Squatch (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham Book 4)

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Squatch (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham Book 4) Page 8

by Candace Blevins

  All of this means it wasn’t terribly hard to arrange my days so I slept and woke with Kitty. She quickly learned how I liked to wake in the mornings, and she’d turn the alarm off a few minutes before it went off, and head under the sheet to rouse me with her tongue — nice and slow. When I began to stir, she’d take me into the warm heat of her mouth and deep throat me in slow motion, strong muscles closing in around my dick, massaging and holding and driving me insane.

  Two or three minutes of this, and I usually flipped her over and fucked her throat.

  And the tiger under me would rest her arms on the mattress over her head, so I could press her hands into the bed while I pounded her face and eventually dumped my first load of the day down her gullet. It was the ultimate submissive act, and was a perfect way to define the rest of our day.

  Kitty is mine, and she proudly proclaims it every damned day.


  The first two mornings were kind of awkward, as he talked me through them. It probably would’ve made more sense to explain what he wanted the night before, but I think he just likes being bossy. So, I followed instructions through the blow job and then the throat fucking, and then opened the seat to the bench along the wall and looked at the assorted butt plugs in the top tray. We were going to the grocery store and the butcher that first morning, and he wanted me wearing a plug while we shopped. I shook my head and looked up at him. “I’ve never worn one of these before. I have no idea how to choose.”

  I scented surprise and then confusion, but he didn’t bring up my mysterious past. I knew he was thinking about it, and I appreciated that he wasn’t asking.

  “You’ll see five stainless plugs on the right — the same type but different sizes. Let’s go with the third size up and see how you do. It’s meant for long-term wear. We’ll wait and play around with the ones that hold you wide open when we’re in the apartment. Put the plug on the side table by the lube, and then go to my armoire and open the doors on top. Choose what you want used on you this morning.”

  I opened the armoire and my stomach flip-flopped. My clit throbbed in time to my quickening pulse. The inside of the doors was lined with whips and floggers, hung on little hooks. The shelves held paddles, canes, and crops. I focused on the paddles, first — in every material and thickness one could imagine. I didn’t want to look at the canes, but my eyes went to them next. My uncle had used a Delrin cane on me when I couldn’t perform as expected.

  I turned and met Squatch’s gaze. “I’m going to make a request. Can you put the canes away, so I don’t have to look at them? Also, if you ever use one of them on me, I’ll move out and we’ll be over.”

  He leaned back and looked at me a good thirty seconds before he responded.

  “If you were anyone else, I’d tell you to pack your shit and leave, but I trust that you won’t just toss this kind of thing out randomly, and that you have a reason.” He rubbed his cheek, his eyes focused on me while he considered what to do. “I assume you aren’t going to tell me the reason.”

  I turned my back on him and looked at the floggers. I couldn’t explain the reason, but I could hint. “I don’t have experience with anything else in here. I know you want me to choose, but it might be best for you to cycle through everything so I can experience it, and then let me choose once I have a basis for my choices.”

  “You’re going to be making this choice every morning, Kitten. Cycle through them however you want.”

  The floggers seemed to be organized by length and then by how fat they were. I looked at the top row, but the first was made of plastic and not leather, and no way was I starting with that one. The next was all thin leather strips, but they felt hard. The next was slightly wider stripes, and there weren’t a whole lot of strands. The leather still wasn’t soft, but it wasn’t as harsh as the other one. I lifted it and walked to him with it.

  He eyed it and met my gaze. “That one will sting but won’t bruise. Offer it to me, and then bring me the lube and plug.”

  He talked me through the proper way to offer the flogger, and then the plug. Finally, he had me stretch out on the bed with my hips over his lap, my butt up in the air, waiting. Drat, but I felt so vulnerable.

  It also didn’t escape me that I was starting to get used to cursing more. In my head, at least.

  “Good girl. Now reach back and spread your cheeks for me. Show me how much you want me to invade your tight little asshole with this stainless plug.”

  His voice scraped across my skin like the deepest thunder, and sent lightning straight to my clit. My face and ears flashed with heat when I reached back and spread my cheeks.

  I show a roomful of men my tits and ass every night, but I don’t hold my cheeks open so they can see my bottom hole.

  His lubed finger came first, and one of my cheeks slid a little out of my grasp. “Wider, Kitten. You can do better than this.”

  I pulled it over more — enough I felt the stretch. “Sorry, Sir. This is new. I’ll do better.”

  “Yes, you will.” He pulled his finger out, and I flinched and scooted forward an inch or two when smooth, cool metal touched my asshole.

  He growled. Fucking growled. “Back up, Kitten. Don’t run from me.”

  I didn’t apologize again, but I moved back to where I’d started. Through it all, my asshole clenched, waiting for the plug while exposed. My clit throbbed and swelled. My nipples craved attention.

  “I didn’t stretch you, so you’re going to feel this going in. Feel free to scream and beg. I’ll hold you open until it no longer amuses me. I’m looking forward to watching your little asshole stretch to take it.”

  Holy cow, but this man should be a sports commentator.

  And then he pressed it in, and I gasped. The plug felt wrong at first. Hard. Foreign. Cold.

  It spread the tight ring of muscles and I tried to relax as I’d been taught, but it was so hard. I’d held it in my hands and I’d known it was wide, but damn, it kept coming — oh-so-slowly spreading me wider and wider.

  “Fuck, Sir! Give me a second. Please!” That’s what happens when you start thinking words in your head. They slip out for real when you least expect it. My asshole clenched for a few seconds when I realized what I said, and I wiggled my fingers and toes to try to get everything to relax. Squatch didn’t slow down or back off with the plug, though.

  “Mmmm. You’re doing fine, Kitten. Breathe through it. You have this.”

  He still didn’t back off the steady pressure, and I yelped more as the stretch turned into a burn. Small screams escaped.

  Finally, he stopped. I was panting, unable to slow my breathing.

  “Widest spot, Kitten. Your little asshole is so cute, stretched around the shiny plug. It must be quite uncomfortable.”

  “It fucking hurts!”

  “It seems to me, you might want to mind your attitude while I’m holding your asshole open.”

  “Sir! It fucking hurts, Sir!”

  He chuckled, and then the overstretched ring of muscles suddenly slid closed around the plug’s narrow stem. The bulk of it was inside me, but the pain was gone. It was heavy. I felt the weight of it. I was full inside, and yet, my butthole was mostly closed. It felt like I had to go.

  “It feels wrong, Sir.”

  Somehow, though, feeling wrong had me breathing fast and pumping my hips, wishing he’d just throw me down and fuck me hard.

  “Mmmm. It’s supposed to. You can let go of your cheeks.” He put his hand on my butt and massaged. My hips pumped against his leg a few times before I realized what they were doing, and he murmured, “That’s it. Going to make sure you stay frustrated all morning long.” He ran his hand along my crack and pushed on the outside of the plug, so it moved inside me. An involuntary moan escaped, and he chuckled.

  “Bend over the side of the bed and grab your elbows behind your back. For future reference, if you choose a paddle, I’ll use it in this position, but I need a little more room to swing a flogger.”

  I expec
ted him to hurt me with the flogger, but he never did. Each strike was a caress of the tails that sent my arousal rocketing higher and higher. I wanted to play with my clit, but I didn’t dare since he’d told me to hold my elbows behind my back. I tried to rearrange so I could press it against the edge of the bed, but he only chuckled and moved me back a few inches.

  “Don’t be a naughty kitty.”

  Fuck, he might make me come just from that oh-so-deep growly voice.

  When he finally hung the flogger back in the armoire, I was disappointed he hadn’t hit me harder with it. My bottom was warm. Hot. My asshole still full.

  And my pussy empty.

  I stayed leaned over the bed, hoping there’d be something else. Anything else. It was like he’d put me on simmer and then turned it up, and I was so close to boiling over.

  When he returned, though, he merely praised me for being a good girl and not moving until I had permission, and then he helped me stand.

  “When you’re used to wearing a plug, we’ll go out with you wearing a skirt and no underwear, but I’ll allow jeans and panties today.” He kissed my forehead. “You aren’t in trouble, but I need you to kneel in front of the chair before you get dressed. Pull it out like I had it before, and get comfortable. I won’t be long.”


  She smelled nervous as fuck when I took my seat. I started to reprimand her, since I’d told her she wasn’t in trouble, but then thought better of it. This was new to her. Power exchange as a concept seemed to be new to her as well. Or rather, some parts of power exchange. Knowing her history would probably explain it, but that door was closed for now.

  It’s possible she believed me when I told her she wasn’t in trouble, but was still dealing with an unknown, and that was what I scented. I’d give her a pass this time.

  “Breathe, Kitten. You aren’t in trouble, I just want to have this conversation here, and not in the grocery store checkout line. Arch your back a little more. Rest your butt on your feet. Settle into the pose. It’s going to be okay.”

  She’d had her hands on her thighs, palms up, and she moved them behind her back, holding her elbows. Her nipples pushed up and out even more, and my dick throbbed in my jeans. I was going to enjoy being frustrated at the store and then finding every relief imaginable after the groceries were put away.

  Well, not every relief imaginable. Not yet, anyway.

  “While you’re working, you’ll pay your bills. Clothes, makeup, car, insurance, gas. You will not pay the bill when we eat out. You will not pay to live with me. You will not pay for groceries. I’ve ordered a credit card on my account for you, in case I need you to run to the store for something.” I leaned forward and down, so our faces were a foot apart, and I held her gaze. “The wolf wants to provide. The cat wants to be independent. If it were up to the wolf, we’d pay for everything, but we have to find a path we can both live with. Can you live with these rules?”

  “Yes, Sir. Probably.”

  I sat up and frowned. “Probably?”

  “I eat a lot. It doesn’t seem fair that you have to pay for both of us to eat.”

  I wanted to fuss at her. A reprimand was on the tip of my tongue, but she was being honest. I appreciated that she wasn’t making a promise she wasn’t certain she could keep, but I needed a promise from her. I tried to think of how to get one, and finally told her, “How about if you promise to talk to me about it if you have an issue. I need to know you aren’t going to buy food and stick it in the cabinets.” The wolf would be beyond pissed to find out he ate food she bought.

  “The alpha provides?” she asked.

  I sat back and my gut relaxed. She understood.

  “Yes. The wolf needs to know we’ve bought all the food in the apartment.”

  “Okay, I can promise to keep that intent, but what if I buy snacks for the dressing room and then inadvertently bring some chips home?”

  “We can fix that by purchasing all food with the card.” I leaned forward and caressed her cheek. “It’s important. I realize it probably reinforces the whole caveman thing, but I don’t give a fuck. It’s the way it has to be.”

  She moved her hands from behind her back to her thighs, sat for a minute, and shook her fucking head.

  And then I watched in disbelief as the little cat crawled forward and sat between my legs — leaning against one with her body, holding onto the other, and resting her face on it.

  “I have food in my apartment that needs to be eaten. I’d like to make you a sausage and duck lasagna Sunday evening. Can you come for dinner? Also, your wolf is going to have to be okay with me buying celebratory dinners — if you accomplish something you worked for, or for your birthday, or just if you’ve been gone for a while and I want to welcome you home. I can probably adhere to not bringing food into your apartment that you didn’t pay for, but you’re going to have to be okay with eating food I’ve purchased.”

  She was comfortable at my feet. She wasn’t looking at me. The little cat was one hundred percent submissive in body, voice, and energy.

  And yet, this wasn’t what I’d intended. She was refusing an order, but how in the hell was I supposed to get upset with her for it without looking like a dick?

  What in the fuck was I thinking, trying to tame a damned tiger?

  I had no idea what to do with her, or how to handle the situation, so I reached down and lifted her into my lap.

  “You’re going to be a special challenge, aren’t you Kitten?”

  “I’m pretty sure I can say the same thing about you, Sir.”

  Chapter Ten


  By Friday night, I was wondering if Squatch had been told not to work at Blaze anymore since we were dating. This wasn’t the message I’d thought Mad Dog was sending me, but I hadn’t seen Squatch at work all week.

  However, he showed up around ten that night, worked the door until two, and then went into Bobcat’s office.

  I caught his scent here and there most of the night. A woman in a bachelorette party who must’ve plastered herself across him smelled so strongly of him, I gave her a mini-lapdance on one of the sofas in the main room, just so I could smell more of him.

  Once he went into Bobcat’s office, I didn’t think it was a good idea to bother him.

  Still, I couldn’t help but watch that general direction while I danced and flirted my way through the club. The door stayed closed, and I wondered what he was doing. Paperwork, probably. Still, he was right there.

  One of my regulars came in and asked for me, and Dementor pulled another dancer in to work my bachelor party so I could go next door. Crush was acting as our protection at the hotel, and he nodded to me when I walked the john into the room.

  This guy was around five foot ten with a pudgy belly, despite having well-defined arms and legs. He seemed to be in his mid-thirties. His hands had zero callouses. Office job, somewhere, and most likely something with power. He liked to boss me around, and he also wanted me to do all the work until the very end. We started with me on my knees giving him a blow job while he was completely dressed, with just his cock out. Then he took his pants off and loosened his tie, stretched out on the bed with his dick sticking up, and ordered me to ride him.

  I didn’t want things to get stagnant with this guy, but my instincts told me not to climb on backwards for a reverse cowgirl. His dick is long and skinny — the exact opposite of what I prefer — but I took extra effort to take it all the way down. It isn’t impossible, but it meant getting just the right angle.


  I froze and looked at him.

  “I like you because you usually really get into it, but tonight you seem to be more worried about the mechanics than the way it feels.”

  I lifted up a few inches. “I’m sorry. I was trying to sit all the way down on you. You’re so long, and I feel bad about not being able to take all of you.”

  When all else fails, stroke their ego.

  He patted my left hip and smiled. “Tha
t’s okay. I need the movement more than I need you to make it all the way to the base. Mostly, I need you to be into it. I love watching you get off on my dick.”

  I’d learned early on how to fake an orgasm. I don’t come next door with just anyone, but still, it’s impossible to always be on for them. I leaned forward and put his hands on my breasts, and then went to town riding his cock. I squeezed my pussy in a fast rhythm when I pretended to orgasm and it must’ve seemed real, because he turned us over, lifted my knees to my ears, and pounded me hard for thirty seconds before he jizzed into the condom.

  And then he kissed my cheek, thanked me, pulled his pants on, straightened his tie, settled some money on the table, and left. I counted the money and smiled at the extra hundred-dollar tip, and then went to the bathroom to clean up before I returned to Blaze.

  Crush was still outside the rooms when I exited in the tight little cotton minidress I preferred to wear for the walk between the buildings. I handed him the MC’s cut of my earnings, and turned to go.


  I stopped but didn’t turn around. After ten seconds of silence, I finally turned. He seemed to be listening, and he motioned me to him. “There’s a fight next door. Don’t go back yet. Squatch is telling me to keep everyone here for now.”

  “You let my date go back.”

  “Right, but not the girls. The men won’t be allowed back inside until we have the room under control, but we don’t want ya’ll stuck between buildings.”

  He touched his ear and spoke. “I have her with me. She’s safe.”

  I rolled my eyes but didn’t say anything, and Crush grinned at me. “He didn’t see you and was worried.” He looked around and then back to me. “Gears says a call hit the 911 service center, which means five-oh will arrive shortly. Soul’s in a room, should be out in the next five or ten minutes.”


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