Sinner Realized

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Sinner Realized Page 24

by Morgan Kelley

  “She’s nice, but we don’t really have much interaction. Just because we’re women doesn’t mean I hang out and get manicures with her in my down time.”

  Quinn knew his sister. She was pretty friendly outside the corps, so he was curious. “Why don’t you like her?”

  “She’s not my type. Bethany has been known to bitch and complain when she doesn’t get what she figures she deserves. That’s probably the reason she’s still ranked as only a captain after all these years.”

  Quinn made notes.

  “I believe she had one disciplinary action a while back. She got busted sleeping with someone she wasn’t supposed to. As for details, I can’t help you there.”

  “So, she’s whiny. That can’t be good if you’re a Marine,” Nate stated.

  “In this man’s army, you don’t complain. You just do it. If being a soldier and Marine was easy, everyone would do it. It takes a special kind of person to do this job.”

  “I have to admit, she came across as bitter and jealous,” Nate offered.

  “She has had her moments. I would find her in my office, but not know why she was in there. I doubt that she really wanted to talk, but I had no proof.”

  They told her what Captain Harris had told them.

  “That’s not surprising,” she offered. “I know that she was having issues with some planning. Once she took on Sergeant Walker, he was bound to share some of my strategies. For all I know he told her everything about all my team. I built Bravo Ghost from the ground up. It’s my baby. She can try to replace me, but if the killer takes me out, she won’t have a clue. I’m the ‘One’ in the name.”

  Luke wanted to puke even thinking she was going to die. “No one’s going to hurt you.”

  Quinn could hear the emotion in his voice, and that made him less angry. Luke the playboy was being sincere. “Do you think either one of them are capable of killing your team members to make it look like accidents?” Quinn asked.

  There was some hesitation.

  “No?” Nate asked.

  Finally, Maura spoke, “Yes, they’re both quite capable. I just hate to think that a Marine has turned on his brothers and sisters. It goes against everything we’re taught. You don’t leave your team behind, and you certainly don’t kill them. In the heat of battle, if one goes down, you carry them out. It’s not an exaggeration. We leave no one behind.”

  They heard the pride in her voice.

  Which brought her to the next topic. “Did Captain Brighton suffer? I need to know.”

  At first, neither man answered but then Quinn went with his gut. “No, Maura, he didn't.”

  Nate gave him the look. There was no way they could know that. They had yet to get the autopsy results from Callie. Then again, he understood the overwhelming need to protect a sister.

  “You have to find the person doing this. My team is dying, and I can’t save them,” Maura said softly. “Bravo Ghost only has two left.”

  Luke corrected her. “Three.”

  “What?” she asked, glancing over.

  “You said there are only two left, but there’s you too, Maura. You’re included in that count.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not important. You have to save those other two men.”

  Luke was horrified that she’d even say that, especially out loud and to him. “We need to cut this call now,” he said, testily. “I don’t want to drain our battery life. We may need it sometime.”

  The men on the phone knew what was coming. They could hear the anger in Luke’s voice. It wasn’t often that the man got aggressive. Generally, he was easy going.

  It spoke of his feelings for the woman with him.

  After disconnecting the call, he pointed at Maura. “We have to have a little talk.”

  “About?” she asked, already knowing what was coming. There was going to be a fight. She could feel it.

  “You continually saying that you don’t matter. What the hell, Maura? How can you even believe that? First off, you’re important to your family. Quinn loves you a great deal.”

  She was well aware. “I know.”

  “Even if you didn't have a family who cared about you, there would be my feelings. If something happened to you, Maura, I’d be hurt. I’d die inside.”

  She knew right where he was taking this. “Now you can see why I don’t have room in my life for these kinds of feelings, Lucas. I’m a soldier. I’m not dating material.”

  He wasn’t going to let her use that as an excuse anymore. “That’s total bullshit. When we’re together you’re more than just a soldier. You feel and hurt like any other human, and right now your words are wounding me.”

  Maura wanted to apologize, but she didn't know what to say to him.

  These were the cold hard facts. Yet, she wanted to blurt out, ‘I’m sorry. I’m madly in love with you’, but it seemed like a bad idea. On second thought, from the look of anger on his face, it was a horrible option.

  Luke began pacing.

  His heart was aching in his chest that this uphill battle was beating him. Just when Luke believed he’d moved forward, the war escalated and he lost ground.

  How was he supposed to make her see?

  “When this is over, you’ll go back to your life and I’ll return to mine. That team is all I have. Don’t take it personally.”

  He stopped walking and spun to face her. “I’m in love with you, so it’s fucking hard not to take it personally.”

  Well, that set the mood in the room.

  Maura stared at him.

  At that moment, she needed a break.

  “Well, aren’t you going to say something?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Luke’s heart was now pounding. He didn't mean to drop that one sentence, but in frustration, it just happened. Now, they were forced to deal with the outcome of his words.

  “I need to get out of here,” she said.

  “Maura! Wait!”

  “I can’t, Luke. I can’t do this.”

  With that she was gone. All he could do was watch as she raced away from him.

  Damn it!

  Luke dropped down on the couch in frustration. He wanted to scream, punch, and fight until she saw what he easily recognized as truth. Yet, now he knew it wouldn’t be that easy.

  He had just lost the war.

  It was over. The woman he wholeheartedly loved was on the run. Once more, Lucas Mars had lost the most important battle of his life.

  His heart was gone.


  And in pieces.

  Only this time, no one could put it back together again.

  Except Maura…

  * * * C a r t e r C h r o n i c l e s * * *

  The next one was already picked.

  There would just be the implementation of the plan. Before they knew it, he too would be dead.

  A part of the plan had been to make it look like an accident, but there was no point anymore.

  The FBI knew.

  The military knew.

  The only person who wasn’t aware was the victim.

  Oh, he thought himself untouchable, but that was nothing more than lies and false reassurance. He was guilty just like the rest of them, and now he would have to suffer just as much. In fact, since the jig was up, there was no point in pretending.

  They would understand because a calling card would be left. If the military and FBI figured it out, then they would see who was best at outthinking the enemy.

  It was time.

  The next victim’s death was upon them.

  He was a sinner and needed to pay.

  Just because he called himself hero, didn't make it true.

  Death wasn’t choosy.

  In the end, justice had to be done.

  * * * C a r t e r C h r o n i c l e s * * *

  Friday Morning

  It had been a long drive back to Nate’s condo, but Callie had safely made it. When she arrived, the men were still up waiting for her. In fact, her husband was pacin
g like a caged tiger.

  Then, he saw the gun.

  Callie thought he was going to lose his mind. Each of them knew her dislike for weapons of any kind.

  Getting shot and nearly dying could do that to a person.

  Before Quinn could open his mouth and tell her she was going home, she stopped him. Fortunately for Quinn, he was able to control his temper. It had taken two years, but she was proud that he simply swallowed his anger and said nothing.

  He was learning, even as he ran his hands through his sun kissed hair in frustration.

  Instead of working, they opted to get some sleep. All three of them knew that it was going to be a long day, and no one saw the purpose of running themselves into the ground.

  Callie didn't doubt that they did it for her. Already, she was being treated differently because of the pregnancy.

  Well, there was nothing she could do about it. This was the way her husband behaved. Deep down, Quinn was raised to be a gentleman, and he would keep his wife safe. Callie had learned not to fight it.

  All night, she could feel him tossing and turning by her side. Obviously, he wasn’t sleeping. When morning finally came and Callie pulled from sleep, Quinn was out cold.


  She could sneak downstairs and avoid a conversation that she really wasn’t in the mood to have. Pulling on her clothes, Callie tied her long black curls back and prepared to face the day. Clipping the sidearm on, she felt weird wearing it. The truth be told, she was a doctor and most of her time was spent inside an office.

  It wasn’t that Callie didn't like playing detective.

  She did.

  It was just that over time, her heart couldn’t handle the death anymore.

  By heart, she meant her Quinn.

  Callie hated hurting him, so it was more prudent for her to do what she did best. Help people and solve things from paper. If this case wasn’t personal, there was no doubt she’d be sitting in her office analyzing Feds.

  After what happened in Myrtle Springs, Quinn had suffered a great deal. It took him weeks to bounce back from that, and his overprotectiveness had quadrupled.

  Yeah, Callie was almost positive that once they returned home, he was going to be off his game.

  It was inevitable.

  In the kitchen, Callie found her brother was up and having coffee. Grabbing a cup, she dropped a kiss to his cheek before taking a seat.

  “How are you?” he asked, glancing up from the autopsy report that Callie had brought back with her.

  “I’m good,” she offered.

  “A gun, huh?”

  She laughed. “Yeah, Elizabeth told me I had to carry it. I guess that I’ll get to school you men once more.”

  Nate was torn. Callie was an excellent shot, but her wearing a weapon made him wary. It reminded him of incidents past.

  Okay, it freaked him out.

  “The big guy is likely going to lose it,” she stated, sipping her coffee.

  “Yeah, I can tell.”

  Nate decided to cut her a break. “So, you’re the profiler. How do you want to run this one?”

  “I’m going to need all their financial reports and phone records. Do you think you can get a warrant and get them sent to us?” she asked.

  “I can do that.”

  “Good. I talked to Elizabeth, and she also thinks that it’s tied to the victims. I need to work out how, and that means following the small details.”

  Just then, Quinn wandered in. “Morning,” he muttered, heading to the coffeepot.

  They both watched him. It was hard to miss how cranky and tired he looked. His face was still covered with five o’clock shadow, and it appeared it wasn’t going to be going away.

  “What are you talking about?” he asked, ignoring the gun strapped to his wife’s hip. If he thought too much about it, surely, he would lose his mind.

  Or do something stupid. Over the last two years, he’d invested a small fortune in flowers for his wife. They had a garden that could rival those of some fanciful estate. He screwed up, and his credit card paid the price.

  “Work,” Nate said.

  Callie had an idea. “How about we play divide and conquer today?”

  Quinn stared at her over the rim of his coffee mug. “No.” It was said so firmly, that he hoped she understood there was no room for negotiation.

  She continued anyway, “You can relax, big guy. I was thinking that you and Nate could do the face to face interviews, and I can hang out at his office to start going through any reports which come in. I’ll go through the phone and financials. You two can deal with the victims’ families.”

  With her suggestion, Quinn was a much happier man. This meant that his wife would be safe.

  That he could live with.

  “I like that idea,” Quinn stated, grinning at his wife. “I’m going to go take a shower and get ready.” When he wiggled his eyebrows at her, she got the message.

  When he was gone, Nate started laughing. “You made that too easy on him. You didn't even make him suffer at all,” he stated. “You could have played that up, big time. I would have.”

  “Karma, Nate. One day, you’re going to fall in love and be on the receiving end of pain.” Besides, Callie hated seeing Quinn worked up. The man had a huge soft heart, and she promised the day she married him that he would be safe.

  “I wouldn’t bet on that. I’m married to the FBI. She’s my bitch, or maybe I’m hers.”

  Callista shook her head. “Time will tell, but all I know is that when you love someone, you don’t torment the hell out of them,” she stated. “It’s bad for marriage, and any other relationships.”

  Nate laughed even more. “I happen to disagree on that one. I love you a great deal, but I derive so much pleasure from teasing you,” he admitted.

  Callie stared at him.

  “What? At least I’m being honest.”

  Standing, Callie took her coffee mug and headed for the stairs.

  “Where are you going?” Nate called after her.

  “I’m going to go get soapy and naked with my husband in your very large spacious shower.”

  “WHAT!” he said, jumping up from his chair. “I just told you that was the one place you couldn’t fornicate in my house! It’s like neutral territory! I have women over and do it in there!”

  Callie laughed from the stairs. When she glanced over her shoulder, Nate looked grossed out.

  Newsflash. She didn't exactly like picturing him in some wet, soapy romp either.

  “You were right. It seems that I derive pleasure from tormenting the people I love too. It must be genetic.”

  He stared with his mouth hanging open.

  “Well, shit!” he muttered.

  Callie couldn’t help herself. She laughed all the way to the shower. Score one for her against half the men in her life. At least she’d won this minor battle.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I t was funny. Never before had she minded waking alone in bed, but now Maura was having a hard time with it. For the last few nights, she’d been curled wantonly against Luke. Now that he was gone, she missed it.

  When she stormed out last night, she didn't mean to hurt his feelings but obviously she did. When she entered the bedroom, closing the door behind her, it must have signaled that she wanted to be alone which was the opposite of the truth.

  What Maura really wanted was for him to find and tell her that it was going to be all right. At that moment, she needed his calm reassurance while her life felt out of control. Everything happening around her was new.

  The feelings.

  The fear.

  The worries.

  Despite him being the cause of her angst, she needed him. There was that deep need growing in her to be with the man. So much had changed in so little time between them. It was ironic. She was the Marine who faced down scary things, but at that moment, he was the stronger one.

  Lucas Mars had weaseled his way into her life and cemented himself as her rock.

  There was no doubt that it took courage to say what he did.

  She was envious.

  Maura didn't have the strength. While she was focused and mighty at work, in her personal life she was terrified. If she let herself feel, there was always the chance that her heart would be broken.

  Damn it!

  Why was this so difficult?

  When Luke told her how he felt, why was it her first instinct to run away? To bolt like a child in terror?

  Obviously, it had hurt him, and she was paying the price by being in bed alone.

  Climbing out from beneath the covers, Maura knew there was only one thing to do. She needed to face her fears, be honest, and go from there. Her behavior was unbecoming for a Marine and a woman who had deep feelings for her FBI protector.

  After everything that was going on, Luke never turned his back on her. When she showed up at his place, he didn't kick her out, despite it being the one thing he should have done.

  Instead, he took her in.

  Cared about her.

  Guarded her.

  Yes, she not only owed him, but Maura owed herself this one shot at happiness. There was no way that she could live with being dishonest about her emotions. It was time to heal his heart and possibly hers at the same time.

  Exiting the room, she expected to find him asleep on the couch. When she didn't, her heart began pounding. It would serve her right if he left her there alone. After what she pulled, walking away from him, there was no one more deserving.

  Could she blame him?

  At that moment, she would probably do the same thing had the situation been reversed.

  Heading toward the small kitchen, Maura found a piece of paper sitting on the counter addressed to her. There was no doubt in her mind what it would say. This was going to be his goodbye, where he told her that she was too much to handle.

  That he gave up.

  That he quit.

  Hadn’t she heard that before in her life?

  Men liked women who weren’t pigheaded, stubborn, and gung-ho. They wanted to come home at night to a gentle creature who would be the perfect partner. She was none of that and she knew it. The worst characteristics that shamed her were a lethal combination in the dating world. Maybe that was why she hid behind her job for the last few years.


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