Omega For The Dragon: 3 Book Bundle (M/M Gay Shifter Mpreg Paranormal Romance)

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Omega For The Dragon: 3 Book Bundle (M/M Gay Shifter Mpreg Paranormal Romance) Page 12

by TJ Cross

  The professor didn't look at Tobias again the whole class and as soon as the hour was up he headed straight for the door before anyone even had a chance to talk with him.

  "Seems like a hardass," Brad said, "I guess the rumors were true, who gives an assignment on the first day?"

  The truth was Tobias had completely zoned out since he'd discovered who his professor was. He had never thought he'd see the man again but that didn't mean he didn't want to. He'd never expected something like this to happen.

  "Yeah, that's pretty rough," Tobias agreed, pressing to his feet and grabbing his bag.

  College just got a whole lot more interesting.



  It had been a week since Tobias had found out his professor was the same guy he'd given his first blowjob too. Professor McAdams had downright ignored him after that first day despite him and Brad always sitting in the front row. Tobias wanted his attention. He didn't like that he did, but he couldn't ignore it. He was crushing on the professor big time.

  "Results for the assignment are out in the corridor," Professor McAdams said before taking his briefcase and leaving the lecture hall.

  When Brad and Tobias went to check their results, Tobias was surprised to find he'd gotten a D- minus.

  "What the fuck!" he exclaimed. "I was up all night working on the damn thing, all for a D-, this is total bullshit."

  Brad looked at him apologetically.

  "Sorry dude," he said, shrugging as he always did, "I got a C, I've never gotten a C before."

  Tobias snickered at Brad who looked like he was about to cry over his grade. He was pissed too, though. The two of them had both worked hard on their assignments and he knew he didn't merit such a crappy grade. Even worse he had his scholarship to think about. Why did the professor have to be such an ass?

  "Guy needs to get laid or something," Tobias muttered under his breath. "I'm gonna go sort some shit out, I'll catch up with you in the library in a bit," he told Brad before turning on his heal to find the faculty offices.

  He knocked three times and then waited for a response.

  "Come in," he heard Professor McAdams say in his low, deep voice.

  Tobias opened the door and the pair made eye contact for the first time since the first class.

  "I wanted to talk to you about my grade, sir," Tobias said.

  "Sit down," McAdams said. "What do you want to talk about? I gave you the grade you deserve, as I did with everyone."

  "Right, it's just I worked really hard on that assignment and I -- I thought it was good, I thought it deserved a better grade," Tobias said, fumbling with his hands as he pulled his satchel to his lap and pulled the assignment out of it.

  "Tobias, you're not in high school anymore," McAdams began. "The standard of work is much higher here, you won't get away with just scraping by."

  Tobias understood what the professor was saying, but he still didn't think his grade had been fair. It dawned on him that perhaps he was given a poorer grade for other reasons. He wondered how the professor knew his name to begin with. He hadn't wanted to know it at the bar and there were dozens of students in his class alone, surely he didn't know every one of their names.

  "If you're trying to give me a low grade because of what happened between us... because you want to scare me away, well that's not going to work. I wouldn't tell anyone. Besides, that was before college even started, you weren't my professor then..."

  "I don't know what you're implying but I would never fail a student for such a reason. I take my position at this institute very seriously Tobias," McAdams said. "Besides you're right, no rules were broken."

  The professor's eyes were on Tobias again and heat pooled through him settling at his groin. The man's brown eyes turned dark for a moment and Tobias realized his first observation hadn't been wrong. Professor McAdams had a dark side.

  "You're right," Tobias said, trying to remedy the situation, "I guess it's just hard because I'm a scholarship student. I have to pass all my classes to keep it. I'll try harder next time."

  The professor's face softened, his usually tight-knit brow relaxing and for a moment Tobias saw that some light still lived there.

  "And I'd appreciate if you kept our little incident to yourself, Tobias," McAdams said, getting up from his chair. "Don't think you're going to get any special treatment either. As far as you're to be concerned you can pretend it never happened. I already have."

  Tobias stood up, feeling his cheeks flush scarlet as he thought back to the night at the bar. Picking up his bag he headed for the door but the strap was hooked around the chair and sent him toppling to the ground.

  Professor McAdams rushed to help him, picking up the loose papers that had fallen from his bag. Tobias didn't think he could look any more ridiculous right now, sitting on his ass with a pile of papers around him. His cheeks flushed harder. He'd never felt so humiliated. Not just because he fell, but because of what Professor McAdams had just said to him.

  It surprised him when the professor reached out with his hand to help him up. Tobias took it, their touch like a volt of electricity jolting through him. The professor's eyes widened and Tobias knew he felt it too. Next thing Tobias knew was that he was pushing his lips onto Professor McAdams, not being able to control himself.

  Surprisingly the professor didn't pull away, instead he slipped his tongue against Tobias's, pulling his body against him. Tobias pressed into him like he had at the bar. He felt the professor's cock become rigid beneath his trousers. He pulled away, looking up at him as if to ask for McAdam's approval with so much as a look. The professor slowly and silently nodded his head at Tobias.

  Tobias grinned, getting to his knees again. He needed this. He needed this newfound escape. To taste his professor's salty, sweet cock. His mouth wrapped around the thick head and he slid him all the way to the back of his throat. He closed his eyes but the professor snapped him out of it.

  "No. Keep them open," McAdams said, "I want you to look at me while you pleasure me."



  It was though Professor McAdams had gone back to pretending Tobias didn't exist because for the last three weeks he hadn't so much as looked at him. Tobias decided to sit at the back without Brad now, it was too humiliating for him otherwise.

  It was after dinner that Tobias and Brad were back in their dorm room. Tobias had his headphones in and was flicking through a comic book when Brad interrupted him, gesturing for Tobias to remove his buds.

  "What's up?" Tobias asked him.

  "Nothing... well, it's just, you've been acting so weird lately. Is everything okay, man? I haven't done something wrong, have I?" Brad asked him.

  Tobias let out a long sigh. Brad's observation was correct, Tobias had been acting weird. He didn't like it but the truth was that the situation with him and the professor had been eating away at him. Tobias felt a smidge bad that Brad thought it was because of him and so he decided to tell him some truth, deciding he was trustworthy enough to hear it.

  "No, it's not you at all," Tobias said, "it's just... I was seeing this guy and things didn't work out. I'm just a little bummed about that."

  Tobias looked at Brad trying to gauge his reaction after just telling he was gay.

  "Oh, I didn't know you were into guys," Brad said, "you should have told me, now I feel like an ass for talking about girls in front of you."

  "It's okay," Tobias laughed, "I'm used to it."

  "It's not just that. I'm... Shit, I've never told anyone before, Tobi," Brad began, looking over at him from across the room.

  "You're gay?" Tobias asked.

  "Don't say it so loud," Brad said with fear in his eyes. "But yeah, I am."

  Tobias looked at Brad and felt for the guy. He'd never told anyone before that he was gay, yet somehow trusted Tobias enough with that information. That meant something to Tobias.

  "It's okay, your secret's safe with me," Tobias told him.

  "Thanks," Brad said, "it feels good to finally get it off my chest. I mean, my dad found some magazines in my room a couple of years back. He's a pastor so that didn't really go well. I don't think my family would ever be okay with that."

  Tobias felt sad for his friend suddenly but at the same time he thought at least the guy was lucky enough to have a family, and one that cared about him at that. Tobias would do anything to have his parents still alive with him. Even if he didn't remember them.

  "Well if you ever want to talk about things," Tobias said in his best attempt to be a good friend.

  "Thanks man. And same for you. What happened with the guy you were seeing?" Brad asked.

  Tobias let out a long breath. There was no way he was going to tell Brad that the guy he was hung up on was none other than Professor McAdams, but he'd let him know the other parts.

  "We just kind of hooked up a few times. Nothing serious. He was the first guy I messed around with," Tobias confessed to Brad who was now on the edge of the bed, his blue eyes focused on Tobias. "Like I said though, it was nothing serious, he never called me, he doesn't even look at me when we see each other."

  "Wow -- the guy sounds like a total jerk. I'm sorry," Brad said sympathetically.

  "Yeah, he is a jerk. But that doesn't change the fact that I want him. I know it's fucked up, it's just the way it is though," Tobias said.

  He closed his eyes and thought about the professor. He thought about his tall, muscular frame, his square jaw and the way it ticked when he was annoyed. He didn't know why but he found it sexy as hell when McAdams was annoyed. He liked that he had this arrogant and controlling nature.

  The next day in Professor McAdams' class, Tobias decided to sit with Brad down the front again. He hadn't been able to shake the damn professor from his mind and he was determined to get his attention, even if he knew it wasn't the best idea.

  But it wasn't any use, the professor ignored him like he had since the last time he was in McAdams' office. He was tired of being ignored. He couldn't explain it, maybe he felt emotionally attached to the man after what they'd done together but he refused to believe even that.

  There was something about Professor McAdams that had him curious. It went beyond physical infatuation, Tobias knew it was much deeper than that. The way he felt in those few minutes where they were together and the release his usually crowded mind had, he didn't want that to end.

  After class Tobias went to his professor's office again. He was going to confront him about what had happened, he didn't want to be ignored anymore. He didn't want the professor to think he could get away with using and discarding him. He'd let enough people do that to him in his life.

  He knocked twice before McAdams called back telling him to come in. He looked up from behind his desk as Tobias moved across the room and sat opposite him.

  "Can I help you Tobias? You never scheduled an appointment to see me. I prefer my students to do so rather than just dropping by unannounced," he said, a twitch in his jaw.

  "This isn't about school," Tobias said.

  "Then I don't want to hear it," Professor McAdams said.

  "Why?" Tobias asked, "I know you don't care about me, I know that you just want to use me. I'm telling you, you can. I want it. I need it Professor."

  "Because I'm your goddamn professor, Tobias, fraternizing with a student this way, having sex with you, it could get me fired," McAdams said with a sternness to his voice. "Besides, you're not my type."

  But Tobias could tell by the way the professor eyed him that he was lying. He was behind that darkness in his eyes, desire was there too. He desired Tobias as much as Tobias craved him.

  "I know you're lying," Tobias said, getting up and walking behind the desk so he was next to the professor. "You don't look at me in class because you know you can't hide from me. I see it now, the way you look at me..."

  Professor McAdams grabbed Tobias's wrist, sending panic and excitement through the younger man's veins. The professor suddenly realized what he was doing and loosened his grip, letting go of Tobias's wrists.

  "You don't know what you're talking about. You're in way over your head here kid. Get out, while you still can," he told Tobias, shaking his head.

  "I don't want to. And I'm not a kid," Tobias barked back.

  "From where I'm sitting you are," McAdams said, "only a kid would want to get involved with a guy like me."

  "Who says I want to get involved?" Tobias asked. "Sex, that's all I want, to please you."

  The professor's body stiffened and Tobias knew that he had pushed the right buttons. Tension seared from the man's body and Tobias felt it scorch his own skin like wildfire.

  "I'll be at the bar tonight. The one where I met you," Tobias said, "if you change your mind then you know where to find me."



  Nathaniel McAdams couldn't believe what he was doing as he hovered outside the entrance to the bar. There was something special about the kid though, he hadn't realized it at first, but he was starting to now. Worst thing was, he didn't think the kid had any idea about who he was, or what he was.

  A crowd of military guys walked into the bar and Nathaniel thought for the tenth time about walking away now. But he didn't. The pull this kid had on him was too strong, even for a guy with as much control as Nathaniel.

  He spotted the kid at one of the old booths across the bar. He already had a beer in his hand and as he looked up and spotted Nathaniel he knew that there was no walking away now.

  "You came," Tobias said as Nathaniel scooted into the seat opposite him.

  "You look surprised. I thought you had me all figured out," Nathaniel joked and then he hailed down the bar girl. "Bourbon, neat."

  He looked across the table at Tobias who was fumbling around with the label on his beer bottle. Of course the kid didn't have him figured out, he knew jack shit. So why had Nathaniel let him get under his skin like that? He watched the kid blink nervously and then he realized why.

  He was Nathaniel's type to a T. Slim and toned, blue eyes and high cheek bones. The kid was handsome but he was also a little unsure of himself, that's what Nathaniel liked the most. He loved the way his cheeks flushed when he was nervous and the way he bit his lip when he was turned on.

  "I did think I had you all figured out. That's why I thought you wouldn't come," Tobias said, raising him beer to Nathaniel's glass. "Cheers."

  "Cheers," Nathaniel repeated back to him.

  "So, what should I call you? Professor McAdams? Or do you have a first name?" Tobias asked.

  "You can call me Nathaniel, but only off college grounds," he told him.

  "Nathaniel. I like it. It's a bit long though, what about Nate?" Tobias asked.

  "Nathaniel or Professor McAdams is fine," he replied, rolling his eyes at the nerve of the kid.

  He had been around almost two hundred years and he wasn't going to start letting some millennial give him a new nickname.

  They sat there silently for a while and Nathaniel wondered is he should just get things over with already. He'd invite the kid back to his house and fuck his brains out. He was almost hard already thinking about it.


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