It's Always the Duke: Historical Regency Romance

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It's Always the Duke: Historical Regency Romance Page 24

by Lisa Campell

  They deserved better, he and Caroline. The heavens knew it.

  “Ready to leave?” the footman at the door asked him as he reached it.

  Edward nodded. Easily, the young boy found his coat and stick. He held up the coat and Edward shrugged into it, murmuring his thanks.

  With his coat on, he collected the walking stick and squeezed two pounds into the child’s palm.

  “Ride safely, sir!” the lad chimed, grinning from ear to ear.

  Edward smiled back at him. “You be safe when you go home, too.”

  The lad threw him a salute. “Aye, sir!”

  The night breeze slapped Edward’s face as he finally stepped out of the gentleman’s club. He adjusted the collar of the coat, warding off the chill.

  He thought about walking home. It would afford him the chance to clear his thoughts. Beyond that, by the time he arrived at the manor, he would be exhausted. This would guarantee him a restful night.

  He hadn’t been having many of those recently.

  Deciding that he was going to do just that, he started walking to his carriage to inform his coachman. He had almost reached it when somebody stepped into his way.

  Edward took a fighting stance without giving it a thought, aiming to strike.

  Whoever it was was fast, catching his fist as he threw his punch.

  “Edward, it’s me!” the other man cried.

  Edward stopped mid-strike with his free hand as he recognized the voice.

  He heaved a sigh as he withdrew his hand, finally taking a look at the man in front of him.

  “Nathaniel! You should know better than to sneak up on a man in the dark.”

  Nathaniel lifted his shoulder in a small shrug. “In my defense, I didn’t sneak up on you. You would have heard me coming from a mile off if you weren’t so lost in thought. I made certain to be loud.”

  Edward finally adjusted his stance. “You’re right. I was lost in thought. I’m sorry for… that.”

  Nathaniel shook his head. “It’s alright. It’s the war. It does that to a man. I know better than anyone else.”

  Edward supposed Nathaniel did understand. No one remained the same after returning from war. It had taken him some time, adjusting to the quietness that was the busy streets of London. Compared to the sound of guns and missiles, carriage wheels were nothing.

  Still, they had been taught to listen for the slightest of sounds even in the midst of chaos. So, as quiet as London had been, it had also been just as loud.

  There had been the nightmares, but that was not all. When he had first returned, he would awaken at the slightest shuffling of feet across the hallway. Sometimes, he would find himself jumping out of bed to grab his pistol, or hide in a vantage point, waiting to strike the intruder.

  Of course, it was almost always Mr. Giraud, making sure all was right before finally calling it a night himself. It had taken conscious effort for Edward to remember he was no longer on the battle field. That he was home, safe.

  Yet there were still times such as this, when the soldier in him revealed itself before he could think. It was almost second nature.

  Edward bobbed his head. “I see you’ve still got your quick reflexes.”

  Nathaniel’s lips curved. “Your moves are just as fast as well.”

  “They weren’t all bad times, were they?”

  Nathaniel agreed. “No, they weren’t.”

  “What are you doing here, anyway?” Edward asked. That was when he saw it, the sadness on his friend’s face. The pain in his eyes. He was immediately alarmed.

  “Did something happen?”

  Nathaniel bobbed his head. “Actually, I came here for you. I need your help. I didn’t know who else to go to.”

  Edward had never seen his friend look so lost. He held his shoulder in reassurance.

  “It’s Sarah. I can’t find her anywhere.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Edward froze as those words echoed in his ears. “Sarah?” he asked, needing to be certain he had heard right.

  As Nathaniel nodded, fear seized him.

  “What happened?” he asked again.

  Nathaniel began to explain then. “I have been to the cottage I got for us but she isn’t there. She isn’t at her parent’s either. She’s gone. I think…” Nathaniel’s voice shook and he dragged in a deep breath to steady himself.

  “I think we’ve finally been had. I knew this day would come. I thought I was prepared for it but, Edward, I’m so afraid. She’s with child. She’s carrying our child. Where could she have gone to, all alone? Why didn’t she tell me? I imagine she must be afraid, wherever she is.” He paused to swallow hard. “I promised her she would never have to fight alone. Why did she have to leave?”

  There was so much information to take in, but Edward knew he would have time for that later. At that moment, his friend needed him to ask the right questions, to assure him that all would be well.

  “We will find her together, Nathaniel. I promise you. First, when did you realize she was missing?”

  “This evening. I went to see her as the sun began to set. We meet four times a week, you see. Today was one of those days. I noticed that she had taken some of her possessions. I feared the worst, but wouldn’t let myself think it. So, I went to her parent’s. I couldn’t go into their home, you see.”

  Edward nodded, urging him to continue.

  “Well, I stayed in the shadows, watching, looking for any sign of her. There was nothing. Eventually, I managed to catch her little brother. He said Sarah hasn’t been home. She left this morning but had yet to return. It’s probably nothing, but I can’t fight the feeling in my gut. Something is amiss. My woman is gone.”

  Nathaniel was in so much pain ,and it hurt Edward to see him so.

  He thought hard.

  “Shall we report to the constable?”

  “It’s only been a few hours. There will only be cause for alarm when it has been one full day, you know this. I also do not want to alarm her parents. I imagine they shall soon start to become worried.”

  Edward thought harder. Where could she have gone? Just then, it struck him. Of course!

  “Why have you kept your affair a secret thus far, Nathaniel?”

  Nathaniel seemed to be confused by the question. “Because society is bound to frown at it. My parents are wonderful, but I know they would not agree to me marrying a commoner, not without a fight.”

  Nathaniel shook his head. “Her father would not believe I have good intentions toward her. He would despise me, claiming I took advantage of his child and defiled her. It would be a scandal and Sarah would suffer for it. It’s the woman who always suffers. You know how society is. I was not ready to have her go through this. However, I was not ready to give up on our love so soon, either. I decided to bid my time until we were both strong enough to fight against the odds.”

  Edward understood it all. “What do you reckon your parents are likely to do if they found out about her? Would they intimidate her, force her to run away? Or would they hide her where they can keep an eye on her themselves? Make certain she does nothing to affect the family name, and hold her over your head to make sure you do their bidding?”

  Nathaniel’s eyes widened as realization dawned.

  “You do not think she’s at my parent’s, do you?”

  Edward bobbed his head. “I bet you a hundred pounds that if we go into their home right this moment, we would find her in one of the chambers. We must hurry, though. I have a feeling she won’t be in London for long. Your family has an estate in the countryside, yes?”

  It was all Nathaniel needed to hear. He began to walk in hurried steps towards his carriage. Edward waited behind only to tell his coachman to go on without him before trailing after his friend.

  He reached the coach just as Nathaniel was settling in, and he climbed in himself.

  With three knocks to the roof, the carriage lurched, sending the wheels down the street.

  About four hours later
, Edward finally arrived home.

  It had been a long night indeed.

  Just as he had thought, Miss Watson had been at the Witherspoon townhouse. Edward had watched as Nathaniel confronted his parents.

  A lot had been revealed, including the fact that his parents had known of his affair with Miss Watson since the summer before. They had simply let it go on for too long, believing Nathaniel would tire of her soon enough and take a suitable wife.

  When news of her pregnancy had reached them, they had fretted, knowing that they could no longer stand idle. So, they had acted, taking Miss Watson into their home for two reasons. One, to hide her away from the public and avoid a scandal. Two, to make Nathaniel do their bidding.

  They had made it clear that they would never accept her and she would only ever be the mistress who bore him an illegitimate child.

  Nathaniel had stood his ground, making it clear that he was going to marry Miss Watson, with or without their blessings. When they had threatened to denounce him, giving all his unentailed inheritance to his cousin, he had declared that the only thing that mattered in the world to him was Miss Watson.

  Eventually, he had gone up to the chambers, found his woman, and all three of them had ended up leaving together.

  After arriving at Nathaniel’s house, Edward had waited until Miss Watson was settled in, making certain his friend felt better, before returning to his townhouse.

  Nathaniel’s intention was to seek her parents’ blessings and secure a special license. They would be married as soon as it was ready. Edward wished them the very best. He had vowed to be there for his dearest friend every step of the way, and that he would be.

  He hissed a sigh as he sank into the bathtub filled with cold water. It had been a long night indeed. His sore muscles attested to that.

  Regardless, after all had been said and done, he knew it would only be wise to take heed of the lessons of this night.

  He had watched Nathaniel, who had always been a man of his word, all but renounce his family. His friend had been more passionate that he had ever seen him.

  It would not end here tonight, Edward was aware. The fight was going to be long and tiring, but he knew now that Nathaniel would never give up his love for Miss Watson. No matter what.

  His friend had meant every word he had said. He would rather lose everything else, than the woman he loved.

  It should be that way for me too. I should never have given up on Caroline.

  So what if they could never have what they desired? They would have each other, at the very least. They would comfort each other while they cherished the love they’d been given.

  That was what one did when they were truly in love. They stayed and fought, not run away.

  He had to stop running. It was time he went to her, for good.

  His greatest excuse had always been that they would be unhappy together, but they weren’t any happier apart.

  They were both miserable.

  The truth was, he was simply a coward. He had been afraid of telling Caroline the truth because he feared that she would be the one to reject him. He knew he would never recover from that rejection.

  He was afraid she would see him as less of a man. Afraid she would never love him.

  Another truth was he would never know unless he tried. And she was worth it. She was worth putting his heart on the line for.

  His Caroline was worth it all.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Ten days later, Edward was witness to the wedding of Nathaniel Witherspoon and Sarah Watson.

  As Nathaniel had told his parents the day after that confrontation, they had gone to Sarah’s family to reveal everything. Nathaniel had declared his wish to take Sarah as his wife, asking for their blessings.

  Her parents had been shocked, as well as disappointed. However, the love they had for their daughter and their wish to see her happy surpassed all else. So, they had given their blessings.

  Nathaniel had left their home a happy man. Afterwards, he started going about securing the special license. Edward was with him every step of the way.

  Seven days passed and the Archbishop of Canterbury finally granted them the license. The wedding ceremony was quickly arranged to take place in two days.

  It was a beautiful scene, with only five guests present, himself, and Sarah’s parents and two siblings. Altogether, there were eight of them, including the priest.

  Nathaniel’s parents had refused to attend, as they were still angry and remained obstinate about withholding their approval. Edward knew his friend was hurt by this, but for Nathaniel, Sarah came first. Nothing could have stopped his dream from coming true that day.

  As the ceremony reached its end, Edward found the time to speak privately with his friend.

  “I wish to leave for Yorkshire.”

  Nathaniel’s eyes twinkled as his brow rose. “Finally come to your senses, have you?”

  Edward smiled. “I suppose seeing a dear friend fight to hold on to the woman he loves with all his might helped a bit.”

  “Looks like it helped more than a bit,” Nathaniel jested. He gave Edward a slap on the back. “I’m happy to know that at the very least, my hardship did something for you.”

  Edward’s smile deepened. “What do they say about the silver lining in grey clouds?”

  “I would say it’s finally being able to call Sarah my wife.”

  There was something in Nathaniel’s voice that Edward easily caught.

  “It’s not the end.”

  Nathaniel shook his head. “No. It’s only just beginning. I shall still have to fight with my parents until they come around. Then there will be talk from the Ton. I do not think Sarah will be accepted into society so easily, but I’ll be there every step of the way. We will get through this together.”

  Edward gave a curt nod. “I have no doubt you will. Having the support of a duke should help ease Sarah’s way some. You know you always have a friend in me.”

  Nathaniel didn’t miss a beat. “You mean to say brother, because that is what we are, comrade.”

  “Aye. That is what we are, indeed.”

  Nathaniel chuckled softly. He held Edward by the shoulder then and looked him in the eye. “I also know you’ve made her wait for far too long. No more, Edward. Go to her immediately and bring her home. You belong together. She’s the only for you.”

  “I will only be gone a few days.”

  Nathaniel understood his meaning. “We will be just fine, Sarah and I. Don’t worry about us, Edward. You have done more than enough. Go.”

  It was all the encouragement Edward needed. He said his farewells and took his leave.

  As soon as he arrived home, he began to prepare for the journey.

  At first light the next morning, he left for Yorkshire.

  It was late in the afternoon when Edward arrived at the Wentworth estate. Because he hadn’t written ahead to inform them of his visit, no one was waiting to receive him. Not minding that one bit, he went into the house, eager to see his woman again.

  He didn’t know what he would say when he set his eyes upon her once more. It had been almost two months since he’d sent her away. He should have come a long time ago.

  Nathaniel had been right. He had made her wait for too long. The four years he was away, and the long months since he’d returned. They’d first met in spring, at the start of the Season. Now, the kiss of chill in the air and the dry wind held the promise of winter that was soon to come.

  Too long indeed.

  How could he ever atone for all his sins? How could he ever hope she would forgive him?

  All of these thoughts had been on his mind as he sat impatiently in the carriage. He still hadn’t been able to find answers.

  “Your grace, is it really you?”

  Startled out of his thoughts by that familiar feminine voice, he turned to the direction it had come from. His face immediately melted in a smile as he set his eyes upon her.

  “Lady Trudy! I didn’
t think you’d be the first person I’d see.”

  Lady Trudy beamed as she crossed the distance between them. “Well, I’d take consolation in the fact that you don’t seem too disappointed to see me.”

  She reached him then, kissing his cheeks affectionately. When she pulled away, her eyes were twinkling.


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