Special Operations

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Special Operations Page 6

by TD Webb

  “They didn’t tell me I could go without it at the hospital, Sir.”

  “Well, I have the okay for you to return to normal duties, so get rid of it,” he said, winking as she removed it. “Okay, Reggie since we know our work load is going to pick up in the near future, I want you to dismiss the team until next Wednesday. After all, their kit is taken care of, and tell everyone I said they did a great job.”

  “Yes, Sir, I’ll do that.”

  Before heading out into the hanger, Reggie let Sergeant Turner know about the leave, telling him she would see him later. She and JC headed to her Jeep. After getting buckled, in she turned to JC. “You want to go get something to eat downtown?”

  “Sure, Reggie, where do you want to go?”

  “Let’s go to JJ Mug’s at the Eaton Center, the food is always great there.”

  “That sounds good to me, I’m starving.”

  Forty-five minutes later, they pulled up in front of the Eaton centre. Reggie put her parking permit on the dash, so it was visible through the window. They both went inside. After being seat at their table, JC started to talk.

  “Reggie, since we are on leave for a week, how would you feel about going with me to Calgary?”

  “That sounds like a plan,” Reggie said, wiggling her eyebrows at her. JC blushed at her. “You know, JC, I still say you are real cute when you blush.”

  “Thanks, Reggie.”

  “Okay, I’ll let the Colonel know where we are going. Oh, by the way how are we getting there?”

  “Well, I got the doctor to clear me for flying, so we can take the jet and I have a place there. So, if you want to stay with me, you won’t have to find somewhere else. I do have a spare room.”

  “I like that idea, JC,” Reggie said, with a smile on her face.

  “You want to pick me up at Mandy’s and Beth’s place, say in two hours? That will give you time to pack and I’ll get the crew to get the plane ready. I already have a bag packed there and it will give me time to talk to them and to show them that I’m okay.”

  After agreeing to pick JC up later, she leaned over and gave JC a hug, as she pulled up in front of Mandy and Beth’s place. Neither of them would tell the other that they were developing feelings for one another. JC got out of the jeep and walked up the steps to Mandy’s place. She plucked her door key out of her pocket and turned it in the lock.

  “Oh god, JC, are you really okay?” Beth asked, pulling her into a hug.

  “Your dad called us to let us know you were injured,” Mandy said, taking her turn at hugging JC.

  “Yes, guys, I’m fine. I just got the all clear from the doctor.”

  “Good then, so now what you are going to do?” Beth asked her.

  Well, Beth. Reggie and I are going to Calgary for a week, as soon as I can get showered and packed.”

  “You and Reggie,” Mandy winked at Beth. “Is this work related?”

  “No, it’s not. We’re on leave for a week,” JC told them with a smile.

  Beth nudged Mandy’s arm. “So, JC, what’s going on between you and Reggie, and have you slept with her yet?”

  “No, we became close in Brazil but we haven’t done anything apart from cuddle.” JC smiled and blushed at the same time.

  “So how did it happen?” Mandy asked.

  JC sat on the couch and told them how they ended up in bed together. “It was only because of the amount of room my mom and dad have in the house.”

  Both Mandy and Beth had thought something more had happened but JC wouldn’t confirm or deny anything went on.

  “So, do you have feelings for her?” Beth asked.

  “Yes, I got feelings for her, guys, but Reggie is hiding something. I don’t know what but that’s one of the reasons we are going away together. Maybe I’ll get to know more about her when we get to spend time alone and not with twelve other people in the house. Anyway, Reggie is going to be here in less than an hour and I’ve got to get ready,” she said, as she went back to her room.

  After showering and getting dressed, JC went back to the living room with her bag and thanked both of her friends for getting her furniture in and unpacking everything.


  When Reggie got home, she called the Colonel to let him know where she and JC would be for the next week. He said it was fine and just to make sure that they both had their phones on at all times. She got showered and packed, after making a few phone calls, then headed to Mandy’s to pick up JC. She pulled up in front of the house and got out went up and knocked on the door. Mandy opened the door and invited Reggie in, JC went to the bathroom.

  “Hi, Beth, how are you two doing?”

  “Good, Reggie, and what about you?”

  “I’m fine,” she said sitting on the couch.

  “You want a drink, Reggie?” Beth asked.

  “No, thank you.”

  “Okay,” Mandy said. “What can we talk about, since we can’t discuss work? Are you married, Reggie?”


  “Are you seeing anyone?”


  “You interested in anyone?”


  “Does this feel like twenty questions?”

  “Yes,” Reggie said smiling.

  “So, what are you into male or female?” Beth asked.

  “Female,” she said. She wasn’t embarrassed by her sexual preference.

  “So, what are you and JC going to do in Calgary?”

  “Hopefully get to know one another better,” she answered.

  Just then, JC walked out into the living room wearing a pair of tight cut off shorts and a tight tank top. Reggie was almost drooling, Mandy and Beth gave JC the evil eye for interrupting the twenty questions. Beth leaned over, slipping her finger under Reggie’s chin and pushing her mouth shut. Reggie blushed.

  “Are you ready to get out of here?” JC asked, as she moved closer to Reggie.

  “Yeah sure, just let me grab your bag.”

  Reggie was trying to get her feet to move as she stood up. The sight of JC in such short shorts had gotten her quite aroused. She could feel the wetness between her thighs.

  Walking into JC’s bedroom, Reggie looked for her bag. She found it sitting on the corner of the dresser. The door closed behind her. She turned. JC stood in front of her—her one eyebrow arched with mischievous intent, she stepped into Reggie’s personal space.

  Reggie dropped the bag on the floor and put her arms around JC’s waist—drawing her closer to her—their bodies pressed firmly against each other. She lowered her head and kissed JC’s lips. As the kiss deepened, JC wrapped her arms around Reggie’s neck, pulling her tighter, until their breasts where forced together. She used her tongue to entice Reggie’s mouth to open further. Their breathing became ragged and heavy, with Reggie breaking the kiss, to inhale deeply.

  “I’ve wanted this ever since we got on the plane, and I’ve wanted you even more, when we were sleeping together in Brazil,” Reggie told her, as she turned JC around and moved in behind her. She started grinding her hips against JC’s buttocks. Her jean shorts were tight enough that the seam kept rubbing her clit, every time she and JC came together. As she climbed higher her hands tighten on JC’s hips, which allowed her to grind harder against her, she moaned loudly, as JC moved her hand back and was stroking her through her jeans. Reggie wanted to feel JC’s hand on her naked skin, so using her other hand, she undid her jean shorts and pushed them down, along with her boy shorts. They bunched at her ankles. JC undid her own shorts and slid them down with her panties. They both moaned, as their skin came into contact. Reggie slid her fingers lower and stopped when she came to JC’s clit and began stroking it. JC moaned loudly. Not being able to take it any longer, she begged Reggie to take her.

  Reggie moved two fingers lower, until she was at JC’s opening. She slipped her two fingers inside. At the same time, JC entered Reggie, both moaned in unison. JC’s hips started pumping faster. Reggie then drove three fingers deep into J
C, much harder than she had intended but JC didn’t seem to mind. Her hips worked overtime, as she felt herself get closer to the edge. JC screamed as she was lowering herself down hard and fast against Reggie’s fingers, pulling her deeper inside of her. JC never missed a beat—every time Reggie entered her, she entered Reggie. They both groaned, as they went over the edge together. Reggie held on to JC tightly, as her knees gave out from the force of her orgasm. She slid to the floor, taking JC with her. After their breathing normalised, both women kissed and smiled at one another.

  “That was fantastic,” Reggie said.

  JC just smiled, as she snuggled on top of Reggie.

  “You were great too,” she whispered into Reggie’s chest.

  “Well, we had better get dressed and head out,” Reggie said.

  “I can’t wait to get you all to myself for the next week,” JC said, playfully toying with Reggie’s hair.

  Reggie’s smile widened. “I can’t believe we just did that, and I do agree, I can’t wait to spend the week with just the two of us. We had better get going if we want to get to Calgary tonight.”

  After rearranging their clothes, JC put on her shoulder holsters.

  They walked into the living room, where Mandy and Beth looked at them with huge smiles across their faces. Both Reggie and JC blushed when they saw how the girls were reacting. JC smiled back and said, “Sorry, guys, I just couldn’t help myself. Well, could you keep your hands off this beautiful woman? I sure as hell couldn’t.”

  Reggie blushed redder than ever. She kissed JC on her cheek. “We will see you guys in a week.”

  Acting coyly, they left the apartment.


  Closing the door, Mandy glanced at Beth. “Oh my god, do they have it bad.”

  “I know,” Beth answered, stroking her hair playfully.

  “Baby, you had better get your ass in the bedroom now, because I’m so horny from listening to those two,” Mandy told her, as she advanced towards her.

  Beth ran into the bedroom, with Mandy hot on her heels, pulling her down onto their bed.


  As they left the house and headed for the airport Reggie held JC’s hand. As they neared the security gate, Reggie had already gotten them put on the list to enter.

  “Master Corporal Jessica Mackenzie and Chief Warrant Officer Regina Stone, we should be cleared to enter.”

  “I don’t have your names on my list,” the guard said.

  Both women pulled out their federal badges.

  “Sorry, ladies, you are automatically cleared to enter, no call ahead required,” the guard told them.

  “Thank you, have a nice evening,” Reggie said, as she drove into the cargo area. “Tell me where to go and where do I park?” She asked JC.

  “See the jet with the lights on? That’s us, so park over there, in front of the building.”

  “Okay, not a problem,” Reggie said, as she drove to where JC had instructed her.

  Reggie got out of the vehicle and grabbed their bags. She walked around to JC’s side and opened her door. “Ready?”

  They walked across the tarmac, towards the plane. JC grabbed Reggie’s hand. When they reached the plane, a woman quickly paced down the steps—she hugged and kissed JC squarely on the lips—not a peck but a deep kiss. JC was stumped.

  “Reggie.” The woman said loudly, holding her firmly on both arms. She turned to look at JC. “JC, I’m so glad you’re okay. Your dad called us and told us you had been shot.”

  “I’m much better now, Lynn.” She looked at Reggie and leaned her head on her shoulder. “Lynn, I’d like you to meet Regina Stone, my girlfriend and boss.”

  Reggie smiled and shook Lynn’s hand. “Well, it’s certainly nice to meet you.” She turned around to secure the door, then went to the back of the plane.

  “Lynn’s our flight attendant for this flight,” JC informed Reggie.

  Lynn returned. “Are you going to fly the plane, or do you want the pilot to do it.”

  “Well, Reggie, what do you think? Should I fly, or just sit here for the next four hours and maybe become a member of the mile high club with you?” she laughed.

  “Let someone else fly, JC,” she said with a raised eyebrow.

  Lynn gave a knowing nod. “Do either of you require a drink?”

  “Pepsi for me, please and what do you want, Reggie?”

  “I’ll have the same, thanks.”

  Lynn brought their drinks over on a tray. She passed them their glasses—the ice cubes made the Pepsi fizz at it chinked against the glass. She then headed to the cockpit to give them some privacy and to tell the pilot he was cleared to fly the plane.

  Chapter Seven

  “Well Reggie, now that we’re alone, what would you like to do during our time in the air?”

  “JC, I’ve been a member of the mile high club for years now, just not with you, yet. But I think maybe that we should get a few winks, because I have no intention of you getting much sleep once we get to your place tonight.”

  They cuddled up and both women drifted off to sleep.

  Sometime later, Lynn woke them, telling them they would be landing in Calgary in ten minutes. Reggie hadn’t slept too well. She was having second thoughts about forming a relationship with JC. She felt as though she had to find a way to end this, it was a complete 360 from what she had thought earlier. She couldn’t afford to let herself fall in love again, her heart couldn’t handle it, and neither could her mind. The only thing she could think of, was to tell JC all about Debbie and what she did, or didn’t, do that got her killed. But she couldn’t do it now, though maybe later, once the week was over. She knew she was being a big chicken shit and thought about calling Chris, he always knew how to talk her out of doing something stupid that would hurt her in the long run.

  JC got out of the seat, leaned down and kissed Reggie, before she stretched and pulled her cell phone from her pocket. She dialed a number she knew from memory. “Hi, John, it’s me JC. Yes, I need it there in about twenty minutes. I’ll be landing in ten. Okay thanks, see you later, bye.” Laughing, she looked at Reggie, and said. “I almost forgot about the car, we will need something to drive once we get there I hate taking cabs everywhere.”

  “Me too,” Reggie answered.

  The pilot informed them to fasten their seatbelts, as they were approaching landing.


  When the plane had landed and parked, JC went forward to the cockpit, to inform the pilot that she would be flying the plane back to Toronto in a week, and they could return by Air Canada, at her company’s expense. “Leave the jet here in case we have to leave earlier.”

  Stepping off the plane, they were greeted with a black BMW waiting for them.

  “Thanks, John,” JC said, as a young man got out and handed her the keys.

  “JC, girl, how the heck are you? I haven’t see you in a few years.”

  “I’m great, John, just been really busy,” she said, hugging him.

  “John, I’d like you to meet Regina Stone.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, John, just call me Reggie.”

  “Nice to meet you, Chief Stone,” he answered. Reggie looked at John with her left eyebrow raised up wondering how he knew she was a Chief. “I’m sorry, chief; JC had already told me who you were. She’s talked about you for years and she couldn’t wait to get into your unit, the infamous, Chief Warrant Officer Regina Stone.

  Reggie blushed from the praise. JC looked at her smiling with a gleam in her emerald eyes. “I’m sorry, Reggie; you have always been my hero.”

  “John, if you don’t mind, would you take a cab back? I’m starving and I want to go get something to eat, I know my fridge is bare.”

  “No problem at all, JC. I’ll see you later. Just leave the car here, when you’re ready to go, I’ll get it then.”

  “Okay, thanks, John.”

  JC sat in the driver’s seat as Reggie got in passenger side.

  “Are you okay
to drive, JC?”

  “Yeah, I’m good.” As she started the engine, she floored it onto the tarmac. She hit 100 kilometers an hour in sixty seconds. She turned the car sharply and slammed on the brakes, screeching to a halt. She turned to Reggie laughing. “Hope I didn’t scare you.”

  “No, but get over, it’s my turn. I’ll show you how to drive a machine like this. JC got out and let Reggie drive. Reggie looked at her smiling and said. “You do have good insurance on this, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Reggie, I do.”

  With that, Reggie floored it as she headed for Deerfoot Trail through a side gate. She was doing 120 kilometer an hour, when she cleared the gate. After going about 5 kilometers, Reggie saw flashing lights in the rear-view mirror. When the police car stayed behind her Reggie said, “Fuck, not again. I wonder how much this one is going to cost me.”

  JC looked at her with a shit eating grin on her face, saying, “You mean to tell me you’ve been pulled over for speeding before.”

  “Well, JC, didn’t I tell you when we first met that you had to take care of your own speeding tickets, unless it was due to work? Well I just paid off five of them in Ontario the other day.”

  JC started laughing as Reggie rolled down her window. A female Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Officer approached the driver’s side window and asked to see her license, registration and insurance. Reggie started giving her a hard time. “I’m sorry, the car doesn’t belong to me but I do have my license.”

  “I have the rest of the car’s paperwork in the glove box, Officer. The car is mine,” JC said. As she leaned forward to open the glove box, the officer noticed the weapons in her holster, she pulled her gun, demanding they both put their hands on the dash.

  “Driver, get out of the car with your hands up, Reggie got out of the car, put your hands on the hood, now.” As she searched Reggie, her partner kept an eye on JC. The officer pulled both sigs Sauer P226 out of Reggie’s holsters and placed them on the hood. She never asked if they even had permits to carry the weapons. After cuffing Reggie and sitting her on the curb, she went to the passenger side and ordered JC to get out of the car. After doing the same to her, she started laughing at them both. “I’m sorry, Reggie, I can’t keep a straight face any longer.” She walked over and removed the handcuffs from Reggie, then hugged and kissed her on the cheek, then she turned around and removed her hat and sunglasses.


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