C.O. Bear (Justice Squad Book 4)

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C.O. Bear (Justice Squad Book 4) Page 7

by Scarlett Grove

  “I’m not responsible for what you’ve done,” she said softly.

  “How dare you! How dare you defy me! You are just like your mother. A weak, worthless, stupid, bitch. She deserved what she got. And you deserve what’s coming to you.”

  He shoved a key into the lock in her cell and flung the door open. His goons were right behind him as he stepped toward her and grabbed her wrist. Elena was strong from years of yoga practice but was no match for her rotund father and his armed goons. She fought against him as he dragged her out of the cell, but it was no use. All she managed to do was hurt herself in her struggle.

  “Let me go, you monster,” Elena screamed, hoping that someone would hear her above the din of gunfire.

  “You’re coming with me. If I can’t marry you off to a business associate, then at least I can use you as a ticket out of here.”

  He and his goons pushed her up the stairs to the top of the building. A helicopter waited, its propeller spinning wildly in the night air. Her father held her in front of him, using her to shield his body. Two of his goons went down on either side of him, shot by a sniper rifle. But Igor Kroll lived, inching his way toward the helicopter. Her father climbed into the helicopter, dragged her in behind him, and slammed the door. The pilot began to take off, and Elena screamed one last time for him to let her go, but her voice was lost in the noise.

  Chapter 12

  Hawk and the Justice Squad descended on Igor Kroll’s compound, sliding silently on their rappelling lines. Their silenced rifles took out the sentries before the squad hit the ground. They rolled canisters of gas across the lawn and into the house, gas masks protecting their breathing.

  They had secured most of the outside silently before Kroll’s men were even aware that the Justice Squad had arrived. He sent Max and Titus to secure the weapons warehouse. The two soldiers were met by several of Kroll’s men who opened fire before they were taken out by Zander’s sniper fire.

  “There’s a chopper on the roof,” Rider said through Hawk’s earpiece.

  “Take them down,” Hawk said.

  “I don’t think you want me to do that, sir,” Rider replied as Hawk made his way towards the main house, taking out Kroll’s hired goons as he stealthily stepped over the lawn where he’d walked with Elena just days before.

  “Please explain,” Hawk said.

  “There’s a woman up there. Kroll’s using her as a human shield. Looks to me like his daughter, your mate, Elena Kroll.”

  Hawk gritted his teeth and swore. The man truly was a monster. “Sampson, have you secured Kroll’s databases?”

  “I am transferring the data from his computers now,” Sampson said. “We should have information on all his contacts secured in minutes.”

  “Titus, Max, are you maintaining control of the weapons warehouse?”

  “Affirmative, sir, weapons warehouse is secured.”

  “I’m headed to the helipad,” Hawk said, rushing through the front door of the house.

  With his infrared goggles and his rifle at the ready, he took out several goons on his way up the stairs.

  “You better hurry, Hawk,” Rider said. “They’re about to take off.”

  Hawk flew up the stairs to the top floor and found the door to the helipad locked. He shot at the doorknob and busted through, just in time to see the helicopter ascend into the air. He swore again, sweat dripping down his face and adrenaline pulsing through his veins.

  “I’m right above you sir,” Rider said. “Sending down a ladder now.”

  The silent helicopter hovered above, and a rope ladder unfurled toward him. He grabbed the ladder, and Rider began to ascend immediately. Hawk climbed the length with every shred of strength in his body. He made it into the stealth Comanche helicopter and slid the door closed behind him.

  “Follow that bird,” Hawk yelled.

  “I’m on it,” Rider said, giving pursuit.

  The Comanche was fast and quiet, sliding through the dark night like a bullet. Kroll’s chopper on the other hand, was loud and garish, more for show than stealth and speed. They gained on him quickly. But they couldn’t open fire. Not with Elena on board.

  “Keep following them,” Hawk yelled.

  “The compound is fully secured, sir,” Jamison said through the com link.

  “Well done, men. We’re advancing on our target. Maintain your location. Stay on high alert.”

  There was a barrage of gunfire that ricocheted off the Comanche’s windshield. Hawk could see in the light of the full moon that Igor Kroll was hanging out of his helicopter shooting at the Comanche with a handgun.

  “That idiot doesn’t give up, does he,” Rider muttered.

  “That is a quality that can be used for good or evil. Unfortunately for Elena, her father used it for the latter. She doesn’t deserve this.”

  “We’re going to save her. There’s no two ways about it, sir. You can count on me.”

  “Stay on them. Don’t let them get too far ahead. The have to land eventually.”

  Kroll continued shooting, the bullets ricocheting off the military chopper like flies on a windshield. If he had a rocket launcher or a grenade, it might have had some impact. But the man was using his personal handgun. And his attack was nothing more than a slight annoyance.

  “He is relentless. I can’t believe my mate’s father is a maniac.”

  “You can’t hold that against her,” Rider said, keeping the civilian chopper in his sights.

  “I don’t. Believe me, I don’t. Elena had a goodhearted mother, and I’m sure she takes after her. That’s the reason she returned tonight after all. To receive a gift that her mother had left to her. I shouldn’t have let her go. But I knew how much it meant to her. And I didn’t want to be a man like him, who tried to control the woman I love.”

  “You did what you believed was right,” Rider said. “Love is a tricky thing. You can try to protect someone, but you can’t protect them against their will. That’s not love.”

  “I agree with you, Rider. That’s why I let her go. But we are not going to fail in protecting her now.”

  Chapter 13

  Elena held on to the seat of the helicopter for dear life, completely terrified by what was happening around her. She couldn’t believe what her father had done. It was beyond comprehension. He had imprisoned her, kidnapped her, and used her as a shield in the middle of a military raid. The momentary impression that he could be a good man was long gone. All that was left was a burning rage.

  He had killed her mother. He cared for no one and nothing but himself and his own greed.

  Elena realized in that moment that she hated him. She watched him hanging out of the helicopter, shooting at a military helicopter. He looked like a buffoon. So precariously close to the edge. She could push him out if she wanted to. The thought of it niggled at the edges of her consciousness.

  “Lose these idiots,” he yelled at the pilot.

  “I’m pushing our chopper to its full speed, sir. I can’t make it go any faster.”

  Her father turned his gun on the pilot, pointing it at the back of his head. “Don’t defy me, you fool. You’ll do as I say, or I’ll end you.”

  “Without me, how will you escape?” the pilot screamed.

  Her father grunted and aimed back out the door at the military helicopter that was hot on their trail. She knew it was Hawk. He would never give up. He would find her, he would rescue her, and he would deal with her father.

  Igor pushed another clip into his gun and shot again. But his bullet hit the tail of their helicopter, busted a hole in the rudder, and ricocheted up into the propeller.

  “I’m losing control,” the pilot yelled. “I have to land.”

  “If you land, you’re done for.”

  “If I don’t land, we’re all done for,” the pilot yelled back.

  Her father grunted and turned back to shooting at the military helicopter. She inched closer, within kicking range of her father. If she just reached out and pushed
, she could end him. But she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t take his life, no matter how bad a man he was. She knew that if she sank to his level, she would never forgive herself.

  The helicopter began to shudder and tilt. The pilot was groaning as he held onto the wheel, trying to get the helicopter to safety. He let out a loud cry as the ground of a large secluded field came barreling toward them. Elena braced herself for the impact. She was ready to die. She’d known love. She’d known peace. And she was not afraid of what lay on the other side of the veil.

  The helicopter skidded across the field. Her father somehow managed to hold on. They came to a stop in a mangled hunk of metal. The helicopter hit a tree. It smashed the pilot, and a fire erupted in the cockpit.

  Her father was disoriented, and she tried to open the other door. But he grabbed her and pulled her to the ground. Hawk’s helicopter landed in the field behind them, but her father picked her up and began to drag her towards the tree line.

  “Let me go,” she screamed. “It’s over. You’ve lost.”

  “If I’m done for, I’m taking you with me,” he growled as he pulled her backwards, waving his gun at the approaching soldiers.

  Chapter 14

  Hawk jumped out of the chopper before it even fully landed. Once he hit the ground, he had his gun at the ready. Eyes were scanning for Elena. He saw her and her father headed toward a nearby screen of trees.

  Igor dragged his daughter behind him, using her as a hostage and a human shield. Hawk closed in, with Rider close behind him with his own gun at the ready. Igor approached the forest’s edge and Elena’s knees buckled under her.

  Igor cursed them and shouted “I'll kill her! You think I won't, you fucking American? Try me!” Hawk’s heart pounded. He had Kroll briefly in his crosshairs, but the man ducked behind his daughter.

  “Just do it then!” Elena shouted. “I don't want to live in a world where men like you are in control. So just shoot me get it over with!”

  Kroll was speechless and loosened his grip. Elena saw the opening and flipped back, hand over hand, and then sprinted away. Kroll was even more shocked by Elena’s actions and Hawk took the shot. In all the commotion, his shot was less than perfect, and it grazed the psycho’s shoulder. Kroll growled and started for the woods, fast for a man of his size.

  Hawk ran, moving like a wildfire across the crisp green grass of the isolated field. He took on his grizzly form as he moved. His clothing shredded away and fell behind him. He left his gun on the ground too. He didn't need a weapon like that when he had the power and speed of his bear form, and Rider covering him.

  Igor turned his weapon toward the ferocious bear. It was too late though. He'd been too shocked by the gunshot wound to maintain focus. He didn't even see the bear shifter barreling down on him until it was too late.

  Hawk bolted in and smashed into Igor. The man slammed onto his back in the litter of the autumn forest. Rider secured his gun, and Hawk pinned him to the ground, snarling with rage. This pathetic, disgusting man had threatened to kill his beloved mate. He could take him out right now and there would be no consequences. The Justice Squad was free to use lethal force when necessary, especially with a man like Igor Kroll.

  “You don’t want to do this, Hawk,” Elena’s voice was calm and clear over the raging pulse of his blood in his ears.

  It took every ounce of his self-control to hold back from just adding a bit more pressure and breaking his neck. His heart thundered in his broad grizzly chest. Something primal was telling him to do it, to remove this parasite from the world. He wanted to tear Igor Kroll apart and render his bloodied remains all over the grass and dirt. To make him pay for what he'd done.

  “Go on, finish me!” shouted Kroll.

  Hawk snarled and bared his sharp teeth. He brought his face close to Igor's. He wanted to do it so badly. He brought up a mighty bear claw to swipe down and slash Kroll across the throat.

  “Hawk,” Elena said in a calm voice. “Hawk, please, it's me. I understand why you want to kill this man. I too thought of doing the same thing. I wanted to push him from the helicopter back there. I was even making a move to do it. But I couldn’t. I don’t want to be like him. I didn’t want blood on my hands.”

  Hawk fought against the primal urge for vengeance. He wanted to rip this man apart. To see his blood and hear him scream. Hawk did not do those things. He had always managed to keep himself in check. This was the first time he truly felt that he was going to lose control and go feral. But finally, he pulled back, shifting into his human form as Rider cuffed and guarded the man. Elena threw a blanket around Hawk’s shoulders from the remains of the chopper. And they sat together in the aftermath.

  The police and military came in their own helicopters to make the formal arrest of Igor Kroll. They were very happy to finally have him in custody. There was so much they could use against him, he'd never see the outside of a prison again. They were going to take care of a lot of things on their end. The Justice Squad had done what they'd come to do. The mission was a success. They had done damn well.

  “What happened back there?” Rider asked Hawk as he piloted the chopper back to headquarters.

  “I ... I don't know if I'm ready to talk about it yet,” said Hawk.

  “We've all wanted to let our bear take over at times,” said Rider. “I sure wouldn't have held it against you if you'd torn that bastard to pieces.”

  “You should know better than most how much that can destroy a person inside,” Elena said, looking blankly out the window.

  “Yeah, I guess you're right. And our CO is a better person than that.”

  “I’m proud of you,” she said to Hawk. “I know how easy it would have been to do it. But it is better to show mercy than vengeance when given the choice.”

  “You're right. I lost control for a moment, but your father is more valuable alive than dead in the fight against hyena terrorists.”

  Hawk wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. They shared a kiss. It was deep, warm, and comforting. The final reward after a successful mission. Hawk had never felt so satisfied.

  Chapter 15

  After Igor Kroll was taken away by the antiterrorist task force and thrown into a prison cell, the Justice Squad was able to finally relax. They were needed in Europe for just a few more days, so everyone but Max stayed behind to tie up loose ends. It meant that Hawk and Elena had plenty of private time alone.

  Hawk quickly had Elena exonerated of all charges — she was completely innocent of any of her father’s wrongdoing. Since she was able to leave the country without further issue, Hawk and Elena flew to London to break the news to her friend that she wouldn’t be joining her to work at her yoga studio.

  The first night they were in London, Hawk and Elena and Bridget and her boyfriend all went out to a pub for Guinness and fish and chips. Bridget wasn’t disappointed that Elena wouldn’t be coming to join her at the yoga studio, because she had a surprise of her own.

  “When I met Henry on mate.com, I couldn’t believe how quickly we clicked. There’s nothing like meeting your fated mate. And I totally don’t blame you for wanting to go to America with him.”

  Henry was a grizzly shifter from Norway who had been traveling through England giving talks on rustic living when they’d met through mate.com. Bridget shared that she had decided to move back to Norway with him. She planned to teach yoga and meditation in the small country village where Henry had his little farm.

  “Getting out of the city is going to be so restful and calming. I will miss the yoga studio and the hustle and bustle of the city, but ever since I spent that time in India in the peace and quiet of the countryside, it’s what I’ve known I’ve always wanted.”

  Bridget and Henry looked at each other with a love in their eyes so deep that it melted Elena’s heart.

  “Fate Rock isn’t quite so rural, but it still has the small-town charm that is missing in so much of today’s world,” Hawk said. “That’s why I chose it. It’s a wonde
rful place to start a family.”

  Elena put her hand over Hawk’s, and they threaded their fingers together. She looked up into his glistening blue eyes and smiled. She couldn’t wait to get home to Fate Rock where they could start their life together. It was like a dream come true for her.

  The evening with Bridget and Henry was warm and friendly. They talked all evening about their hopes and dreams for the future, the love they shared with their mates, and their hopes to soon start a family, and to love and cherish each other for the rest of their lives.

  Unlike Elena and Hawk, she learned Henry had already claimed Bridget, and they were completely bonded as mates for all eternity. Elena bit her lip at that news, wondering why Hawk hadn’t claimed her yet.

  On the way back to their hotel, the crisp British air blew around her and she pulled her wool coat more closely around her chest. Hawk’s hand was warm in hers as their breaths blew out in small puffs in front of them. The hotel was only a few blocks away, a five-star luxury historical building, afforded to them by the government for a job well done.

  A block from the hotel, Elena and Hawk were stopped at a crosswalk waiting for the light to turn green. They were alone in the cool night as the cars drove by. Elena couldn’t wait any longer to ask him the question that was weighing on her mind so heavily.

  “Why haven’t you claimed me yet?” she asked during a lull in their pleasant conversation.

  He looked at her with surprise, raising an eyebrow. Then the light turned green and they crossed the street. On the opposite side, he stopped under the glow of the streetlamp, turned to her and held her arm in his hand, gazing into her eyes. She could see so many emotions crossing over his face that she couldn’t quite tell what he was thinking.

  “I wanted you to have enough time to recover from everything before I went there.”


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