Dead Man's Love

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Dead Man's Love Page 7

by Tom Gallon



  As I lay huddled up in that deep arm-chair, watching what was going on,I noticed with satisfaction that they took no more notice of me than ifI had really been in the drunken slumber in which they assumed me tobe--which was well for my purpose. So carefully and deliberately had Ithought the matter out, that I had even arranged my position in the roomwith a view to the proving of my suspicions; for I had seen, in thebringing of this quite unnecessary bottle of wine, something about to bedone which should concern the girl. And everything in the attitude ofthe doctor and Martha Leach seemed to scream "Danger" to my ears.

  The position I had chosen was such that I could see not only the room inwhich Harvey Scoffold, the doctor, and Debora were standing groupedabout the table, but also behind the screen which hid the many bottlesin that part of the room I have called the surgery. The better to keepup the illusion of my drunkenness, I now began feebly to wave my arms,and to croon a song, as I lay doubled up with my chin sunk on my breast;and I saw the doctor look at me with some contempt, and shrug hisshoulders, and then glance at Martha Leach, who had remained waiting asthough to assist with the bottle and glasses. The glance he gave herspoke as plainly as words could do his satisfaction in mycondition--Debora's protector was inert and useless.

  What now happened was this. Harvey Scoffold, who I am convinced hadnothing whatever to do with the business in hand, had engaged the girlin conversation, and had interposed his broad bulk between her and thedoctor and Leach. He had his legs set wide apart, and his hands wereclasped behind his back, and he was talking in a loud tone to Debora,who seemed somewhat mystified by the whole proceedings. And the doctorand Martha Leach had drawn close together, and while the doctor watchedthe broad back of Harvey Scoffold, he covertly whispered to the woman.

  "And so, my dear young lady, I am to have the pleasure of toasting youin a special glass before I retire to my humble bachelor quarters--eh?"Harvey Scoffold was saying in his loud tones. "This is a new experiencefor me--bright eyes--sparkling wine--merry hearts!"

  "I don't think anyone wants any more wine to-night," I heard Debora sayquickly. "One, at least, of us has had more than enough."

  I knew that was meant for me, and my heart was bitter at the thought ofwhat she must be thinking of the man who had called himself her friend.But there was no help for it; I had to play the game out to the end, forher sake.

  The doctor had made a quick sign to Leach, and she had gone behind thescreen. From where I lay, with my hands foolishly and feebly waving, andmy lips crooning out the song, I could see her distinctly; and what Isaw caused my heart almost to stand still. She picked up a small phialfrom the corner of a shelf, and slipped it within the folds of herdress; and the next moment was standing beside the doctor again. I sawtheir hands meet, and I saw the phial pass from the one to the other.Then the doctor slipped both hands into his pockets, and moved towardsthe table, which, as it happened, stood between him and Harvey Scoffold.

  He kept his eyes fixed on Scoffold and the girl, and very quietly andvery stealthily drew the phial from his pocket, and opened it. Movinghis hand a little to the right, he dropped the contents of the phialinto the glass nearest to me. It was a mere colourless liquid, and wouldnot have been noticed in the bottom of the glass. Then the phial wasslipped back into his pocket, and somewhat boisterously he picked up thebottle and proceeded to open it. Martha Leach, with one long glance atthe girl, passed silently out of the room, and closed the door.

  "Come--just one glass of wine before this merry party separates!" criedBardolph Just as the cork popped out. "And we'll have no heel-taps;we'll drain our glasses. I insist!"

  Harvey Scoffold turned round and advanced to the table. Bardolph Justhad filled that glass into which he had dropped the contents of thephial, and was filling the second glass. I felt that the time for actionhad arrived. Just as he got to the third glass I staggered to my feet,apparently tripped on the carpet, and went headlong against him and thetable. I heard him splutter out an oath as the table went over and theglasses fell with a crash to the floor.

  He swung round upon me menacingly, but before he could do anything I hadwrenched the bottle from his hand, and with a wild laugh had swung itround my head, spilling the wine over me as I did so. Then, with a lastdrunken hiccough, I flung the bottle clean against the window, andheard it crash through, and fall to the ground below.

  "To the devil with all drink!" I exclaimed thickly, and dropped backinto my chair again.

  For a moment the two men stared blankly at each other, and at the wreckof glass and wine upon the carpet. I was waiting for an attack from thedoctor, and bracing myself for it; but the attack did not come. True, hemade one step towards me, and then drew himself up, and turned with asmile to Debora.

  "I'm sorry, my child," he said, in his most winning tones. "I did notmean to have had your pleasure spoilt like this. If you will go to yourroom, I will try to get rid of this fellow. Harvey," he added in a lowertone to Scoffold, "give an eye to him for a moment."

  He followed Debora out of the room, closing the door behind him. I haddetermined by this time to show my hand, and Harvey Scoffold gave me theopportunity. He strode across to me, and took me by the shoulder, andshook me violently.

  "Come, pull yourself together; it's time you were in bed," he said.

  I sprang to my feet, and thrust him aside. I think I never saw a man soastonished in all his life as he was, to see me alert and quick andclear-eyed. "That's all you know about the business," I said. "I'm moresober than either of you. Now, hold your tongue, and wait; I've a wordto say to Bardolph Just, and it won't keep."

  Bardolph Just opened the door at that moment, and came in. By that timeI was standing, with my hands in my pockets, watching him, and somethingin my face and in my attitude seemed to give him pause; he stopped justinside the door, staring at me. Harvey Scoffold looked from one to theother of us, as though wondering what game was afoot.

  "Now, Dr. Bardolph Just," I said, "I'll trouble you for that phial. It'sin your right-hand trouser pocket. Pass it over."

  Instead of complying with that request, he suddenly sucked in a deepbreath, and made a rush at me. But he had mistaken his man; I caught himsquarely on the jaw with my fist, and he went down at my feet. After amoment or two he looked up at me, sitting there foolishly enough on thefloor, and began to tell me what he thought of me.

  "You dog! So this is the way you repay my kindness to you, is it?" hemuttered. "You scum of a jail!--this is what I get for befriending you."

  "Never mind about me," I retorted, "we'll come to my case presently.Just now I want to talk about Miss Debora Matchwick, and I want to knowexactly what it was you put into the wine destined for her to-night."

  "You're mad!" he said, getting slowly to his feet, and looking at me ina frightened way.

  "No, I'm not mad; nor am I drunk," I retorted. "You and the woman Leachthought you were safe enough; look at me now, and tell me how much youthink I have seen. Your fine words mean nothing; murder's your game, andyou know it!"

  All this time Harvey Scoffold had said nothing; he had merely lookedfrom one to the other of us, with something like a growing alarm in hisface. But now he stepped forward as though he would understand thematter better, or would at least put an end to the scene.

  "My dear Just, and you, Norton Hyde, what does all this mean? Can't yoube reasonable, and talk over the matter like gentlemen. What's thistalk of phials and stuff put into wine, and murder, and what not?"

  "It's true!" I exclaimed passionately. "This is the second time that manhas tried to kill her, but it shall be the last. The thing is toobare-faced--too outrageous!"

  "Well, my fine jail-bird, and what are you going to do?" demanded thedoctor, having now regained the mastery over himself. "Fine words andhigh sentiments; but they never broke any bones yet. Tell me youraccusation clearly, and I shall know how to meet it."

  So I gave it them then and there, in chapter and verse; thus let
tingHarvey Scoffold know, for the first time, of that business of theeastern corridor, and of the mysterious door that opened only once tothe road to death; moreover, I put it plainly now, that I had seen thewoman Martha Leach take the phial and hand it to him; that I hadpretended drunkenness to lull his suspicions of me, and to be ready whenhe least expected me to upset his plot.

  He listened in silence, with his teeth set firmly, and his dark eyesglittering at me; then he nodded slowly, and spoke.

  "And the man you accuse is one holding a big position in the world--aman against whom no breath of scandal or suspicion has ever been sentforth," he said. "A man known in many countries of the world--member oflearned societies--a man with a name to conjure with. And what of hisaccuser?"

  I knew that he would say that; I knew before-hand the helplessness of myposition. But I was reckless, and I did not care what I said or what Idid.

  "Your accuser is a fugitive from the law; a man who lives under anassumed name, and who has taken advantage of the death of an innocentman to begin life again on his own account. You need not remind me ofthat," I went on, "because I admit it all. So far, I am in your power;but my position, as something outside the pale of ordinary society,gives me a greater power than you think. I have everything to win; Ihave nothing to lose. If you had chosen a better man, and had given himthe chance to pry into your secrets, you might have had some hold uponhim. So far as I am concerned, I am utterly reckless, and utterlydetermined to save this girl."

  "Brave words--very brave words!" he said, with a sneer. "And how do youpropose to set about it?"

  "I intend to get her out of this house. I intend to look after her, if Ihave to steal to do it. I'm an adept at that, you will remember," I saidbitterly, "only this time I shall do it in a good cause. I mean to gether out of this house, and it will go ill with you if you try to preventme."

  He laughed and shrugged his shoulders; then he turned to Scoffold. "Ifhe were not so mad he would be amusing, this fellow," he said. ButHarvey Scoffold, somewhat to my surprise, was silent, and did not lookat him. I saw a frown come quickly upon the face of Bardolph Just.

  "And pray what's the matter with _you_?" snapped the doctor at him.

  "Nothing--nothing at all!" said Scoffold, in a constrained tone. "I'llsay good-night!" He turned towards the door, and I noticed that his headwas bowed, and that he looked at the carpet as he moved.

  Bardolph Just stepped suddenly in front of him. "Look here, you're notgoing like that?" he said. "I'll have some word from you about thisaffair before you leave my house."

  Harvey Scoffold looked up quickly. "Then here's the word," he saidaggressively. "I'm rather inclined to believe your friend here, and Idon't like the business. It's a dirty business, and I've seen enough ofit, and of you. Good-night!"

  He thrust his way past the other man, and swaggered out of the room. Iwas so surprised and so relieved that I was in a mood to run after him,and hug him, in sheer joy at finding an honest man; but I refrained.

  With the closing of the door the doctor stood for a moment, dazed; thenhe opened the door again, and ran out after the other. I pitied him forhis weakness in doing that, because I felt absolutely certain in my ownmind that he would not change Harvey Scoffold's opinion of him. I hadhated Harvey Scoffold pretty cordially on my own account, and by reasonof my misfortunes; now I began to see (as, alas! I had seen so oftenwith other men, and all to my own undoing) that I had cruelly misjudgedhim. However, I had said all I wanted to say to the doctor, and Istarted off to my room.

  Now, had I been of a suspicious nature, I must have been disturbed atthe sight of the doctor and Harvey Scoffold engaged in earnest talk atthe end of the corridor which led from the study; but as, the moment Iappeared, Scoffold shook himself angrily free of the other's clutch, andburst out with a shout, I was more than ever convinced that the doctorhad been pleading with him in vain.

  "I tell you I'll have nothing to do with you!" exclaimed Scoffold. "Iwish I'd never come into the house. Not another word; I've done withyou!"

  I heard the great hall door bang, and I knew that Scoffold was gone; thedoctor, retracing his steps, favoured me with a scowl as he went past,but said never a word; while I, greatly elated at having found a friendin this business, went off to my room, determined that in some vaguefashion I would put matters right in the morning, and defy Bardolph Justto do his worst.

  As ill luck would have it, I had forgotten one important point. In theeyes of Debora I had disgraced myself; she had every reason to believeme the drunken madman who had hurled bottles, and broken windows, andupset furniture the night before. I had forgotten that when I enteredthe breakfast-room in the morning, and found her standing by the window.I made my way eagerly to her. To my momentary surprise, she drew back,as though fearing contact with me.

  "Debora!" I began eagerly; but she drew herself up and looked at mehaughtily.

  "Mr. New, your memory is a poor one," she said. "I'm afraid you don'tremember what happened last night."

  "My dear Debora," I exclaimed eagerly, "I can explain all that--I canshow you----"

  I heard the door open behind me, and I stopped. Bardolph Just came intothe room, and stopped on seeing me, looking at me frowningly. It waswith a very virtuous air that he addressed me.

  "I'm glad to see you are striving to make your peace with MissMatchwick," he said. "She has been in the habit of dealing withgentlemen, and is not used to such scenes as she witnessed last night."

  I gave him a look which showed him I understood his drift; he was silentfor the moment or two that it took us to get to our places at the table.But he evidently felt that he must labour the point, for he was at meagain before ever I had tasted a mouthful.

  "I expect you'll have but a poor appetite this morning, John New," hesaid, "therefore I won't trouble you with food. Take Mr. New a cup oftea," he added to Martha Leach, who stood behind him.

  I felt that that was rather petty, but somehow worthy of the man. Idrank my tea, and went without the substantial breakfast I should havebeen glad to have eaten. After all, I felt that the game was in myhands, and that I could well afford to let him wreak such pettyvengeance as this upon me. I waited eagerly until the meal was finished;I meant to get speech with the girl, by hook or by crook, at theearliest opportunity. I knew how pressing was the need; I knew howrelentless the man at the head of the table and the apparently docilewoman behind him would be in regard to Debora, and how powerless I, acreature of no real name or position, would be in the matter, unless Icould win the girl to believe me.

  I found that a more difficult task even than I had anticipated. Indeed,she avoided me for some time, and when at last I came in touch with her,she drew herself up, with that pretty little lift of her chin I hadnoticed before, and warned me away.

  "I want nothing to do with you, Mr. New," she began. But I was not to berepulsed; the matter was much too urgent for that. I walked close up toher, determined that I would have the matter out then and there.

  "You must let me explain," I said. "If you don't you will regret it allyour life. You thought I was drunk last night, but I was not."

  I waited for some response from her, but she said nothing. I went onagain eagerly.

  "I was shamming, and with a purpose. Only by that means--only by makingthe doctor think that I was practically unconscious of what he wasdoing, was I able to observe him clearly. They tried to poison you lastnight."

  I suppose she saw the truth in my face; she came suddenly to me, andlaid her hands on my arm, and looked at me with startled eyes. "Topoison me?" she echoed breathlessly.

  "Yes, the doctor and Martha Leach. That was why I upset the table andflung the wine away. If you had seen me five minutes after you left theroom, you would have known what my real condition was. The doctor knewit, I can assure you!" I laughed at the recollection.

  Debora looked quickly all round about her, with the frightened air ofone who would escape, but sees no way; there was a hunted look in hereyes that appalled me. "What shall I do?
" she whispered. "I am morefrightened than I care to say, because I know Dr. Just, and I know howrelentless he can be. Don't you understand, John," she went onpiteously, "how utterly powerless I am? Anything may happen to me inthis dreadful house. I may be killed in any one of a dozen ways; andthis well-known physician and scientist, against whom no word ofsuspicion would be spoken, can give an easy account of my death. What amI to do?"

  "I can't for the life of me understand why he should wish to kill you,"I said, "unless it be a mere matter of revenge."

  "It isn't that," she answered me slowly. "You see, my poor fathertrusted him so completely, and believed in him so much, that in additionto placing me under his guardianship he put a clause in his will which,in the event of my death, leaves the whole of my property to Dr.Bardolph Just."

  Now, for the first time, I saw into the heart of this amazing business;I had probed the motive. He would have secured the girl if he could;failing that, he would secure her property. As he knew that she might,in any ordinary event, pass out of his life, if only by the common gateof marriage, he had determined to get rid of her, and so secure easilywhat was hers. The whole thing was explained now clearly enough.

  "What you must do," I answered steadily, wondering a little at my ownbravery in suggesting it, "is to come away from this house with me. Youmust trust me to look after you."

  I realise now how mad a proposition that was; but I did not see it inthat light then. I loved her, and I dreaded what might happen to her;more than all else, I saw no greater happiness than in gaining formyself the dear privilege of watching over her. You may imagine what myfeelings were when I heard her glad and eager assent.

  "Yes, yes, I will come willingly," she said. "Where will you take me?"

  "I don't know," I said a little ruefully, "but we can settle that matterafterwards. Far better for us to tramp the roads, side by side, insafety, than for you to remain in this place a day longer. Now listen tome, while I tell you what my plan is."

  We were pacing up and down a grass-grown walk while we talked; we werewell out of sight of the house. While I write this I seem to see againher glowing face turned towards mine; to feel the touch of her hands inmine; to hear the quick, eager whisper with which she answered me. I hadcause to remember that afterwards, with bitterness, as you shallpresently hear.

  "The chances are that we shall be watched," I began, "because I wasfoolish enough last night to tell the doctor of my intention.Consequently, we must not be seen together during the day; we mustescape under cover of darkness. At ten o'clock to-night walk quietly outof the house, as though you were going for a stroll in the grounds; whenyou come to the gate, go out into the road, where I shall be waiting.After that we must leave the rest to whatever good or ill fortune awaitsus. At some convenient time during the day put whatever you need to takewith you in the old summer-house where we first met; no one visits that,and you can easily take the things from there when you finally leave thehouse."

  So it was settled; and for that time I knew that we should both waiteagerly. I laughed a little ruefully to myself at the thought of howlittle money I had in my pocket; but that matter did not greatly troubleme. The future must take care of itself; I liked to think that Deboraand I were two waifs, setting out alone together, to explore a greatunknown world in which as yet we had neither of us had any real chanceof living. I painted a wholly impossible future for us both; for my ownpart, I think I felt capable of conquering worlds, and carving out aposition for myself and for her.

  The doctor chose to shut himself up in his study during the day, andalthough Debora and I had lunch and dinner together in the bigdining-room, the woman Martha Leach never left us for a moment, and ourconversation was, perforce, confined to the most trivial things. To anyoutside observer Martha Leach would have appeared to be merely ahighly-trained servant, devoted to us, and anxious to anticipate ourevery want; to my clearer understanding she was a spy, eager to bringabout that which the doctor wished, at all costs. I seemed to see heragain slipping the phial into the doctor's hand.

  So closely were we watched during the progress of those meals, and socareful did we deem it necessary to be in our behaviour towards eachother, that I had no opportunity of learning whether Debora hadsucceeded in getting her hat and coat and such things as she might need,into the safe shelter of the summer-house. Therefore I determined, aboutan hour before the time arranged for the girl to meet me, that I wouldsaunter down to the place, to see for myself that all was well. Mypreparations were soon made; I had merely to put my cap in my pocket,and so saunter out of the house, as though about to stroll in thegrounds.

  So I came to the summer-house, and, walking quickly into it quiteunsuspiciously, came face to face with Mr. Harvey Scoffold, seated onthe bench, with his head leaning back against the wall, and his eyesclosed. He had a cigar between his lips, at which he was lazily puffing.And beside him on the seat was a little bag, and Debora's hat and coat.

  Here, I felt, was an end of the game--so far, at least, as that day wasconcerned. How he had contrived to blunder upon the affair I could nottell; I only knew that the mere presence of those things there at hisside must have given away the little plot at once. While I stared at himhe opened his eyes, and looked at me with a smile.

  "Well, dear boy, so here you are at last!" he exclaimed pleasantly."I've been waiting for you."

  "Much obliged to you," I retorted curtly. "What are you doing here atall?"

  He shook his head at me, with an air almost of whimsical sadness.

  "My dear boy--my poor, misguided boy!" he said, "why will you alwaysblunder so infernally over your friends and your enemies?"

  "I can distinguish pretty well between them, thank you," I assured himwith meaning.

  He shook his head again and laughed. "Indeed you can't," he answered."Now, at the present moment, you never needed a friend so much in allyour life; and yet you endeavour to insult one who stands waiting tohelp you. Didn't I show last night what my real feelings were in regardto this business?"

  I hesitated, for I remembered how loyal he had seemed to be to Debora,and how much repugnance he had shown to what the doctor had endeavouredto do. I suppose now he saw his opportunity, for he began to push thematter home.

  "My dear boy," he said eagerly, leaning forward towards me, "whatearthly chance will you have of helping this girl, if you set out on awild goose-chase through the world with her, without enough to pay evenfor a night's lodging? Think for one moment: she has been used to everycomfort, she is a lady in every sense of the word."

  "God knows that's true!" I exclaimed fervently.

  "Very well, then; don't you see how mad it is?" he pleaded.

  "Nevertheless, I mean to do it," I said doggedly. "Besides, how comes itthat you know what we're going to do?"

  He shrugged his shoulders, and laughed. "My dear boy, the thing is sotransparent! I know enough of you to guess that you wouldn't allow herto stay in this place; and then, by the merest chance, I saw hercreeping through the grounds this evening, and making for thissummer-house. Later I discovered these things which she had left.There's the whole matter in a nutshell."

  "And I suppose you think you'll prevent our going--or warn the doctor?"I said, in a threatening tone.

  He threw up his hands with a gesture of despair, and seemed to appeal tothe very trees and the stars against me. "Look at this fellow!" heexclaimed. "What is one to make of him? As if I had suggested trying tostop you--or suggested warning Bardolph Just! On the contrary, I swearto you that I am here to help you."

  He seemed so honest about the matter, and had taken my suspicions sogood-temperedly, that I was disarmed. "Tell me," I said, "what do youmean to do? How will you help us?"

  He sprang to his feet, and spread out his arms; and then suddenlytouched me lightly with his fingers on each shoulder--almost as thoughhe would embrace me. "My dear boy," he said in his eager fashion, "I amall for romance. When I see a boy and a girl taking their way out on tothe great highway of life, ready to walk hand
in hand together to thevery end of the road, my heart leaps out towards them. Consequently,when I guessed your secret, I asked myself what I could do to help you.And I have found a way."

  "What is the way?" I asked.

  "Our common foe is Dr. Bardolph Just," he said, lowering his voice, andlooking about him as though he feared that even in that secluded spot wemight be overheard. "Now, Dr. Bardolph Just does not know that I havechanged my abode; he is totally unaware of the fact that I reside withina mile or so of this house. Consequently, what is to prevent yourbringing the young lady to that little cottage of which we both know,and where there is a decent woman to look after her? Let the future takecare of itself, if you like--but be careful of the present. I willprovide you with what money is necessary, so that while the doctor iseating his heart out with rage, and is moving heaven and earth todiscover the runaways, you will be lying snug at my place, making yourarrangements for the time to come."

  I began to think that it was a good enough plan. I would, of course,infinitely have preferred to start off with Debora on some journey ofwhich we did not even know the end; but that was, perhaps, a foolishidea, and not one to be encouraged with a young girl to be considered.More than that, as Harvey Scoffold had blundered upon the story, it wasquite impossible to keep him out of it; and I knew that he was a man ofthat temper that, if I curtly refused his offer, he might well betakehimself to Bardolph Just at once, and let him into the whole secret.There were many reasons urging me to close with his offer, and, althoughwith reluctance, I did so.

  "Very well, then; I accept," I said. "Only, heaven help you if you playany tricks with us!"

  He shrugged his shoulders, and laughed again. "I hope some day to beable to convince you that I am not a scoundrel," he replied lightly.

  That Debora might not be disconcerted by coming upon the manunexpectedly, I persuaded him to walk on a little towards his house. Iwould meet the girl, and follow him. To that he consented, and togetherwe walked to the gate leading into the road. Mindful of what I hadpromised Debora, I stepped out into the road myself, and watched the manas he strode rapidly away. Then I set myself to wait, with what patienceI could muster, for the coming of Debora.

  It was a fine night, and as I leaned against the wall, waiting, I hearda clock in the distance chime the hour of ten. Then I heard the click ofthe gate, and my heart gave a little leap as I thought of who wascoming. Imagine my surprise when, on turning my head, I saw a manadvancing towards me through the shadows. I was turning abruptly away,not desiring to be seen by anyone then, when the man quickened his stepsand came after me.

  "'Ere, 'old 'ard!--'old 'ard a bit!" he called; and I stopped and facedabout.

  The man was George Rabbit, and he was in altogether different trim fromanything I had seen before. The shabby clothes were replaced by a suitof tweeds of a rather smart cut, and a billycock hat of a sporting typewas perched on his head. He nodded impudently, and held out his hand. Ofthat I took no notice.

  "Too proud to shake 'ands with a pal--eh?" he said. "There's some peoplewants to be learnt a lesson, it seems to me. I've jist bin up to the'ouse, and 'is nibs there says 'e don't know me, an' don't want anythinkto do wiv me. An' I on'y wanted to touch 'im fer a quid."

  "You've had all the money you'll get out of either of us," I saidsternly. "And you'd better go away now; I don't want to talk to you."

  "That's w'ere we differ, guv'nor," said Mr. Rabbit impudently. "I'mgoin' to stick to you fer a bit, an' see if I can't make summink out ofyer."

  I wondered what I was to do. I knew that in another moment that gatemight open again, and Debora come out; and I was quite certain thatGeorge Rabbit would be only too eager to follow us, and to make capitalout of our adventure. I thought I would try something more than threats;so I advanced upon the man, and suddenly took him by the throat, andbanged his head lustily with the flat of my hand.

  "When I tell you I want you to go away I mean it," I said between myteeth, as I towered over him in my wrath. "If you don't get out of thisI'll kick you into the middle of next week."

  He wriggled out of my grasp, and picked up his billycock hat, which hadfallen into the road. He gave me an ugly scowl as he backed away.

  "I'll knife yer one of these days," he whimpered--"see if I don't. Youknow wot I could say if I'd a mind to say it--an' I----"

  The door in the wall had clicked again, and I saw Debora coming swiftlytowards me. The voice of George Rabbit died away as he gazed on this newapparition; he stood still at the other side of the road. I took the bagfrom Debora's hand, and turned, and hurried away with her without aword; but I had an uneasy feeling that Rabbit was following. I stoppedonce in the darkness, and looked back; and I was certain that hestopped, too, and waited. I did not wish to alarm the girl by callingout to him; I could only hope that we might manage to elude him beforecoming to Harvey Scoffold's cottage.

  On the way I told Debora exactly what had happened, and explained to herthat this seemed the best and the only thing for us to do. She was alittle disconcerted, and urged me to remember that Harvey Scoffold was apersonal friend of the doctor; but on that point I endeavoured tore-assure her, by telling her of the scene in the study the nightbefore, and of the attitude Scoffold had taken. Looking back on thematter now, I wish with all my heart that I had adopted her suggestion,and had flung caution to the winds, and had gone off with her in somenew direction; how much sorrow and misery might have been spared us ifwe had done that you shall know hereafter.

  We came at last to the cottage where Harvey Scoffold was lodging, andthere I found the man awaiting us. He was courtesy itself to Debora; puta finger on his lips mysteriously when she would have thanked him; andintroduced us both to the old woman who kept the house. I was beginningto think that all was very right, when I heard a knock at the door ofthe cottage, and the old woman, who had been preparing supper, came outof some room at the back to answer the summons. And then for the firsttime I remembered George Rabbit.

  It was his voice, sure enough; he wanted to speak to "the gent 'oo'djist gorn in." I gave a glance at Harvey Scoffold, and went out into thepassage to speak to the man; for I felt that I was in a tight place.

  "Nah then," said George Rabbit loudly--"you an' me 'as got to come tosome sort of unnerstandin'. I'm a honest man, I am, wot's worked out 'istime, and done 'is little bit right an' proper; I ain't no bloomingjail-bird, wot's cut 'is lucky afore 'is time."

  I clapped a hand over his mouth; but it was too late. Even as Istruggled with him, I saw the door of the room in which Harvey Scoffoldand the girl were slowly opening, and the face of Harvey Scoffold lookedout. George Rabbit slipped out of my grasp like an eel, and rushed tothe door of the room, and forced his way in. He was absolutely mad withrage, and not responsible for anything he said.

  "What's to do here--what's to do?" asked Scoffold mildly; yet I thoughthe watched Debora as he asked the question.

  "Ask that man 'is name!" cried Rabbit, pointing fiercely to me. "Ask 'im'is name--an' w'ere 'e come from--an' wot jail 'e broke out of!"

  I stood still, watching Debora; my fate lay in her hands. Very slowlyshe came across to me, and looked into my face, and asked me a question.

  "What does the man mean, John?" she asked. "You must please tell me."

  I glanced appealingly at Harvey Scoffold; and in a moment I read in hisgrimly set lips that he meant that the exposure should be carriedthrough. I knew that if I did not tell the tale he would, in some moregarbled fashion. Therefore when I spoke it was to him.

  "If you'll take this man away," I said slowly--"I'll tell her thetruth."

  "The truth is always best, dear boy," he said, with a grin.

  So I waited in a horrible silence, while the two men went out of theroom. Then when the door was closed I turned to the girl, who was moreto me than life itself; and my heart sank at the thought of what I hadto say to her.


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