It's Always the Duke: Historical Regency Romance

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It's Always the Duke: Historical Regency Romance Page 9

by Lisa Campell

  Edward wondered if Lord Wymore would feel the same way if he found out about his rakish ways. If he would still trust him with Caroline.

  I think not.

  Speaking of which, he hadn’t considered it before then, but it appeared his rakish ways had reached an abrupt end.

  He could not very well continue to bring different women into his home. Not with Caroline and Aunt Trudy present.

  That would pose a problem, of course. Nevertheless, he could find his way around it.

  He hated using the brothels, but he might have to resort to that. Perhaps he could secure additional lodging. A small townhouse in an inconspicuous part of London.

  Where he would meet with women.

  Ah… yes. That would do.

  “Brandon, there is something else I must tell you.”

  He left his thoughts as the viscount’s words echoed in his ears. His brows rose in question and he halted, seeing that Lord Wymore had stopped as well.

  “Oh?” he asked.

  Lord Wymore nodded. There was a moment’s silence as he sighed. Edward waited for him, pondering what the viscount had to say.

  Could it be?

  He disregarded the thought as soon as it came to him. Surely, Lord Wymore wouldn’t ask Edward to consider his daughter as a potential bride. Of course not.

  He had said himself only two nights before that he considered Edward and Caroline siblings.

  In all honesty, it had hurt a little to hear it, but Edward had accepted that it was for the best.

  Drawing in a deep breath, the viscount finally spoke. “I have promised Caroline to someone. He is a noble gentleman, such as yourself. Lord Jeremiah Whittaker, the Earl of—”

  “Clarendon,” Edward finished.

  It was as though he had been doused with icy water. Caroline was promised?

  “Oh, you know him?”

  “We have met briefly a small number of times at the gentleman’s club.”

  Edward didn’t like the earl. Whittaker was arrogant and petulant. He had also heard tales about Whittaker. None were pleasing to his ears.

  Did Lord Wymore not know of those tales? Or had he simply decided to not pay heed to them?

  From what Edward had heard, Whittaker was nothing like a gentleman—not truly. He certainly wasn’t noble either, save for the blue blood that flowed in his veins.

  How could Caroline be promised to such a man?

  “Ah. I see. What do you think of him? He is a good choice, is he not?” Lord Wymore asked.

  Edward did not know whether to speak his mind or not.

  For what it mattered, all that he had heard of the earl could be nothing but gossip, tell-tales made up by people with too much time on their hands.

  Truly, Edward didn’t know the earl personally; his impression of him could be wrong. It would certainly be unbecoming to speak ill of the man given the circumstance.

  Deciding to be as honest as he could be, Edward answered, “I cannot entirely say, as I do not know enough about him to have the right thoughts.”

  “Fair enough. I have known him for some time now. About four summers. He is a good lad, that he is. I know he will care for our Caroline.”

  A myriad of emotions threatened to overwhelm Edward.

  Confusion. Pain. Anger. Hurt. Sadness.

  It was what he had wanted, was it not? To see her happy with a man who would give her what he could never hope to.

  He had even told her he had hoped she would be married and suckling a child upon his return.

  So why did he want to confess his love to her father and ask for her hand in marriage? Why did he want to march down to Whittaker and challenge him to a duel for even daring to look at his woman?

  And why Whittaker? Of all the eligible bachelors in London, why couldn’t it be someone else? Someone like Nathaniel, whom Edward would less begrudgingly lose her to, knowing without a doubt in his heart that the gentleman would be good to her?

  “It appears she’s had a successful Season even before beginning,” he finally said, forcing a smile to his face.

  Lord Wymore’s happiness was glaring. It aggravated Edward all the more.

  “Precisely! Oh, you have no inkling how much happiness I feel but someday, you shall. You will take a wife soon and will have a daughter of your own. Then you will come to realize the joy of a parent in seeing his child settled into her new home.”

  Edward winced as he heard those words. He would never have that life. He would never understand.

  “I shall do well to give Miss Caroline my congratulations.”

  Lord Wymore immediately sobered. “Perhaps you shouldn’t. At least not yet. She’s taking her time to accept it.”

  Edward’s eyes widened. So, the viscount would force her into marriage without her consent?

  “She does not approve of him?” he asked, trying his best to hide his true feelings.

  Lord Wymore shook his head. “Unfortunately, no. She believes him to be evil.” He laughed. It was a small one full of nerves. “I made her understand that the earl was not such a man. Still, you know how she can be, our Caroline, wild and stubborn. I was hoping she would become more of a lady as she grew older, but it was a useless dream. She hasn’t changed. Not one bit since you left. I only pray Whittaker should not change his mind and cast her aside when he realizes she’s quite rebellious.”

  Edward’s anger grew.

  It would be his death if he ever dares, he swore.

  Oblivious to Edward’s thoughts, the viscount continued, “But she will marry him, that she will. We have an understanding. She only needs time to know him more, to grow to fancy him.” He paused to look Edward in the eye. “That is why I am telling you this.”

  Again, Edward raised his brow in question.

  “Whittaker will be calling on her often,” Lord Wymore continued explaining. “They shall also be going on outings, as he has my blessing to court her. I leave her in your care, so she is also your ward now and you, her guardian. It is only right that you should be aware of these things. I also hope you will not mind the earl visiting? This is your home, after all.”

  Why did it feel like the viscount was asking his blessings as well? As a father would ask an older brother?

  Edward didn’t like it one bit. He wanted this woman for himself.

  Forcing a smile, he answered, “Of course, Whittaker is free to call upon her whenever he wishes. As Aunt Trudy shall serve as chaperone, I see no reason why they cannot go on outings. Never worry, Lord Wymore, I shall support their courtship in whatever measure.”

  The viscount was pleased by this, if his grin was any indication.

  “I knew I could count on you. I have one more request, if I may. I know I have asked too much already.”

  Edward’s chest tightened. He couldn’t shake the feeling that whatever else the viscount had to ask was nothing good. And yes, he had asked too much already.

  “Please, by all means, go ahead,” he said through gritted teeth.

  “I know how close you and Caroline are. She adores and respects you. If you would give her a little nudge in Whittaker’s direction, I believe she would sooner come to accept this arrangement.”

  I knew it.

  It was not enough that Edward had to watch another man woo her and love her, that he had to watch her eventually get married to this man. Lord Wymore would ask this of him as well?

  How could he ever encourage her to love another when he wished with all his heart that she would only ever love him?

  Yes, it was selfish. Nonetheless, it was his true feelings. He could not. He would not. With resolve, he opened his mouth to refuse, but when he spoke, entirely different words left his lips.

  “Of course. I would be happy to do that.”

  By the time the viscount was ready to leave, Caroline and Lady Trudy were called to say their farewells.

  Edward watched the exchange carefully, knowing what he now knew. It was easy to see the tension between father and daughter.
/>   As Lord Wymore climbed onto his carriage, he winked at Edward. Edward sighed, still in awe of himself and the answer he had given, despite his decision.

  Of course. I would be happy to do that.

  It was almost laughable. Again, he wished he could turn back the hands of time. Alas, all he could do was live with the promise he had given.

  He was a fool, he decided. A pitiful fool.

  Chapter Eleven

  For the first time since that dreadful night when her father told her the truth, Caroline felt like she could finally breathe.

  Whatever reservations she had had regarding moving into Edward’s manor had vanished away the moment they had arrived.

  She felt more at home in this place than she had in the rental house in Berfount.

  Her chamber was large—larger even than the one in their country home. It was also very beautifully decorated.

  It was easy to see that someone had gone to great length to make certain it was to her liking.

  She had a feeling it was the same someone who had asked the cook to prepare all of her favorite meals.

  She had been surprised, pleasantly so, to know that he still remembered after all the years that had gone by. The thought that he had carried such memories in his heart had made hers flutter.

  She didn’t know what to do with him, her Edward.

  One moment he was cold and distant. The next, he was doing these seemingly little but wonderful things that pulled at her heart’s strings.

  How could she ever hope to move on from him—even if she really wanted to—when he made such gestures that told her that, contrary to what he said, he still cared for her?

  It was probably foolish of her to feel hopeful. Mayhap he was simply being a polite host. She would do well not to have her hopes raised high again, but how could she not?

  She was in his home. For weeks to come, they would share meals, the same roof, and they would see each other every day.

  It had to count for something.

  Whether or not he truly cared for her still, it mattered little.

  She had made her decision and would follow through with her plans. She would charm him, seduce him, show him all the reasons they belonged together.

  And when she finally had him right where she wanted him, she would wait. Wait for him to come to his senses and ask her to be his wife.

  Knowing that there was no time to waste, she put her plans into motion as soon as her father left.

  She found her first opening as dinner ended that evening, when Edward rose to leave. Seizing the opportunity, she called out, stopping him.


  “Yes?” he answered, pausing mid-rise.

  “I was wondering… if it wouldn’t take you away from anything, would you give me a tour of the house? I find it rather huge and I am afraid I will lose my way one of these days if I am not properly shown around.”

  Her heart was thudding wildly in her chest. Her stomach wouldn’t stop squirming, wracked with nerves.

  If he refused, she would be deflated. She couldn’t lose the very first day, no she couldn’t.

  “It’s getting dark,” he said as he straightened. “If tomorrow isn’t too far away for you, then I suggest you wait until then. I’m certain Mr. Giraud will be happy to guide you. I declare it will be even better to take a tour when the day is bright.”

  “I disagree!” she refuted, not missing a beat, and ignoring the sinking of her heart at the thought that he had done as she had feared he would—tried to turn her down.

  I won’t give up, not so easily.

  His brow rose in question and she saw the slight confusion in his eyes. Those dark orbs that made her soul feel bare when they peered into hers.

  Clearing her throat, she squared her shoulders and clasped her hands in front of her.

  “I do believe that now will be a better time to learn my way about. Think of it, if I am shown around when it’s dark, I would have no problem getting around both during the day and night time. Aunt Trudy, do you not reckon?”

  Aunt Trudy, who had been quietly watching the exchange, widened her eyes.

  “What? Oh…” she looked from Caroline to Edward as though wondering whose side to take. She must have decided, for she eventually answered, “I reckon you are right, Caroline.”

  Caroline broke into a smile, thoroughly pleased.

  She watched as Edward accepted defeat, knowing he had been outmaneuvered.

  “I suppose there is some sense to it,” he muttered. Very well then, if you insist on me being your guide, I shall be happy to show you my home. Shall we, ladies?”

  Thankfully, Aunt Trudy was quick to disagree.

  “I shall have to pass on this one. I am rather tired after having such a hearty meal. I would love to retire to my chambers. Perhaps Mr. Giraud would be kind enough to give me a tour of my own tomorrow?”

  Caroline looked at Mr. Giraud, who simply smiled.

  Then, bowing, he answered, “I’d be honored, my lady.”

  “Looks like it’s settled!” Aunt Trudy chimed. “Well then, I bid you two good night. Do have a lovely evening. Bye now. Mr. Giraud, walk me to my chambers, will you, please?”

  With those words, she walked out of the dining hall, Mr. Giraud by her side.

  Caroline’s insides filled with warmth as she watched them go. She knew she owed Aunt Trudy for helping her so.

  “Shall we begin?” Edward asked as soon as the echoes of their footfalls faded, signifying that they were truly alone.

  Caroline could barely contain her happiness. She knew she appeared shameless, being so obvious when he had all but turned her away the last time they met, but she could not bring herself to care.

  In that moment, her pride mattered little to her. Spending more time alone with the man she loved was more important. She hoped to make every moment count.

  Smiling up at him, she replied sweetly, “Yes. Let’s.”

  They started to walk then, and as they left the dining hall, he spoke again.

  “As it’s late, we shall only go around the ground floor tonight. Another day, I will show you the rest of it.”

  There was a note of finality in his voice that told Caroline he wasn’t asking for her agreement. Nonetheless, she responded, “That’s fine.”

  If anything, it meant that they would do this again, just the two of them. It meant more time with him.

  He showed her to the drawing room, the atrium, the library, his study, the servants’ quarter, the grand hall.

  Then, he took her out to the stables. From there, they went to the fields, the gardens, and finally, they ended their tour at the balcony.

  “I know I have only seen half of it,” she said as they leaned against the railing, taking in the night sky. “Still, it is more than enough for me to conclude that you have a beautiful home indeed.”

  She sighed as the night breeze fanned against her face, filling her nostrils with fresh air.

  The sky was such a breathtaking sight. The stars shone in their full glory and the moon appeared to be intent on outshining them.

  With Edward by her side, there couldn’t be a more perfect evening.

  Her body hummed just from his nearness. More than twice, she had caught herself staring at his lips as he spoke.

  He used to give her kisses. On her forehead, her temple, her cheeks. There had also been the chaste ones he would smack against her lips in moments when he was extremely joyous.

  It seemed like such a long time ago, yet she remembered it all as though it was yesterday. He would lift her by the waist, into the air, and spin her around.

  His laughter would mix with her giggles, making a harmonious melody. Those were the days.

  Even now, Caroline caught herself wondering what it would feel like to be kissed by him again.

  Now that they were adults, she wondered if it would be different. If the kiss they would share as a grown man and woman would be any sweeter.

  If her heart would tingle, i
f her mind would buzz with melodies, if her soul would sigh, if she would ask for more… And if she did, would he give it?

  She couldn’t seem to bring herself to look away from those lips.

  They were so supple, so lovely; they looked like they were the most delicious things she would ever taste.


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