by Alice Echols
B&L industry. See building and loan associations (B&Ls); building and loan industry scandal (B&L scandal); thrift industry
Black Tuesday
Blake, Vertal Eugene
blue-sky laws
Bodfish, Henry Morton
Bogans, John Henry
Bold, Christine
Borah, Joseph
Bowery Savings Bank (New York)
Brands, H.W.
Brentano’s bookstore (New York City)
Broadmoor Hotel (Colorado Springs)
Broun, Heywood
Brown Palace (Denver hotel)
Bruce, Douglas
Bruce, Irving
Bryan, William Jennings
Buffalo Lodge (Colorado Springs)
building and loan associations (B&Ls): Colorado Springs; Colorado state laws regulating; different classes of stock and shareholding; distinction between banks and; distinction between savings and investment; early appeal and industry expansion; first industry trade association (B&L League); homeownership; new-style “national” B&Ls; original collective ethos and cooperative movement; original mission and business model; passbooks; self-serving industry accounts and advertising; subversion of cooperative model
building and loan industry scandal (B&L scandal); attempted prosecutions; bankers’ suicides; California; Chicago; City’s receivership; collapse of the City; Colorado Springs; Colorado Springs’ Depositors’ Committee; Colorado state; congressional hearings and legislation; contributing factors and causes; depositors’ withdrawal requests; dividend payments, final; federal government’s handling of; grand jury investigations; newspapers/press and; post-collapse passbooks and assignment scams; reasons the history isn’t known; receivers’ investigations; receivership vs. liquidation; receiverships; shortfalls; and taxpayers’ associations; Walter Davis and. See also Davis, Walter Clyde (and B&L scandal)
Bureau of Investigation. See Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Bush, Neil
Calder, Lendol
California: Beesemyer Bill; B&L industry collapse; conservatism and prototypical qualities; conservative tax revolts; gold rush; passbook scams; Proposition 13 and property taxes
California Department of Savings and Loans
Camp Carson (Colorado Springs)
capitalism, American: capitalist logic of the West’s mining industry; Main Street vs. Wall Street; relationship between capitalism, class, and conservatism; cultural forgetting of “bad capitalism”
Capra, Frank
Carlton, Albert E. “Bert”
Cheyenne Mountain Country Club
Chicago: B&L industry collapse; unscrupulous bankers; working-class families and home foreclosure rates
Citizens’ Alliance
City Savings Building and Loan Association: advertisements; advocates of liquidation vs. receivership; battle over Walter Davis’s insurance money; collapse of; and the CSLC’s assignment scams; depositors’ withdrawal requests; final dividend payments to depositors; lending policies; passbook covers; receivers’ investigation and settlement; receivership; shortfall; Walter Davis’s acquisition of; Walter Davis’s resignation and request for receivership
class in America; Colorado Springs’ class tensions; cross-class tax revolts of the 1930s; the Davis family in the 1920s; and homeownership; novelists, playwrights, and screenwriters’ depictions; race and; as relational; scholarship on; the “working classes”
Claus, Howard
Clinton, Hillary
coal mining industry; coal wars and Ludlow massacre; Colorado miners’ deaths; and land preservation; miners’ strikes; and the transcontinental railroad
Cohen, Lizabeth
Colorado (state): agricultural sector; amendment preventing protected status for sexual orientation; anti-regulation; anti-tax activism; B&L failures; decline of gold-based economy; Depression; early twentieth century fusion of corporate and state power; and the KKK; laws regulating B&L business; opposition to the New Deal; relief programs for the poor; S&L crisis; TABOR
Colorado Bureau of Building and Loan Associations
Colorado City; miners’ strikes; as the region’s early industrial hub
Colorado Coal and Iron Company
Colorado College
Colorado Fuel & Iron Company (CF&I)
Colorado General Assembly
Colorado Springs (city); Adams Crossing; B&L scandal; Broadmoor development; class tensions; clubs and fraternal organizations; concentration of wealth; conservatism; conservative Christian evangelicals; Cripple Creek gold rush and gold mining; debate over municipal ownership of public utilities; decline of mining and gold-based economy; Depression; as health resort town for rest cures; high-tech industry; homeownership rates; individualism; Ivywild neighborhood; and the KKK; land schemes and projects; Lennon Park development; militarized economy; Millionaires’ Row mansions; North End neighborhoods; opposition to poor relief; organized labor and Cripple Creek gold miners; Palmer and founding of; as prototypical/as prefiguring the American West; right-wing media; service-sector jobs; “Socialites”; speculative culture of the 1920s; streetcar system; streets paved with gold; taxpayers’ leagues and antitax activism; tourism industry; Walter Davis’s arrival in; weekly newspapers and their differences; west side tornado (June 1932); working-class west side. See also Colorado Springs’ building and loan associations (B&Ls)
Colorado Springs’ building and loan associations (B&Ls); Assurance; Bentall; B&L scandal and industry collapse; Depositors’ Committee; Dollar B&L; Home B&L; and Liberty Bonds; Sharer; Sims; Walter Davis and. See also City Savings Building and Loan Association
Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce
Colorado Springs Company
Colorado Springs Electric Company
Colorado Springs Evening Telegraph; and B&L scandal; on Eva Terry; on Sims’s suicide
Colorado Springs Gazette; and B&L scandal; on B&L suicides; Dorothy Davis pictures; Hoiles’s purchase; and Ludlow massacre; on pensions and relief programs for the poor; and search for Davis’s missing money; striking workers
Colorado Springs Independent; dissenting to local opposition to relief; and the KKK
Colorado Springs Liquidation Corporation (CSLC)
Colorado Springs Mining Exchange
Colorado Springs Sun
Colorado Springs Weekly Loans
Colorado-Philadelphia Reduction Company
Common Sense Weekly; anti-union; coverage of B&L scandal
Community Chest of Colorado Springs: plan to “repatriate” Mexicans
Congressional Committee on Mines and Mining (1914 report)
Connelly, Marc
conservatism, American: anti-tax activism; California as prototype; Christian evangelicals; Colorado Springs; competing strands; history of; and the military economy; neoliberalism and free-enterprise rhetoric; opposition to New Deal reforms; relationship between capitalism, class, and; Tea Party movement; the West; white working classes and
Consolidated Space Operations Center
Conwell, Russell
cooperative movements; B&L industry’s subversion of model; original B&L model
Costigan, Edward
Cowie, Jefferson
Cragmor Sanitarium (Colorado Springs)
credit bureaus
Cripple Creek gold rush; Colorado Springs’ mining industry and mining moguls; decline of mining and gold-based economy in Colorado; miners and organized labor movement; miners’ strike (and defeat)
Crystal Park Road
Daniels, Mike
Davie, Robert P.
Davis, Allen
Davis, Dorothy (author’s mother); during B&L scandal; boarding school; early life and parents; and father’s final letter to Lula; and father’s philandering; fiancé Dewey Sample; law studies at University of Colorado; mother’s telegram; plot to kidnap; post-scandal; wedding
Davis, Lizzie
Davis, Lula Gilham; during the B&L scandal; and City receiver’s investigation and
settlement; death; FBI investigation and mail fraud charges; final estate tally; Indiana family and background; marriage to Walter; and Roy Davis; secrets and self-preservation; social/class aspirations; stockpiling money; telegram to daughter Dorothy; and Walter’s affair with Eva Terry; Walter’s letters and methods of contact while on the lam; and Walter’s life insurance policies; work in Walter’s office
Davis, Mike
Davis, Ray
Davis, Roy; and B&L scandal; Colorado political career; Colorado Springs’ civic life; and Lula Davis; and Sharer; typewriter shop
Davis, Walter Clyde; acquisition of City Savings Building and Loan; affair with Eva Terry; arrival in Colorado Springs; career as moneylender; conservative business practices; early life and family; escalating personal expenditures in the 1920s; FBI file; marriage to Lula; photographs; reputation as philanderer/womanizer; self-presentation as lawyer in city directory; silence and taciturnity; social and wealth ambitions; stenographer profession. See also Davis, Walter Clyde (and B&L scandal)
Davis, Walter Clyde (and B&L scandal); arrest; arrest warrant and embezzlement charges; and City depositors’ withdrawal requests; and the City’s collapse; and the City’s receivership; communications with Lula (while on the lam); contents of safety deposit boxes; criticized by Depositors’ Committee; depositors’ plot to kidnap daughter; and Dollar Building and Loan Association; FBI investigation; funeral; life insurance policies; life on the lam; press coverage; property holding company (Fleming & Company); resignation from the City; and the search for the missing money; suicide and investigation; wanted poster
Davis, Willard
Debs, Eugene
Democratic Party: Colorado; El Paso County; and the New Deal
Denver Post; coverage of B&L scandal; coverage of Davis’s suicide and police investigation; and El Paso County Taxpayers’ League
Denver & Rio Grande Railroad (D&RG)
Depositors’ Committee (Colorado Springs); against federal intervention; tax resistance
Depression, Great; agricultural sector; American hostility to federal government; bank failures; Colorado Springs; depositors and vigilante justice against bankers; federal regulation and new regulatory regime for thrift industry; manufacturing and production declines; New Deal; poor relief; prosecutions of bankers; reform ideals; and “shortfall” metaphor; social-democratic turn and reforms; steel industry; taxpayers’ leagues; transients and the destitute; the unemployed. See also building and loan industry scandal (B&L scandal)
deregulation of the thrift industry
divorce (1920s)
Dobson, James
Dollar Building and Loan Association; collapse; shortfalls; Walter Davis and
Dotson, Mrs. Newton
Douglas, Ann
Dreiser, Theodore
Eastman, George
El Paso County, Colorado: Democratic Party; Great Depression; Republican Party; taxpayers’ league (EPCTA)
El Paso County Taxpayers Association (EPCTA)
El Paso Industrial Bank
Elks Club
embezzlement; Bentall; Los Angeles’s Hollywood Guaranty Building and Loan Association; Sims and; Union Industrial Bank of Flint, Michigan; Walter Davis’s arrest warrant and charges
Ensign, Edgar
evangelical Christians
extractive industries: capitalist logic of the mining industry in the American West; coal; decline of gold production and gold-based economy. See also coal mining industry; gold rushes
Falch, Andrew E.
family histories: and author’s investigation of the B&L scandal; Light on; nescience and family secrets
Farm and Home Association (Missouri)
Farm Loan Company
Farmers’ Alliance
Farnsworth, Edith
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): Davis investigation; Hoover; and It’s a Wonderful Life; Walter Davis’s FBI file
Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)
federal government: congressional hearings and B&L scandal; and Depositors’ Committee; Depression and American hostility toward; handling of B&L scandal; post-crash regulatory regime for thrift industry; privileging of bank customers over B&L members; Western conservatism and hostility toward. See also New Deal
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
Federal Reserve
Federal Savings and Loan Association (Colorado Springs)
Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC)
Federation of Taxpayers’ Associations
Ferguson, Lillian
Fertig, Charles: as City receiver and the City investigation; investigation of Lula Davis and search for Davis’s missing money
FHA. See Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
First Baptist Church (Colorado Springs)
First National Bank of Santa Fe
Fitzgerald, F. Scott; The Great Gatsby
Fleming, Jim
Fleming & Company
Focus on the Family
Forbes, Fred
Ford, Henry
Ford Motor Company
Four-Minute Men (El Paso County)
Frank, Thomas
Fraternal Order of Eagles
fraternal organizations
Freedom School (Colorado Springs)
Freeman, Joshua B.
“fringe financing”. See also moneylending (loan sharks)
Galbraith, John Kenneth
Garb, Margaret
Garn–St. Germain Depository Institutions Act (1982)
General Motors
General Motors Acceptance Corporation (GMAC)
Gilham, Lula. See Davis, Lula Gilham
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
Gilpin, Laura
Glass, Carter
Gleason, Martin
gold rushes: California; Cripple Creek; Pikes Peak. See also Cripple Creek gold rush
gold-based economy, decline of
Golden, Colorado
Golden Cycle Corporation
Golden Cycle Mill (Colorado City)
Goldwater, Barry
Gordon, Adam
Gramercy Park Hotel (New York City)
The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald)
Great Railroad Strike (1877)
Great Textile Strike (1934)
Great Western Sugar Company
Greensburg, Indiana
Gross, Eli: and B&L scandal; as Colorado state building and loan commissioner; Depositors’ Committee’s calls for arrest of; and Sims’s suicide following Assurance’s collapse
Gross, S.E.
Guggenheim, Simon
Haggard, Ted
Hamlin, Clarence C.
Hanford, Peter
Harding, Warren G.
Harper, Hugh; and Davis investigation
Hawkins, Horace N.
Haywood, “Big Bill”
Hearst, William Randolph
“heart balm” laws
Hecox, P.J.
Hickok, Lorena
Hoiles, R.C.
HOLC. See Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC)
Hollywood Guaranty Building and Loan Association (Los Angeles)
Home Building and Loan Association; advertisements; Bentall and collapse of; receivership; shortfalls
Home Loan Bank Bill
Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC)
homeownership; African Americans and; and the American dream; and B&L industry’s original mission; fallout from thrift industry’s collapse; FHA; HOLC; home construction and expanding B&L market (1920s); Hoover and; housing bubble of 2008 and the “ownership society”; how B&L home financing worked; New Deal rescue efforts; pre-B&L methods of financing; racially discriminatory lending practices; savings and loan associations and mortgage finance; subprime mortgage crisis; and taxpayers’ leagues; working classes
Hoover, Herbert
Hoover, J. Edgar; and Davis investigati
Hopkins, Harry
Household Finance Corporation (HFC)
Hunter, Edgar T.
Hurtado, Albert
Hyman, Louis
individualism: Colorado Springs; and the 1920s; and homeownership ideal; ideal of rugged, heroic; and Nixon’s “Silent Majority”; and welfare state; and the West
Industrial Order of Odd Fellows
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
installment credit
Insull, Samuel
International Association of Chiefs of Police
Ireland, Clarence
It’s a Wonderful Life (film); depiction of Bailey Brothers Building and Loan failure; early scripts (discarded); public and critical reception
Jackson, Andrew
Jameson, Elizabeth
Jarvis, Howard
Jewish Social Service
Johnson, Edwin C.
Johnson, John Franklin
The Jungle (Sinclair)
Kansas Pacific Railway
Kazin, Michael
Kennedy, David
kidnapping plots (1930s); depositors’ plot to kidnap Dorothy Davis
King, William B.
Kistler, P.M.
Knights of Labor
Knights of Pythias
Knox School for Girls (Cooperstown, New York)
Krause, George A.
Kreuger, Ivar
Ku Klux Klan (KKK); Bentall and; and the Colorado Springs Independent
labor, organized: anti-union Citizens’ Alliance; coal wars and Ludlow massacre; Cripple Creek miners’ strikes and defeat; KKK and unionism; legacies of failed miners’ strikes; New Deal; open shop movement and anti-union business owners; Pratts and the anti-union Common Sense Weekly; print industry unions; radical unionism and Pikes Peak region; suspicion of public-sector workers; unionism of the 1930s; unionists described as “racketeers”; Western Federation of Miners (WFM)
land speculators
Lassiter, Matthew
LeFevre, Robert
Leven, Harry
Leven Savings, Building and Loan Association
Lewis, Sinclair
Liberty Bonds (war bonds); Walter Davis’s
life insurance policies: and the B&L collapses; Lula Davis and Walter’s policies; Walter Davis’s
Light, Alison
Limerick, Patricia: on capitalist logic of the extractive industry; on the West as “empire of innocence”
Lindbergh baby kidnapping
Little, Judge John E.
loan sharks. See moneylending (loan sharks)