Wait For Me

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Wait For Me Page 17

by K. L. Grayson

  My hands tighten in her hair as I pump my hips. When my body goes stiff, she takes me into the back of her throat and swallows my orgasm.

  I try to pull back, but Nora doesn’t let me. She grabs my thighs, keeping my cock deep her mouth, determined to take every last drop my body will give.

  My labored breaths fill the air as I float back down to Earth, and once I’m breathing normally, she crawls up the bed and curls in beside me.

  She wraps an arm around my middle and nuzzles against me, resting her head in the crook of my arm.

  “It’s a good thing the kids are gone, because I couldn’t move right now if I wanted to.”

  She smiles against my skin, kisses my chest, and sits up. “You don’t have to get up. I can let myself out, and I’ll lock the door when I leave.”

  What? “You’re leaving?”

  “I figured you’d want me to. This is your first night without your kids in—”

  “Years,” I answer for her. “But it’s also my first night with you, and I’m not even close to being done exploring your body.”

  Her eyes light up like a kid in a candy store. “You’re not?”

  I shake my head and pull her back down to me. “I might not be getting inside of you tonight, but I plan on pulling as much pleasure from your body as you’ll allow.”

  She shudders in my arms.

  I slide my hand between her thighs. “I want you to feel me here for days, Nora.”

  I wake to sunlight pouring in through the window, the heavy weight of a leg draped over mine, and the tickle of hair against my nose. Last night and all the things Nora and I did to each other come flooding back, and I blink my eyes open to look at the woman herself.

  Nora might be a virgin, but it’s a complete technicality at this point. I couldn’t take her with my cock, but I made sure she knows how good it’ll be when I do.

  If I do.

  If she allows me to.

  I want her to be sure.

  Nora moans and rolls onto her back. Her arm flops over her eyes, and she lets out the sweetest snore. We didn’t sleep much last night. After several rounds of orgasms, we collapsed in each other’s arms, and I awoke an hour or so later with my cock in her mouth.

  That’s how the night went—catching bits of sleep between exploring each other’s bodies.

  I’m bold enough to say it was undeniably the hottest night of my life. So hot, in fact, that I’m pulled to touch her again.

  I’m the moth to her flame. Her body calls to me, and now that I’ve had a taste of her, I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to stop.

  She shifts again and the sheet slips from her body, revealing her bare breasts. Her nipples pucker tight against the morning air. They have to be sore today. I sucked and played with them for hours last night.

  I do my best to be quiet as I move to the lower half of the bed and gently pull the sheet out of the way. Nora’s right leg is raised and bent, her left kicked off to the side, giving me a fantastic view of her pussy.

  She’s glistening, her wetness prominent on her folds and inner thighs. Her labia are puffy with a tinge of redness from all of the foreplay last night. There’s no way she could take my fingers this morning—I wouldn’t even try—but I can soothe her with my tongue.

  I maneuver myself between her legs, press the flat of my tongue against her core, and swirl it once around her clit.

  “Mmm… Grayson?”

  I love the way she sounds, her voice low and raspy from sleep.

  “There better not be another man eating this pussy.”

  She smiles sleepily and blinks open her eyes.

  I lick her again, this time probing her entrance with my tongue. When she doesn’t flinch at the intrusion, I push in farther and suck the tender flesh into my mouth.

  Her hips roll, and I look up in time to see her prop herself up on her elbows. Her sleepy eyes blink heavily as she watches.

  “Are you sore?”

  “A little bit, but this feels good. I love having your mouth on me.”

  I continue to kiss, suck, and caress her pussy with my lips and tongue, drawing long, deep moans from her chest. She pushes her fingers into my hair and caresses the strands. The move is so tender and intimate that it has me reaching for her free hand.

  I entwine our fingers, needing her to keep me grounded, needing to know she’s right here with me, because I have the distinct feeling I’m already falling for this girl.

  She’s so beautiful.

  So strong.

  So perfect.

  Perfect for me.

  I do everything I can to show her with my body what my lips can’t find the words to say.

  You’re special, Nora.

  I feel something for you.

  Do you feel it too?

  Tell me we can make this work.

  When I make one more swipe of my tongue and pull her swollen clit into my mouth, Nora’s hips buck off the bed. Her body shakes, and she tries to clamp her thighs around my head, but I pull her legs apart, keeping her open wide.

  “Grayson, I—” Her words turn to a deep moan as she digs her nails into my head and holds me against her core.

  Her hips rock in motion with my tongue. I continue to lick and suck until she jerks beneath me.

  She flops back on the bed, one hand still gripping mine, and I crawl over her body and hover above her.

  “Good morning.”

  I press a kiss to her smiling mouth.

  “You are the greatest alarm clock a woman could ever ask for.”

  “You mean my mouth is,” I say, nipping her lower lip.

  “No.” Nora circles her arms around my neck. “You are.”



  “Why do you look so damn happy?” Duke asks, leaning against the car I’m working on.

  “Because I am.”

  It’s been four days since I woke up with Nora in my arms, and I still can’t stop smiling. That’s what she does to me. She brings out a happiness I hadn’t realized I’d lost.

  “Hmm… There has to be a reason.”

  “What? A guy can’t be happy?”

  “Hey, guys!” Nora walks in with all three kids trailing behind her.

  “And there’s the reason now,” Duke says for only me to hear. He pushes away from the car and reaches for Henry. “Hey, little dude.”

  “Daddy!” Henry shouts, squirming from Duke’s arms.

  Duke lowers him to the floor, and Henry runs for me.

  For the last three days, Nora and the kids have come down to the shop to bring me lunch. They hang out and eat, Nora watches me work on the cars, and we chat while the kids run around and play. It’s been the best part of my day and the reason I can’t stop smiling.

  “Nora, you’re still here.” Duke gives her a one-armed hug and ruffles Emma’s hair.

  She swats his hand away, and he does it again because he loves to annoy her.

  “I am. How are you, Duke?”

  “I’d be better if you’d go on a date with me.” He shoots me a wicked grin before turning his charms back to Nora.

  “Are you trying to goad your brother?” Nora asks, slipping out from under his arm. She pokes him in the chest. “I know that game. I have a brother too, you know.”

  Duke laughs. “Is that a no?”

  She turns a sweet smile his way. “Sorry, Duke, I’m seeing someone.”

  Hell yes, she is!

  “I figured you were by the goofy look on this guy’s face,” Duke says, hooking a thumb in my direction.

  What can I say? I’m happy. My kids are happy. Nora is happy. Right now, life is great.

  I want to pull Nora into my arms and kiss the hell out of her, but we try not to do that in front of the kids. Aside from Jack walking in on us that one time, we’ve succeeded at keeping things private.

  It’s not that I don’t want them to know, or that I’m trying to hide it, but everything has happened so fast, and it’s so new. I don’t want to rush her or my

  When the time is right, we’ll take that next step.

  However, not touching her in front of the kids has been more difficult than I thought it would be. Sometimes she smiles at me from across the room, and all I want to do is grab her hand or put an arm around her, but I have to stop myself.

  We steal moments when we can—in the laundry room, bathroom, hallway, or kitchen. A kiss here, a touch there whenever the kids aren’t looking or are otherwise occupied.

  I’m dying to get her back into my bed for a repeat of the other night, but I don’t know when that’ll happen. By the looks of it, never.

  “Uncle Duke, are you coming to my party next weekend?”

  “Wouldn’t miss it.” He high-fives Jack. “Wait, not this weekend, right? Because I’ve got a date.”

  “Which you would cancel if you had to, because this is your nephew,” I say.

  Duke looks at me funny and then nods. “Of course I would cancel. Or bring her along.”

  “You’re not bringing one of your dates to my son’s birthday party.”

  “Why not?”

  I give him a do-you-even-have-to-ask look, and he holds his hands up. Duke tends to date young, large-breasted women who think a bikini is the equivalent of a three-piece suit. I swear he brought a girl over once whose shorts were so short and tight I could see her labia when she bent over.

  I told him never again.

  “It’s not this weekend,” Jack reminds him. “Next weekend.”

  “I’ll be there,” Duke assures him.

  “It’s going to be so much fun! Dad is going to get out the slip-n-slide and the sprinklers. All of my friends are coming over, and we’re going to play whiffle ball and jump on the trampoline.”

  “Sounds like a great time. How many friends are coming?” he asks.

  Jack goes into great detail listing off all of his friends. I push up from the creeper and step over to Nora.


  Her smile makes my dick hard.

  “I brought you lunch.”

  “I’m starving,” I whisper so only she can hear. “But not for food.”

  Nora’s cheeks turn pink. She pinches her lips together and fights a grin. “Maybe tonight after the kids go to bed…”

  She wags her eyebrows, leaving the offer hanging in the air, and my cock goes from half mast to rock solid.

  “Is it eight o’clock yet?”

  She pushes me and laughs. “Go eat before your food gets cold.”

  “What did you bring me?”

  Emma runs in front of me and jumps up and down. Henry tries to mimic her, but only succeeds in falling down. I pick him up and dust off his butt.

  “Fish sticks and macawoni and cheese!” she says.

  I look at Nora. She shrugs.

  “Emma picked out what we were having today.”

  “Well, then… ” I scoop my little princess monkey into my arms and rain kisses all over her head while Henry claws at my legs. “It’s a good thing I like fish sticks and macaroni and cheese.”

  “Did you bring some for me?”

  Emma looks at Duke and crinkles her nose. “I didn’t know you was gonna be here.”

  He laughs. “That’s okay, princess. I’m getting ready to leave anyway.”

  “Work?” I ask.

  “Nah. I just finished a project, so I’m taking some time off. I’m going to meet up with Lindsey.”

  “Is Lindsey the girl you’re dating?” Nora asks, leading us into the office where she has my food set out on the desk, with a bottle of water.

  “He wishes,” I goad. “Lindsey is too good for the likes of him.”

  Duke rolls his eyes. “Lindsey is my best friend. She isn’t exactly my type romantically.”

  I look at Nora. “She’s funny, smart, incredibly talented, and has a heart of gold. Actually, she reminds me a lot of you.”

  Duke blinks, and then blinks again and walks out without another word.

  “What’s up with him?” Nora asks when the door to my shop slams shut.

  “Who knows.” I pull out a chair and sit down.

  Henry crawls onto my lap and steals one of my fish sticks.


  “That’s right, buddy. Fish stick. Nom nom nom.” I chase after the piece in his hand with my mouth.

  Henry shoves half of it into his mouth and raises the other half for me. It’s slobbery, but a sweet gesture I can’t turn down.

  “I swear he ate already,” Nora says.

  I laugh and pop another fish stick in my mouth. “He’s an endless pit. I think he’s going through a growth spurt.”

  “What’s a growf spurt?” Emma asks.

  “It means you’re getting big,” Jack answers for me. “Can we go outside now?”

  Henry can’t get down from my lap fast enough and nearly falls at the mention of going outside.

  “Are you okay finishing lunch by yourself?” Nora asks.

  “Yeah, I’m good. Go have fun. Thanks for lunch.”

  “You’re welcome. Wait up, guys.” Nora turns for the door, and she’s halfway out when I call to her.



  “Thank you.”

  She tilts her head. “For what?”

  For being you.

  For coming into our lives.

  For making my kids smile and laugh.


  She smiles—the same one I’ve seen plastered all over TV and on the front of magazines, and it’s no wonder America has fallen in love with her.

  It’s not just America’s heart she’s captured. She’s holding a large chunk of mine as well.

  “I win!” Jack jumps from his seat and runs around the table.

  I put a hand on Nora’s shoulder. “He beat you again, huh? I warned you.”

  She stares at the chess board. “I know you did, but I—I’m good.”

  “So am I,” Jack says. “I’m in the chess club at school.”

  “They have a chess club at school?” she asks.

  I nod. “That’s why we love this district so much. They offer tons of extracurricular activities.”

  “Where did you learn how to play?” Jack asks, picking up all the pieces. He stacks them meticulously in the box before folding up the board.

  “Bo taught me.”

  “How is Bo? I haven’t heard you talk about him much.”

  “He’s good. We text back and forth almost every day.”

  They text every day? What do they talk about? I’ve never been a jealous man, but I am when it comes to Nora.

  “Is that right?”

  Jack takes his chess board out of the room, leaving me alone with Nora.

  “Yup.” She stands up, looks around for any kids, and when she sees the coast is clear, she wraps her arms around my waist and kisses the side of my neck. “It’s almost eight o’clock,” she whispers.

  “What do you guys talk about?”

  She shrugs and kisses my jaw and then my lips. “Nothing and everything.”

  I run my hands up her spine and settle them at her lower back. “Do you ever talk to him on the phone? Or is it just texts?”

  “Just texts. Are you jealous?”

  “No,” I scoff, shaking my head. “What do I have to be jealous of? You and he are just friends.”

  “Right.” Her hands skim down my sides and toy with the edge of my shirt. “And you have nothing to be jealous of.”

  “I’m not jealous.”

  “Well, if you were, you shouldn’t be. Not only am I not attracted to him, but Bo is happily married with his own perfect little family.”

  “You could’ve told me that earlier.”

  She smiles against my skin. “Sorry.”

  “Are you gonna be my new mom?” Emma’s sweet voice has Nora taking a giant step back.

  She laughs awkwardly and looks to me for help.

  “Were they kissing again?” Jack says, walking into the kitchen. He grabs a bottle o
f water from the refrigerator and takes a drink.

  Emma gasps. Her eyes get as big as saucers. “You kissed my daddy?”

  Uh-oh. This is either going to go really well, or not well at all.

  Nora looks terrified to address Emma, so I squat down to my daughter’s level.

  “Emma, sweetheart, you like Nora, right?” I say nonchalantly, trying to convey that it’s not a big deal.

  But it is a big deal. Nora is mine in every sense of the word, and I need my kids to be okay with it.

  Emma nods. “Do you wike Nowa, too?”

  “I do.”

  “Is she your girlfwend?”

  I tuck a stray curl behind Emma’s ear. “Would that be okay with you if she is?”

  “Uh-huh. Is she gonna be my new mommy?”

  “Well…” Damn Lorelei for leaving our kids without a mother.

  Nora comes down to Emma’s level. “Hey, shortcake, can I tell you a secret?”

  Emma steps closer to Nora and nods, her eyes glowing with excitement.

  Nora reaches in front of Emma and takes my hand. “Remember that book we read the other day about Princess Penelope?”

  “She falled in wove wif da pwince.”

  “That’s right. The prince did nice things for her, and he made her feel special. He made her happy. Well…that’s how your daddy makes me feel. Is that okay with you?”

  Emma’s eyes cut to mine and then back to Nora. “Am I still his wittle pwincess?”

  “You’ll always be my little princess,” I say kissing Emma’s hand. “Nothing is ever going to change that.”

  “Okay.” Emma shrugs and turns for the refrigerator. “Can I have my snack now?”

  And just like that, we’re forgotten.

  I open the refrigerator to grab Emma’s chocolate milk and applesauce, and she walks into the living room to sit on the floor by Henry.

  When I turn back around to face Nora, Jack is standing beside her, watching her curiously.

  “What’s wrong, buddy?”

  “Are you going to leave like my mom left?” he asks Nora.

  At first, she looks stunned by the question, but then she places a hand on his shoulder and gives the absolute best answer.


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