Sinner Realized

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Sinner Realized Page 18

by Morgan Kelley

  “I need the rigging from Captain Christian Bleu’s gear. I want our forensic staff to check it out. We have a theory and want to double check it before we proceed.”

  That had his attention. “What do you suspect?”

  Nate interceded before any more was said. There was no way they were showing their hand this early in the game. “As soon as we know, you’ll know.”

  “Well, then I’ll get it for you by tomorrow. I’m sure it’s in storage somewhere. It’ll be a matter of digging it up.”

  It killed all three of them that the gear was evidence and shouldn’t be tucked away with the rest of the man’s things. This was going to be one hell of a scavenger hunt to solve these cold cases.

  There was a knock on the door.


  “Sir, here are the files,” offered Sergeant Hartford, handing them to Callista.

  “Joe, I need to find the rigging which was used by Captain Bleu on the day of his accident. Make it happen for our friends here.”

  “Yes, sir,” he said, heading out.

  No one missed that his body went taut and rigid. While he didn't mind being the colonel’s gopher, he wasn’t too thrilled to be theirs.

  “Before you go, can you find out who checked in the medical reports for us, Sergeant?” asked Callie.

  The man’s face showed his distaste and displeasure.

  “Certainly, ma’am. I’ll get right on it.”

  “Dismissed,” Colonel Swift said before focusing back on the three people in his office. “Anything else?”

  They needed to regroup and figure out how to approach this next. It would take careful planning.

  “No, sir,” Nate replied.

  “Do you have a place to stay?” he asked. “I should have asked you yesterday, but I was so discombobulated that I forgot my manners,” Colonel Swift offered. “We can give you bunk accommodations here. We use them when other upper brass shows up for drills or visits.”

  “My place isn't far from here,” Nate offered. “We’re staying there while we work on this.”

  The man stood and held out his hand.

  “If you need anything else, please just call me,” he stated, scribbling his number down. “It’s the direct line into my office.”

  Callie took it and tucked it away in her purse. “Thank you, Colonel. We’ll be back tomorrow, and hopefully, we’ll have something to give you,” she stated.

  They all headed out, walking past the assistant stationed outside the man’s door. He was staring at them intently.

  Honestly, it gave Callie the willies. Back in Myrtle Springs, she’d seen looks like that before. They all knew how that ended…

  “He hates our guts.”

  “Yeah, you think?” Nate stated, nearly laughing as he held the door for them. “Want to head home, call Luke, and get started on this paperwork nightmare?”

  Quinn was good with that. “Maybe we can eat. I’m starving,” he stated.

  Callie immediately interjected before either man could go there. She already knew what was coming. “I’m not cooking! So, you need to find some takeout.”

  What she almost let slip was that the baby growing in her womb was making her want to eat right through the better part of a pig. Thankfully, she managed to keep her wits. Quinn would have shit a brick if she blurted out her secret.

  The men got the point, accepted it, and got over the disappointment. They both loved her cooking.

  “Boring old takeout pizza it is,” Nate stated, glancing over at her.

  “You’re not going to guilt me,” she added, getting into the vehicle.

  They waited for it.

  “Damn it, guys! Come on!” Maybe she should have told them she was pregnant. Then maybe they’d be feeding her for a change.

  The men grinned wickedly at each other, knowing they’d won that round. If anything, Callie was predictable.

  That’s the way they liked her.

  * * * C a r t e r C h r o n i c l e s * * *

  When she came out of the small bathroom wearing nothing but her tiny shorts and tank top, Luke was curious. “Where are you going?” he asked, as she slipped on her hiking boots. It was already dark out, and certainly she wasn’t going for a stroll through the woods dressed like that.

  “I’m going to catch us a fish for dinner.”

  Earlier, they’d frolicked around in the water, acting like kids. He’d mentioned that breakfast had been pretty spectacular, and Maura promised to cook for him again.

  “Can I come watch?” he asked. “Or better yet, do you want to use fishing gear? I can grab it out of the shed. Then I can help.”

  She smiled sweetly at him. “Oh, you were under the impression I was going noodling alone? That’s cute, Mr. FBI. You’re wrong. Before tossing me in the water, I might have done this alone, but now you’re my diving partner.”

  Luke didn't consider himself squeamish. After all, he’d seen plenty of nasty shit in his time as a Fed. This, well in all honesty, it freaked him the hell out. Diving in a river was bad enough. There was low visibility, but sticking your hands into a dark hole was asking for trouble. He wouldn’t wander blindfolded into an alley with mob men, why would he stick his fingers in a place where they could get bit off.

  “Uh, no.”

  She shook her head and knew how to get him. “So, you don’t trust me to keep you safe?”

  Oh, shit!

  She didn't just go there. The male part of his genes threw up that flag that warned him this was dangerous territory. One wrong move and his sexy romp for later would be a solo exhibition.

  “Of course I do, but noodling is insane. I like to live on the edge, not over the side into bedlam.”

  Maura grinned and held out her hand. “Please trust me, Lucas?”

  How could he not?

  What he was trying to build with her mattered to him, and if she really wanted him to put his faith in her, how could he say no? Maybe this was a test on her behalf, and trust was her way of deeming him worthy.

  Oh, shit!

  “I hate this, but okay,” he offered, taking her hand. This was just proof of his feelings for her.

  Together, they headed down through the moonlight toward the lake. It was quiet and peaceful. The stars were up and dusk was just falling around them.

  Luke would have done something romantic if he wasn’t being marched down to the water to be scared shitless. Then again, maybe a sonnet would distract her.

  “Okay, here’s the plan. All you have to do is find a hole and wait for something to bite. Then, you yank it out. See! Simple. Then we have dinner.”

  That breakdown horrified him. At that point, he’d rather rush into a building with killers than do this.

  “Maura! I’m supposed to let it bite me?” Luke came to a dead stop on the shoreline. “That’s a horrible idea!”

  That amused her. Stripping down to her bra and panties, she waited for him to lose the clothes too. “You’re not going to get shown up by a girl, are you?”

  He was appalled that at that moment she’d use the same tactics he’d thrown down earlier. Luke never saw this one coming, but he should have.

  Karma was a bitch.

  “Shit,” he muttered, dropping his jeans and pulling off his t-shirt.

  “You can do it naked if you want,” she offered, wiggling her eyebrows lecherously.

  “Are you crazy? I’m not dangling any of my man bits in the water for some fish to think is a snack. I’m worried enough about my fingers. You’re going to have to explain to Nate why I can’t fire a gun anymore because I’m missing digits.”

  She snorted, and then went up on her toes to give him a kiss. It was warm and silky as their tongues glided familiarly across each other’s.

  When she broke away, he was staring down at her. After that, he’d do just about anything. “Okay, let’s get this over with.”

  Maura nearly laughed at his change of heart. She’d use that tactic more now that she knew it worked.

  Then again, it would work on her too.

  She led him into the water. “How long can you hold your breath?” Maura asked.

  “I can go a while from surfing, but not nearly as long as you can.”

  She had an idea. “Okay, let me find a hole, then I’ll come up and get you,” she offered.

  “You scare me out of my damn mind,” he muttered. At one time, Luke believed himself to be fearless, now he saw the truth. Maura was just plain crazy.

  And since she was doing this, so was he.

  There was no other rational explanation. He was absolutely crazy…for her.

  Luke watched her dive. When the bubbles disappeared, he glanced down at the hands of his watch as he tried to remain calm. Time ticked away, and at the minute mark, he began to worry. At the ninety second mark, he was nearly frantic. Finally, at two minutes, he started to panic.

  Suddenly, bubbles reemerged and Maura broke the surface. “I found a big hole. We can put both of our hands in there. I think I felt more than one fish.”

  “Why be greedy?” he said. “I’ll just watch.”

  She laughed. “You can’t see shit down there, so that’s out. Trust me, it won’t take long. Wiggle your fingers like they’re a tasty snack, and you’ll get a bite.”

  He wanted to puke. “Seriously?”

  Maura was loving every second of this. Leaning against his body, she wrapped her arms around him. “I’ll always keep you safe, Lucas. I swear.”

  The look in her eyes calmed him. Now he knew why her men would follow her into hell and back. He was about to do the same.

  “Let’s do it.”

  Counting him down, Maura waited until he slowed his breathing to prepare to get a deep breath. At one, they both inhaled and Luke put his faith in the woman beside him.

  This would define them.

  He could feel it.

  Under the water, he couldn’t see anything. Well, she hadn’t lied about that. This whole thing was horrifying. Her hand remained on his wrist as they dove down. At the bottom, he could feel the sediment floating around them. Then, he felt his hand being shoved into a hole. Her wrist was touching his, and he tried to find comfort in that.

  Yeah, he was out of his damn mind.

  Something got his attention, as his fingers were touched. It definitely wasn’t Maura’s hand. As he focused on the sensation, a mouth clamped down around his waiting offering.

  Luke took it as his sign and went with the moment. He yanked, pulling the fighting fish from the hole.

  He couldn’t believe it.

  The experience had been nothing like he assumed. The fish had come to him!

  Pushing up from the bottom, he broke the surface, a large flapping trophy still in his hand. At that moment, he wanted to shout in glee. He couldn’t believe he did it.

  Then, he realized he was celebrating alone.

  His heart skipped as he looked around. The ripples had settled and Maura was nowhere to be found. Just as he was prepared to release the fish and dive back down to find her, Luke felt a hand brush his leg. It started at his ankle and moved up his body, just brushing past the intimate parts of his body.

  God, he hoped that wasn’t some very hungry water creature.

  When she broke the surface close to his frame, she was grinning wickedly. “Sorry, there was only one fish in that hole, and I wanted to make us a really great dinner.”

  He began celebrating again. “I did it!”

  Maura was proud of him. “Special Agent Mars, you now can survive if you’re ever lost in the woods and there’s a deep stream. You just passed one part of Marine basic survival one-oh-one. I’m proud of you!”

  He kissed her. Partly because they’d done something so fun that it brought them closer together, and because he was so happy she was safe.

  “This is a pretty amazing evening,” he admitted, once he broke free.

  “Yeah, it really is.”

  “I’m so glad I tried!” he said, carrying his fish to the shore. When he held it up to hers, Luke had scored the biggest catch. “I’m the man.”

  Maura loved how happy he was. It made her heart open a little bit more. Luke had trusted her, and they did something they would never forget. It forged a memory for her lifetime. “You certainly are. This is why you can’t say no to something unless you’ve given it a shot. Who knows what you’ll miss out on?”

  She had a point. “Let’s get these cleaned up,” he offered. “I’m suddenly in the mood for dinner.”

  She picked up her bowie knife and drove it straight through the fish’s gills to end its life. When she glanced up at Luke, she wasn’t sure if he’d do the deed or let her.

  Taking it from her hand, he handled it, and then began gutting his fish. “Is it okay if I clean them and you do the cooking?”

  She kissed him on the cheek. “That’s one arrangement I can live with,” she admitted.

  Luke hoped that Maura was going to be good at compromise, especially since that wasn’t the only arrangement that he was thinking about.

  He was going to work on the big one.

  Marrying the girl…

  Somehow, they had to make it work.

  * * * C a r t e r C h r o n i c l e s * * *

  It wasn’t hard to find out everything about Maura Gaines’s private life. While she didn't post anything on social media, there were still things online about her.

  There was her running ‘The Wounded Warrior’ marathon, her in a few online photographs getting her commission, and then one picture with her family when her brother got married.

  That one snapshot alone had been enough to free up some important details.

  She was very close to her family.

  In the wedding picture, there was a man who had his arm around her waist as he smiled sweetly at her.

  That was very telling.

  Just searching his name pulled up more information-- like, that he was partners with the FBI agent digging around. What was curious was that he was nowhere to be found.

  Neither was Maura Gaines.

  It made one thing crystal clear.

  He was hiding her out. There was no way that both of them would be missing at that point. Doing more research, there was one way to confirm suspicions.

  When the number was located, the call was made.

  “Can I speak to Agent Lucas Mars?”

  There was a pause. “I’m sorry, but Agent Mars isn't available. He’s on hiatus. I can leave a message for you.”

  There it was. Hiatus, huh?

  “No, thank you. I’ll reach him at home.”

  After disconnecting the call, a plan began coming together. While there wasn’t one hundred percent conclusive proof, there was a way to test the theory.

  It was back to the hunt. Digging online, there was more information on Lucas Mars. There was a cash sale of a condo listed in the paper from two years ago. It appeared that he didn't live far from Maura Gaines or the base.


  The night she escaped, it was possible that he’d hid her out there. With Maura’s skill, there was no doubt she could have hiked the few miles to his home.

  Well, there was one way to find out.

  It looked like someone had to head there and see if a sinner could be drawn from the hole.

  It would work.

  How could it not?

  Earlier, standing in the crowd outside the burning house, two of the people from the picture had been there. Now, the killer located number three.

  The men thought they were being clever, hiding her out. Well, they were about to find out the truth.

  You couldn’t cover up evil.

  Eventually it would all come out and the sinner would be seen for what she really was.

  They’d realize the truth.

  As would the world.

  It was time.

  The hunt had begun.

  * * * C a r t e r C h r o n i c l e s * * *

  Callie had just finished making them pizza.

nbsp; Honestly, she didn't mind. One of her husband’s favorite things was when she cooked for him, and really, she didn't care if it was an inconvenience. How could she? He loved food, and Callie enjoyed filling his body with sustenance.

  “Baby, that was pretty spectacular,” Quinn whispered in her ear, as he pulled her back against his torso. When she shivered, his heart skipped in his chest. Moving her long black hair from her neck, he began leaving little nips along her collarbone.

  Callie loved when he held her. She always felt safe when she was in his arms. “I love you, Quinton,” she replied.

  “You’re my entire world,” he admitted.

  Callie opened her mouth to tell him about their upcoming arrival. Unfortunately, they weren’t alone.

  “Seriously! I now have to walk into my own kitchen and find you copping a feel?” Nate said, laughing.

  As if to prove a point, Quinn cupped her ass. “Now, I’m doing that. Before, I was just expressing my thanks for the amazing dinner.”

  Nate wandered over and dropped a kiss to her forehead. “Thanks, Callie. As always, it was delicious.”

  “Yeah, well, we should probably get to work,” she offered. “This isn't going to solve itself. It’s already been two days for Luke and Maura trapped at that cabin. We don’t have a clue how long it’s going to take the killer to get wind of her location.”

  That was Quinn’s biggest fear. It wasn’t like he didn't trust Luke to keep her safe. She was his baby sister, and he had a duty to uphold to his family. “We should text Luke.”

  They agreed to only contact them if there was an emergency, but maybe this would be a good time to check in. Nate pulled out his phone, sending a series of coded words.

  “He’ll be checking his phone before they go to sleep, so we can work until we hear from him,” Nate suggested.

  All three of them took a seat on Nate’s leather couch. Callie couldn’t help but notice that the place barely looked lived in.

  “You need to redecorate,” she stated.

  He glanced up. “Why? I’m rarely home.”


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