
Home > Romance > Gangster > Page 13
Gangster Page 13

by Sapphire Knight

  “Good baby. Are you safe? Can I stick my cock in you bareback?”

  Am I safe? Yes. I haven’t been with a man in so long. Do I trust him enough to not use some type of protection? I wouldn’t have when I first laid eyes on him. After the past few weeks though, I feel like he truly wants the best for me and to make me happy. He told me he would always protect me and while it’s naïve to believe everything a man says, he’s shown me over the entire time he’s been courting me that I’m special to him, that I mean something and that I can trust him.

  “Can I trust you, Thaddaeus?”

  “Christ, say my name like that again.”

  “Thaddaeus.” It’s uttered softly, my eyes fluttering, still a bit blissed out from the miniorgasm his tongue’s so kindly provided me.

  “Yes.” His chest rumbles and he drives into me in one powerful swoop.

  “Oh my God.”

  “Not yet, but I will be someday.”

  It’s obnoxious and conceited and lord does it do things to me. If it could happen to anyone, it’d damn sure be him.

  Another strong drive and he rips me open. It’s painful and hard, in so many ways like the man himself. Tears crest and the moment he notices them, his eyes widen and his body slows. Kissing my tears away he pushes into me slowly, taking his time so the pain disappears and satisfying tingles replace the discomfort.

  “I don’t want you to hurt baby, I’m sorry.”

  “No, it’s good, the sting …. You fill me up. Finally, someone that belongs.”

  “You’re getting so wet, Bella. Amazing.” His teeth graze my ear lobe, sending goose bumps over my arms and breasts. “I want you every way that I can have you.”

  I nod, meeting his tender lips as he grinds against me, showing me the stars he’s promised the past few times he’s been over. “You can go faster; I’m okay.”

  “You’re sure, beautiful cara?”

  “Yes, I’m good now.” I love it that he cares like he does, making sure I’m comfortable and not hurting. He knows it’s been a while and he’s doing everything the right way to make me remember him, always.

  As the words leave my mouth he pulls back, flipping me over quickly until I’m on my hands and knees, ass directly in line with him. A few beats later and his tongue swipes up from behind. I moan loudly, not expecting him there, like that. His mouth and then the air hitting me leave behind a burst of coolness, soothing the tender area.

  He fills me again from behind and I swear he feels much bigger than before. Palming my ass, with one hand, he grips my hip in the other as he pumps into me. Stroke after stroke, needing my full curves, massaging the areas as he holds on to drive deeply inside me.

  Running his palm up my back, he reaches around, cupping my breast as he plunges forward, filling me to the hilt. “I’m going to spank you, Bella. I want to leave my hand print on this gorgeous round ass of yours, but I want to warn you, because it may hurt.”

  “Hell yes, spank me, Thaddaeus! And please go harder.”

  “Will you come?”

  “I’m almost there,” I promise and clench my eyes closed, concentrating on the feelings he’s inflicting so my orgasm will come on quicker.

  Pulling back some, a sharp crack echoes through my tiny room at Thaddaeus’ strong palm on my flesh, the spark of pain has me yelling out in ecstasy and excitement. At my voice calling out noisily, he slams into me. He’s buried himself inside me while groaning incoherent words in what I assume is Italian. It’s the most erogenous thing I’ve ever heard in my entire fucking life. That man is pure perfection.

  Another smack leaves behind a harsh burst of pain being followed up with a bite, his canines sinking into my shoulder leave me dizzy with passion. He thrusts quickly, full of strength and need and urgency.

  It’s blissful.

  It’s utterly mind-shattering and has my body careening out of control, my heart racing with each stroke as my orgasm washes over me, leaving me sated and sleepy.

  He’s on a whole other level when it comes to lovemaking. The man struts with a swagger that I now know he’s earned. The fucker deserves to walk like a cocky bastard because he can own his shit.

  My body’s laid down gently on my tummy and a few beats later, Thaddaeus has a wet cloth between my legs, taking care of me after treating me to multiple orgasms. He washes up and joins me, crawling into bed and pulling me to his chest.

  “My Bella,” is whispered sweetly into the back of my neck as he inhales my scent there.

  He’s warm and feels like home.

  It’s the last thing to cross my mind as I drift off into a deep sleep, feeling safe and happy wrapped in his strong embrace.

  The line rings a few times as I wait anxiously.




  “I need to see you tonight.”

  It’s been three days since I was last near her. I can wait no longer. This is getting harder. The more I become consumed with her, the more I miss her. She needs to move in with me. I’m not a patient man and I want her close all the time. I don’t like not having my eyes on her all the time.

  “Okay, I would love that.”

  “I’ll pick you up tonight. It’ll be late though.”

  “Is everything all right?”

  “Yes, baby. I have to work, but I’ll stop by.”

  “I’ll be naked,” she says quietly, drawing a chuckle from me.

  “Don’t tell me that or I’ll have to hurt someone to get to you faster.”

  “Don’t do that. I’ll be in pajamas then and naked after you get there.”

  I have to pull the phone away for a second to clear my throat. Just hearing the words has me growing hard under my desk.

  “Tonight then,” I reply and hang up before she can entice me further.

  A knock draws my attention from my cell. Glancing up, I find Dillon—my friend and my usual driver.


  I nod and he enters.

  “D? You have news?”

  “Yep. You were right. Franco’s been following us. Word around is that he wants more territory.”

  I knew it. I can always tell when something’s about to go down. The thing about it now is I have a woman to protect first and foremost.

  “Fuck him. Find out what he’s up to today. I may pay him a little visit.”

  “I figured, so I did a little digging. He’s supposed to meet an associate for dinner tonight at Caveralli’s Steakhouse.”

  “Good. How did you come across that tidbit?”

  “I fucked his new personal assistant. She sang like she belonged in an acapella group.”

  I snicker at his comparison. Smart fucker was a regular college boy before he came to me and started cooking mine and my familia’s books for us.

  I need to get to Franco before he has time to get anything in motion and starts a new turf war. This is Chicago; there’s already enough violence and people dying around here, I don’t want a war of all things when I’m barely getting Grace comfortable with my lifestyle.

  Who am I kidding? She has no fucking idea about my life. I’ll get her to move in first.

  If he’s been following me around, then he probably knows about her. I won’t have any threats to her safety—now or in the future. It’s time to snuff out the source before it becomes a real problem.

  “Did you already burn that bridge with her or can we still use her?”

  “Nope, we’re good. She’s been texting me like crazy.”

  “Hope Franco doesn’t catch onto that.”

  “He won’t have a chance if we get to him tonight.”

  “Agreed. Do you know if he was around at all when I was with Grace?”

  “I don’t know, but I wouldn’t doubt it. You’ve been out and about with her a fair bit and everyone’s starting to talk.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “There’s been word that Joker’s locked some pussy down and there’s a cool million on her head at t
he moment.”

  Stunned, I sputter, “Are you fucking kidding me right now with this shit?”

  “No. Look, I’m sorry. I just found this out last night.”

  “And you didn’t think I should know about it last night?”

  “You were on the phone with Grace…” He trails off and I growl in frustration.

  I told them all that they better not call or bother me when I’m around her or speaking with her. Even texting, I want my focus to be completely on her as she deserves. And only notify me if it’s a fucking war on my hands or someone in my familia dies. Clearly, I should’ve specified that they call or give me a heads-up when it comes to Grace’s safety as well. Fuck. I could’ve already been dealing with this last night.

  “Does Max know?”

  He nods.

  Double fuck. Maximillian must still be butt hurt because I know he would’ve chanced interrupting me had he heard.

  “Is he here?”

  “I think everyone is right now.”

  “Call them all to the bar.”

  “You got it,” he replies and hurries out of the room to find the crew.

  I have to figure out something to say to get them all on board with me again. This rift that’s grown between us will do nothing but destroy everything I’ve worked so hard to accomplish. I refuse to live like a gutter rat. My ties are too deep in this city. They must learn to respect me again whether I have a woman beside me or not. I won’t live in fear, and I refuse for her to as well.

  Making my way to my home bar, I pour a hefty glass of scotch and take a seat on one of the large, plush leather couches and wait.

  One by one, the guys file in, each making their own drink and taking a seat. This is standard for when we have a sit-down to discuss business matters.

  “Thank you for coming,” I begin.

  Once they’ve acknowledged my statement, I fill them in on everything Dillion shared with me, drawing a few surprised expressions. It’s a big fucking deal when someone threatens me, especially when they have the fucking balls to put a threat on my woman’s head.

  “What do you wanna do?” Cage asks and chews on the inside of his cheek, mind going a million miles per minute. No doubt, thinking of effective ways to snuff out the threat.

  “I’ll see what I can get out of Franco tonight; hopefully, it’ll help squash the search for whoever took out the hit against Grace. This can’t touch her.”

  Dillion rubs his jaw. “We could bring her here for the time being to keep her safe.”

  I’m surprised he’s the one to suggest it. I’ve thought about it, but figured they’d all throw a fit over the idea. I want her to live with me and this could be a way to get them onboard with it at first.

  “I can drive her to and from work too. You know I won’t let anyone hurt her.”

  My respect for Dillion increases to an entirely different level. Knowing that he values our friendship to protect someone I care about means everything to me. While I’m grateful, he’s not the one I need to be devoted to her. It’s Maximillian.

  He became my best friend for a reason. He’s a very dangerous man, and he’s built bigger than me, not to mention, smart as a whip when he’s not fucking off. He could ultimately protect her if something were to happen to me, and I know his loyalty. Once she has it, she’ll have it for life.

  Cage chugs half of his water, then grumbles. “I could probably get a few of the fighters to help out. Pretty boy Blake Adonis is looking to earn some extra cash. Fucker can spar too. They’d be stupid to come at Grace with him guarding her.”

  Just the thought of another man around her that isn’t my crew has my anger rising. A growl escapes before I can tone it down. “No. No one but us gets near her. We can use the fighters to roll with us if needed, but I prefer to keep them separate. They’re business. We make a lot of money off them and that’ll end if they’re dead in a gang war.”

  Max is quiet, his hand moving to make the gin and tonic in his tumbler swish around in circles with the few cubes of ice.


  His irritated blue gaze meets mine. “What would you have me do, T? This isn’t my lady; I’m not fucking her like you are. You want me to respect her and guard her as mine, am I correct?”

  I nod.

  “Do I get to fuck her as if she were mine as well?”

  He’s more evil then even I am. Before I’d find it amusing that he expects such a payment, but it’s infuriating now. Picturing him with her, naked, has a rage like no other building inside me. She’s mine; she’s supposed to be my wife someday. I know this and so do they. It’s why he pushes me. As much as it will tear me a part inside, I know what I must do. I have to protect her anyway that I can.

  “If, and I mean IF she comes to you, offering herself, then yes, Maximillian. You can fuck her.” It takes every bit of discipline I hone to say it without tearing him apart, piece by bloody piece.

  He sits back, a pleased smile resting on his face. “Well then, consider her safe, my old friend.”

  Snitches get stitches.

  Thaddaeus never specified a time or anything that he’d be here tonight, so when he finally shows up at eleven p.m. I’m stretched across my couch in comfy yoga pants and an oversized sweater. I’d vegged out all evening and it’s surprising that I didn’t end up dozing off.

  He waltzes right in like he owns the place, an excited grin tugging at his lips.

  “Shit! You gave me a heart attack!” I clutch my chest, my heart thundering with his random entrance. “How did you get in here? I swore I locked the door when I got home.”

  He smirks. “You did, but I have a key.”

  “What? How did you get a key?”

  “I have ways.” He winks, and while stunned, I’m enjoying this good mood he’s in.

  He actually grinned, which is a leap up from just the trademark smirk he always shares with me. It completely transforms his face. I’d thought him handsome before, but to see such happiness, he radiates. He’s beautiful.

  Hopping off the couch, I practically bounce over to him, pressing a kiss against his mouth. “I missed you today.”

  “Me too, baby. Shall we go?”

  “Go? Where?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “Okay, let me change.”

  “No need, Bella. Grab some shoes.”

  “Okay.” Glancing over my outfit, I can’t help but wonder if I shouldn’t change anyhow. Unless he’s taking me to get drive-through tacos. I look like a bum compared to his usual spots. Pulling on my furry boots and a scarf, I grab my wallet and nod, smiling as I get excited too.

  He takes my hand in his much larger one, pulling me along, pausing briefly to close and lock my front door for me.

  The cool air hits me as we exit my building, my hand warm in his and at the curb, Dillion’s standing next to a gray masterpiece. He looks all too pleased with himself as well. These two must’ve been up to something today, or perhaps the car’s new and they’re just overly zealous about it.

  He beams at Thaddaeus and tosses him the keys.

  “Thanks, D.”

  “No problem, text me when you’re ready.”

  Thaddaeus nods, turning to me, anticipation lighting his golden irises, “Come on, baby.” He opens the door to the sporty number, holding my hand sweetly while I sink low to the ground. Closing my door, he jogs around the front, climbing in and cranking the engine over. It whirs to life, and rap starts blaring through the speakers, bass vibrating my butt.

  “I didn’t know you listened to this stuff?” I practically yell.

  He shrugs. “Different car, different music.”

  I barely get my seatbelt on before my back’s sunken into the creamy soft leather bucket seats. “Oh my God! What is this?”

  “Aston Martin.” He grins, chuckling at my stunned outburst and hits another gear, the speedometer climbing as he races through Chicago. It’s late and he’s taking full advantage of the open roadway.

  I love when he
calls me Bella, but hearing the pet name baby leave his lips has an entirely new range of emotions coursing through my blood. It fills me full of excitement along with the easygoing grin he’s flashed me a few times tonight already.

  A new song starts, and I can’t help but giggle. It could be his theme song. Glancing at the center console, it brightly reads, Ghetto Cowboy by Bone Thugs-N-Harmony. Never heard of them, but the song is awesome, especially hearing it on speakers like these. He’s normally so refined that I’d never guess he’d ever listen to something like this. I don’t mind though; if anything, it gives me a glimpse at another side of him.

  The drive goes by quickly, and I find myself wishing he’d keep going. The ride’s smooth, the speed addicting, and I’m not even the one driving. We pull off outside of the city in the middle of nowhere. I’ve never been out here, and the stars are more pronounced allowing the sky to twinkle enchantingly. It’s serene and kind of spooky, the stark quietness compared to the noisy, busy city we just came from even if it is late.

  He opens his door, leaving the car running with the stereo blaring loudly out into the open air. The headlights illuminate brightly out into a field full of nothingness—only dead grass and old snow. Thaddaeus rounds the car, opening my door and helping me out. He’s always chivalrous and caring when it comes to his actions with me.

  “What are we doing?”

  “Shh, my Bella.”

  With a firm hold on my hand, he tugs me around the front of the still-running vehicle and immediately starts pulling my sweater free.

  “Hey!” It’s freezing and he’s taking my clothes off! A giggle escapes me and he flashes a wolfish smile, chuckling at my exaggerated shiver.

  “Trust me?”

  I nod. “Always.”

  He beams brightly against the night, pleased. Laying me down against the hood of the car, his warm fingers work my boots and yogas free. I’m left naked, panty and braless, as I was expecting him sometime so I never put any on earlier.

  He swallows roughly and curses at his discovery. He wastes no time, drawing my stiff nipples into his mouth, loving every part of my body with his palms and warm, wet mouth. My head falls back, my eyes staring out into the exquisite sky. The heat from the car’s hood provides a teeny bit of heat, the rest from Thaddaeus and the unbelievable sensations he’s inflicting upon my flesh.


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