The Fisherman's Son (Grimm Prequel #19)

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The Fisherman's Son (Grimm Prequel #19) Page 5

by Cameron Jace

  “What kind of deal is that?”

  “The kind of deal you have to take, or I’ll send you back in the ship with Ahab, and let you relive you hell.”

  I said nothing. It was clear I’d succumbed to my fare away from this evil man.

  “And the island?” I asked.

  “What about it?”

  “Is this the Kingdom of Sorrow?”

  “No, but this girl in your hands is from the kingdom,” the faerie said. “I believe she will show you how to get there one day. She has unfinished business to take care of there.”

  “And this island? You didn’t tell me. What’s its real name?”

  “It’s called Neverland, although we prefer to let people think it’s called Treasure Island. Better let people think it’s a myth.”

  “We?” I grimaced.

  “Later. You don't need to know this now,” the faerie said, about to fly away again.

  This time she stopped on her own and turned around. “And your name isn’t Jim Hawkins.”

  “So I have been told.”

  “Your mother wanted to protect you so she named you Jim Hawkins. And your father’s name isn’t Hawkins nor Admiral Benbow. They did it all to protect you.”

  “From what?”

  “From the like of Captain Hook and Ahab. You have a lot of enemies, but you could only face them when you found the island. The prophecy says so.”

  And I’d be waiting for them. One killed my father and other killed my mother. “What does the prophecy say exactly?”

  “That Neverland will be the birthplace of good boys and girls who will stand up to the evil forces in the world,” the faerie said. “And it will be led by a boy named Peter.”

  “Peter? Is that my real name?”

  The faerie nodded and flew closer. She kissed me on the cheek. “It’s a long war you have ahead, Peter. You’re the one. And Ahab knew it. Now I really have to go.”

  “And leave me alone?”

  “You’re not alone, Peter,” she nodded at Wendy. “Didn’t your mother tell you about Adam and Eve? This is a similar story. An even better one,” she flew away.

  “But-“ there was too much to comprehend at once. “But I am afraid I can’t take care of her.”

  “You will.” she said from afar.

  “How about my last name?”

  “The prophecy didn’t tell,” the faerie yelled from behind the mist. “How about Peter Piper, as in Ahab’s pipe?”

  And that’s the moment when I gave myself a name. “No, it’s Peter Pan,” I said. “Ahab said the pipe belonged to a God named Pan.”

  “So you want to be strong as Gods, Peter Pan?” she laughed and said her last words. “Just remember, the Gods aren’t all about power, but about love too.”

  The faerie, whom later I knew as Tinker Bell, left. She told me one last thing before she did; that to wake up Wendy I had to kiss her. That was how Sleeping Beauty woke up.

  I kissed Wendy, and slowly she opened her eyes. She looked so beautiful in my arms.

  Gods are not only about power, but love!

  It was an incredible feeling, knowing I had to take care of Wendy. I couldn’t explain. After a long and terrible journey, I was able to give love instead of wanting to take things, like everyone else I met on the journey. No more pipes, mermaids, treasures, hatred and revenge.

  This was me finding the power to give and take care of someone after a series of terribly dark events.

  “Where am I?” Wendy said.

  “Neverland.” I said.


  “An island far away. I will take care of you.”

  “Really?” she looked so pale. “I heard your name is Peter Pan?”

  “Yes.” I grinned.

  “You seem like a nice boy, Peter.”

  Now, I felt on top of the world.

  “Please don’t take this personally,” she said.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “This.” Wendy craned up her neck and bit me.

  It was my first vampire bite. It has pretty much summed up our relationship in Neverland.

  END OF The Grimm Prequel 19

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  Thank You

  Thank you for downloading this prequel. I’m so happy to publish more and more prequels again. The Grimm Diaries universe is my first love, and always will be. In many of your emails you wondered if I’ve abandoned the series. Which is far from the truth.

  I spent the last year learning and studying the craft, so I hadn’t had the chance to write a lot. Of course, there is another series I have been also fascinated by, and that maybe why I published more books in it. Fresh ideas sometime consume a storyteller and posses him until he his only possible exorcism is to spill them out on paper – and then the story hopefully posses other readers all around the world.

  So back to the Grimm Diaries and what to expect of the series in 2016. Let’s begin with the release of Blood, Milk, & Chocolate part 2 on January 4th. A pre-order for it is available on amazon Here.

  Later we’ll be entering the Piper Diaries, featuring Ladle Rat, Wendy, Peter, Jack, Marmalade and some of the earlier characters. The Piper Diaries will not take place in the modern world. It will only take place in the fairy tale world. And it will be more of a high fantasy that should satisfy reader of the Prequels more than anything else.

  Speaking of the Prequels, which I have great plans for. A boxset of new four prequels is coming your way. In case you’re curious about some of the titles. Here are the next three: Lady Bluebeard, To Live Forever, and the Storykiller. I will not say who is writing those diaries now.

  Last but not least, you should know that I have around ten prequels I’d written in the past year but never published because they were mainly origin stories to me.

  And about the delays in my writing, as I know you peeps reads so fast, I’ve learned to write faster and clear my mind to produce the ideas I really want to pass on in the books. So expect speedy releases in 2016. It took me two years to learn how to do it.

  In the end, I can’t thank you enough, not just for reading my books, but for enriching my life with your presence and feedback. It may seem to you that you’re enjoying my books (and I really hope you do) but the truth is that none of you is enjoying this as much as I do.

  Stay fabulous


  Cam, the Storykiller

  Available books in the Grimm Diaries and Prequels so far:

  Other Books by Cameron Jace

  The Grimm Prequels

  The Grimm Diaries Prequels 1-6 (Free)

  The Grimm Diaries Prequels 7-10

  The Grimm Diaries Prequels 11-14

  The Grimm Diaries Prequels 15-18

  The Grimm Prequels 19 – 22 (Soon)

  The Grimm Diaries Main Series

  Snow White Sorrow (book 1)

  Cinderella Dressed in Ashes (book 2)

  Blood, Milk & Chocolate Part 1 (book3)

  Blood, Milk & Chocolate Part 1 (book4)




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