It's Always the Duke: Historical Regency Romance

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It's Always the Duke: Historical Regency Romance Page 28

by Lisa Campell

He searched her eyes, nodding when he understood her meaning.

  He kissed her then. It wasn’t like all the other kisses they had shared in the past.

  No, this was soft, gentle, filled with all the love he had for her. It was so beautiful, Caroline’s eyes filled with tears even as her heart throbbed.

  “I love you, Caroline,” he whispered against her lips.

  She broke into a sob. “And I love y—”

  He swallowed the rest of her words with a kiss, pushing all the way into her as he did.

  Inexplicable pain seared through Caroline and she bit down on her lips, even as her nails dug into his arms.

  She knew she had asked him to do just that, but nothing could have prepared her for the pain. It was as though someone had sent a knife through her.

  Her tears poured and he wrapped her in a warm cocoon.

  “It’s alright, it’s alright. I’m here with you. I’m so sorry. Forgive me.”

  He wouldn’t move inside her. For a very long time, he didn’t. He simply held her, murmuring sweet nothing. Slowly, the pain began to ebb away.

  “Edward, I think it’s fine now.”

  He pulled away to search her eyes. “Are you certain?”

  She nodded.

  He captured her lips again, stealing her soul with his kiss this time, making her toes curl.

  He started to move then, slowly at first.

  As he did, Caroline could feel her walls opening up around him, could feel the sweet sensation begin to gather again.

  In no time, every thought of pain was forgotten and all she felt was pleasure.

  He increased his pace then, going faster, thrusting deeper.

  She saw stars. Every last one of them. She finally understood why so many men and women made such a fuss over lovemaking.

  It was enjoyable beyond what words could explain. Right then, she decided she could never get enough.

  She soon began to climb again, but this time, she was not alone. He was by her side, holding her hands all the way.

  When they both finally fell, crashing into each other’s arms, the cries of their pleasure merged in sweet harmony.

  Caroline knew it was a night she would never forget.

  They fell asleep in each other’s arms, limbs entwined. In the early hours of the morning, they awoke again and made sweet love.

  Afterwards, they lay awake, talking about everything and nothing.

  She told him of the children in the orphanage.

  He told of war, of what had happened with Nathaniel and Sarah.

  Caroline listened quietly, simply happy to be wrapped in the warmth of his arms.

  She must have fallen asleep again, for when she opened her eyes, her chamber was filled with golden rays and Edward was nowhere to be found.

  Fearing the worst, she jumped to her feet.

  He could not have changed his mind again, could he? Surely, he wouldn’t have left for London?

  She was still shrugging on her clothes when three knocks sounded on the door.

  “Edward?” she called out, hopeful.

  Her heart sank when a response came. “No, your grace. It is I, Amelia.”

  “You may enter.”

  Her lady’s maid did just that. As she neared Caroline, it was easy to glimpse the smile tugging at the corner of her lips. The blush on her cheeks told Caroline she knew exactly what had happened the night before.

  Saying nothing of it, Amelia sank into a curtsy. “A blessed morning, your grace. You’re finally awake.”

  “Finally?” Caroline asked, frowning.

  “Yes. You were asleep for quite some time. His grace made it clear that you were not to be disturbed. He said you needed the rest.”

  Caroline flushed crimson. She felt so much heat she had to fan her face.

  How could Edward have said something like that?

  “You wouldn’t happen to know where he is, would you?”

  “He set out for the orphanage after breakfast. He said he will be waiting for you to join him when you’re ready.”

  The orphanage. He is still in Yorkshire. Thank goodness!

  “I shall have your bath water sent up in another moment. It is a good thing I came with fresh sheets.”

  Caroline followed Amelia’s eyes to her bed. When she glimpsed the splotches of red, she blushed even harder, covering her eyes.

  Between her fingers, she saw Amelia hide a smile as she got to work.

  “His grace also requested that we serve you breakfast in bed. Although, seeing as it’s already past noon, that would have to be lunch.”

  Caroline’s eyes bulged. “Past noon? Goodness! How long was I asleep for? This has never happened before.”

  Amelia didn’t bother hiding her smile any longer. “Well, your grace, I daresay it’s only to be expected, considering the long night you must have had.”

  If Amelia wasn’t her friend as well as her maid, Caroline would have been even more mortified.

  Thankfully, the girl had the sense to slip out of the chambers just as she said those words.

  Caroline fell to her bed, face in hand. She couldn’t believe what had just happened. Slowly, the memories of the night returned.

  She started to laugh then, unable to contain her joy.

  She would go to him, alright. And when she was ready, they would return home to London.


  Edward knew he had to be the happiest man in the world.

  Everything in him soared with joy. There was so much peace in his heart, such contentment. If he had known that finally telling Caroline the truth would bring so much good, he would have done so a long time ago.

  As it was useless to dwell over the past, he chose not to think of all the time they had lost, each hurting when they could have been together, loving each other.

  That morning, he had lain awake, watching her sleep until the sun rose on the horizon. She had looked so peaceful, the fairest of all.

  As he gazed upon that lovely face, he had realized then what he had to do. Another hour of careful consideration and he had decided.

  He had been reluctant to leave her, but it couldn’t be helped. They didn’t have much time left in Yorkshire. He needed to act fast.

  So, after sharing breakfast with Lady Trudy, he had left instructions for Miss Amelia and ridden for the orphanage. He had introduced himself to Mrs. Cleaver as Caroline’s husband and she had been happy to let him stay.

  All morning, he watched the children play, joining them sometimes. He especially paid attention to the boy James.

  In fact, he was teaching the child how to make a castle with tree branches and leaves when his wife arrived.

  “I see he has you wound around his fingers as well,” she jested as she reached them.

  Edward smiled. Seeing her out here in the open, the sunlight streaming down her face, he wanted to take her in his arms and kiss her.

  Perhaps find a room for privacy and have a repeat of the events of last night.

  I was wrong. We should have remained indoors today. I am not yet satiated.

  He almost laughed at himself as the thought crossed his mind. She was bound to be sore. He wished to give her time to heal. A full day, at the very least.

  Now that he knew what it was to be with her, inside her, he would never be able to resist her again. It was simply impossible.

  “I could say the same for you,” he replied.


  “Yes. You have me right where you want me. It appears little James here is just as smitten.”

  She laughed then. A happy, soulful laugh that made him fall in love with her all over again.

  “You don’t say,” she said as she recovered.

  James, who had been engrossed in his sandcastle, noticed her then. Lighting up, he jumped to his feet and ran to embrace her.

  “Lady Brandon! You’re here,” he exclaimed.

  Caroline broke into soft giggles, embracing him back just as warmly. “Hello, James. Yes. I am here.�

  Happy to have been proven right, Edward said, “I stand to be corrected.”

  She couldn’t stop smiling. “Alright then. Let’s say you are right.”

  She paused to ask James to return to his castle. As he did, she straightened, returning her attention to Edward.

  “I woke up to find you gone.”


  “A little over an hour ago…”

  “Don’t tell me you rode all the way here as soon as you learned my whereabouts.”

  She raised her shoulder in a small shrug. “I had time for a light lunch.”

  “I see.”

  “I was curious. I couldn’t help wondering why you had come here.”

  He gave her his arm then and she took it, hooking hers around it.

  “Walk with me, and I shall tell you.”

  They started to do just that. When they had gone a small distance, Edward began.

  “I thought about it long and hard, and I think it would be the right thing to do. We cannot have children and there are many here who need parents. I’m not certain what kind of father I’ll be, but I would love to try. As for you, Caroline, it is easy to see that you would be the best mother in the world. Look at how you care for these children. I have heard the way many of them speak of you. They adore you. You were born for this.”

  She nodded slowly. “You want us to adopt.”

  “Yes. If it is what you want as well.” He hoped it was. This way, his heart could rest, knowing he had granted one of her heart’s wish.

  “How many?” she asked.

  “As many as you’d like. Although, I believe we should begin with one, see how it goes.”

  She nodded again. “I agree.”

  Edward halted. “You agree?”

  She too stopped, turning to him. “Yes. To adopting and to starting with one.”

  His life just kept getting better.

  “Caroline… I don’t know what to say.”

  She chuckled. “It would appear our minds are somewhat… connected. I had the same thoughts last night. I reckoned I would bring it up at a right time. I am glad that you have begun taking the steps even before me.”

  Her eyes twinkled as she searched his. “Something tells me you already have a child in mind, do you not?”

  Edward grinned. She was right on that account. They both turned to look at James.

  “There is something about him that speaks to my heart. He is a happy child, bright too.”

  Caroline agreed. “That he is. All of the children are dear to me, but I have always especially cared for him.”

  Edward was happy to hear this. It would appear he had chosen right. Perhaps his encounter with the child the day before had not been by chance, after all.

  “Then it is decided.”

  “I suppose it is. We must seek his permission first, and Mrs. Cleaver’s.”

  “Do you think he would come with us?”

  Caroline tugged on his arms softly then. “Well, there is only one way to find out, is there not?”

  First, they went to Mrs. Cleaver and told them of their intention.

  The caretaker was overjoyed to receive the news.

  “Truly? You want to take James into your home?”

  “We are hoping you would give him to us—if he agrees, of course,” Caroline said.

  “If I would? Gracious! Without a second thought! You have no idea how happy this makes me. I have watched you and the child. I always thought you share a special bond. Lady Brandon, there is no one else I would rather give this child, or any child here for the matter, to. I have no doubt that you will care for him like your own. To see all of these children settled into new homes where they’ll be loved and cherished is my greatest desire, Lady Brandon. Thank you! Thank you for granting this wish.”

  Edward was moved by how happy the caretaker was. It was clear that she too loved the children like her own.

  She turned to him. “Your grace, I must thank thee as well. For finding our dear James worthy.”

  Edward smiled at her warmly. “What’s important is that he finds us worthy as well.”

  Mrs. Cleaver was almost certain. “I do believe he will. Come now, let us go break the news to him.”

  They found the child where they had left him, almost done with his castle. Edward couldn’t help but note how fast a learner he was.

  “James?” Mrs. Cleaver called. “May we speak with you for a moment?”

  The child followed them back to Mrs. Cleaver’s office. There, she told him what Caroline and Edward had told her.

  “You mean, you want to take me to your home? To live with you?” he asked as Mrs. Cleaver finished, wide-eyed.

  Caroline and Edward nodded in unison. It was the former who spoke first.

  “Not just live with us, James. You will become our son, and we will be your mother and father.”

  Edward continued. “All three of us, one big happy family.”

  “Family?” he asked. It sounded as though the essence of the word was strange to him, but he was willing to learn it.

  “Yes, a family, James,” Edward answered. “We would live in London, so you’d have to be away from your friends. However, we will visit some summers. You will see them then. Will that be alright? Would you like to come with us?”

  James looked from Caroline to Edward.

  “Mother… Father… Lady Brandon will be my mother?”

  Caroline nodded, patting his hair affectionately. “So help me God, I will. If only you let me.”

  James smiled then. “Yes! Yes, I want to be a family! Please?”

  Edward and Caroline chuckled amid sighs of relief.

  He hadn’t thought he would be so afraid to hear the child say no. He was happy that they’d received a favorable answer.

  “It is settled!” Mrs. Cleaver announced. “It will take some days to get the necessary papers ready. Nevertheless, I will try to get it done sooner than usual. I’m aware you’re not long for London?”

  “Yes,” Edward answered.

  There was a hint of sadness in her eyes as she nodded. “I take it we will no longer get to see Lady Brandon as often.”

  Caroline looked just as sad. “I’ll make certain to visit, Mrs. Cleaver.”

  The caretaker managed a small smile. “I know you will. We shall miss you very much.”

  “Let’s not say goodbye now. I will continue to come every day until we leave. We can say our farewells then, on the last day.”

  Mrs. Cleaver agreed. “Yes. You’re right. Until then.”

  After a few more agreements, Edward and Caroline declared they would be leaving. It was almost evening already.

  Assuring James that they would be back for him, they got on their horses and rode back to the manor.

  Seven days later, the papers were ready. Caroline, Edward, and Mrs. Cleaver all signed eagerly.

  Tearful goodbyes were said as they left the orphanage with James that afternoon. James, despite the joy of having a new family, was sad to be parted from his friends.

  The children were also sad to see Caroline go. Caroline knew that she would miss them all in the weeks to come, with every fiber of her being. They had become so much a part of her.

  She was certain she would return to take more of them into her home. In due time.

  When they returned to the estate, her father and Aunt Trudy were waiting in the front yard.

  “He is such a precious little boy,” Aunt Trudy chimed, fawning over James.

  After Caroline and Edward had returned that evening a week ago, they had declared their wish to adopt James. In the time since then, her father and Aunt Trudy had visited the orphanage to see James. They too had fallen hopelessly for the child, loving him immediately.

  “That he is,” her father agreed, fawning as well.

  “Oh, Caroline. Are you certain you cannot wait a few more days? We are sad to see you all go so soon. We hoped to, at the very least, have a little time with James before you leave.”r />
  Caroline smiled warmly at Aunt Trudy. “You know we would if we could. However, Edward cannot afford to be away from London any longer.”


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