Special Operations

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Special Operations Page 2

by TD Webb

  Reggie had already noted JC blushing.

  As far as JC could tell, Reggie was deep in thought—her eyebrow consistently raised every time she read something.

  Every now and then, Reggie looked up from the document, she’d smile at JC and then look back down to read more.

  JC sat patiently, wondering what was so interesting in her file.

  Reggie stood up. When she did, Master Corporal Mackenzie also stood.

  “Well, JC, your records are impressive. Glad to have you with the Unit. You will be a great asset. I’ll get Sergeant Turner to take you around and get you cleared in.”

  “That’s not required, Chief, I’ve already finished it all. I came in on Friday and got most of it done and I finished the rest this morning, except for what has to be done here.”

  “What about your accommodations, Master Corporal?”

  “I’ve got that done too. I’ve informed the orderly room where I’ll be living and I gave them my phone numbers too. I’m staying with friends, until the rest of my stuff arrives from Edmonton, later this week.”

  “Well then, since you are on the ball, let’s go meet the rest of the team.”

  JC followed the Chief out into the hanger. Reggie hollered, “Sergeant Turner front and center.”

  Chris ran over, stood to attention, and then broke up laughing at the Chief. “What’s up, Reggie, what can I do for you?”

  Chris was Reggie’s best friend and he had helped her get through Debbie’s death. She still had a hard time sometimes, but she never let it get in the way of doing her job. “Chris this is JC Mackenzie.”

  Chris stepped forward extending his hand. “I’m Chris, welcome to the Unit.”

  “Hi, Chris, just call me JC, that’s what all my friends call me.”

  “Chris, would you introduce JC to the rest of the team, then get all her equipment for her?”

  “Okay, Reggie, catch you later. Come on, JC. Let’s introduce you to the rest of the guys.” Chris led her further out into the hanger. There were seven other guys, sitting around a table drinking coffee. “Listen up guys. I want to introduce you to our newest team member, Master Corporal JC Mackenzie.”

  “Just call me JC,” she said, as the guys lined up and proceeded to introduce themselves to her. They shook hands, as each guy said his name and gave a bit of back ground.

  “Corporal Tom Jefferies I’m 32 born and raised in Port Colbourne, Ontario, I’m single but got a girlfriend Alisha Greenwood and have been with the unit three and a half years.”

  “Corporal Jim Sloan I’m 30 got a girlfriend named Lisa Simpson, I was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta and I’ve been with the unit for two years.”

  “Corporal Jason Miller Hi I’m 29 married to Marcie for two years got a two year old daughter Cheryl and I’m from Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, I’ve been with the unit for two years.”

  “Corporal Rick Dunphy I’m 34 married to Samantha, I got two kids Mark is three years old and Melissa is five years old and I’m from Winnipeg, Manitoba I’ve also been with the unit for three and a half years.”

  “Corporal Mike Michaels hi I’m 36 divorced no kids I’m from Montreal, Quebec and I’ve been with the unit for one a half years.”

  “Corporal Steve Chan hi JC I’m 35 married to Lynn I have two kids six year old Elizabeth and five year old Robert, I was born and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia and I’ve been with the unit for two years.”

  “Private Alex Simms Hi I’m 36 married to Dana and have two children Dylan is six years old and Mathew is five, I’ve been with the unit for a year and a half and I’m from Pictou, Nova Scotia.”

  “Well it’s nice to meet all of you guys and I’m sure we will get to know one another better as time goes by.” JC told them as she went off with Chris; he gave her his personal information.

  “I’m 39 and married to the most beautiful woman in the entire world her name is Helen, we have three kids, Chris junior is six years old, Gary is three years old and little Amelia just had her first birthday two weeks ago, and I was born and raised in Coldlake, Alberta. SO there now you have it all the good information on us all.”

  After JC left with Chris, the guys started talking to each other.

  “Wow is she ever hot, tall and sexy, just how I like my women,” Alex said.

  “As if any of us have a chance with her, as fit as she is, I bet you she’s gay,” Steve said.

  “Look, guys, you know what Reggie thinks about making accusations, so just drop it.” Mike said.

  On the other side of the hanger out of range from hearing what her team mates were saying, JC entered a long room.

  “Let’s get you a locker and a kit,” Chris said, going into the supply area. JC was issued all her kit including two Sig Sauer P226 handguns with shoulder holsters. Only those above the rank of Corporal in the Unit, carried handguns plus rifles. JC received her sniper rifle: a Barrette 50 Cal Single bolt action with sensors, camera and high-powered scope and night vision scope.

  “Chris, can you see if I can carry my own personal weapon? It is made to Military Specification, I used to shoot competition and had mine made to my arm specifications, it has already been adapted for the scope and other gear.”

  Taking the weapon back from JC, Chris said, “Sure, JC, I’ll just keep this one and let Reggie know and she will get the serial number later for the Colonel.”

  “Thanks, Chris, I really appreciate it. I’ll make sure I give you the serial number when we get to your desk, I keep the number in my wallet.” JC knew she was a qualified sniper, but thought one of the other members would be in line for that position. “Chris, why am I being given sniper duties?”

  “Well, JC, Reggie said you were the highest qualified, and I never argue with the Chief. It’s a battle I’ll never win.”

  After getting her locker, she loaded her gear in it, then gave Chris the serial number to her rifle and the serial numbers to the rest of her attachments, and then she went to Reggie’s office to see what she had to do next. She had missed lunch and it was almost 1300hrs.

  Reggie was sitting at her desk when JC looked in. She was holding a framed picture, looking at it with so much sadness in her eyes. JC knocked on the open door. Reggie opened the top drawer of her desk and slipped the picture in, as JC entered the office. “JC, did you get everything you needed?”

  “Yes, Reggie, I’m all settled, what’s next?”

  “You can join me for a meeting with the Colonel?”

  JC nodded her head.

  “Let’s get going, I really hate to be late,” Reggie said, as she got up from her desk, avoiding eye contact as they left her office and proceeded across the hanger.

  Chapter Three

  JC fell in behind the Chief, as they walked to a door. Knocking on the Colonel’s door, they heard, “Come in.” Both women entered, came to attention and saluted,

  “Sir, reporting as ordered,” Reggie said.

  Colonel Jim Parent looked up from his desk and saluted. “At ease, ladies, take a seat. Welcome aboard, Master Corporal,” he said, as he stood and shook her hand. He handed JC a wallet, which contained her badge and new Unit identification card. “JC, did you know I had the honor of serving with your father on a few missions. How is he doing?”

  “No, I didn’t know, Sir. I saw him on Sunday and he never mentioned it, however, he still serves in the reserves when required.”

  “Well give him my best the next time you talk to him.”

  “I will, Sir,” JC said, as she stood up to leave.

  “Reggie, I need to speak to you alone,” the Colonel informed her.

  “JC, there’s a meeting at 1800 hrs tonight. Would you tell the rest of the team? They can go for the rest of the day, but be back at 1745 hrs,” Reggie told her.

  “Okay, Chief, see you later tonight, then.” JC saluted the Colonel, left the office and went to let the team know. She headed out to her vehicle, after Chris told her that she would have to carry her weapons with her at all times. />
  “You never know when you could be required to use them, you will also have to go downtown, to the Toronto police department to register your finger prints and your weapons,” Chris told her, as they walked out of the hanger.

  “I’ll do it this afternoon, since I now have the time, see you this evening.”

  JC was now authorized to carry concealed weapons anywhere in the world. She got into her Porsche, drove out the main gate, onto Sheppard Avenue and headed downtown to the Toronto police station. After finishing there, she headed home, to tell her friends she wouldn’t be back later because she had a meeting for work, and didn’t know when she would be finished. Mandy and Beth asked her how her first day went as soon as she walked through the front door. She described what the Chief looked like and both women whistled.

  “Better watch yourself, JC. Don’t go getting yourself into any trouble over that knock out of a woman,” Mandy said, teasing her as she blushed.

  She was attracted to the Chief but she wasn’t going to tell them that. Since same sex relationships are allowed in the Canadian Armed Forces, JC still hadn’t made up her mind if she even wanted the hassle she would get from some male soldiers, if they found out her sexual preference. It is on her record that she is a lesbian, and she is proud of that fact. She sat in the recliner wondering if Reggie was even gay, she still didn’t know for sure. When she got up and removed her jacket, both Mandy and Beth gasped. They saw the two Sig Sauer P226 handguns holstered over both of her shoulders.

  “Why are you carrying those, JC?” Mandy asked.

  Beth glared at the guns. “Are you a copper now?”

  “No, guys, but I do have to carry them at all the times. I’m kind of like a federal agent now.”


  It was now 1500 hrs and JC was starving. “You guys want to get something to eat before I have to head back to work at 1800 hrs?”

  “Sure, JC,” Mandy answered.

  Beth piped up, “Let’s go to Wolfe’s and who’s car will we use?”

  “It has to be yours, Beth. Mine’s too small for more than two people,” JC said, as she ran into her room and did a quick change of her clothes.

  They got into Beth’s Mercury Sable and headed down Keele Street. They turned right on Sheppard Avenue, then into the strip mall, at the corner of Bathurst Street. JC didn’t mind going there again, it was her favorite spot to eat in the city. She ordered two corn beef on rye, since she missed lunch. Mandy and Beth both ordered the same. They both knew JC was a food slut when it came to this place. She can eat anything she wanted and never put on a pound, they hated her for that. They both had to watch what they eat. JC had once told them that if they worked out, they wouldn’t have to watch what they ate, they could eat just like she did.

  They headed back to the house to eat.

  After eating both sandwiches, JC went and jumped into the shower, to get ready for the meeting. She put on her faded blue jeans, a tank top and engineer’s boots. She tied her hair into a ponytail, then put a ball cap on—pulling her ponytail through the hole in the back of the cap. She put her identification in her back pocket, then put her holsters on. Making sure both weapons where loaded before putting them in her holsters, she said, “See you all later,” as she headed out to her car.

  She drove to the base and as she pulled into a parking spot, Reggie and Chris stopped to wait on her.

  “Wow, JC, where did you get that car,” Chris asked.

  “Well, I always wanted one and I love to go fast,” she told them.

  Reggie smiled and said, “You have to take care of your own speeding tickets here, this isn’t like a normal base. Also, remind me later and we will get you a dash light for when we are doing business in the city.”

  As they walked to the hanger, JC followed behind the other two. She caught herself checking out Reggie’s ass in her tight black jeans. She blushed as Reggie looked over her shoulder at her and winked. Busted! JC now knew that Reggie knew she was checking her out, causing her to blush again. She also knew that Reggie was indeed gay. Any straight woman would have said something—being checked out by another woman.

  As the three of them walked into the hanger, the other seven team members were waiting on them. Reggie sat at the head of the table in the middle. She addressed the team. “Well guys, we got a mission,” she said. “I had my meeting with the Colonel this afternoon. He filled me in on what’s going on. We will be going to Rio de Janeiro, to rescue six Canadian aide-workers who have been taken hostage by the local drug lord. The DEA will be our back up, once we secure the aide-workers. They are going to blow the shit out of the place after we remove the workers. We will be going in as tourists, and will be flying in groups of two on Air Canada flights. JC and I will be going in as vacationing work mates.”

  JC, having a pilot’s license, interrupted Reggie. “Excuse me, Chief. Can we fly in on a private plane?”

  “What do you mean, JC?”

  “Well, Reggie, I have access to a leer jet and I’m licensed to fly it, you remember when the Colonel said he served with my dad?”

  “Yes, JC, I remember that conservation.”

  “Well, my father is a military pilot and he flew special operations with the Colonel. And a few times they had to use our private plane, because of the family business, to get into places where it would take too long for government approval.”

  All of their jaws dropped open when JC said this, including the Chief’s. “I had better do a better check on our little Master Corporal here,” Reggie said, as she listened to JC.

  JC piped up, “Okay, guys, it’s like this. I’m rich, my family has worked in the newspaper business for generations, my father and I choose to serve in the military instead of working for his father. I don’t receive a cent from the family money, because I always wanted to go it on my own, which I did. I do have a trust fund but have never had a requirement to use it. So, when my father bought the plane, I decided to get my pilots licence, but dad uses it more than me, also to be honest, I really hate waiting on Air Canada,” she laughed. “My family also has a vacation home in Brazil. We also have our own private airstrip, so all of our gear can go with us and we won’t have to go through customs. I can just put my dad down as the one flying, he won’t have a problem with it. They have used the plane before, for military missions and the military just pays for the fuel.”

  Reggie smiled and said she would have to clear it through Bill first. Picking up her cell phone, she made the call to Bill. Ten minutes later, they were given the clearance to use the plane. She told the team the good news. “Okay, while in Rio de Janeiro, we will still stay in teams of two, here are the teams. JC and I will bunk in the same room, Chris, Tom, Jim and Jason will be in another room, Alex, Rick, Steve and Mike will be bunk mates. JC, where’s your plane at now?”

  “It’s at Pearson International Airport, in the cargo area. I have a bay there, where I park it when it‘s not in use.”

  “I’ll get a deuce-and-a-half to come get the gear loaded and ready to go. JC, can you head over to the airport and file a flight plan and then supervise the loading, since you know the plane. You had also better call your father and clear it with him.”

  JC picked up her cell-phone and called her dad. Five minutes later, she gave Reggie the all clear. “All he said was, ‘Anything for Canada.’

  Reggie smiled, “I’ve got to meet this man sometime. Looks like I will real soon, if he’s in Rio de Janeiro.” She didn't know that she would get to meet both of JC’s parents, since they had flown down earlier in the day. “Okay guys the deuce-and-a-half is here, let’s get all the extra gear loaded and your ruck sacks and rifles, we are leaving in the morning at 0600 hrs, meet me at the cargo area at that time, our individual personal gear will be loaded then.”

  JC gave the deuce-driver the cargo gate number, where the plane was parked. She ran to her car and headed to the airport, to register the flight plan.

  “JC, has our departure time for 0700hrs, you guys know
the drill, nothing Canadian on anything,” Reggie said.

  “Reggie you will need to call JC and remind her to bring her personal sniper rifle, it’s not stored here as of yet,” Chris said.

  Tom spoke up, once he heard what the sergeant said, “What’s up Chief? I’ve always been the sniper. Why is JC taking my position on the team?”

  Chris rolled his eyes at Tom. “Tom, how far has your best kill shot been?”

  Tom answered, “1000 yards.”

  “Well, Tom, JC has confirmed shots at 1250 yards, guess you got replaced,” Reggie said, a bit pissed off that he even had the gall to question her authority.

  Tom put his head down. “Sorry, Chief, I didn’t know it was her.” He had heard that a woman held the longest kill shot but didn’t realize it was JC, that she was the one everyone had been talking about. He told himself that when they got to the airport, he would congratulate her on making such a shot.

  After the gear was loaded, Reggie decided to follow the deuce-and-a-half to the airport and help JC load the aircraft, then she would ask if she wanted to get a quick bite somewhere and offer her a ride home.

  Upon arriving at the airport, JC went into the control tower, to file her flight plan and then have the aircraft pulled out of the hanger, for easier loading.

  Reggie and a couple of Privates showed up an hour after she did and started to load the plane, following her directions.

  Within a half-an-hour they had finished loading everything into the cargo hold.

  Reggie asked JC if she wanted to go for a drink and a bite to eat, since it was still early. JC agreed but wanted to take her own car because she was meeting her friends later. She drove Reggie back to the base and they agreed to meet at The Pleasure Dome for drinks.

  Half-an-hour later, JC pulled into the parking lot. She saw Reggie leaning up against her Jeep, waiting for her. She grabbed her windbreaker threw it on and walked towards Reggie.

  They started walking toward the entrance, when JC stopped. She knew the other half of the club, Beyond the Dome, was a gay bar, so she asked Reggie if she preferred to go in there instead. Reggie agreed.


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