Pawsitively Fetching: Romance with a Canine Helper (Romantic Beginnings Book 3)

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Pawsitively Fetching: Romance with a Canine Helper (Romantic Beginnings Book 3) Page 3

by Tammy Andresen

  She needed to be the new Sam tonight. The one that knew she was hot and hooked up with Doug because she could. It didn’t even matter if he was using her, she was using him. Mutually beneficial.

  Now, she was on the bus to get home. She adjusted her pencil skirt again and smoothed her hair, popping a mint in her mouth.

  Looking to her right, she totally noticed a hottie checking her out. She bit her lip to hide her smile. Her extra efforts had been worth it, apparently.

  She’d texted Doug a half hour before to tell him she’d be getting home around six thirty. It took an hour and fifteen minutes to make the commute every day.

  Did you drive? He’d texted back.

  Bus, she replied. She had a car. A Civic she’d bought a few years back, practical exactly like her. But it was too difficult to commute. Traffic and parking were a nightmare.

  Seeing her stop, she got up to move to the front. The hottie got up too. “Hey,” he called to her.

  She turned. Yikes, he was in even yummier than her peripheral vision had accounted for. “Hey.”

  “I know this is totally random but,” the bus rolled to a stop. She had to get off quick or miss it. “Wondering if you’d like to give me your—“

  “Sam,” Doug called. She glanced out the door to see him standing there holding Snow under one arm and Clara’s leash with the other.

  “I’ve got to go but maybe another time.” She waved and attempted to glide off the bus in her pencil skirt. He, whoever he was, might be hot, but he didn’t hold a candle to Doug.

  “Who was that?” Doug asked sounding just a touch hurt.

  Was he jealous? He couldn’t be. “I have no idea.” She smiled at him, honestly enjoying this bit of male attention. Confident Sam was ready for tonight.

  By way of answer, he pulled her to him with one arm and gave her a long lingering kiss on the lips just as the door was about to close. She glanced back and saw the hottie staring at them.

  “I can’t let you out of my sight for a second.” He gave her a grin and kissed her again. God he felt so good.

  She gave him her most come hither smile. “Not even one? That should be interesting.”

  He handed her Clara’s leash and wrapped his hand around her waist. “Not even one,” he whispered into her ear.

  Chills raced up and down her spine.

  They made the short walk back to the house like that. As soon as she entered the front door, she smelled it. Delicious chicken and sauce. “What is that smell?” She took a deep breath.

  “Dinner’s ready, honey.” He gave her a wink and a grin. “Do you want to change?”

  “Oh, sure.” Damn. He wasn’t supposed to say that. She’d worn it all day for his benefit and now he’d seen it for like five minutes. It deflated her just a little but pumped herself back up. Confident.

  “I could help you if you’d like.” His hand trailed down her back as his breath tickled her ear.

  “Interesting,” she replied as his hand kept going, skimming across her rather generous backside down her skirt, to her calf, grasping her ankle lightly.

  It was all very familiar as she placed her hands on his shoulders while he knelt down to slip off her foot. His hand skimmed down the other leg to remove the shoe’s mate and he picked up the pair, both heels dangling in one hand. “For you,” he gave her another of those one sided grins.

  Her hands were still on his shoulder as he rose, his hand, not holding the shoes skimming back up her body. When he stood, he pulled her closer and kissed her a third time, this one longer and way hotter. Her head was spinning and every erogenous zone taut with tension by the time he lifted his head and said, “Better change before the food gets cold.”


  Doug watched her walk up the stairs in that sexy fucking skirt. She glanced back at him with a questioning come hither look on her face that was sexy and sweet all at the same time. It took everything he had not to chase after her.

  He had it bad. It had taken years to screw up the courage to kiss her like that and now that he had, he wanted it all. But he wouldn’t rush.

  In high school, she’d been friends with that group of guys that were really smart. Not meathead athletes like his friends. They’d worn hip glasses and talked about things that mattered. And she kept up with them. He knew they were going places. His friends ended up being carpenters and car salesman. Her friends worked for NASA and international companies.

  He’d wanted to ask her out then but he knew she’d say no. He was just a ball player. But he had one thing going for him. He knew how to please a woman and his mom had let slip that she hadn’t dated for quite some time. “She’s working on her career.”

  Now was his chance. He wouldn’t hold her attention for a long time but maybe she’d keep him around for a while. He’d make it worth her time.

  Rushing to the kitchen, he put the finishing touches on dinner, plating up chicken, pasta, sauce and salad.

  She walked back in and turned to look at her, catching his breath and nearly dropping the plate. She’d undone her hair and the dark glossy tresses fell in loose waves down her back. An adorable little pale pink camisole floated above a rockin’ pare of ass hugging jeans, exposing a tiny bit of her middle. He wanted to kiss every inch of that bare skin and then he wanted to slowly expose more until… he forced himself to stop.

  “Looks fantastic,” she smiled, lighting her beautiful face.

  “Thanks,” he gave an easy smile, trying for a relaxed look that he didn’t feel.

  She slipped into a chair and he lit a candle, hoping it added enough ambiance to make it romantic.

  “Dig in,” he sat too and they began eating a companionable silence falling over them.

  But after a few minutes, she asked. “How was class today?”

  “Really good.” He wrinkled his nose. “We’re preparing for the cadavers.”

  “What?” she asked her fork pausing half way to her mouth.

  “It’s part of the program. To help us understand how the body works, we look at all of it.”

  She set her fork down. “I attended meetings. Lots of meetings.”

  Doug looked across her as she adorably wrinkled her nose. It was the strangest feeling because unlike every other first date it was so easy. All the attraction and sizzle was there, in fact way more than usual, but none of the awkwardness.

  Normally, he’d say something like that on a date and she, whoever she was, would either be grossed or attempt to one up him. “I bet you were brilliant at those meetings.” He winked.

  He saw her blush. “Do you sleep at the firehouse?”

  “Yep, when there isn’t an emergency.”

  They started talking, just catching up on careers, friends, but it moved into hopes and dreams as they washed dishes, fed the dogs, and took them outside.

  Holding her hand, he idly tossed a ball for Clara. Snow, after eating and romping, came to sit at Sam’s feet. She picked her up and the pup snuggled in her arms, falling instantly asleep.

  Giving her a snuggle she idly pet her as Doug played with Clara. “They love the fenced yard. All they did was sleep at the firehouse last night.”

  She cleared her throat. “Do you work again tonight?”

  “Yeah, but then I’m off tomorrow night and Friday.” He could see the disappointment on her face. She wanted him to stay. Trying not to grin, he asked. “One of the guys at the firehouse can take the dogs tomorrow but do you think we could hang out with you tomorrow night?”

  “Sure, on one condition,” she pet Snow’s fluffy head. “Dinner is my treat tomorrow.”

  Chapter 6

  Was it possible to die of sexual frustration? That thought kept chasing itself around in her mind. She nearly asked it out loud as they discussed sales projections for the upcoming year.

  The kisses with Doug were growing hotter but just when they got really close, Doug left for the fire station. But not tonight.

  Tonight, he didn’t have to work and she was in charge of
dinner. She didn’t have time to cook so she’d call her favorite Thai place and had delivery all set up for six thirty.

  At five she sprinted out her office door so that she didn’t miss the bus. Not easy in her heels and skirt but totally worth it.

  The ride seemed to take much longer than normal but she arrived at six fifteen. She had texted

  Doug but hadn’t received a response and a niggle of disappointment filled her chest when they weren’t at the bus to meet her.

  Walking as quickly as her feet would allow, her mind raced through all her old insecurities. He’d found somewhere else to hang with the dogs and he was ditching her. She knew it.

  Relief made her shoulders sag when she arrived at the house to see his car in the driveway.

  The Thai food delivery car pulled up, and the driver handed her the bag of takeout. She had prepaid so she dug through her work bag for tip money.

  Heading up to the door, her heart beat thumped to her footsteps as she turned the knob. Clara and Snow ran to greet her, Clara wiggling wildly as she entered the foyer.

  Stopping to pet both dogs, she headed to the kitchen wondering where on earth Doug was. As she passed through the formal living room, she glanced into the sunroom. Doug was sprawled out on the indoor/outdoor sectional, sound asleep.

  Romantic, she thought as she went to the kitchen to drop the bag of food. Her earlier fear being replaced with annoyance. They hadn’t even slept together, and she was being treated like tired girlfriend. No greeting, no call, just a guy passed out on her couch.

  She unpacked the Thai food then began emptying the dishwasher, loudly, venting her annoyance on the unsuspecting dishes.

  She still wore her skirt and stilettos as she reached down into the dishwasher to pull out the plates.

  “What a way to wake up.” Doug spoke from behind her.

  Too irritated to look at him, she kept pulling out plates setting two of them on the table. “How was your nap?”

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him yawn and rub the back of his neck. “Not long enough but good. Sorry about being asleep. Fire last night down in the warehouses. I didn’t get to sleep at all before I had to go to class.”

  All her anger melted, and feeling like a jerk, she turned to him. His eyes looked heavy with exhaustion. “Oh Doug, are you ok?”

  “Fine, just tired.” He grinned at her, a sleepy sexy grin. “It’s the life of a fireman. I’m lucky to have the job but I won’t miss it, you know?” He walked over and wrapped her in a hug, dropping a kiss on her hair. “You don’t have an extra tooth brush lying around do you? I couldn’t find mine in my gym bag.”

  “Sure. My mom has a whole box of extra products upstairs in the linen closet.” And grabbing his hand, she pulled him upstairs.

  Fifteen minutes later, they were eating. But Sam had the distinct impression she had not bought enough food. Doug was scarfing everything in sight down. “Should I order more?” she asked, biting her lip.

  “Nah, I’ll hit the left over chicken parm after I’m done. That’s the thing about fighting fires. Makes a man hungry.” He gave her that one sided grin. “I need my energy to hang out with a certain little lady.”

  “Snow?” she asked, quirking one eyebrow. She knew he was talking about her and a slight blush tinged her cheeks, belying her jest.

  Standing, he tossed his napkin in his chair and came around the other side of the table. He took her hand and lightly pulled up from her chair, and into his embrace. “She was not the little lady, I had in mind,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Oh,” she said breathing in the smell of him. She was sure he had showered but there was still a faint smell of smoke mixing in with his normal aroma. It worried her. Him fighting fires and that was surprising. She didn’t remember ever being concerned about someone else’s safety, besides her mom and dad.

  It also annoyed her to realize how quickly she fell back on her insecurities when he hadn’t responded to her text. She really needed to work on that.

  “I’m going to take the dogs out. We can clean up after?” His hands were trailing up and down her back. “Then we can hang out for a while? I’ll take the dogs home at bedtime, I—”

  “You guys can stay here, if you want. You don’t have to, of course.” Her tiny blush flamed red. “But I could make up the guest room or you could…”

  “Sam,” he gave her a long kiss. “We’d love to stay over. Thank you.” He kissed her again.

  “Okay, great.” She giggled nervously. “I’m just going to go change and then I’ll meet you outside?”

  “Sounds great.” His lips slid down to nuzzle her neck. “We’ll see you outside in a few.”

  Or, he could just strip her naked right here in the kitchen. That would work too. “Okay,” she answered making no move to untangle her arms from around him.

  With a deft move, he pulled the two large pins that held her hair back and it went falling in loose waves down her back. His hands tangled in the strands as his lips continued to trail down neck and across her collar bone.

  Her insides were melting as his other started skimming up her rib cage. Her breathing quickened as his fingers rested just under breast.

  Slowly, he withdrew. “See you outside.” His husky voice rasped close to her ear before he turned around and led the dogs out the back door.

  She stood in place and watched him go. When the door clicked closed, she practically melted into a chair.

  She was going to have to get a vibrator. She needed some release and he seemed hell bent on teasing her until she exploded from the frustration.

  Dashing upstairs she yanked out a pair of jeans. Looking at them, she grinned. They had always been her favorite. Low slung on the hip, super fitted on the top, faded and soft they clung to her. But they were so worn that a few tears had started forming so she had stopped wearing them anywhere but the house.

  Since she wasn’t insecure Sam anymore, she was super-hot and sexy Sam, these jeans were just the weapon she needed. None of the pretty girls in high school would have thought anything about showing off some skin and she wouldn’t either.

  Slipping on the jeans, she pulled a red tank from out of another drawer. Her hair down, she ran a brush through it till it shined and then grabbed a little gloss for her lips.

  Heading back downstairs, she was passed through the living room towards the kitchen. Something in the sunroom caught her eye. It was back in the corner but it looked like something had spilled. Stopping, she walked through the door and into room.

  It had only been a dusting where she could see through the door but as she entered the room, she could clearly see where Clara had eaten at several of the window sills, leaving bits of wood all over the floor. She must have done it yesterday and neither of them had noticed.

  Her heart constricted. How was she going to tell Doug what the dogs had done? They couldn’t do this to her parent’s house but she didn’t want him to take them back to that terrible apartment.

  How would he get them fixed? She had no idea how much but woodwork was expensive.

  Walking outside, she was still trying to decide what she was going to do when she saw Doug holding Snow while throwing a ball for Clara. He gave a low whistle. “That is one sexy….” He stopped studying her face. “What’s wrong?”

  “What makes you think anything is wrong?” she bit her lip.

  “That’s the face you always make when you have to tell someone something you don’t want to. You just like that when you told my mother I took your cookies when we were kids. You looked like that when you told on Jimmy Kean for cheating off you sophomore year.”

  “I don’t know what you’re…” she sighed. He knew her too well. “Clara chewed some of the sills in the sunroom.”

  He grimaced. “How bad?”

  Shrugging, she took Snow from his arms, snuggling the puppy to her chest. “I honestly don’t know.”

  “Give me a minute.” He disappeared through the door. She picked up the ball and thre
w it for Clara. It was her house, and she should be angry, but instead she had the feeling this was the end of her time with Doug.

  Chapter 7

  He reappeared a few minutes later, looking unhappy, but talking on the phone. “Yeah, can you come take a look? Thanks man.”

  She held her breath, wondering what came next. “Everything OK?”

  “Casey is going to come check it out.” He told her rubbing his head? “I am so sorry.”

  “Casey?” she asked out loud. But inside she knew. Casey Matthews, Doug’s best friend and second hottest guy in high school. “And it’s fine. We’ll get it fixed.”

  “Thanks, Sam. You are really the best.” He rubbed his temples again, looking very tired. “You remember Casey. He’s a woodworker now. And he’s got a couple of dogs. He says he can help us fix it and keep it from happening again.”

  “Oh that’s great. You can have him call me and—“

  “Oh no, you don’t have to do that. He’s in neighborhood. He’ll be here in five.”

  “Five?” she gulped.

  “I don’t want to leave this, Sam.” He walked over and wrapped his arms around her, dropping his cheek to the top of her head. “I keep trying to live my life right. But I keep…” He paused taking a deep breath.

  “You are living it right. What are you talking about?”

  “I just wish, I could be more like you, you know?” He snuggled her closer. “Which is crazy because I hear it in your voice that you wish to me more like my crew in high school. But Sam you’ve always had it right. It was us who was…”

  “Hey, I was knocking on the front door,” a voice called from the gate. “Hoy shit, is that you, Sam?”

  “Hey Casey.” She made to step out of Doug’s embrace but he held her fast. She didn’t know if this embarrassed or pleased her. Both probably.

  “I didn’t know you to where hangin’ out.” It was a statement but the last syllable rose like a question. He wanted them to define exactly what they were doing but Sam didn’t have any more answers than he did, honestly.


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