RUIN (Kenshaw Legacy Book 1)

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RUIN (Kenshaw Legacy Book 1) Page 8

by Piper Frost

  At this point Gray’s snorting in laughter, almost rolling on the ground. “She scared the piss out of you!” He cackles and I grin.

  “Was your mom really in prison?” Fenton whispers, looking between us like he’s pissing himself.

  “Would it matter if I said yes?”

  “I mean...yeah.” Fenton finally starts to laugh. “If she went to prison for murder. Definitely, ‘cause she looked like she wanted to murder me. She said she’s going to punch my Adam’s apple out of my throat.” He rubs the defined knot in his throat that I often stare at.

  Grinning wide, I start to laugh at the terrified look on his face. “My mom’s never been to prison. At least not that I know of. And she’s got mean words but I’ve never seen her hurt any living thing. So I think you’re okay.”

  He watches Gray walk away, who is still laughing, then looks at me and smiles. “I feel like that could have gone better. She came out here pissed off. She was just waving at me through the window.” He points. “What’d you tell her about me?” His eyebrow raises in question and he looms toward me with a smirk.

  “That we were just friends.” I take a small step back. “Isn’t that what you said? You only wanted to be friends?” I grin at him and plant my hands on my hips.

  When he takes another step forward, I take another step back. “Your dad’s thrilled we’re just friends.” Another step. “Your mom didn’t seem happy about it. Why is that?” His steps get wider and I scurry backward, trying not to laugh.

  “Who knows! She’s crazy!” He keeps following me until I’m blocked in by the porch at my back. “She’s nuts. Woman’s certifiably insane.” I look up into his eyes and hold back a sigh. My favorite green.

  “So you’re swearing on your pom poms you didn’t tell her anything about me?” He’s still grinning and steps even closer now. The toes of his boots touching mine and I can smell him. Usually Gray smells like he showered in sweat but Fenton only smells

  “Like what? I want to screw around with you in the best ways possible?” It comes out of my mouth and I smirk at the look on his face as he registers my words. Before he can process and respond, I wink at him. “Don’t worry, I don’t talk to my mom about that type of stuff.”

  “So you won’t tell her if I kiss you right now?” His hand reaches toward the house to pin me there and he leans closer, waiting for my answer.

  “Fenton!” I hear my dad bellow his name and my heart rate spikes.

  Before I know what I’m doing I’m shoving him so far back he almost falls on his ass. “Shit!” I squeak. “Sorry!” Bolting inside, I slam my bedroom door behind me and fall back against it.

  My heart feels like it’s going to hammer out of my chest and I’m not sure if it’s from him almost kissing me or us almost getting caught by my dad. And by the way, this whole being interrupted every time he’s about to kiss me thing is really getting old.

  My bedroom door flings open and my mom’s standing in the doorway glaring at me. I stare at her, waiting for it but she cracks a smile. “I think he likes you, Paige.” She walks into my room, kicking my door closed. “Maybe you’re giving mixed signals. You just ran away when a cute boy tried to kiss you!” My mom’s giggling like we’re on the cheerleading squad together.

  “Dad was yelling for him! You already scared the crap out of him by threatening bodily harm,” I laugh. “Could you imagine if dad caught him?” I groan and lay back on my bed. “I like him.”

  “I know you like him, baby.” She lays level with me, her fingers sliding through my hair. “And I think he likes you, but yeah, it’s probably best Dad doesn’t catch wind of that yet. You know what? Just stay you, Paige. You don’t need to be kissing boys until you’re ready. Everyone loves you.” She kisses my forehead.

  “Yeah,” I huff. “Thanks, mom. So you’ll still take me dress shopping on Saturday.”

  “I’m more excited than a pig in shit.” She pokes at my stomach and I groan.

  “Wow, okay.” I roll over and sit up. “So on that note, I actually do have homework to finish.”

  I head back out to the table and by the time I’m there the boys are long gone from working on the fence by the window and on to another project. Homework takes me longer than usual because my mind’s so busy wondering what he’s doing now or who he’s with. It’s almost midnight before I’m in bed and yet my mind is still buzzing. I liked that today. A lot more than I probably should, but I really liked it. Him. I really like him.

  I hit the lights and lie down and as soon as my head lands on my the pillow a new text comes through on my phone.

  FENTON: Did you think of colors yet? I at least need to get a corsage that matches your dress

  I smirk, biting my lip.

  PAIGE: Hot pink too girly? What about green. I like green.

  FENTON: I don’t have anything green. But I do have a hot pink tie. Let’s stick with green though. Maybe you can send me a picture of your dress when you get it. Or like just the color so I have an idea of what color green. You talkin’ camo green?

  Oh god.

  PAIGE: No camo. That's where I draw the line. Unless it’s pink camo. ; ) I have a better idea. Silver. I think you’d look good in a silver tie.

  I think he’d look good in anything, but definitely silver with a black suit. Yum.

  FENTON: Whatever you want. I’m gonna make this the best date you’ve ever been on

  I skip telling him that it's the first real date I've ever been on. Don’t want to scare him away. I mean, I’ve been with guys, done things with them, but I’ve never had a boyfriend.

  PAIGE: That’s a mighty big statement. But I feel like you’re up for the challenge. I’m excited!

  FENTON: Me too. I got a little more homework to do so I better get to it. But if I don’t get to kiss you soon, I’m transferring schools. ; ) Night. Sweet Dreams

  PAIGE: Night <3

  I squeal, smiling like a crazy person and hug my phone, kicking my feet out in front of me. Fenton Sterling is taking me to the dance, coordinating colors with me, and wants to kiss me. Maybe as badly as I’ve wanted him to kiss me.

  The next morning we stop to grab Fenton on the way to school since it’s about to start pouring down rain any minute. I could get used to this routine of seeing him so much, and I’m happy it isn’t weird around Gray.

  “You guys decide where you’re going to dinner before the dance?” Gray asks on the way to school.

  “Not yet. I think it’s a surprise.” I grin, knowing he doesn’t want to tell me because he wants everything to be perfect for the night.

  “That’s so sweet.” My brother pretend gags then starts to laugh. “You ready for the game tonight, man?” He looks over at Fenton who’s staring out the side window. “Dude?”

  Fenton finally looks when I nudge him with my leg. “Yeah, cool.” He’s got a fake smile on his face, but he wasn’t listening to a word we said.

  “You okay?’ I ask, pushing my leg against him when I shift to face him.

  “Yeah. Fine.” That fake smile is gone but the worry on his face is worse. “Tonight’s game will be fun in the downpour. It’s supposed to rain all day.” He finally chuckles and glances at me and Gray.

  “A shit ton of sliding around in the mud with no footing to save our lives,” Gray says, laughing. “You ever played in the mud before? It’s crazy and hard as hell.”

  “Yeah. We’ve had a game or two in those conditions.” He seems to be drifting off into his own world again but when Gray parks, he gets out and holds a book up, using it to help block me from the sprinkling rain.

  I tuck next to him as we walk into the building, enjoying his protection, but even more enjoying the fact that he thought of me. Gray took off in a run ahead of us so he didn’t get soaked, but it doesn’t bother me. I’m with Fenton...not much bothers me when we’re together.

  “Thanks.” I grin, shifting my backpack on my back when we get inside. He shakes the water out of his hair and slides the wet book back
into his bag. “See you at lunch?” I want to walk to class together but we’re on the opposite sides of the building and we’re already running late.

  “Uh, yeah.” He moves to walk away, but quickly turns back. “Hey, Paige?” When I face him, he wraps his arms around me and hugs me for at least a minute straight. “Thanks.” He smiles. “See ya later.”

  I watch him, frozen in place, until the tardy bell rings. Damn. Late again.

  “Sorry!” I blurt, rushing into class. I’m out of breath and a mess of confusion from that hug. He’s supposed to kiss me. Or at least I thought he wanted to...but who hugs someone for that long? And why the heck was he thanking me?

  “Third time this week,” Mrs. Roseman says, shaking her head. “Get it together or it’ll be lunch detention for you, Miss Kenshaw.”

  I sink into my seat. I’ve never had a lunch detention and I can’t start now. But ever since I’ve been hanging around Fenton I’ve forgotten to be worried about things like being on time to class. And that’s not a good thing.

  “Sorry, ma’am,” I mutter, opening my textbook. I hear the people whispering, probably talking about me, and I try not to care but it annoys me. Why do they care if I’m two minutes late to class?

  That night I go to the game with Shae since we went home after school together. Fenton’s been weirdly distant all day and I hope he’s not pulling away. Maybe it’s just him getting ready for the game tonight.

  “Hey.” I jog up to him and Gray. “Good luck tonight. At least the rain stopped, right?” I smile wide at them and Gray nods, then shoves his helmet on and runs to Grant. “You're gonna do great,” I say to Fenton who won’t look at me. God, am I being desperate?

  “It’s slippery out there,” he says like he’s talking to a boring adult or something. What’s his problem?

  “Yeah.” I cross my arms in front of me, glancing back at the cheer team prepping for the pregame. “You still going home this weekend?”

  He looks at me and when I smile at him, he smiles. “Yeah. But I’ll be at the ranch tomorrow beforehand.”

  “Cool. I’ll be out there working for a bit. Maybe my dad will let us work together.” Stupid, Paige. My dad’s not that dumb.

  His eyes light up a little. “I wouldn’t mind your company.”

  “Sterling! Leave the girls alone and get your ass in gear!” Grant yells at him.

  I watch him jog to the field and sigh. I know he likes me. At least I think he does. I wish I knew what’s going on with him today, though.

  The boys are good in the mud but not as good as the other team and in the end, when we’re thirteen behind, Grant pulls them off the field for a time-out. I watch them from our spot and see the sweat and mud caked on Fenton’s face and can’t help but grin. He looks good covered in it.

  "You're staring,” Shae whispers, nudging me with her hip.

  “I can’t help it,” I say, laughing. “He’s so cute!”

  “I can’t believe he asked you to the dance. I mean, yes I can. Half the guys at this school asked you, you just turned them all down.”

  “I don’t want to go with someone as friends. That’s lame.”

  “So he’s definitely more than a friend?” She leans into me and giggles.

  “Maybe. Hopefully. Soon maybe.” I don’t know, actually. He still hasn’t even kissed me! And today he’s being super weird and distant and it shows in the way the team’s coming together tonight.

  They struggle the entire game just to keep up but it’s no use and I feel terrible for the guys. They’re a mess and Grant’s pissed that they lost against a lesser team.

  “You guys still played good,” I say to Gray and Fenton in the truck on the way home. The rain started about ten minutes ago so Gray had to force Fenton to let us give him a ride.

  “Still lost,” Gray grumbles.

  “Dude, I’m sorry about your seat.” Fenton says, looking back at the mud him and Gray are both smearing cross the bench.

  “Not the worst thing that’s been on these seats,” Gray says, then laughs.

  “Gross,” I mumble, trying to stay still between them because unlike them, I’m not covered in mud and don’t want to be.

  Fenton wipes his finger across a clump of mud then casually swipes it across my knee. I see him smirk, but he doesn’t say anything as he looks out the side window. I want to smear it on his cheek, but he’s already got mud there. He’s got mud everywhere. I don’t know why these two opted not to shower at the school, but Gray’s going to have a hell of a time cleaning his truck tomorrow.

  “You need a ride over in the morning, man?” Gray asks him when he parks in front of Fenton's house.

  “No. I’m good. Thanks.” He hops out then glances at me. “See you tomorrow.” He shoves the door closed and walks slowly to the house.

  “What’s his deal?” Gray mumbles. “You break up with him?”

  I spin and glare at him. “We’re not boyfriend girlfriend,” I snap, then shove the door open and take off after Fenton. “Hey, wait up!” The rain’s started again and I’m going to get soaked but something’s up and it’s driving me insane.

  “Paige, you’re gonna get soaked.” He lifts his helmet to try and protect me but it’s not helping.

  “Why are you being so weird?” I snap, shoving his helmet out of the way. I keep trying to look up at him but every time I move my face the rain hits and it’s coming down so hard it kind of hurts.

  “What do you mean?” He glances toward Gray’s truck.

  “Just a couple days ago you acted like you wanted to be my boyfriend, and now you’re acting like I’m an annoying little sister or something.” I throw my hands in the air. “It’s kind of exhausting worrying about what I did to make you act like this!”

  “It’s not you.” He steps closer to me, the rain coming down hard enough that when it bounces off him, it splashes muddy water onto me. “You’re not annoying. Or anything like my little sister.” He makes a face.

  “Do you not want to go to the dance with me? I get it if you regret giving in to Gray’s pressure.” I watch the rain hit him. My stomach’s in knots.

  “Don’t be like that.” He gently pushes my matted hair off my forehead. “That’s the only thing I’m looking forward to next weekend. Our date.” The smile on his face is making butterflies in my stomach.

  “The friends date?” I grin.

  “Yeah.” He chuckles. “That. I gotta get inside and call my dad.” He steps forward, then seems to change his mind. His eyes flash to Gray’s truck again. “Text me later?”

  “Sure.” I pause, but before he can move away, I wrap my arms around him and hug him. Tight.

  His arm wraps around me and his head briefly lands on top of mine. Did he just kiss my head?

  “You’re covered in mud now.” He chuckles before running toward the house.

  I am. And I don’t care.

  The door to the truck pops open and Gray rolls his eyes dramatically before throwing it in drive and heading home. He doesn’t say anything, thankfully. I’m not sure if I want my brother’s input on whatever’s going on between me and one of his friends.


  "I don’t want a pink dress, mom,” I mutter, searching through the racks for the perfect silver one.

  “What color do you have in mind? What about this?” She pulls a purple dress from the rack and holds it up.

  “Oh no. Nope.” I shake my head and try not to laugh. “You don’t even like that!”

  “I don’t know,” she mumbles, looking around. “Paige? Color? What color is Nice Abs wearing?”

  “His name is Fenton.” I grin. “And we’re going for silver. He said he’ll get a silver tie. I think it’d look good on him.” The rack of dresses hopefully hide the grin from my mom.

  “Silver? Yeah, that’ll be nice.” She’s staring at me but I won’t look up at her. “And what kind of dress were you thinking about? Long? Short? Sleeves? No sleeves?”

  “Uh, short and strapless.” I glance a
t the look on her face. “Because it’s hot.” I can feel my cheeks heating up. I’m not used to talking about boys with my mom.

  “Hot,” she repeats, knowing full well that’s not my only reason. “Wouldn’t want you to get heat stroke,” she mumbles and yanks a dress off the rack, holding it up. It’s short. It’s sleeveless. It’s the one.

  “It’s really cute. And feels like it’ll be comfortable.” I grab the price tag and cringe. “But it’s super expensive, mom.”

  “And grandma’s super rich.” She grins, taking the dress back. “Dressing room?”

  With a happy laugh, we head for the dressing room. And when I finally get the dress on, I feel...beautiful.

  “Oh wow,” I whisper, unable to stop looking in the mirror. “I’ve never had a dress like this.” I slide my hands down my body. It’s fitted perfectly. Like it was made for me.

  “Yeah,” my mom says, trying not to say much but I don’t think she likes it. My mom’s not used to me in dresses like this. My cheer outfit is possibly the most extravagant thing I wear. I like short shorts and tied shirts, but this is much different.

  “You like it?” I spin and look at her. “I won’t get it if you don’t like it. There are tons of dresses we haven’t gone through.”

  “Are you a virgin?” she blurts at me and my eyes go wide.

  “Yeah,” I whisper, glancing around the dressing room and praying no one else heard this conversation. “God, mom, I’m not a whore.”

  “That’s not how being a whore works, Paige. You’re not a whore if you’re not a virgin.” She grabs my arm and turns me in the mirror. “You look beautiful and I just know Fenton will think so too. And cute boys like cute girls. And.” She shakes her head then huffs. “I just don’t want you to think you have to sleep with Fenton for him to like you.”

  “I don’t,” I mutter. “I just... I want to feel pretty. Like, girly pretty. And I want him to think so, too.” In the mirror, the dress suddenly looks too tight and revealing. “It’s too much, isn’t it?”

  “No.” She’s staring at me with worry. “It’s not too much. You look pretty. So pretty. And he’ll think so too. Let’s find accessories.” I swear there’s a tear in her eye as she walks out of the dressing room.


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