Wicked Highland Heroes

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Wicked Highland Heroes Page 84

by Tarah Scott

Katherine’s eyes widened. “Please, my lord, I—I did meet him.”


  “He came to my room earlier.”

  Victoria gasped and, at last, Katherine had the good grace to blush.

  “He asked if I would meet him.” “You agreed?” Iain asked.

  She nodded. “Do you not see? He did nothing wrong. I met him of my own free will.”

  “But you are wrong. He did do wrong.”

  Genuine panic appeared on her face. “He did not force me into—into…”

  “Into what?” Iain demanded.

  “Nothing, we met and…talked.”

  Even Riley blanched at the obvious lie.

  “It would have been interesting to hear that conversation,” Iain commented.

  “My lord?” Katherine said.

  Iain reached toward her and produced a blade of grass from her hair, then held it out for her inspection. Katherine burst into tears. Iain grimaced and poor Riley shifted from one foot to the other.

  “Enough,” Victoria snapped.

  Katherine quieted.

  “Only a moment ago, you insisted you were not a child. Act like the grown woman you claim to be. This is a fine mess.” She glanced at Riley. “I wager the lad had no notion of what he was letting himself in for.” She ignored Katherine’s indignant gasp. “How you have changed. It has been one short year since last I saw you. What happened?”

  “My crime is not so bad,” the girl said.

  Victoria stared. “You care nothing for your reputation?”

  Katherine lifted her chin. “’Tis far less than what you did.”

  “What I did?” Victoria said in unison with Iain’s,

  “What she did?”

  “Do you refer to my stay here at Fauldun Castle?” Victoria demanded.

  “Aye.” Katherine replied.

  Victoria narrowed her eyes. “How interesting you should see the similarity. That situation ended in marriage, which is exactly how this shall end for you.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Nothing was as it should be. Victoria pushed open the stable door and slipped inside away from the morning sun. How had Katherine changed so much in so little time? Perhaps it is not she who has changed, a small voice whispered. Victoria frowned and the thought gave way to memory of her husband. He was no more the simple jailer she had believed him to be than Katherine was the innocent child. You never once suspected he could be more? She pushed aside the question, shifting her thoughts to Edwin. He hadn’t changed. His manner was just as remote that morning when Iain explained the situation with Katherine as it had been when he justified his reasons for staying gone after Richard’s death.


  She whirled at the sound of Edwin’s voice.

  He strode toward her from the direction of the door. “I must speak with you.”

  With a glance around the stables, Victoria cursed providence’s judgment in keeping young Gilbert from his duties that morning. “If you wish to discuss King Henry’s letter, it is a waste of time,” she said. “If it is

  Katherine, you have already agreed to the marriage.” Two more long steps brought him beside her and he grasped her shoulders. “Katherine’s marriage is of no consequence. She has proven herself no different than her father. It is you I wish to discuss.” His hands slid down her arms to rest at her wrists. “I have missed you.”

  “You cannot miss what you never had, my lord.” She tried to draw back, but his fingers tightened around her wrists like the easy, yet invincible, weight of shackles.

  “You were married to my brother. I had to keep my distance.”

  “I am now married to Lord MacPherson.”

  Edwin gave a quick tug, pulling her so close his breath bathed her face. “It is time you come home.” She stared. “You cannot mean Hockley Castle?

  That was never my home.”

  “You do not belong here.”

  Victoria barked a laugh. “Your point is moot, my lord. I am married.”

  “The marriage can be annulled.”

  “I believe papal law decrees a consummated marriage is not so easily annulled.”

  “You need not fret.” A muscle flexed in his jaw, and Victoria recognized the determination Edwin Hockley was well known for. “I can deal with the matter,” he said. “I understand this is difficult for you.”

  “You understand?” She jerked free. “Nay, Edwin. You do not understand at all.”

  “None of this would have happened had you not run away,” he said. “You knew better. Or have you forgotten?”

  Her heart skipped a beat, but she understood the reaction for the fear it was and not the romantic notion she once took it for. “I do not understand.”

  His mouth curved upward. “My sweet Victoria, if

  I believed that, I would be a greater fool than even

  MacPherson thinks me.”

  She stiffened. “You forget yourself, sir. I tell you again, I have no idea what you mean.”

  Irritation glinted in his eyes. “I have not forgotten.”

  Her cheeks warmed. “What are you saying?”

  “You are no fool,” he snapped. Then, in a calmer manner, “However, I believe you had no idea where your reckless behavior would lead. I comprehend how difficult it is being kept a prisoner here and being forced to share that heathen’s bed.”

  Victoria laughed. “Why, Edwin, I have never known you to be concerned about such feminine sensibilities.”

  “This idiocy does not become you,” he said with a flash of impatience. “I have always cared.”

  Her amusement vanished. “You showed no concern when I was married to your brother. That is when it would have been appreciated.” “Richard held the title. I was powerless.” “You, powerless?” She gave a mirthless laugh. “You were content to leave me to my fate. After his death, your only interest was in keeping me from remarrying.” She narrowed her eyes. “What is your game, Edwin?”

  “I would ask you the same. How can you so easily forget?”

  Victoria remembered all too well when this dark knight held her enthralled with the same look of controlled passion he turned on her now. She hadn’t forgotten the way his fingers lightly touched hers as he lifted them to his lips, or when he entered a room how his eyes caressed her body. But as for love, Edwin Hockley was no more capable of that emotion than Richard had been. While the elder brother would have cast her into the pits of hell, the younger would have fallen into the abyss and taken her with him. “I do not believe you can put it behind you.” Edwin’s words pulled her back to the present. She regarded him. “Why did you bring Katherine with you?”

  “She insisted on coming.”

  Victoria raised a skeptical brow. “You will have to do better than that. She has changed.”

  “Aye,” he agreed. “She needed you.” He yanked her against him. “I need you.”

  “Are you a fool?” Victoria shoved at him.

  Instead of releasing her, his grip tightened. “You will come home with me.”

  Fear turned to astonishment. “You believe he will release me?”

  “It matters not what he will do, but what I can do.”

  A rustling at the far end of the stables distracted Edwin, and this time he let go when she shoved from him. Victoria wasted no time in putting distance between them.

  “You will come home with me,” Edwin called as she slipped through the small opening in the door.

  * * *

  Victoria stood immobile amongst the crowd watching Iain face Edwin in the courtyard. How had Iain learned of the meeting with her brother-in-law? Dread twisted her stomach at memory of Iain’s stony expression when he confronted her ten minutes ago in the library. He hadn’t said it outright, but it was clear he believed she purposely met with Edwin in secret. He demanded explanation, but she found no words. To admit that Edwin caught her unawares was to sign his death warrant. Iain had left without another word.


e single word from Iain froze her blood. Her silence hadn’t saved a life. One of the men would soon be lying in the dirt with a sword through his heart. If it was Edwin, could she forgive herself? If it was Iain… Her heart lurched.

  He stepped in Edwin’s direction and Victoria shoved forward through the crowd. Slim fingers clamped onto her arm and yanked her back. She jerked her gaze up and stared into the eyes of Iain’s mistress.

  “Madeline?” Victoria tugged to free her arm.

  “Nay,” the woman hissed. “’Tis time you received your just rewards.”

  The fury behind her words lit a fire, hot and just as dark in Victoria’s ragged nerves. Rearing back, she threw her clenched fist hard against Madeline’s cheek. She fell back into the nearest women, and Victoria hurled herself through the throng toward Iain.

  Reaching his side, she grabbed his arm. “My lord, please, do not do this.”

  He started to yank free, but stopped. “You care for him that much?”

  She shook her head. “Nay. I simply do not want bloodshed.”

  Iain’s lip curled derisively. “Mine or his?”

  She stared, tears so close to the surface, she couldn’t speak.

  He shook her off and faced Edwin. “By what right have you to approach my wife alone?”

  “You speak of rights when you took her against her will?” The deadly calm in Edwin’s voice sent gooseflesh racing up her arms.

  Iain took a menacing step toward him. “She consented to be my wife of her own accord and lest you forget,” he paused, clear and unrelenting malice in his eyes, “with the knowledge you were coming.” A cold smile twisted his mouth when Edwin’s eyes shifted to her. “Leave now, Hockley, and I will not kill you.”

  Edwin looked back at Iain, his gaze steady. “If she wishes to leave with me?”

  “She does not.”

  “You are afraid to let her speak?”

  All eyes, including her husband’s, turned on her.

  She didn’t hesitate this time. “I will stay.”

  “You need not fear him,” Edwin said. “I can protect you.” His hand moved to the hilt of his sword.

  Anger shot through her. “I told you, I will not leave.”

  Iain stepped in front of her. “You have your answer.” His savage tone was reflected in the ferocity of his touch when he grabbed her wrist with an iron grip and dragged her toward the castle.

  * * *

  Victoria awoke the following morning to find the place beside her empty. She laid a shaky palm on the smooth sheet. As expected, cool as the morning breeze that wafted in through the window. Iain hadn’t slept there.

  Her pulse jumped. Had he gone to Madeline as she’d feared when he left her yesterday afternoon? Her wait for his return had ended with her crying herself to sleep deep into the night. Tears rose to the surface again. Could she live with another man who kept a mistress only minutes away? What if he decided to bring her into their bed? Unlike in England, there would be no retreat from Fauldun

  Castle and Iain MacPherson—or a mistress whose anger bordered on insanity. Pain twisted her heart. She had endured Richard’s rejection because she knew he was incapable of love. But Iain was different. Or was he? Mayhap returning to England with Edwin was the better choice.

  Victoria threw back the covers and rose. Upon encountering Thomas in the hall after she’d dressed twenty minutes later, Victoria learned Iain had departed early that morning.

  “Where has he gone?” she asked with a nonchalance she wasn’t feeling.

  “He had business in Dawilneh.”

  Dawilneh. The opposite direction Edwin would have gone—if, indeed, Iain went to Dawilneh.

  Victoria started to turn away, but halted. “Did he go alone?”

  “Aye, my lady, he did.”

  With a nod of thanks, Victoria hurried to the stables. Dawilneh was but twenty minutes away. People rode from the keep to the village often. But a woman alone, the lord’s wife, could raise question.

  Would the guards let her pass?

  Gilbert saddled a mare and she set out for the gate. She smiled grimly when the guards let her pass without so much as a nod. It would seem her husband hadn’t lied when he said the wife of Lord MacPherson enjoyed the privileges of free men.

  * * *

  In the hours that passed when Victoria watched Dawilneh from the hill overlooking the village, she saw no sign of Iain. What had she hoped to gain by coming here? What had she thought to say to him? Whether a day, a year, or a century, I could not betray you because…because what? She loved him? Could she love a man who had taken her captive? Her heart squeezed. Could she love any man?

  The time drew near to return home, but she could muster no heart to go. Velvety cool grass enveloped her as she eased onto her back and closed her eyes. Tears threatened and she squeezed her eyes shut only to see Iain’s face when he’d said “You care for him that much?” She choked back a sob. He believed she cared for Edwin. The sound of a metal clank jerked her upright. She cried out at sight of the wall of men surrounding her. Recognition of the Fraser plaid was immediate and her heart leapt to a gallop.

  “’Tis plain to see ye are havin’ a bad day, lassie.”

  Victoria swung her gaze onto the aging warrior who had spoken.

  “Surely it canna’ be as bad as all that?” he asked.

  His thick brogue confounded her. She stared in silence and he cocked his head.

  “Are ye all right, lass? Are you lost?”

  She shook her head, and a frown creased his craggy brow.

  “Are you saying no to being all right, or being lost?”

  His quandary brought an uncertain smile to her lips and he grinned in response.

  “Much better. ’Tis no’ good to see a fine lass such as yourself shedding tears.”

  A roll of thunder brought both of their gazes upward.

  “It will be pouring very soon,” he said, looking back at her. “Do you think you should be getting on home?”

  Victoria glanced at the men who accompanied him.

  “Dinna’ worry.” He smiled gently. “They will do you no harm. Where is your home?”

  Victoria stood and brushed off the grass that clung to her dress. “I can find my way from here, sir.” As feared, the surprise on his face said he wasn’t expecting an Englishwoman.

  He scratched his beard in a thoughtful manner. “You wouldna’ be headed for Fauldun Castle?” When she didn’t answer, he went on. “You are in luck.” He winked. “That is exactly where we are going.”

  Victoria studied him. “Who are you, sir?”

  “Liam Fraser. Mayhap you have heard of me?”

  Mist had begun to fall when Fauldun Castle came into view. Spotting Thomas on the battlement, Victoria wasn’t surprised when he met them as the gate swung open.

  “Good afternoon, sir.” She dismounted and handed her reins to a nearby warrior who reached for them.

  Thomas nodded to Liam, then angled his head in her direction with a slight raise of his brow. “It is nearly evening, my lady.”

  She glanced around.

  “Iain is not here,” Thomas said, and extended his hand to Liam. “Liam, good of you to escort my lady home.”

  “Good of me?” He grunted. “I had little choice.” He pointed toward the gate, and Victoria startled to see three MacPherson warriors ride in.

  She looked back at Thomas.

  He gave her an inquiring smile. “Were three guards not enough?”

  Before she could reply, his gaze shifted past her. She glanced over her shoulder and her stomach flipped at sight of her husband riding through the gates. Iain reined his horse to a stop beside them, dismounted, and threw the reins to a nearby man.

  After a curious look at her, he faced Liam.

  “What brings you to Fauldun Castle, Liam?” “The news of your unusual visitors,” he replied.

  “I could not resist learning how you fared.”

  Victoria half expected some sort of recrimination f
rom Iain, but he simply said, “They gave us no real trouble. You will stay for the night?”

  “Aye, with pleasure,” Liam said.

  Victoria started at the feel of Iain’s hand on hers as he slipped it into the crook of his arm and began toward the castle.

  “This is the first time I can recall the English leaving so quietly,” Liam said, falling into step beside them.

  Iain looked at him. “You sound as if you would have preferred a fight.”

  Liam laughed. “Expected one, would be more the like. You will have to forgive me, lad, I am a suspicious sort.”

  “Perhaps you are in good company,” Thomas said.

  Victoria thought she felt the muscle in Iain’s arm tighten, but they had reached the postern door and he opened it, allowing her to pass before him. He then entered, followed by Liam and Thomas.

  She halted at the table and began to unclasp her cloak, but Iain brushed aside her hand and reached for the clasp. Warmth of his fingers against her neck elicited a quiver in her belly. She thought his touch lingered, but discarded the notion when he tossed the garment to a serving lad and withdrew her chair for her without a passing glance.

  Katherine appeared from the stairs. Victoria met her eyes and read in them the satisfaction that she knew all was not well between her and Iain. The postern door opened and Riley entered. Katherine’s head jerked in his direction. Victoria winced at the haughty look the girl shot him before she whirled and headed back up the stairs. Perhaps she and Iain had done the lad an injustice by forcing Katherine on him.

  Iain seated himself beside Victoria and took a long drink of ale from the cup before him. “I see you have met my wife,” he said to Liam as he sat the mug down.

  “Wife?” Liam’s eyes widened. “I didna’ know you were wed.” Looking at her, he grinned. “You did not tell me that you had married the MacPherson.” “You did not ask, my lord.”

  Liam burst into hearty laughter. “True.” He transferred his attention to Iain. “You have a fine wife.”

  Iain nodded, though Victoria doubted he agreed.

  “But I am surprised you would let her go riding alone.”

  Iain’s gaze shot to her, and Victoria froze.

  “’Twas fortunate we came upon her,” Liam went on. “The lass was in a sad state when we found her.”


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