Sinner Realized

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Sinner Realized Page 20

by Morgan Kelley

  He relaxed marginally. She had a valid point. As long as they focused on staying together, watching their backs, everything would work out just fine.

  Or so he hoped.

  Yet, he wasn’t quite ready to say the words. There was still this alarm going off in his head, warning him. “No, Callie. You need to get out of here.”

  When her fingers trailed lower, Callie knew a way to distract the big man sharing her bed. As soon as her hand made contact, he was focused on her.

  “Callista, you’re not going to use sex to distract me,” he warned, knowing that was exactly what she planned on doing. In his head, Quinn wanted to cheer.

  “I’m not?” she asked, slowly stroking him.

  When he moaned, closing his eyes, Callie enjoyed every second of it. While Quinton was generally strong willed, she knew the way to get around his temper.

  Slipping beneath the covers, she blew her breath across his erection. When it bobbed excitedly, Callie knew that Quinn was ready to be ‘convinced’.

  If anything, her husband was easy.

  It wasn’t like this was all to manipulate him. Couldn’t a girl really just like rolling around with her husband? During the day, she had to play professional doctor, but when she was in bed with Quinton, Callie was able to be herself.




  It was nice to be able to live for the moment. Besides, lots of sex equaled the possibility of babies, and Callie knew that’s how they created the life inside her.

  She nearly giggled at the secret she was keeping. Now, she needed to find a way to let her husband in on it.

  Maybe she should tell him now.

  Then, she went with enjoying the sex and spilling the beans after the fact. Why risk ruining it?

  Okay, she vowed to herself that she wouldn’t keep her husband in the dark any longer.

  He deserved the truth.

  Hoping to soften the blow of her secret, Callie gave him exactly what he loved.

  A little oral gratification to heat him up.

  The second her mouth found him, his hands slipped into her hair. Callie began her oral assault, devouring her husband. The feel and taste of him between her lips called to her.

  This was her heart.

  As Quinn fought to allure of her mouth, his brain began losing the ability to think straight. His wife easily had a way of undoing him. This wouldn’t be the first time he fell victim to her seductive ways.

  At this point, he’d do anything she asked, just to have her never stop. He knew it proved who ruled their relationship, but his wife fired everything in him.

  He was trapped.

  When she added her hand, he wanted to sing her praises. Suddenly, the hot mouth vanished and he was forced to open his eyes.

  “I love you, big guy,” she whispered, sliding up his body. “I want to feel you in me,” Callie admitted, as she took him in her hand. When he was positioned, she sank slowly down his steel hard erection.

  “Oh God, baby!” he whispered, trying to keep his voice down.

  As Callie began her ride, his heart was pounding in his chest. Above him was the owner of his heart, and with her, Quinn knew he could do anything.

  “I love you,” she said, keeping up the pace.

  Quinn didn't hesitate. “I love you too, Callista.”

  As she dropped her head back, a low moan broke free from her lips. Callie was unable to stop the explosion around her. In a burst of euphoria, she fell into the bliss.

  Quinn held on, struggling to not be pulled with her over the edge. In an effort to not lose it, he rolled, placing her beneath him. As soon as Callie resurfaced, Quinn began moving again.


  Quinn found that one spot which drove her wild and continually kissed it with the tip of his erection. “I want to hear you call my name, baby,” he admitted, moving frenetically in and out of her body.

  Quinn hoped that he could hold on.

  As he approached the end of his control, Quinn willed his wife to fall first. When her body began quivering beneath his, he knew he’d get his wish.

  “Quinton!” she blurted, as the man she loved shoved them both into the bliss.

  Together they fell, wrapped around each other.

  Colors flowed, twining comfortingly around their bodies.

  Peace enveloped them.

  Finally, when time could no longer be held at bay, reality crept back.

  Callie listened to her husband breathe. It was time she let him in on something life changing.

  “Quinn, we need to talk.”

  “You can stay,” he offered, “but you’re not to leave my side. Do you agree?”

  She smiled, knowing that he just made what was coming that much easier. If he only knew what he just did, Quinn would be as mad as hell. “I promise, Quinn, but that’s not what I wanted to tell you.”

  He rolled off Callie, taking his position alongside her body. Waiting for her to tell him what was going on in her head, Quinn played with a piece of her hair. “I know something is bothering you. You’ve been a little too quiet the last week.”

  “That’s what we need to discuss. I have something that may make you mad. I’ve kept a secret from you, Quinn.”

  That had his attention. Not only did it make him go on alert, it chased away the comfort that had been curled languidly in his gut.

  Now, he was scared.


  Quinn went dead serious. These were words no married man ever wanted to hear from his wife.

  “We’re pregnant.”

  His mouth dropped open.

  That wasn’t what he was expecting. While he always worried one day his gorgeous wife would change her mind about him, he didn't see this one coming a mile away.

  “Repeat that again?”

  “I just told you that we’re having another child.”

  Well, that changed everything.

  “And you can’t send me back. I’m better off here with you. I don’t doubt that you’ll keep me safe.”

  “Wait. What? You’re going to drop that bomb and then start covering your tracks? How long have you known? When were you going to tell me?”

  “The day before Luke called. I was going to do something sexy and romantic to tell you, but then we fell into this, and it seemed like a bad time. I was worried that you’d overreact and lose your cool.”

  Yeah, that sounded like him.

  He stared at her, trying to process everything she was saying. While he should be mad that his wife didn't tell him everything, he was so excited about the rest of the news.

  “So, I’m trusting that you’ll stay calm and not lose your mind over this. Can we try?”

  He sat up fast, jostling her body from his. “Of course I’m going to lose my mind over this, Callista! How could I not?”

  She prepared to apologize more. This time, she had definitely been in the wrong. Marriage was built on trust, and she’d inadvertently hurt his feelings by keeping a secret. “I’m…” Before she could say sorry, he interrupted her.

  “I’m going to be a daddy again!” he blurted, hopping out of bed to pull on his boxers. He raced to the door and flung it open before calling for Nate.

  Callie barely had time to pull up the sheet before her brother came racing down the hall, gun in hand, and rumpled from sleep.

  “What?” he asked, looking around. “Is someone hurt?” He saw his sister in bed and was confused.

  “I’m going to be a father again!”

  The man stared at him. “You scared me out of my mind to tell me you knocked my sister up? Of course you did,” he stated, laughing. “You two are always pawing at each other. I’d be more shocked that she wasn’t having another child.”

  Quinn smiled wide. “I’m going to have more kids! Bring on the brood!”

  “I’m happy for you two, and to celebrate you can make me coffee, Quinn.”

  Callie sat up in bed and Nate stared at her. “Wait! Hold
on one damn minute! Why is she naked in my guest room bed?”

  That made her laugh. Callie loved how irked her brother became when they were fornicating anywhere near him.

  “Seriously! You had sex in here? This is my house!” Nate exclaimed. “I don’t come to your place and get busy with some babe!”

  Quinn ignored him. “Callie, baby, I’m going to go make you some coffee. I’ll be right back! You just rest and take care of our little baby!”

  Nate waited for the man to leave before walking to the side of the bed. He leaned down to kiss his sister in celebration. “Congrats, Callie. I’m happy for you,” he offered.

  She hugged him. “Thank you, Nate. Are you really pissed off that we had sex in here?”

  “Hell no, but I have a reputation to live up to. If I stopped tormenting Quinn, then he’d think I didn't love him. Just don’t do it in the bathroom because that would creep me out. I don’t use this room.”

  She laughed. Well, that had gone better than she had thought it would.

  Maybe it would be a better day than she expected.

  Callie could only hope.

  Chapter Thirteen

  T he ride to the base was a happy one. Quinn was still vibrating from learning the amazing news. Callista was glad because if he was focusing on that, he wasn’t thinking about the killer trying to hurt them. In this case, she’d keep her eyes open and watch their backs. For now, he could have his moment of celebration.

  When they arrived, once more, they were met by Sergeant Hartford, and as usual, he didn't look happy to see them. Still, that didn't stop him from doing his job. With a map in hand and short clipped details, he explained exactly where they could find Bethany Harris. Unfortunately, he had yet to get them any information on the busted gear or who took in the medical reports from the local ME.

  You win some, you lose some.

  It wasn’t surprising.

  As they approached the shooting range, they found the captain there all alone. She was, with the ease of a well-trained soldier, unloading her handgun at a target. Since she was the only one who had ear protection, they waited until she had finished emptying the clip.

  When she finally turned around, the woman realized that she wasn’t alone. Placing her gun on the ledge, she moved toward them with her hand out and a welcoming smile on her face. Whether it was genuine or not, had yet to be seen.

  “The colonel had informed me that you’d be coming to do some sort of interview,” she stated.

  Callie eyed the woman up. She was attractive, even with her camouflage and staunchly pulled back hair. Yet, the woman looked a little too made up for her. Where Quinn’s sister was beautiful without makeup, this woman was the opposite. She had to wonder if she went out in the field with a compact in her pocket.

  “Yes, we’re sorry to interrupt you,” Nate said, introducing the team. “We thought you’d be here with your men practicing.”

  “They finished up, so I sent them on their way. I like to keep their identities under wraps, especially to people who aren’t in the military. There are things that civilians shouldn’t be privy to, just like I’m sure the FBI has secrets of their own.”

  If it was meant to be a dig, it didn't offend any of them.

  Not in the least because it was true.

  “Now, what do you need to talk to me about? I lay pretty low and stay under the radar, so I know I’m not in trouble. I don’t even have a parking ticket.”

  Nate continued, “Someone is killing Bravo Ghost soldiers, and we need to talk to you about it.”

  Once more, the smile never left her face. Now, her eyes were another story all together.

  Callie could see that the soldier in front of them was excellent at covering. Where normally she could read a suspect, this was going to be difficult. It was obvious that the woman was good at remaining blank, so now it would be about catching her off guard. Callie leaned against the ledge and let the men do their jobs while she did hers.

  “Really? I don’t know anything about them or what’s going on.”

  “Good try,” Quinn stated. “We already know that you’re very aware of them. In fact, you’re familiar because you have a very similar team. Colonel Swift already let us in on it, so let’s drop the make believe.” His sister’s life was in danger. There was no way he was going to sit around and play games.

  Bethany contemplated what she’d just learned. “Well, if he gave you the okay for me to talk, then feel free to ask your questions. Honestly, I don’t know that much about them, but I’ll share what I am privy to if it’ll help you out.”

  It was a start.

  “What do they do?” Nate asked, wondering how forthright she’d be.

  “If you’re asking about their missions, I can’t tell you. Maura and I don’t share that information. When it comes down to what we do, it’s best fewer people are aware. Sometimes they get a little messy.”

  Callie believed her.

  “How about telling us what your team does, and then we can draw parallels?” Nate asked.

  “Without giving too many trade secrets away, my guys go in and remove people from bad situations. Let’s say we extricate those who need help.”

  Callie had a question. “Do you go with them?” That’s when she saw it. There was a slight reaction to the question. It made Callista more and more curious.

  “No, I don’t. I actually plan the op and stay in constant contact with my men in the field. They are pretty self-sufficient. They don’t need me there.”

  There was a tone of bitterness in her voice. No one there, who had any experience in interviewing people, missed it.

  “Really?” Callie asked.


  That was curious, since they knew that Maura went in with her men.

  Nate needed more. “Is that by choice or military rules?” he asked. Now he would dig a little deeper for his sister, since he could see her intently watching the woman.

  Her body language gave her away. “I just don’t. I feel my place is in command, leading by com. I’m not as gung-ho as Maura, if that’s where this conversation is leading.”

  Nate pushed on. “Are you and Major Gaines competitive? Do you find that it’s hard to be a woman in the military, especially in your position?”

  “It’s difficult at times, but it is what it is. Just being a Marine is a challenge. Out of all the branches of the military, I believe that this is the most brutal one. Then, add in that you have ovaries, and you then need to do everything ten times better. It’s a tough world out there for females.”

  “When did you see Maura last?” Quinn asked, switching direction.

  She thought about it. “It was the day of the funeral for her teammate. She was in her office afterward, working on some paperwork, I think. Then that’s it. She hasn’t been around for a couple days. I know she’s got down time coming before they head out on their next mission. When she’s working on a strategy, she usually does it off base as she’s relaxing. She once told me it makes it easier.”

  “When she left that day, what did you do?” Nate asked.

  “I headed back to my office to finish up my work. Unlike Bravo Ghost, we never know when we’re going out, so I like to stay up to date on everything. My team can get called up at any time.”

  “Are you alone when you work?” Callie asked, making notes.

  “Yes, I am. With the exception of Maura, that is. We each have an office in the main building away from everyone else. I work out of there most of the time. Again, Maura leaves more frequently. I’m assuming she works at home.”

  Without warning, Nate redirected the questioning. He was going to use the competitiveness of the women to his advantage.

  “How long have you been in the military?” he asked.

  Bethany had to do the math. “Just under twenty years. I came in right after high school and never looked back.”

  “And you’re only a captain?” he prodded, hoping to hit a sore spot. The second the words left his
mouth, he saw the anger. Nate knew he managed to piss her off.

  This was a good thing.

  “Yes, I am. I’m not sure I like how you said that. Do you know how hard it is to become ranked personnel in the military? They don’t just hand bars out like Tic Tacs.”

  He glanced over at Quinn. “Maura’s a major, right? She hasn’t been in the military that long, has she?”

  “Yep, she outranks the captain here. I believe Maura enlisted eight years ago,” Quinn replied, seeing what Nate was up to. This would either get them information or the woman in front of them would kick their asses around the firing range.

  “Did that bother you?” asked Callie, jumping in. “I mean, here is a younger woman, who bypassed your rank in half the time, and now she’s leading a better team.”

  She stared at her. “A better team? I take offense to that on so many levels. Plus, add to that, I wasn’t jealous-- if that’s what you’re getting at.”

  Callie shrugged. “You’re a better woman than I am. I would have been pissed off. In fact, I’m angry for you.” Trying to show sympathy might get them more details, especially after they riled the woman up.

  “Then you have serious issues. I’m not upset. Maura and I are friends. Her successes are mine. We’re a team. There is no ‘I’ in Marines.”

  Quinn corrected her. “Actually, there is.”

  She glared at him. “You know what I meant. In the Marines, you either work hard or you do your time on your knees. Take that for what it’s worth.”

  None of them missed what she was implying, and they didn't think she meant scrubbing latrine floors with a tooth brush. The woman actually thought that Maura had slept her way to the top. Yeah, she was a hot jealous mess, despite her attempt to convince them otherwise.

  It bumped her up on their list of suspects.

  “I’m confused, Captain. After that little tirade, it sounds more like you had an issue with the woman and her team, instead of being her buddy,” Callie stated.

  “No, I didn't. I like Maura. In fact, I trust my fellow Marine so much, when she got rid of one of her weapon guys, I scooped him up. That’s how much I value the men she serves with... Oh, and her.”

  Yeah, they weren’t buying it.


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