One More Day - the Alexanders, Book 1

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One More Day - the Alexanders, Book 1 Page 19

by Minx Malone

  “That’s so much better.” She tugged him back down and wrapped herself around him, her long legs curling around his waist. Her hair flowed beneath them, tangling around her arms as she lay back on the bed. The wild curls made her look like she’d been completely and thoroughly taken and he loved it.

  He gritted his teeth and pulled back. “I really hope I have protection with me.”

  He reached over the side of the bed and pulled his wallet from his pocket. When he found a condom, Ridley leaned over and plucked it from his hand.

  “Need some help?”

  Her eyes were hot on his as she put the edge between her teeth and ripped it open gently. The sight of her plump lips around the edge of the package made him shiver with anticipation.

  Then she pushed him back on the bed and gripped him firmly, her thumb tracing gentle circles around the tip of his shaft.

  “Oh, shit.”

  She took him between her lips, the sight of her pink tongue lapping at him almost enough to push him over the edge. She looked up at him with a wicked grin before taking him deeper, sucking him into the soft, wet cavern of her mouth. She made a little humming sound in the back of her throat that sent jaw-clenching vibrations skittering through him.

  Baseball. Musical scales. Little old ladies.

  He cursed as she sat back and then rolled the condom slowly down his length, so slowly he thought he’d go mad. His blood raced through his system and he was pretty sure he’d never been so aroused in his life.

  Then she proved him wrong when she climbed on top of him and took him deep.

  Her head fell back, ecstasy written all over her face. He would do anything to keep that look on her face, to hear her scream, to watch her come.

  “Come on. Come on.” He chanted as she rolled her hips, taking him deeper with every twitch. His palms found her breasts and he cupped the soft weights, then skimmed his thumbs over their tight tips. She moaned at the contact and clenched around him.

  “Oh my god,” she cried. Her hands came up and tangled in her own hair as she rode him until he knew he was going to come just like this.

  Some women faked orgasms but he didn’t want Ridley to ever have to fake anything with him. His hands left her hips to stroke between her legs, following her rhythm until she cried out her pleasure.

  “Jackson, I’m coming!”

  Feeling her enthusiasm made Jackson want to please her more, and he eagerly strummed until her tight clenching muscles pushed him over the edge, too.

  “Yes,” she mumbled and fell forward on his chest, shuddering with him as he growled his own release in her ear. He held her close, feeling the rapid fluttering of her heart against his.

  An unmistakable sense of warmth stole through him as he looked down at her. He didn’t question what he was feeling, just pulled the blanket over them and rested his chin on her head. She let out a soft sigh and cuddled closer, her hand settling right over his heart.

  As much as certain, less evolved, parts of him wanted her physically there was another less easily identified desire to see her smile. He wanted to court her, to buy her flowers and take her out to dinner. He wanted her to know how deeply she affected him. He wanted to hear her laugh.

  To make her happy.

  She could have a good life here. She could start her business, she’d already made some friends and she’d be close to her sister. Plus, they could be together. They were good together and there was no reason they couldn’t continue things for as long as they both wanted.

  Maybe if he showed her that, she wouldn’t go back to Florida. She’d overcome so much already. There was really no reason for her to go back to the life she’d left behind.

  And plenty of reasons to stay.


  “MISS RIDLEY, WE got to play in the sprinklers. There was so much water it made mud!”

  “RiRi, I saw a worm!”

  “And now we’re going to set up a tent in the backyard!”

  Ridley gave up trying to keep track of who said what as each boy tried to talk the loudest. It was amazing how lovely the chaotic sounds of a family could be.

  She’d spent the morning with Katie and the kids. The second official day of summer camp had been a resounding success. Chris and Jase had been joined by the Mason boys, Hunter and Matthew to learn about the life cycle of a plant. Jase had been fascinated by the tiny seeds she’d shown them and they’d each received their own seeds, small pot and packet of dirt to practice with.

  Afterward, they’d gone to Katie’s house for water play in the Mason’s backyard while she’d returned to Jackson’s house to work on her first column. It was going to be a do-it-yourself guide to planting tomatoes.

  “Okay, everybody upstairs! You need to change clothes.”

  Jackson came up behind them and thumped them each soundly on their behinds before hauling them up in his arms for kisses. She had never known a man could be so tender with children, and be so comfortable interacting with them. He seemed his happiest with the boys.

  After their intense lovemaking last night, something seemed to have changed between them, but she couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was. Other than the fact that he had given her the deepest, most arousing kiss before leaving for work this morning. She’d found herself staring off into space and daydreaming about him all day.

  Just then he looked up and caught her staring. Heat curled through her when he raised an eyebrow. She whipped around and busied herself with the containers of food she’d been packing.

  “Why don’t you guys wash your hands before dinner? I thought we’d have a picnic outside.”

  “Actually, I told the boys they could have dinner with the Masons. They’re setting up a tent in the backyard to pretend like they’re camping. I just brought them home so they could change out of their wet clothes. I didn’t know you had something planned.” He looked sheepish when he noticed the small wicker basket she’d lined with towels.

  “I guess that means it’ll just be me and you.” She chanced a glance in his direction and was shocked at the raw, carnal desire in his eyes.

  “Yes. Just the two of us,” he replied.

  She shivered and tore her eyes from his. Her hands were shaking as she resumed folding napkins to place in the basket with the food.

  “I’ll go set up outside. We can eat whenever you’re ready.”

  God, I hope my voice doesn’t really sound that squeaky and breathless.

  She didn’t dare risk another glance in Jackson’s direction as she scooped up the basket and rushed out the back door. She just prayed she could make it through dinner without climbing in his lap and begging him to make love to her again.

  Once she was outside, she spent an unnecessarily long time locating the perfect spot to spread out the blanket. Finding a picturesque nook under a shady elm tree, she began to prepare a cozy nest for them to dine. She spread the blanket and then made quick work of setting out the various dishes she’d prepared. She heard Jackson walk up behind her but she didn’t turn around.

  “Did you get the boys settled?” She hated the breathy tone of her voice, but was powerless to control it.

  Trying to keep her hands steady, she continued setting up their picnic, keeping her eyes averted as Jackson sat down beside her, so close her thigh brushed his.

  “Yeah, they’re really excited. You were right about Katie. And since it’s just us, I figured we could have this.” He held up a bottle of champagne.

  His long, tapered fingers were graceful as he reached over her for the plastic cups she’d brought. He handed her a cup and then poured a little for each of them. He touched his cup to hers, his eyes capturing hers in a heated stare.

  “Cheers.” He took a healthy sip. “You should try it. It’s good.” He dipped a finger into the bubbly liquid and dotted it on her lower lip. She licked her lips reflexively. His eyes darkened.

  “See? Delicious.” He licked his lips, too.

  Then he leaned over and licked hers.
  Ridley sat stunned as Jackson began putting food on his plate, seemingly oblivious to her reaction. She tried to speak but found her mouth was glued together and she just watched mutely as Jackson filled first his plate and then hers.

  “Eat. You’ll need your energy later.”

  Ridley gulped and stuffed half of her sandwich in her mouth. She made quick work of everything on her plate until it was empty save for a lone, squashed grape.

  Jackson laughed. “Relax. No need to rush. We’ve got more than enough time.”

  “It’s hard to relax when you’re looking at me like that.”

  He was doing it again. He’d finished his food and set his plate aside. Now he was just leaning back on the blanket staring at her. No, not staring, devouring her with his eyes. It was positively indecent the way his eyes lingered over her breasts and hips.

  “Are you finished?” he asked silkily. He sat up and moved closer. “Do you want some more champagne?”

  Ridley trembled as he moved so he was sitting behind her. She was now in the cradle of his legs. “Jackson? What are you— oh.”

  He slid his hand up to her right ear, stroking the downy wisps of hair that trailed loose from her ponytail. She gasped as his hand slid down to stroke the sensitive skin on her neck.

  The first kiss against the shell of her ear made her sigh. The second kiss made her melt. He pulled her back until she rested against his chest. Then he touched her chin, turning her face toward his.

  “I’ve been waiting to do this all day.”

  The first touch of his lips to hers was soft, tentative. She didn’t even close her eyes as he sweetly tasted her mouth. She didn’t want to break the spell, for surely this was magic, the slow swell of desire that was creeping up her thighs and floating in her belly. Jackson slowly pushed her back on the blanket and trailed his hand down her arm in slow circles.

  Her eyes fluttered closed as he took her mouth more forcefully this time, his hand coming up to cup her breast. He stroked her through the thin cotton before bending his head and gently biting her through the fabric.

  Ridley couldn’t breathe. She pulled at Jackson’s shirt wanting to feel his skin next to hers. That was what she needed, the delicious feeling of being skin to skin. His hand moved slowly beneath her skirt, trailing along the sensitive skin of her thighs. When his hand finally got to the edge of her panties, she almost cried out in relief.

  Suddenly his hand stilled.

  “Shit, I’m doing it again,” he muttered.

  “Jackson,” she whispered breathlessly, “What are you doing? Why did you stop?” Boldly she wrapped her legs around his waist. The copper flecks in his eyes darkened before he cursed and let her go.

  “I’m always pulling your clothes off like an animal.” His breath was still rough but he moved away slightly. “I just can’t seem to help myself. I’m supposed to be romancing you.”

  She grabbed him by the lapels of his shirt and dragged him closer, until their breaths mingled. When he groaned, she brushed her lips against his.

  “Do you have to?”

  This time when he kissed her, he didn’t stop.

  * * * * *

  NICK CURSED UNDER his breath as he watched the couple kissing on the blanket jump apart like guilty teenagers. He’d come over hoping he could catch Jackson alone. The manila folder he carried suddenly felt like a brick.

  “Nick? What are you doing here?”

  To Nick’s annoyance, his brother turned back to Ridley and kissed her soundly before getting up. He jogged over to where Nick waited by the back door. “What’s up, man? Is everything okay?”

  “Not exactly.” Ignoring Ridley’s interested stare, he grabbed Jackson by the arm and pulled him into the house. Usually the floor was littered with toys and random items of clothing that Jase had removed and left in the middle of the room. Now the area was scrupulously clean. Ridley’s influence, he had to assume.

  She’s already insinuated herself into their everyday lives.

  “I hate to just barge in on you but Elliott found some information that I thought you needed to have right away.”

  He handed Jackson the manila folder. Call him a coward but he’d thought it would be easier if his brother saw the proof in black and white. He watched as Jackson opened the folder and pulled out the thick sheaf of papers Elliott had emailed to him. He’d been surprised by the length of Ridley’s boyfriend’s rap sheet.

  Jackson narrowed his eyes as he read. “What the hell is all of this? A background check? You did a background check on Ridley?”

  “Yeah. And her boyfriend, David.”

  Jackson’s fingers clenched on the stack of paper. “I already asked Eli to look into what David was doing.”

  “Yeah but I asked him to look into them both.” He continued ignoring Jackson’s scowl. “It’s a good thing I did, too. It’s all there, Jackson. Ridley is the middleman in whatever scheme they’ve got going. I’ve found several bank accounts in her name with wire transfers to overseas accounts. From his FBI file, it looks like Mr. Finemore has pulled this scam numerous times with his former girlfriend. But she’s in jail now so of course he had to get a new partner. ” He motioned outside with his head.

  “Wait, you think Ridley was working with this guy? Nick, what the hell are you talking about?” Jackson threw the papers down on the kitchen table and glared at him. “You think she made up the whole story? You think she put those bruises on herself?”

  “I think she really was scared the day we found her. Her partner got killed and maybe the people they scammed are looking for her.” At his murderous look, Nick held up his hands. “I’m just saying. It fits the pattern. Finemore always has a female accomplice to get close to the victim, then when they don’t suspect anything he moves in.”

  “I understand you’re just looking out for me but I think you’ve got this all wrong.” He held up the pages. “Her record was clean up until she met this guy. She’s not a criminal and I don’t think she’s done anything wrong other than trusting a guy with a rap sheet as long as the Constitution. She thought he was a private investigator; instead he just stole her money and her social security number. She’s a victim in this, too.”

  “She’s already gotten to you. I can tell. She’s already got you defending her.” Nick crossed his arms.

  “Just leave Nick, please. I’ll look at everything, I promise. I just need to think.”

  “Okay. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Nick walked out without a word.

  He’d accomplished what he’d come for.


  JACKSON WALKED OUT of the house, unsure how to behave. Part of him wanted to chase his brother and ask what else he knew and the other part wanted to bury his head in the sand and ignore it. Ridley looked up as he pulled the door closed behind him.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked.

  He walked back over to the blanket and sat down on the edge. She looked a little hurt that he didn’t sit right next to her, where he’d been before the interruption. He wasn’t sure how to recapture the carefree feeling of a few minutes ago. Not when all he could see were white pages and black ink.

  “Yeah, Nick just wanted to talk business. He has no sense of timing whatsoever.”

  He looked over at her, watching as she carefully collected their cups and silverware, placing them neatly back in the picnic basket. Next, she picked up the small containers used to hold their sandwiches and the leftover potato salad and put them in the basket on top. When she was done everything was arranged neatly with all the similar items grouped together. She hummed to herself softly as she worked, an unfamiliar tune that made him think of Disney musicals. He shook his head.

  If Ridley was a criminal she had to be the worst one ever.

  When his cell phone started ringing, he gratefully snatched it up.

  “We got a problem, boss.”

  Jackson closed his eyes and massaged the knot of tension just starting to form between his eyebrows
. “What kind of problem?”

  “One of the girls is pregnant. She’s threatening to drop out of the group.”

  Jackson groaned. Somehow he had sensed his luck with Divine was too good to be true. However, he had dealt with worse problems in the past. The scandal with Alana flashed through his mind before he could squelch the thought. He wouldn’t let it get that bad if it took everything within him.

  His eyes shifted over to look at Ridley, laying quietly on the blanket, her face serene, seemingly asleep. He smiled confidently. They had been interrupted before things went too far but he knew that it was only a temporary reprieve. A part of him wanted to throw the phone in the pond and bury himself in her forever. After all, whichever group member had gotten herself knocked up, she would be just as pregnant tomorrow as she was today. The papers his brother had brought would still be there tomorrow.

  It was tempting to close himself off from the world and revel in what he had found today after a lifetime of searching.


  But he was a man who believed in keeping his word and he’d told Ridley that the next time they made love it would be perfect. She wouldn’t be distraught after a nightmare, he wouldn’t be tearing her panties off with his teeth and they wouldn’t rush this time.

  He closed his eyes against the memory of her erotic pleadings. A few more moments and he would have said to hell with comfort and taken her right here in the backyard.

  Mosquito bites on his ass didn’t fit his idea of perfect.

  “I’ll be there in about twenty minutes. I trust that you can handle things until then.” He flipped the phone shut, ignoring Mac’s voice still chattering away.

  He would have to go in to the office to come up with a game plan. There would be difficult decisions to make and he needed time to figure out what direction the group would take.

  He sent a quick text to Katie to see if she could keep the boys for a little longer. Once she responded, he dropped down next to Ridley and began kissing his way up her arm. Her girlish giggle let him know she wasn’t asleep as he had previously thought and she had probably been listening to his entire conversation.


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