Home > Other > SEAL INVESTIGATIONS: A 5-Books SEAL Romance Series > Page 76
SEAL INVESTIGATIONS: A 5-Books SEAL Romance Series Page 76

by Lola Silverman

  “I know.” She leaned forward and rested her forehead against his. “I’ve always known.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The desert sun sent scorching rays of sun beating down on Isabella and Alex as they travelled across the sand. She could hardly believe that they were here. She could hardly believe that anyone had agreed that this was a good idea. And yet there was nothing else she would rather be doing, even if it did rank a little high on the are you crazy scale.

  “You okay?” Alex looked over from the driver’s seat of the Humvee.

  She reached over and touched his hand. “I’m great.”

  They were both dressed in military fatigues with combat boots and body armor. Travelling around here in a convoy could be dangerous business. If rebels thought they had weapons to steal, the whole thing could become a bloodbath.

  “There it is!” Alex gestured to a giant structure atop a flat topped mesa.

  There was a rough ridge of rocky mountains behind the sheik’s grand home. The place was more of a compound than a dwelling, and yet Isabella had no doubt that the place was fantastically luxurious on the inside. Sheik Darius ibn Armeen al Saud was a rich man. Several US agencies had given Isabella and Alex intel on the man as they prepared for this trip and none of it told her how this meeting was going to go.

  She turned around, trying not to shiver as she considered the cargo they were carrying. It was freaky to say the least.

  “And here’s our welcome committee,” Alex muttered.

  Isabella turned and saw a half dozen vehicles speeding in their direction. They were accompanied by tribesmen on horseback and plenty of angry expressions. She made sure that her head was covered properly so that she wouldn’t give offense, and tried to prepare herself to be serene and unaffected.

  Alex stopped the vehicle and Isabella heard the other two Humvees in their caravan squeaking to a stop too. They were certainly going to be searched, but even though their escort had weapons, they were here primarily for a peacekeeping mission. Sort of.

  “Who are you?” A dark faced man put his hand on the open window of Alex’s door. His expression was threatening. “Why do you dare to trespass on the sheik’s territory without invitation?”

  Alex didn’t say anything about the desert custom of hospitality. That would have been asinine under the circumstances. And yet he seemed utterly calm. “We’re bringing something for the sheik that he needs to see.”

  “A gift?” The man raised his eyebrows.

  “No.” Alex took a deep breath. This was where it could go very wrong. “Hasim left something in the US that I think the sheik will want.”

  There was obvious confusion, and then Isabella reached behind her and opened the top portion of the casket closest to her. The guard began shouting orders to his men. They backed off, their vehicles and horses turning and heading back to the compound.

  “You will follow me,” he ordered. His manner was menacing, but Isabella had a feeling that the anger was mostly directed elsewhere. If Hasim was home, he needed to watch out. Things were about to get really uncomfortable.

  TRAPP HAD NEVER before been so utterly aware of the many ways that a mission could go south. Right now as Isabella rode beside him up the rocky incline toward the Armeen al Saud compound, he was counting every single possibility in his head. Some of them were worse than bad.

  Do not jinx this before it happens.

  He parked behind the guard’s jeep and exited the vehicle only after the man—who was obviously in charge—gestured that Trapp and Isabella should get out. A group of men swarmed the Humvees. They removed both caskets and took them quickly into the house.

  Trapp took Isabella’s hand and they walked into the house alone. The armed guard sent by the US for this mission had to stay behind. They had known it would happen. The guardsmen were all SEALs. All had been handpicked by Trapp for this mission. He had a personal alarm on his body and if they needed to bust their way into the house, they could. Their orders were to extract Isabella. He would take care of himself. The only thing that mattered was getting her out of here alive. At least that’s how he actually felt even though he’d left out that part when he’d told her about their escape plan.

  “Are we okay?” Isabella murmured.

  Trapp glanced around. It was tense, but again. It was not exactly aimed at them. “For the moment,” he whispered back.

  “Commander Alexander Trapp, welcome.” Sheik Darius ibn Armeen al Saud was a man in his late sixties with skin that looked like a wrinkled date and teeth that looked brilliant white when he smiled. “Won’t you introduce me to your lovely companion?”

  “Agent Isabella Rockwood of Homeland Security,” Trapp said formally. “We are sorry to intrude upon you at this time, but felt it necessary.”

  “Yes.” The older man’s expression closed. “But first, refreshments. Won’t you join me on the terrace?”

  “Of course,” Trapp said through gritted teeth. “Thank you.”

  Once the formalities of desert hospitality had been observed, conversation could begin. The reclined on tasseled cushions on a terrace with tea and tiny cakes that looked British in nature. Their view was the valley below. It was all quite breathtaking, as long as one didn’t focus too much on the tension underlying it all.

  “Now,” the sheik began. “My guards tell me that you have brought Jabar and Asif’s bodies home. How is that possible? My son Hasim tells me that your attacks on their persons incinerated the bodies and made them unavailable to bring home for proper ceremony.”

  ISABELLA SWALLOWED BACK the bile that threatened to make her disgrace herself in front of this scary as hell company. Hasim had told his father the bodies were incinerated? Had he been expecting to put them in that incinerator back in the Hansen Pharmaceuticals warehouse?

  It didn’t matter. She had to keep focusing on this moment right here and stop wonder what in the world Hasim had been planning. That would drive her insane. The guy was crazy to begin with. There was no telling what he’d been planning.

  Alex cleared his throat. She had never been so proud of anyone in her life. Alex looked absolutely calm and perfectly amiable. He was an amazing diplomat considering his skillset could have allowed him to gut everyone in the room instead of talking it out.

  “Your son seems to have mislead you,” Alex began slowly. “That is why we are here.”

  “Are you calling Hasim a liar?” The sheik’s voice rose with proper outrage.

  “No.” Alex folded his hands calmly. “I’m simply suggesting that he did not know what became of the bodies. Jabar was murdered at the Bhatia home. I believe you are familiar with the Bhatia family?”

  A quick nod. “Bhatia was my son Jabar’s accountant.”

  “Yes.” Alex took a drink of his tea, looking very at ease. “His daughter Jaipriya was to marry your son Asif.”


  “My men and I came upon Jaipriya during this time.” Alex pulled out a letter sent with them by Jaipriya. Hopefully it would carry weight. “This is her account of the night Jabar was murdered. It seems to have been orchestrated. But Bhatia was the one who pulled the trigger. He was murdered that night as well. Both bodies were taken to the morgue where they were in custody until now when I’ve brought your son’s home for proper burial.”

  “And Asif?” The tightness in the sheik’s voice could not help but be noticed. “How did you come by his body?”

  “After Jabar was shot, my men and I took Asif into protective custody. His brother had left him behind. He refused a prisoner exchange. We attempted to give him Asif, but he told us he would rather keep my sister.”

  Isabella kept her mouth closed. That wasn’t exactly the way the story went, but it was close enough. She couldn’t help but get fidgety. This was where things could get awkward.

  The sheik’s frown deepened the lines on his face. “And? Continue please.”

  “We placed Asif in one of his clubs and put guards on him night and day. Despite our
efforts, he was enticed away from his safe house. The guards said he intentionally gave him them the slip. We believe he was contacted by someone that he knows and offered a chance to go home.”

  “You believe Hasim enticed him out.” The sheik’s tone was flat and he was sitting straight now instead of reclining. “You believe his brother murdered him.”

  “Hasim lured us to a location and Asif’s body is what we found,” Alex said. No frills, no excuses. Just a matter of fact explanation. “So we were led to the conclusion that Hasim was behind the murder.”

  “And of course the attempt of terrorism.” The sheik put his face in his hands. He was no longer trying to keep a good face on. “My son has wrought terror in my name.” The words were almost a whispered confession. “I am shamed by my own child.”

  TRAPP TOOK A deep breath. This next part was going to get hairy. “We’re asking permission to take Hasim back with us to face justice for his crimes.”


  “No?” Trapp had been afraid of this.

  There was really nothing to be done if the sheik would not cooperate. It wasn’t like extradition was going to work between the UAE and the United States. Not right now when everything was such a mess. If they pushed the issue, there were hundreds of rebels who would then be up in arms. American prisoners in the Middle East would be in danger of execution just as a retaliatory measure. What a fucking mess!

  The sheik looked over Trapp’s shoulder to his guard. The man had never left the room. Not even during the explanation. Now the sheik snapped his fingers. “Bring Hasim to me.”

  Trapp hid his shock. What. The. Hell? What was happening? He kept his hand on his leg even though it wanted to reach for the alarm in the leg pocket of his cargos. If Hasim came in here and decided he wanted to murder them where they stood, Trapp was going to unleash the devil and worry about consequences later.

  It seemed to take forever though it was only a few minutes before Hasim appeared. He looked good—relaxed. He was dressed in the traditional robes of his people and there was a smug expression of triumph on his face.

  “Alexander Trapp,” Hasim drawled. “How good of you to visit! And you’ve brought dear Isabella. Tell me. How is Rachel? Does she pine for me? You know she was always my favorite captive.”

  Only Isabella’s hand on his knee stopped Trapp from leaping to his feet and throttling the asshole then and there. He could not. Not now. This was not the time. He had to keep Isabella safe.

  “Hasim, be silent!”

  They all turned to stare as the sheik lumbered to his feet. The angry glower on the man’s otherwise pleasant features was shocking to see. He strode over to his son and smacked Hasim across the cheek with the force of ten men.

  “How dare you?” he snarled. “They have brought your brothers’ bodies! The Americans have done what you claimed was not possible!”

  Hasim’s face slowly drained of color. He hadn’t expected that. Now he turned to his father. “They are lying. Whatever they have told you is a lie.”

  “What reason do they have to lie? And then I hear you taunting this man about raping his sister? Do not think I am unaware of what you do behind my back! Money is one thing. Honor is quite another. And insulting a guest in my own home is beyond dishonorable. You have lied to me! Admit it!”

  “Jabar was going to end the trafficking!” Hasim suddenly burst out. “He would not listen to reason. Him and that stupid accountant. They claimed it wasn’t profitable! But I knew it was. I knew that I could use it to further goals against the Americans! And I almost succeeded!”

  The sheik turned away. He looked at his guards. “End him. End his lies. I will have no more of it. I have no sons.”

  Trapp grabbed Isabella’s hand, clutching it tight as they both watched in shocked fascinated horror. The guard whipped out the scimitar he wore at his waist. The downward sweeping arc was so smooth—so quick.

  Then Hasim’s body collapsed to the floor as his head rolled across the tile to rest at the end of a bloody path in the sun.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The hotel in Abu Daubi was as luxurious as any hotel could ever be. Isabella wrapped her fluffy robe more firmly around her body and walked out onto the balcony. The ultra modern towers of the downtown high rises gleamed in the light of the setting sun. Where the white sands ended she could see the big blue expanse of ocean stretching into infinity. It was deceptively beautiful. And so very difficult to reconcile what had happened only a few hours earlier.

  “Are you all right?”

  She turned and smiled at Alex as he approached. He was wearing a towel wrapped around his waist and nothing else. His broad chest was just a little damp and he looked so yummy that she felt her breathing grow shallow. He was so incredibly good looking. How was it possible that this man wanted to be with her?

  “You’re staring,” he teased.

  She cocked her head, feeling strangely flirtatious. “Am I?”

  He moved closer. Each exhaled breath whispered over her skin and made her just a little more turned on. She felt her body softening. A damp ache developed between her legs and she pressed her thighs together beneath the robe.

  “I want you,” Alex whispered. “Do you know how turned on I get just by being close to you? I look at you and I can’t even begin to believe that you’re really mine.”

  “Am I yours?” she asked breathlessly. She was afraid to move. She didn’t want to shatter the moment.

  “All mine.”

  Alex put his arms around her body and drew her flush against him. She felt the heat of his skin next to hers. She wanted more. She wanted to be naked next to him in the bed. She wanted to feel him push inside her, to be joined with him in that most basic way. That was what she needed so desperately.

  TRAPP SWEPT ISABELLA into his arms and carried her back into their hotel room. The luxury of the space was lost on him. Nothing mattered but the big bed in the center of the room. He lay her down. The beautiful sight made him pause. He just wanted to soak it all up. The perfection of her sometimes felt like a dream. The twisted path that had led to this point was almost more than he could wrap his mind around. And perhaps he just needed to stop thinking.

  Grabbing the end of the towel around his waist, he gave a tug. The soft cotton dropped to the floor. He left it there—forgotten. The way she looked at him! Her gaze seem drawn to his groin. Then she licked her lips and he felt the rest of the blood in his body rush to his cock. He was so hard the thought he might explode. There was every chance that he was going to come just as soon as he breached her hot, tight opening.

  He climbed up onto the bed and settled on his knees between her legs. Her robe was still partially closed. The top gaped open to expose the creamy tops of her breasts and the bottom was spread to give him the barest glimpse of her pussy. She stretched out her hands and lightly brushed her fingertips down his chest. He shut his eyes and reveled in the feel of her nails scraping his skin. The sensation was erotic and only made him want her that much more. How was it possible to feel so damn good?

  Then she wrapped her hand around his cock. His eyes flew open and he looked down to watch. The sight of her measuring his shaft with her fingertips was unbelievably intense. She stroked and squeezed and made him crazy. Then she began to pump him from base to tip and he thought he might die of need. A tiny drop of clear fluid beaded on the tip. She drew her index finger through the silky stuff and spread it all around the head. He loved the way it felt when she touched him.

  “Please don’t stop,” he begged. “It feels so good.”

  She started to move her hands faster. She used both to grip him tightly. The skin on his cock head turned dusky purple and he groaned as he danced dangerously close to climax. He wanted so much more. It was tempting to spill his seed in her hands, but he wanted to be inside her. That was the goal.

  “Stop,” he said hoarsely. “I can’t handle any more.”

  She abruptly leg go of his cock and unfastened the belt of her rob
e. Spreading it wide over her body, she crooked her finger at him. “Then come and get me.”

  He loved the playfulness of her nature. He loved knowing how much she wanted him. And now the only thing left was to see how wet she was for him. Bracing his weigh on his knees, he leaned forward and brushed his fingers over her mound. She was hot. She was wet. And he was going to fuck her right now.

  ISABELLA GROANED AS Alex’s fingers spread her pussy and caressed her folds. She was so wet for him. She was so turned on! It wasn’t enough to be near him. She wanted him inside her. It wasn’t enough to be touched or stroked. She needed the sensation of penetration pushing her to completion. It was what she wanted so very badly.

  “Please,” she breathed. “Please don’t make me wait.”

  The way he looked at her! The wonder on his face touched her deeply, but not just on a physical level. Then he circled her clit with the tip of his index finger and she could not longer think. She arched her back and thrust her hips toward his body. He was kneeling between her legs. His cock was so close. She had felt how much he wanted her in the power of his erection. Why the waiting?

  “I’m going to take you.” His voice was gravelly. “I’m going to push inside you and fuck you. Is that what you want Isabella?”


  Then he grasped the shaft of his cock with his hand and dragged the head over her hot folds. She nearly flew off the bed. It was so erotic and so intense! The sounds of her mewling excitement echoed off the walls and rang in her ears. She was shameless and she did not care. She whimpered and begged and moaned like a wild wanton thing.

  He reached down and took hold of her nipple between his thumb and index finger. He twisted the taut bud lightly, making her gasp. Her eyes slid shut. With bated breath she waited for the next bit of erotic torture. Another sweep of her pussy with his cock left her straining to get closer. He focused on her clit, rubbing until the friction pushed her so close to orgasm that she could feel her inner muscles trembling.


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