RUIN (Kenshaw Legacy Book 1)

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RUIN (Kenshaw Legacy Book 1) Page 6

by Piper Frost

  “You want one?” Gray asks his sister when he returns with my beer.

  “Yeah, please. Bet our Saturday nights are way better than what you used to do with your friends from your old school, Fenton.”

  “Uh.” I chuckle and skim the area for my brother, seeing he’s with Bonny and a few other guys from JV. “Yeah. People at my old school weren’t so laid back. Lots of fights. It was getting pretty annoying.”

  “Know who wasn’t annoying?” Kirby appears in front of us and I lean back, not expecting him to pop up out of nowhere. “Sterling’s ex girlfriend. Abigail Koster. Hot. H. O. T. Hot. Head of the cheerleading squad and one bad B.”

  I glare at him until I hear Paige make a noise and her hand stops moving in those light circles.

  “You guys break up or something?” Paige asks, staring at Kirby’s shoes.

  “Uh, yeah,” I grumble, annoyed Kirby even brought her up. And the fact he knows who she is is even more annoying. “Yeah, sort of. She just stopped talking to me when I moved here.”

  “’Cause she started to fuck that one dude. What’s his name? The one that knocked up your principal’s daughter?” Kirby says through laughter.

  “I don’t know,” I mutter my lie. I know who he’s talking about and he’s not lying. But I don’t care. Everyone in that school was fake.

  “Yeah you do. I heard you cried when you walked in on her cheating on you with him.” He’s laughing hard now and I cock my eyebrow because that didn’t happen.

  “She didn’t cheat on me.” Feeling Paige slightly drift away I realize that doesn’t matter. “Dude, why do you know so much about my old school?” I glare at him, wondering where he’s getting all this information and what he knows about me.

  “My cousin goes there.” He shrugs before wandering away.

  I want to tackle him for making Paige move away from me.

  “Small world,” I mumble and glance at her.

  “Hey, I’ll be right back.” She hops up and takes her beer, jogging over to the group of cheerleaders keeping warm by the fire.

  “How’s it goin’, man?” Gray sits on the log his sister was just on and I scoot away so I’m not so close to him.

  “Cool.” I nod watching Paige. “My brother’s not being annoying over there, is he?” I try to chuckle but I’m annoyed Kirby did that.

  “Nah, he’s fine. He’s keeping Leena and her friends company.” He falls silent for a moment as we watch the people moving around the fire. “Hey, so I know you’re cool and all, and you like my sister and all, but it’s my duty as big brother to kick your ass if you hurt her. You know that, right?”

  “Dude.” I chuckle. “I’m just her friend. Nothing else. Nothing to kick my ass over.” The fire holds my attention and I hope he gets the hint that I don’t want to have this conversation.

  I shouldn’t have asked her to the dance. I shouldn’t even be thinking about her as much as I do, because it’s only going to cause more problems than I already have.

  “Okay, sure.” He laughs and stands, stretching and tossing his bottle to the ground. “Just...yeah. Alright, enough of that. Another beer bong?”

  “No, I’m cool.” He stares at me a minute and when he wanders away I look toward Paige. She’s always smiling or laughing but I think Kirby scared her away and that pisses me off. I give it a few minutes then get to my feet. I should go over to Gray and the guys and do a few more beer bongs, but I pick up a bottle of blueberry schnapps and head toward Paige. “Hey, uh.” I lift the bottle and the other girls start to giggle like it’s their cue. “Let’s drink this.”

  “Oh,” she says, looking at me as she slowly grins. “Yeah, okay. You wanna...?” She motions towards the lake. “Maybe get away from this?”

  I glance at her friends that are huddled together and watching us and then I look toward the lake. Anything to get away from them.

  “Yeah. I’ll race you,” I offer and wait a second for her to get a head start and lead the way.

  I run up behind her, stopping just short of crashing into her when she abruptly stops then cowers like I’m going to hit her. Laughing I jog around her and open the bottle of alcoholic sugar, cringing.

  “Here we go.” I take a drink then pass it to her, glancing back toward the calm lake.

  “How bad is it? I’ve never had this type.” She brings the bottle to her lips and tips it back, then swallows and immediately cringes. “Oh my god.” Coughing, her hand covers her mouth. “Wow.”

  “Tastes like Kool Aid.” I laugh and take the bottle back when she hands it to me then take another swig. “Do you come out here every weekend?”

  “Pretty much. It’s the perfect hang out spot where our parents aren’t breathing down our necks. Plus there’s a pretty cool little cabin house thing close by that’s neat to crash in if we have too much to drink.” She picks up a rock and throws it at the water, watching it skip three times. “I love it out here.”

  “I can’t picture your dad not comin’ to look for y’all.” I chuckle. “Do you guys have a curfew or anything?”

  “Oh yeah.” She laughs then takes another drink. There’s less of a cringe this time and she follows with another drink before handing it back. “My dad’s pretty strict with the whole curfew thing, too. But I’ll tell him I’m staying the night at a friend’s house and he won’t come looking. I told him I’m staying at Shae’s house tonight. So I don’t have a curfew.”

  I stare at her a minute and I don’t know what her gaze is suggesting but the memory of her announcing she’s a virgin pops into my head.

  “That’s cool. He ever catch you guys out here drinking?” I take another drink, trying to get the idea out of my head that she was suggesting something she probably wasn’t.

  “No. We’ll clean up before heading out and Bobby drops the trash bags off behind the bar in town on his way home usually.” She sighs and kicks off her sandals, stepping closer to the water before looking back at me. “Why? You scared of getting caught?”

  “Uh.” I laugh and move closer to her, stepping up behind her. “Kind of. I don’t really want to piss your dad off. I need that job.” I reach around her to hand her the bottle, letting sugary alcohol guide me a little closer to her.

  “That the only reason you don’t want to piss him off?” She leans back into me after taking the bottle and bringing it to her lips.

  “Well.” I rest my chin on her head, taking a second to figure out what her hair smells like. It doesn’t come so I chuckle. “He’s also Brandt Kenshaw. You guys are kinda famous, if you know anything about farming. And isn’t your cousin Bo Hart’s son? Like the famous bull rider that got paralyzed?”

  “He’s not paralyzed,” she snorts. “But yeah, that’s him. I mean, I get it. My family’s kind of intimidating.” She spins, her hands making their way around my back while she looks up at me. “But that can’t be the only reason you don’t want to make my dad mad.”

  She’s fishin’, but Paige Kenshaw isn’t going to be my girlfriend. Her and Abigail are very different, but I don’t need a girlfriend here. And especially not a Kenshaw.

  “Respect. And I don’t want your dad or your uncle to beat my ass.” I grin down at her and lift my hand to touch her face. If I weren’t buzzed right now, I probably wouldn’t do this. “Maybe I kinda like you too.” I lean down and right before I kiss her, our faces smack together and we fall into the water. I whip around and see my brother laughing his ass off after he pushed us in, but before I pummel him, I quickly pull Paige out of the water. “Shit. I’m so sorry.” I rub my chin that I know hit her face. “Are you okay?”

  Sutton’s still laughing and if he didn’t get it enough from our dad, I'd beat his ass.

  “Yeah.” Paige giggles, wringing her hair out. “It’s fine. It was kind of nice cooling off like that.” She huffs and groans, then grabs the bottle of Schnapps and takes a huge drink then points at my brother. “It’s on.”

  “Oh shit!” He’s laughing his ass off and takes off running.
She acts like she’s going to chase him but stops and hands me the bottle.

  “Paige, I'm really sorry about that.” She’s soaking wet and I feel like an idiot I said what I did then didn’t get to kiss her.

  “It’s fine. I have a ton of little siblings, I know they can be annoying.” She’s still smiling and trying not to look annoyed that she’s soaked. “I can always run home for a new outfit, but that’d look suspicious since I’m not supposed to be out here right now.” She shakes her head and water droplets go flying. “Sorry, but I’m going to look like a drowned rat all night now.”

  “No you’re not.” I laugh and take the bottle. The drink goes down smooth, like drinking a juice box. My eyes drift to the water and I shrug, kicking off my shoes and yanking off my wet socks. With a glance her way, I smirk. “Fuck it. Want to swim?” I’m already halfway to pulling my shirt off because I’m going in no matter what.

  She quirks an eyebrow and glances back at the others by the bonfire. She’s going to say no. She won’t get in the water with me with her friends and brother watching. But then...then she grips the hem of her tank top and pulls it over her head, her eyes sparkling as she looks at me. It’s instinct to look at her bra, but I make it quick, still able to store the way she looks in the turquoise lace. Her shorts are next; she kicks them off to land in a wet pile next to my clothes before grabbing the bottle then jumping in the water with a shriek of laughter.

  “Water feels great, what are you waiting for?” She takes another drink and sighs, floating on her back.

  I look down at my jeans then glance back toward the fire. No one seems to notice we’re down here so I quickly pull them off and run into the water before Paige sees my dick’s hard for her. It shouldn’t be. I shouldn’t want her like this because it can’t go anywhere.

  “Good call.” I laugh when she lifts the bottle in the air for me. Wading over, I take it and drink a few gulps in a row, keeping my eyes on her.

  I’ve probably already drank too much, but it's giving me the courage I wouldn’t have sober. Not that I need courage to get with a girl, but I don’t usually put myself on display when other people are around. People talking about me makes me angry and a little paranoid, and people talking about me with a Kenshaw will make this worse

  “Do you want some?” I grab her wrist and pull her closer to me as she floats away.

  Giggles float from her mouth and I want to kiss her to make her laugh more. With eyes closed, she reaches for the bottle I hand over, then she drinks it, still floating in circles with the water and the buzz of alcohol.

  “You’re different." Finally her blue eyes open and she rights herself, hitting me with a look I can’t place.

  “Why?” The water pulls me closer to her.

  “For starters, you actually want to hear what I have to say. Like you care or something, which is weird.” She laughs. “And I don't know. You’re mysterious. And...nice?” The way her nose scrunches makes me want to kiss it. This girl makes my head spin, or maybe it’s the alcohol, but I think it has more to do with the girl. “It’s a good thing, I promise."

  “I don’t know about all that.” I rub the back of my neck, wanting to move away. Get away from her. I’m not mysterious, I’m simple, but to her, I can see why she thinks that and that’s the reason I should leave her alone. “I do care what you have to say. What’s the point of talking if no one’s listening?” I may want to get away from her, but my body doesn’t, so I move closer, my eyes tracing the curve of her shoulders that meet the water as it hides everything else.

  “Exactly,” she whispers, pushing her hair to one side and wringing it out. “You’re more than that, though. You’re quiet where all the other boys around here are loud and obnoxious. You’re respectful when they’re going around making fart noises and blaming it on the girls they like.” She shrugs and smirks, pushing a little closer to me. “So like I said, different is better.”

  I’m not innocent from being immature sometimes. “Maybe I’m more of a man than most guys you get attention from.” Don’t say that. Reaching out, I grab her waist and pull her against me. Don’t do that. She’ll know exactly how much of a man I am if she shifts just the slightest.

  “What’s your middle name?” Her eyes shift to my chest and I’m not sure she realizes she’s biting her lip right now but I’d like to bite it for her.

  “Michael.” I stare at her mouth, my fingertips softly making circles at her waist.

  “Favorite color?” she whispers, her eyes looking up at me. Her hands slide up my arms and wrap around my neck slowly like she’s not sure she should be doing it but she’s going with it anyway.

  “The color of your hair.” I smirk and her smile widens.

  “Smooth.” She giggles. “What lies ahead after high school?”

  “What’re your plans?” I chuckle and let the bottle sink to the bottom of the lake so I can wrap my arms around her. A small gasp squeaks from her when I pull her against me and her eyes widen, a smirk slowly lifting on her lips.

  “I like to live in the moment,” she whispers. Her fingers push through my hair and move to massage my neck.

  “Then let’s seize the day.” I can’t stop grinning. I’m putting it on a little thick, but I’m drunk and I’d do anything to keep that smile on her face. My head tilts and I lean in for a third time. Third time’s always a charm.

  “Fuck you!” someone screams and a bomb of water explodes, shoving us farther out into the lake and separating us.

  There is no charm that’s working in my favor tonight. Probably for the best. I need to leave all of these damn Kenshaws alone. I laugh and wipe off my face, watching as Kirby grabs her and tries to throw her. Diving down, I feel around for the bottle and come up with my treasure. I guess I can get wasted and still have fun tonight.

  “Fuck you think you’re doing, Sterling?” Kirby laughs at me. “She’s a virgin. She ain’t gonna give it up to you.” He’s mocking me, laughing like I’m an idiot for even trying, but that’s not what I was trying for. I just wanted a kiss.

  “Shut up, Kirby,” I grumble, heading toward shore.

  “I’m all for Sterling taking my sister to homecoming, but how about we don’t talk about her sex life in front of me? Kay?” Gray tosses his shirt on the rocks and strips down before jumping in, making Paige scream.

  “You guys suck!” She splashes water at Kirby. “Leave my sex life alone.”

  “Lack of sex life, little sis,” Gray says, then makes a fake gag noise. “You can keep it that way, too.” He smirks at her and she growls, splashing water toward him before swimming to the middle of the lake.

  “Whenever you’re ready to take care of that problem.” Kirby drapes his arm over her shoulders and I grit my teeth. He jokes around a lot and he’s usually funny. But him touching her, and the fact I know he’s not joking because I’ve heard him talking about her in the locker rooms before, it pisses me off.

  “Never.” She blurts, shoving him and diving under water. When she comes up she’s less than a foot away and her eyes hit mine briefly. “He’s just pissed I’m not a whore. But I mean, I’m not a prude. I’m just focused. I’m at the top of our class and if I got pregnant or something because I made a stupid mistake I’d be so pissed. Plus, that’s like...special. Really damn special. And like I said, the guys here have all sucked. They’re...they’re...” She’s flustered and rambling so I stop her.

  “Whoa, hey.” With a chuckle I step closer. “You don’t have to explain yourself to anyone, or have a reason why you do what you do. Here.” I hand her the bottle. “Drink this and keep smiling.”

  “I’m already too drunk,” she mumbles but takes the bottle anyway. After a sip, she floats on her back.

  Moving closer, I want to wrap my arms around her, but don’t. “What’s your middle name?” I quietly ask her, lightly pressing a poke into her stomach.

  “Marie,” she says, eyes closed. She manages to float so close to me her hand reaches around my back to stabilize he
rself. “I hate it.”

  “It’s not a big deal.” I reach into the water and slide my fingers in her hair. “You have a favorite color?” I whisper, not wanting anyone else to hear us, but they’re not that far, trying to dunk each other.

  “You expect me to say pink?” She opens one eye and looks up at me. “Because it’s not.” Her eyes close again and she smiles. “It’s green. Like your eyes.”

  “Smooth,” I mimic what she said to me and this time nothing’s going to stop me. I bend to get to her lips until my footing is pulled out from under me and I scream, going under.

  Coughing up lungs full of the water I just inhaled, I surface. I give up. I need to leave her alone. The universe has put up every roadblock possible each time I try to get closer but I’m done. As I trudge out of the water, I open the bottle and finish the last of it. I shouldn’t have done that, but why’d I have to get interested in a Kenshaw?

  I watch him storm out of the lake and pull his jeans back on. He leaves the shirt off which is fine with me. The guy’s hot. Way hotter than what I’m used to seeing. Not saying these other guys around here aren’t good looking, but Fenton has a more mature vibe to him. That just makes him sexier.

  “Why are you guys picking on him?” I hiss at Kirby who’s laughing so hard he’s got tears in his eyes.

  “Fenton!” he hollers but Fenton doesn’t come back. “New kid.” He shrugs. “We gotta haze him. Besides, you don’t need to mess around with him. He ditched his other girlfriend out of nowhere. No one knows why he moved to our school. Don’t need you getting your heart broken.” He tries to swim closer but I push away.

  “It’s not your place to tell me who I should be messing around with,” I snap, splashing him again, and head out of the lake. I grab Fenton’s t-shirt and pull it over my head then shove my feet in my sandals.

  “Put your damn pants on!” Gray yells and I flip him the bird before making my way to find Fenton. It’s not too hard of a task, there aren’t too many places around here he could hide without heading out in to the surrounding woods. “Hey,” I say, walking up to his side as he stares at the fire. “They’re all a bunch of assholes.”


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