The Kitchen Witch Switch

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The Kitchen Witch Switch Page 13

by Dawn Montgomery

  “Al, explain yourself,” I yell again.

  “Okay, okay. Quit yelling.” He pops up on a shelf above me. “Most of the curses she used on you were harmless.”

  “The fireball tea that literally turned into a fireball in my mouth?” I ask through gritted teeth.

  “My work. That one was great,” he chuckles, tempting me to throw something at him.

  “Vomiting during my first presentation.”

  “Ah, the memories.”

  My anger rises. “The amoebic dysentery curse?” The one I thought Mel’s ex had used. There’s no way he did it.


  I reach for a piece of fruit in a bowl. A solid apple. That should hurt if I throw it at him. “Every date I've been on, every important meeting I had to face, every single life event that I've been cursed by.”

  “Probably all me.” He flicks his tail. “Except that brake line one. I didn’t do that.”

  Well at least he didn’t try to kill me. “Why?”

  “Because I don't like you.” He pops back into Melanie's arms but she drops him immediately.

  I put a hand on my face and stare down at Mystica. He gazes back at me. “Is it against the rules to strangle a familiar?”

  Yes. But don't worry, he's in for some remedial familiar training after this. Bad kitty school is going to set him straight.

  “Is bad kitty school really bad?” I ask quietly?

  For him. Yes.

  I smile at Mystica. “I really like your style.”

  “When will the curse hit again, do you think?” Brandon asks. I see him glaring at Al and can't help but be thankful that he's also irritated with the monster cat.

  “Tonight,” Mrs. Devlin says. “I received word that they want to push the collaboration again. First thing in the morning. I've agreed to make it happen.”

  “Why so soon?” Brandon asks.

  “The bastards behind the scene are getting restless.” Mrs. Devlin glances at me and sighs. “Sorry for showing you this side of me. I hate cursing.”

  I smile at her. “No, I really like this side of you. It's good to know I'm not alone in thinking that they’re despicable bastards for doing something like this.”

  She smiles back, but there's an edge of exhaustion in it that makes my heart hurt. “I'll need to rely on you one more time, Meghan.”

  I open my mouth to agree when Brandon cuts in.

  “We have our own team. She's already absorbed my curse once today. Having her do it again so soon, is too dangerous. She’s sacrificed herself enough for this family, and for me.”

  It warms my heart for him to be this considerate, but I have to set him straight on a point or two.

  “You should know, I am being compensated for my efforts through the Kitchen Witch Academy, so it's really not a sacrifice.”

  I smile at him, sending him as much reassurance as I can. “Also, my sister stopped the curse before I consumed it, so I am perfectly fine. If anything, I'm more energized. I can handle it.”

  “And I can stop it when it triggers. It only takes a few seconds for the rebound spell to activate and reach the curse-givers.” Mel gives me a thumbs up. “We’ve got this.”

  “See?” I squeeze his hand. “Once we do this tonight, it's over forever.”

  “I'd rather put it off.”

  “Well, we can't. I wasn't the one who agreed to the meeting.” Mrs. Devlin's expression turns complicated. “Your uncle did.”

  Damn. Did he push it because he was worried or is he the dagger in the dark? I really hope it's because he has the best interests of the family at heart, but the expressions on Mrs. Devlin's and Brandon's faces tell me that it might be otherwise.

  “So how will we set up the dining room?” I need to focus on what happens next, and not spend time speculating on who might have it out for Brandon and this family. The truth is, they would have a better understanding of individual motivations.

  “I'll have to sit at the dinner table,” Melanie says. “I need Al's help and we need a visual on when the curse rebound happens so we can alter the rebound spell on the fly if needed. Sometimes, powerful witches will have reflection spells or wards and we want to make sure there's no bounce back.”

  “And I'll have to be in the room, as well, to help Brandon.”

  “If we have both of you in the room, he'll be suspicious.” Mrs. Devlin clenches her hands together in front of her. “And if he is the one...” she trails off and I can see the knuckles of her fingers growing white from the strength she's exerting.

  Brandon puts his arm around her and says a few quiet words in her ear. She nods with a jerk of her head, clenching my heart. I guess it's more than speculation at this point.

  “Wish there was a way to make you invisible, but that's impossible with your magic ability,” Melanie says.

  A sudden memory jumps out at me and I rush over to grab her arm. “That's it. Remember when we did the switch-up with that summer beach coven? You tried to steal their mascot and got hit with that tracking spell?”

  Her expression brightened. “Oh yeah. That's where I got the rebound spell tracking idea. I was wondering where that idea came from.”

  “Do you remember how the switch went?”

  “Yeah, I hid under the table while you pretended to be me and they scanned you for the spell.”

  “Let's do that again. Only this time, I hide under the table.”

  Brandon touches my arm and I turn to face him. “Hiding under the table?” I can see the objections rising up.

  “Yes. Is there a particular seating protocol you have to follow? Is it the same as the one before?”

  Brandon nods.

  “Can you put my sister in his place? Or move to another spot and have her next to Mrs. Devlin?”

  “I have a suggestion,” Bianca says quietly as she looks at Brandon. “Why don't we put you at the other end of the table out of consideration since your curse is more active? We already did that last time after Meghan said there was better lighting down there. It would make sense to create distance with Mrs. Devlin and your uncle. We can place Ms. Melanie beside you and that will leave open space for Ms. Meghan to remain within reach and out of sight.”

  “That's a great idea,” I say with a smile. Their dining room table holds space for eight chairs. The last time we ate, the unused chairs were removed and everyone crowded at one end.

  “Let's do that, then.” Mrs. Devlin gives a firm nod. “We don't have much time for preparation. Put your artifacts back on, Brandon. Ms. Melanie, we're relying on your success.”

  “I won't let you down, ma'am. This is the one thing I know I'm exceptional at.”

  “Yes, well, I hope so. And if we are successful, I will give you a recommendation letter for the Kitchen Witch Academy so you can enter their doors as a first-year student.”

  Melanie's expression changes into a mix of hope and fear. She glances at me and I give her a thumb's up.

  “Thank you, ma'am.” She clears her throat and glances away, obviously panicking again.

  “That's awesome, Melanie. Now you can learn how to make more of that delicious food of yours.” I grin at her.

  She nods with a jerk of her head and thrusts the necklace toward Brandon.

  “Here you go. Make sure you keep the pendant against your skin so it will work the same as before.” She clears her throat. “Can someone show me and Al the room we'll be working in? I need to hide him and make sure there's nothing that will interfere with the spell's rebound.”

  “I can do that,” Bianca says.

  Mrs. Devlin walks over to me and takes my hands in hers. She places something in my palm and closes my fingers over it. “Wear this tonight.”

  “What is it?” I ask as I open my hand. I see a dainty ring with a blood red gemstone.

  “It is a ring of protection. It belonged to Brandon's mother.” I see the ghost of pain flit through her expression. “We lost her because she trusted her own ability too much, and refused to wea
r things like this. You remind me of her in the reckless way you keep chasing this curse.”

  I open my mouth and she shushes me with a smile. “I'm not criticizing you. It's admirable, but take this extra precaution for my own peace of mind.”

  I slowly slip it over the ring finger of my right hand. It tingles as it touches my finger and then warms slightly. “I'll give this back to you as soon as this is all over with.”

  “We'll talk about that then,” she says as she pats my hands.

  I stare after her as she walks away. “Your grandmother is really worried.”

  “She has every right to be. If anything, you're not worried enough.”

  I look back at him. Brandon starts to fiddle with the chain's clasp.

  “Here, let me help you with that.” I take it from him and gesture for him to lower his head.

  “This will be extremely dangerous,” he says. “If the curse doesn't work tonight, there will be other things up his sleeve.”

  “You really do think it's your uncle.”

  I feel an ache in my chest for him. His case file said his parents died when he was young, but not how or why. If he wants to tell me, I'll listen. It's obvious that his grandmother misses her son and daughter-in-law. The pendant fits perfectly around his neck and I watch him tuck it into his shirt.

  It looks so small and harmless. Something I never noticed could cause so much horrific chaos.

  “He didn't do it alone.” He hands me the bracelet and I put it around his wrist.

  “Do you think he has an accomplice among the staff?”


  “But not Bianca?” She was the only one who was part of our crew this entire day.

  “Bianca is one of my witches,” Mystica says from his perch on the table. “I sent her over to protect the Devlin matriarch.”

  Brandon puts on the rest of his accessories quickly. “I don't like this. I'd rather you not expose yourself to this curse again. The doctors have already said you can't take another big hit, and he and his accomplices will fight back.”

  I smile at his concern. This handsome man who started without a spark of life in his eyes is now blinding with focused determination and passion for survival. The transformation takes my breath away.

  “I know my limits. My sister stopped the last one with time to spare. We just have to do this one more time and I'll be out of your hair.”

  Brandon reaches up and tucks a stray bit of hair behind my ear. His fingers trail lightly down my cheek. “Once this is all over, I'd like to give us a chance. No curses. No fear that you'll die every time you’re around me. No conspiracies or weird professors driving us crazy. Just you, me, and whatever this is between us.” He touches my chin and lifts it gently.

  My throat is dry and my heart slams in my chest. “I'm a boring nobody living in the non-magical world.”

  He chuckles. “You are the least boring person I've ever met. I can open a doorway to any country in the world. What does a little distance mean to us?”

  “You're serious?” My breathless question darkens his gaze as it drops to my lips.

  “I've never been more serious. You brought color back into my life. I can't imagine not seeing your smile or hearing your voice.” He let his hand fall away. “If you're not interested, I underst—”

  I wrap my hands around the back of his neck and pull him in for a kiss. The moment our lips touch, my thoughts shatter and I'm swept away by his touch.

  The fire between us ignites from that spark, drowning me in the rich flavor and texture of this man.

  Mystica makes an uncomfortable coughing sound and we slowly pull away from one another. I realize Brandon has his arms around me as he presses another light kiss on my lips.

  “Your uncle has pulled onto the property. There isn't much time.”

  I mentally shake my head to clear it, but the heat from his kiss still burns inside me.

  “Does that mean yes?” Brandon asks me.

  “Yes,” I say with a shy smile, I clear my throat and let him go. He lingers with reluctance and then snags my hand as we walk into the dining room.

  My sister can't be more obvious with her speculation as she looks between our faces and our intertwined hands. That smirk on her face makes the heat rise on my cheeks.

  “He's almost here,” Mrs. Devlin says. She glances at our hands and smiles slightly. “Let's get into position.”

  I draw in a small breath and nod. Brandon leans close to me. “I can't stop my curse, but I promise you'll be safe. Stay under the table until this is over.”

  I squeeze his hand and move away. Bianca holds up the floor length tablecloth. I see a pillow has been placed on the floor. With a grin and a thanks, I climb under the table. There's enough room to move around. A chair comes behind me, and Melanie promptly sits.

  Brandon sits down, next, and I realize that I won't be able to grab his hand easily. His ankles are within reach, but I wasn't sure if it would be as effective. I hope this doesn't cause trouble when the curse is triggered.



  Grandma touches my hands before I go to sit down. “Be careful,” she says as I bend down to kiss her cheek.

  “I will.”

  “Protect that girl the way she's protected us.”

  “I will. He'll have to go through me, first.”

  She clenches my hands and I notice a faint trembling in her body and lips. A flash of pain appears on her face and then it's gone. I know what she's thinking. I've been focused on the same thing since I got the report that my uncle is in severe debt.

  Her only other son and my uncle. A man I loved and respected as a father figure in my life.

  “It could be wrong,” I say, offering comfort.

  “You know it's not,” she replies. Another moment of pain flashes through her gaze and then she closes her eyes and shoves it all back, showing only an iron resolve and determination.

  She's right. I know he's guilty. The Baba Yaga delivered the information, through Mystica, with a warning that someone in the house helped Viktor cover it up. Who, we weren't sure.

  This rebound curse was a gamble. Mystica and Meghan's belief in Melanie's ability reassures me. I would feel better if we could just get this over with and keep everyone safe.

  “Go sit down. He'll be here soon.” She pats my cheek and then pinches my chin. “Be careful. I mean it.”

  “Now that we know what they’re planning, they can't hurt us anymore.”

  She clicks her tongue and waves me off. I stand up and straighten my shirt. My hand brushes against the pendant lying against my chest. The thought of that thing being the reason for the nightmare of these past six years makes me want to destroy it.

  What kind of son would torture his mother with such a horrible curse? He knew how devastated she was at her own father's death.

  The door opens and anger freezes in the core of my stomach, erasing all thoughts and focusing on my uncle's entrance.

  “Smile at him,” Melanie tugs on my shirt as she whispers to me. “You look like you want to kill him.

  I wipe away the frown on my face and bring the smile that I wear in business. This isn't the first time I've faced a morally corrupt opponent.

  A very small part of me still hopes I'm wrong.

  My uncle enters the room and sees me standing next to my chair. We lock gazes and my smile widens as the last of that hope dies.

  I'm not wrong.

  He's come here resolved to kill me.

  Mystica says he is covered in a shield of protection. Silverfang's voice comes into my mind.

  Tell Al so he can let Melanie know.

  Already done.

  You'll get an entire fish as a treat.

  I want halibut.

  You've got it.

  Silverfang's contentment slid through my mind like a cat's purr and my smile smoothed into something less forced. Does he even know how big a halibut is? Two hundred plus pounds of fish.

  I watch my uncl
e's gaze slide to Melanie and back to me. “Why are you sitting over there, Brandon?”

  “I've had a lot of trouble with this curse lately, so I don't want to risk anyone.”

  “I heard that Meghan had to see the doctor's again. Is everyone alright?”

  Melanie and I both open our mouths, but Grandma intercepts. “Oh, she's fine. We're taking extra precautions and tests since she seems to be immune to his curse. How was work today?”

  His attention turns to Grandma and Melanie sighs in relief. I lean close to her. “You need to calm down.”

  “I am calm,” she says, but I can see that the confidence she had earlier has shattered.

  “Your sister believes in you.”

  “Yeah, no pressure,” she says in reply.

  “That's not what I mean.” I have her attention now. “You trust your sister, right?”

  “More than anything.”

  “I trust her too, and that goes for her judgement, as well. If she says you can do it, you can. Consider it a fact at this point. I do.”

  My uncle sits and my grandmother nods. “Game on,” Melanie says and settles back in her chair.

  The doors open and our most trusted staff, the ones we've had with us through every meal since my curse manifested six years ago, are all with us.

  It sickens me to realize one or more of them are involved in this.

  “I've received some news recently about the Fortuna family.”

  “What's that?” I put my elbows on the table and steeple my hands together. The gloves I wear are more constricting than ever, but I have to keep up appearances.

  “The First Son of the Fortuna family was caught in a scandal. Turns out they were blackmailing some members of prestigious families in order to overthrow smaller corporations within our niche.”

  “Imagine that,” I say, amused. Was he trying to blame them or set them up as a scapegoat? Maybe he's setting up an alibi later.

  “I managed to intercept a letter to someone in our house. I wonder if I could ask Bianca to check it for curses.” He takes the envelope from an inner pocket of his jacket and holds it up.


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