how I’ll end up before the moon is fully risen. I’ve never understood the power politics could hold over anyone, including my family.

  That power has ruled my life since I was 18 years old. The few friends that I’ve managed to keep over the years are the only ones that truly understand what happened the night of my graduation.

  It’s something I never speak of and pray that one day this nightmare will be over. The problem will be gone for good, and I can live. I’ll never have a happy ending or find the one they call a soul mate. But I do hope to be happy and carefree again.

  This is what I sit and think about each time I throw a leg over the bike. Turning that key and letting the vibrations run through my body, it’s like it’s giving me my life back. Every turn, it’s another beat of my heart that I gain back.

  “You know daddy will not approve of this rebel behavior. I forbid you to have that thing and trek around all of Seattle like some low life,” I remember the words from Bethany’s spiteful mouth as if she’s standing in front of me now.

  Pulling into the empty parking lot, I cut the engine. Taking my helmet off, I place it in my lap and inhale the surrounding air.

  The Edward’s family has royally screwed my life over. To top it all off, my father was the one to agree to Bethany’s father, Paul Edwards’s stupid agreement.

  I let an hour pass by before I start to head back home. I’ll dress the part tonight, covering up my tattoos. Plaster on the same fake smile that I do at every event, and hope that this is the last one that I’m forced to attend.

  Chapter Ten:


  Seth and I head out bright and early for a Saturday morning to the Market. It’s been our thing since I graduated college. Breakfast a little walking around and just some T&S time; “Tabitha and Seth”.

  We started calling it that when our parents tried to convince us that we needed to have brunch with them on the weekends. The excuse was you never see each other, and we just like seeing you close to each other.

  Seth and I gave an eye roll at the same time and explained that T&S time was every Saturday, no matter what. Yes, that caused them to back off a little.

  “Where did you go the other night?” I ask, as I shove a grape into my mouth.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Not happening. You can’t blow me off.”

  “I left. Cory was with you; I didn’t need to worry.”

  “This will not get you off the hook, but, speaking of Cory,” I say, with pointy eyes in his direction. “You need to have a talk with him.”

  “About what?”

  “Him claiming to love me and all that mushy crap,” I explain, waving my hands around in the air.

  Laughing, Seth starts, “He does. What can I do about it? Just give him a shot. You never know, he could be your one,” sarcastically saying.

  “The one,” I laugh out a little louder than I should. “Have you drank the milk too? Are you in love, and I don’t know about it?”

  “No, and you’re not turning this around on me. He has been for years. Heck, I think he was lost in you when he first laid eyes on your crazy ass.”

  I don’t respond to Seth’s statement; I continue on eating my eggs.

  Just as I take a sip of my hot coffee Seth says, “You should give it a go. The two of you are always together. What do you have to lose?”

  Coughing as I listen to my insane brother, “I have a ton to lose with that situation. Cory is my guy beastie and what would I do? When you’re not free, he’s my plus one. If Angela is gone, he’s my movie guy. I’m not going to risk it.”

  “I just want to see you happy, Sis. That’s all.”

  “I am,” is the only thing I can respond because if I stop and think about it, I’d have to ask if I am happy? I have a great circle of friends, career, health, but I’ll never have a chance at true love.

  For true love, you have to trust, and I don’t.

  “I have a hypothetical question for you,” I set down my fork and lean back into my chair. I need to word this correctly or Seth will see right through me.

  “Go for it. Didn’t expect to get this deep today, but I’m your big brother.”

  Shaking my head at him, “Say you see someone once, and you’re not sure what it is about them. You feel a pull towards them but don’t know why. What would you do?”

  “You’re asking me this, because?”

  “I can’t ask Angela, so just answer me.”

  “I’ll ask why you can’t ask her later. I guess you try it out, give it a chance and see where it leads you. What harm could it cause?”

  “I’m pretty sure it could cause an avalanche if I’m not careful.”

  “Good thing I have a big ass shovel to dig you out then, isn’t it?”

  “Funny. Come on, are you done? I need to shop.”

  Seth doesn’t respond; he just slides his chair back and stands. I watch him throw some money do
wn on the table before we exit.

  My mind is so foggy that I’m not enjoying my time with my brother. Seth’s picking out some band shirt that he saw in the window. While he’s occupied I reach in for my phone and text Cory.

  Me: Pizza tonight?

  Cory: Big Johns? Your place or mine?

  Me: Loaded and mine. I’ll have beer.

  I decide to text Angela as well, just in case she expected to do something tonight.

  Me: Plans with Cory tonight. Pizza and beer @ my house? You can join.

  Angela: I’ll pass. Remember make him work for it and give it a shot.

  Me: You suck! He doesn’t have to work at anything, and no shots are being handed out.

  Angela: We will see, my dear. Text me later.

  T&S time has come to an end. Seth received some cryptic text and jetted off like the building was on fire. He’s been so strange the last few weeks, and I’m not sure what’s going on.

  He’s such a player. Watching the way he and his friends are, is one of the reasons I’ve decided to be the one to make myself happy. No reason to rely on someone who will crush your heart within a five minute time span.



  Last night went just as I expected; a complete disaster. To those that were not standing in a small group around us, they never would have picked up on it.

  “You smell like gas and why didn’t you shave?” Bethany states.

  “I was running late. Get over it already. I’m here, and that’s more than I’d like to be.”

  “Carter, are we going to go down this road again? When are you going to stop this silly game, and just do what’s expected of you?”

  “We will go down that road until the day you sign the divorce papers,” I sternly say to her as I lean down into her ear. No reason to cause a scene, the deep inhale of her breath was enough to have her father look over at the two of us. “I need a drink,” I say, as I release her arm and walk away.

  As I rehash last night in my head, I move about to call Richard, my lawyer.

  I need answers, and I need them today.

  On the fourth ring, he answers “Carter, what can I do for you this morning?”

  “I’ll make this short and sweet, Richard. What’s the fucking holdup?”

  “Calm down, Carter. You’re aware that she’s refusing to sign. She’s had her lawyers draw up some concoction about emotional stress. Guess your wife has been seeing a psychiatrist. Currently, she has the upper hand, unless you would like to pay her for the rest of your life. Give me more time. I promise we will have you out of this, soon.”

  “Emotional Stress! She has no idea what stress is, and I’m pretty sure there’s not one emotion in her body other than being a devious bitch.”

  “Carter. We talked about this. You have to watch everything you say, and do. If not, you know what we will have to deal with.”

  “Fine. Just figure it out, Richard and let me know.”

  “Will do. Enjoy the rest of your day,” Richards says, as he ends the call.

  Enjoy my day. How does he expect me to do that? Ever since Paul took office as being our local senator, and my picture has been plastered all over the place on Bethany’s arm. I can’t even go down to the pub and enjoy a beer with my buddies.

  I’ve become a recluse.

  In the kitchen, I grab a bottle of Jack from the cabinet and move to my office. Seated behind my desk, I unscrew the cap and take a swig. I don’t have to impress one soul in here, and I don’t plan to be proper. I’ll drink my whiskey straight from the bottle today.

  Bringing up my email, I scan through looking to see if I’ve received anything from Jack.


  I type in “Tabitha Jean Michaelson” and hit search. As I wait, I drink a few more sips from the bottle.

  Our girl is pretty popular it seems. I’ve found a few social media sites with her name and articles from different events. It looks as if she attends them with her parents.

  Hours have passed by, and the bottle is empty. I’ve figured out that Tabitha is too good for me. I have no reason to interrupt her life, other than the magnetic pull I have towards her.

  With no help from Jack, I’ve found out that her father is a professor. Her mother is some head director and doctor at the Children’s hospital.

  All the pictures of her dressed in evening gowns and shoes that I’ve never seen anyone wear before, It’s one of the two people on her arm; her brother or that guy from the bar.

  I stalk the social sites, finding pictures of her with them again. A few other faces that I didn’t recognize. I now know what her boss looks like, as she had a few pictures posted from her wedding. I’m not sure why she had photo’d shopped douche bag over the grooms’ head, but she did.

  Each picture showed me more and more on how much life she is full of. Her smile radiates from ear to ear. She likes to surf, which I shouldn’t be surprised with. Of course, her instructor was that guy again.

  Maybe I should have Jack look into him.

  Find some dirt to push him out of the picture.

  That’s what I’ll do. I will explain to Jack to find the dirt but keep it until I need it. I don’t need anything else to cloud my judgment right now. As soon as I deal with my issues, I can focus on the other ones at hand.

  Chapter Eleven:


  Cory arrives right on time, as always. I grab the plates along with a couple of beers and head to the living room. I walk around the corner and stop myself. He’s putting the movie in the DVR and already has the two boxes of pizza on the coffee table.

  I lean against the wall and take him in.

  Any woman in her right mind would be lucky to have him.

  All five foot nine inches of him is waiting for what he will consider a perfect evening. He’s in a plain white t-shirt and light colored jeans with holes in random spots. I notice they hang down a little around his hips, allowing me to see the rim of his boxers. Running my eyes down the length of his body, I’m overwhelmed with what to do.

  If I had to pick anyone out with great arms, it’s his. They’ve carried me to my bed on multiple occasions.

  Cory works-out daily, if he’s not in the gym he’s out surfing.

  I’m trying to see if my heart rate picks up with him this comfortable in my living room.


  The only place my mind wonders to, is what Carter would look like standing here like this.

  Just the mere thought of him being in my apartment causes my heart to skip a few beats. My body starts to feel flushed. I pray silently to myself that Cory doesn’t turn around, and think that this look is for him.

  I push off the wall and pull myself together, “Hungry?” I ask, as I nod to the pizza.

  “I skipped lunch today. You know a growing boy needs to eat,” as he shoots me a wink.

  “Growing boy, huh?”

  “You know it. How are you, Firecracker?” he asks, as he pulls me in for a hug.

  “Good. It’s been a long week,” I say, as I shrug out of his hold. He must feel the difference in my body language tonight. As I move to the other side of the sofa because it gains me a strange look.

  “That it has. How was your morning with Seth?”

  “Normal. You know the same thing we do every Saturday, but he had to run off to God only knows where.”

  “He’s been doing that here recently. I can tail him?”

  Laughing, because I envision the two of us dressed in all black following my brother. “No, he’ll tell me soon enough. Until then, let him have his fun.”

  “I’m shocked baby sister doesn’t want to know what big bro is up too,” he says, as he reaches to get us both a slice of pizza.

  I hand him his beer, taking my plate from him. Sitting back I tuck my feet underneath me. We eat in the awkward silence for a while. I almost feel that someone sent him a memo saying, “Cat’s out of the bag. She knows you’re in love with her.”

  Deciding to be t
he first one to clear the air, “How’s work?” I ask, mentally slapping myself. Have we reached that boring part of our friendship? This is what I was trying to avoid.

  “Been busy. What about you?”

  “Same. We have a new contract that’s pretty solid, and Angela is leaving to go see about another one.”

  Cory readjusts his body to face towards me, “How does she do it?”

  “Do what?” I ask, not knowing what he’s referring to.

  “Travel all the time. Doesn’t she ever miss being home, and what about that guy she married? We see her but never see him.”

  “You’re not missing anything with that one. She loves her job. I’d do the same. Look at all the places she goes,” I explain, like I have to defend my best friend.

  “True. But I know you’d get lonely doing that all the time. You enjoy being with your family and friends.”

  “I do but I wouldn’t mind it,” softly explaining, as I think what it would be like to do what Angela does. Cory’s probably right, I’d miss being home.

  My phone starts blaring “My life would suck without you” I know by the ringtone it’s Angela. Perfect timing. I snatch up the phone to answer, “What’s up hooker?” I say, with a laugh. It drives her nuts with all my names.

  “Look I just received an email from Carter Northwood with Georgia’s Inc. He’s asking if I can come up tomorrow. Something about some big board meeting and needs to put this into action pretty quick.”

  Interrupting her, “What. Slow down, Angela. What does he expect you to do on a Sunday, and then you have to be in New York on Monday.”

  “I changed my flights around. I’ll arrive around eight tomorrow morning and do what I need to do. I explained that it was going to be a quick assessment, and he’s fine with that. My flight will leave mid-morning Monday. I’ll have plenty of time to do what I need to do.”

  “If you say so, I mean you’re the boss, and all.”

  “I’ll forward you the changes, and I’m sorry we’ll not have our day together tomorrow. I promise to find you something good in New York.”

  I throw my head back as I release a laugh, “Bitch you know you will.”


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