Mouse Trapped

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Mouse Trapped Page 32

by Manda Mellett

  Sam smiles at both her and me. “Not wanting to gossip, but never seen Mouse with a woman before, have we, Allie?”

  Allie frowns, “Well, he certainly didn’t take any of us up.”

  Interesting. He didn’t go with the women who were available here? I hadn’t realised that.

  When Sam indicates a free table, indicating Tse’s conversation with Blade is getting intense as they argue about some bike component or other and its merits, I follow her over. The snippet she just dropped makes me wonder if she’ll give me more information about the man I’m legally married to.

  Tse turns, sees me sitting with Sam. Raising his eyebrow, he sends me a silent query. I wave my hand to show he should continue his discussion. I’m fine. He smiles that devastating smile, then his attention’s on Blade once again.

  “So, you and Mouse.” Sam nudges me with her arm, her eyes sparkling. “You’ve got yourself a good one there.”

  Instead of responding in a like vein, my insecurities come to the fore. I shrug.

  Sam’s eyes stare into mine. “Okay, spill. What’s eating you?”

  I’ve kept to myself. Never opened up to anyone before. After giving me a shrewd look, she shouts out, “Allie? Bring a couple of shots, will you?”

  What? Seeing the smirk on her face, I remind her. “I’m not old enough, and you’re pregnant.”

  “No one’s going to give a damn about your age here, Mariana. And I’m not drinking. They’re both for you. Reckon you need to relax.” When Allie puts the drinks on the table, she slides the first across to me. “Now drink. And tell Auntie Sam what the problem is.”

  I pick up my glass and take a sip. God. It feels like my throat’s on fire. Under her encouraging eye, I take another. That wasn’t so bad. It’s probably psychological, but I immediately feel light headed.

  Sam sits back, her hands resting on her swollen belly. She rubs it, and grins. “Think it’s probably another boy. Wraith will lose his shit if Drum ends up with two boys when his are both girls.”

  I’ve noticed Wraith is a good father, loves both his babies. I narrow my eyes.

  “Drummer will rib him mercilessly,” she explains. “Bet he’ll be boasting about his male sperm.”

  “You don’t know the sex?”

  “Nah. Prefer the surprise. Now if it’s a girl, Drummer won’t know what the fuck to do with it.” She laughs. Personally, I don’t think either of them care what they get. Their relationship is something I’d like for myself, but I can’t expect that with the man who married me to keep me safe.

  While she’s been talking, the first shot has gone down. Sam pushes the other toward me. I’ve already got a pleasant buzz.

  “Now I might be happily married, but that doesn’t stop me wondering. What’s Mouse like in the sack? He all dominant?”

  My face glows. If it wasn’t for the alcohol, I’d probably be more cautious, but I find myself saying, “I don’t know.”

  Her eyebrows rise. “The way he looks at you, Mariana, I’m surprised.”

  “The way he looks at me?”

  “Like a starving man, my dear.”

  I cast my eyes toward the man in question. “He does?”

  “Yeah.” She leans in conspiratorially, “If you can’t see it, that leads me to suspect you haven’t got much experience.”

  “None,” the alcohol makes me admit.

  “You could do a lot worse than him.”

  “He could do better,” I retort.

  After looking at me carefully, she starts to speak. “One night, before I got pregnant again, I was with Drummer and the guys. We all got a few drinks inside us. One of them, Beef I think it was, asked Mouse why he didn’t go with the whores.” When she pauses, I regard her eagerly, wanting to hear what his reply had been. “He might not have used the exact words, but he said, for him, sex had to mean something.”

  I gaze down at my shot, unable to understand what she’s saying.

  “If he wants you, and I put money on it that he does, it wouldn’t just be because you’re convenient. It would be because he really wants you.”

  I flick my eyes toward the bar again. Tse’s still talking, but every so often he turns to check I’m okay. Always looking out for me. Like he’s done from the first day we met. Taking care of me when I needed someone. Is there more to it? “He could break my heart,” I admit.

  “You could break his.”

  I shake my head. I doubt it.

  Her hand covers mine. “Isn’t it worth taking a chance? These men don’t claim ol’ ladies lightly. Oh, I know you got married. But to them, claiming you is a lot more than that.”

  My head tilts to the side. Is it? I didn’t understand that. Tse told me he’d claimed me back in Colombia. Did he really mean something by it?

  “I’m scared,” I admit. “Those days when I was kept in the basement of my father’s house. Men forced women right in front of me. I was so scared they’d hurt me next. They didn’t, but those screams, the women…”

  Sam pushes the remainder of my second shot in front of me. “If you are a virgin, no wonder you’re traumatised by what you saw. Mouse isn’t like that. He’s not going to force you. He’s never done anything to hurt you, has he?”

  My head shakes side to side slowly. “He’s not made a move on me.”

  Drummer comes in and beckons Sam to him. With an apologetic smile, awkwardly with one hand on her huge belly, she gets up and leaves. I pick up the almost empty glass and drain it. Her words echo through my brain; I sift through them selectively. Tse wants sex to mean something. Then my last response. He’s never made a move on me.

  That proves it, doesn’t it? When he promised he wouldn’t touch me, it wasn’t hard for him at all. He doesn’t want me.

  He’d told me that consummating our marriage wouldn’t be a problem for him.

  But once he’d known I was a virgin, he’d backed right off.

  I sit. Undecided. Does he want me or not?

  Chapter 37


  Seeing Sam’s left Mariana alone, I slap Blade on the back. “Gotta see to my ol’ lady.”

  “Your wife.” He grins. “Gotta keep her satisfied on your wedding night.” He thrusts his hips leaving me in no doubt as to his meaning.

  I turn, studying my wife for a moment. Our marriage had gone off without fanfare today, but only because that’s the way I assumed she’d prefer it. She’s got it in her head I’m doing this for all the wrong reasons, and I’ve no idea how to convince her otherwise. I love her, but I’ve never found the words to tell her in a way she’d accept. So we snuck off to the courthouse alone, running away as though we were doing something dirty.

  Up to me, I’d have had all my brothers there, a party back at the clubhouse. The girls would have been all over that. Instead it’s as though it’s something that should be hidden, not celebrated. It feels a non-event to me, and probably means absolutely nothing to her. But she’s mine now. Legally. That’s a basis which I can work from.

  Fuck, I care for her so much. My feelings have only amplified the more time I spend with her. I’ve become envious of the smiles she gives Drew, while always holding herself back with me. Yeah, I’ve tricked her. Got her to agree to move her shit into my room, when there was no need. Every man and woman here would give whatever testimony was needed if it came to it, our version of the truth. They’d never betray her or me.

  Keep up appearances, I told her. When I’ll be committing myself to taking numerous long cold showers from sleeping in the same bed, while not being allowed to touch her.

  Now and then I get a glimpse of interest in her eyes. But since that day in Colombia I haven’t even kissed her. The vibes coming from her indicating my advances are unwelcome.

  It’s our wedding night.

  I’ve already claimed her. My brothers would die if they knew I hadn’t even touched her. She’s mine.

  My Navajo blood tells me to break down her defences.

  With a purposeful stride I wal
k toward her, eyeing the empty glasses on the table. “Are you sober?”

  She looks up fast, puts her hand on the table and stands, pulling the crutches toward her. “I’m fine,” she tells me.

  “Your leg?”

  “Barely hurting.” She grins. “The shots helped.”

  My eyes sweep across her body, checking she’s not swaying or any other sign to give inebriation away. My examination has another result. My cock lengthens and swells, blood rushing south making my voice husky. “Come, then.”

  I put my hand gently on her arm, above where she’s holding the crutch. This touch she allows. Without saying more, I lead her up to our suite, and inside the door. Drew’s staying with Sam and Drummer tonight, an offer to give us privacy.

  “Drew’s not here, I could sleep…”

  “You’re sleeping with me.” My tone is wrong. I should be reassuring, not threatening, but it’s hard when my pants feel too tight and everything in me just wants to hold her, to show her just how much I want her. But first, I want her to want me.

  She’s hesitating, as if on the verge of running. I turn to face her, and gently turn her head up to mine. Panic flares in her eyes, so I brush my lips over hers, barely touching her, then pull back.

  “Not going to take anything you don’t want to give,” I murmur softly.

  Her eyes flick wildly. “I can’t,” she replies.

  “If you can’t, you can’t,” I reassure her. Then my lips descend once more, hers feeling soft and yielding against mine. The Navajo plan of attack comes into my mind. Advance and retreat, make them come after you. I pull away.

  She follows me, unwilling to break the contact. She wants more. I let her lips find mine, and this time, apply more pressure. She opens for me, my tongue slips inside, finding hers, toying with it. When my tongue withdraws, hers tracks it, I allow her to explore my mouth. This time when I back off, an involuntary moan comes from her mouth.

  Feeling emboldened, I place my hand on the back of her head and pull her to me once more. Attack when they’re not expecting it. Letting her believe this is all I want, lulling her into a false sense of security, I keep my hips away so she can’t feel my hardness, and kiss her again, this time, more forcefully. Our mouths meet and mate, our tongues dance. She smells so good, her taste intoxicating. Her crutches fall to the ground, neither of us pay much attention. She’s balancing on her good leg, but seems to be stable.

  “You okay?”

  “I, yes.”

  I can’t fuck this up.

  I force myself to pull back. My hands gently brush her hair back from her face. I place a quick kiss on the tip of her nose, curving my lips to smile at her. Her pupils have dilated, and I swear I glimpse disappointment there. I’ve not given up. Just giving you time to process.

  Running my hands up and down her arms once, I move away. I go to the side of the bed, grab the back of my tee with my hand and pull it over my head. I hear an inhaled breath behind me as I expose my naked back.

  “I, er, I haven’t thought this through,” she says in an undertone as though talking to herself. Then slightly louder, her voice dripping with concern, “Do you sleep naked?”

  My lips curve again, my back still turned towards her, I reply, “If you want me to.”

  “No,” she squeals.

  I smile briefly, then turning, advance on her again. Her tongue flicks out to lick her lips, an unconscious move, and if I’m not mistaken, an admission that she’s not unaffected by the sight of my naked chest. I work hard to keep myself in shape, not proud of my body as such, but know it wouldn’t turn many women off.

  “I, er.” Again demonstrating being at a loss for the right words, I chuckle softly.

  “My eyes are up here, sweetheart.”

  Her expression resembles a child caught with fingers in a cookie jar. Gently, I take hold of her hands, and place them on my pecs. Her warm touch causing the small nubs of my nipples to harden.

  She glances at her hands, then up at me, her mouth opening. “Oh…” she breathes.

  “All yours, darlin’,” I say softly.

  I step closer, she doesn’t move back. There’s only an inch between us. One hand on the small of her back, one around her head, I encourage her to me. She comes with no resistance, resting her face against my bare shoulder, enabling me to feel the warmth of her exhaled breath against my skin.

  I hold her lightly, no pressure. Her hands start to explore. My cock swells even more, her innocent touches more exciting than any practised hands.

  I lower the hand that’s holding her head, still she doesn’t move. Fuck, I wish I knew what she was thinking. It joins its partner on her back, and softly I start stroking. My hands sweep up, then back down, a barely there touch. Then stay on the hem of her tee.

  “I want to see you.” My voice is quiet, light, almost teasing. Issuing a challenge, I’ve no idea if she’ll accept.


  “Okay?” I want to make sure I’ve got permission.

  “This doesn’t mean…”

  “Shush. Doesn’t mean we’ll do anything else.” Fuck, I hope that’s where it’s leading.

  She raises her arms and gives me the space to take off her tee, then her face is against my chest again as though she’s feeling awkward. I close my eyes, relishing the sensation of her naked skin beneath my hands. For a moment, I just continue my previous movements, my hands moving slowly up and back down. A shiver runs through her, her skin rippling under my touch. My hands move around her sides, and then lower. When I reach her waist, she jumps.

  “Ticklish?” I laugh softly. Then tickle her again. This time she almost leaps out of my arms, batting my hands away, losing her balance slightly.

  “Okay, okay.” After helping steady her, I hold out my palms. “Promise I won’t do that again.”

  A stern assessing look, a moment of hesitation then, thank fuck, of her own volition she’s approaching me again.

  “Stop.” My outstretched hands prevent her closing the distance.


  I nod down at her bra. “Fair’s fair. You’ve been touching my breasts.”

  “Your breasts?” she sounds indignant. “You’re a man.”

  I puff myself up. “What’s the difference?”

  One side of her mouth turns up as she struggles to find an answer. Having none close at hand, she freezes, then hesitantly reaches around, undoes the clasp and lets her bra slide off her shoulders.

  For a moment, it’s me who’s speechless. “Fuckin’ gorgeous,” I at last say reverently. Understanding I’m the first man to see them, to appreciate them. She’s not large, there’s just enough to fit in my hands, tipped with brown areolae surrounding the tight buds of her nipples. Nipples which are already protruding. My first sign that she’s aroused. I interpret the sight as permission to continue.

  I trace the outline of her breasts, then lower my head and suck one of those perfect nipples into my mouth. She gasps loudly, her hands clutch at my arms.


  When I go to her other nipple, her hand clasps my head, holding me to her. She likes it. I’m using my fingers on the tip I’m neglecting with my mouth, sucking and nibbling on one, while slightly pinching the other. If my cock wasn’t throbbing so badly, I could play here all day. Her little appreciative sounds, the force with which she’s holding me to her, making me groan.

  “You’re beautiful,” I mouth against her, the vibration of my lips making her shiver again.


  “What, darlin’?”

  “I want…”

  “What do you want?”

  I’m almost holding my breath for the answer. To get dressed again? To stop? To go into Drew’s room?

  “I don’t know,” she wails.

  “Trust me?”

  A delay, then a soft, “Yes.”

  While my impulse is to pick her up and throw her on the bed, mindful her recent and probably only experience of sex was watching it performed wi
th violence, I still my baser instincts. Raising my head, I take her hand, and help her down onto the bed. Gently I push her, applying a little pressure until she’s lying on her back.

  “Now, where was I?” I murmur, before returning to worshipping her breasts once again.

  When she’s writhing beneath me, slowly, very carefully, I lower my body over hers, keeping my weight on one arm. I see the moment she feels my hardness, her eyes widening.

  “That’s what you do to me, darlin’. What you’ve done to me from the start. That first moment when you rode on my bike? I was rock hard.”

  I’m not expecting her to say anything at all, but she raises her hand to my cheek and cups her palm around it. “What you’re doing to me now. It makes me feel like I did, when I rode behind you on your bike.”

  I can’t help it. I grin, knowing it’s probably too lecherous, but there’s nothing I can do to gentle my expression. “Want me to make you feel even better?”

  Her eyes flare, then look down to our joined hips. She bites her lip.

  “He’s going to stay zipped up. This is all for you, darlin’.” I stay still, not making a move until she relaxes.

  Eventually she does, giving a tentative nod.

  “Going to take your pants off,” I warn her, again giving her a chance to protest. She doesn’t. Keeping my movements steady as though trying to coax a scared puppy, I inch my way down the bed. My eyes fixed on hers, my hands slowly pop the button and undo the zip of the loose slacks she’s wearing. Then shuffling down again, I pull them right off, leaving her in her underwear. I risk a glance down; the material is soaked. I suppress my lascivious grin, not wanting my obvious hunger to scare her.

  Desiring to take this slowly, I move up her body again, my lips falling on hers. She meets me, her mouth melding with mine. Her tongue coming out, not just receiving but giving. When her arms come around my neck, I move my hand down, softly smoothing across her belly. She tenses when I get to her panties, so I don’t explore inside, just let my fingers trace the material down, feeling her already swollen clit through the cotton.

  Going rigid, her eyes are wide, her mouth opens in an O as I gently rub it. She squirms against my touch, her features contorting as though she wants more, but doesn’t know how to ask for it.


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