Medal of Honor, 638
Church Committee hearings and, 522–23
Ford and, 414, 519–20
investigative journalism in, 461–62
Nixon and, 99–100
Operation Homecoming and, 5–9, 14–22, 65–67
Reagan and, 602–4, 697
right-wing attacks on, 221–22, 257, 260
Watergate and, 64–65, 95, 98–99, 101–2, 108–9, 118–19, 123–24, 134–36, 140, 149, 156–57
Medicaid, 476, 496, 518, 594, 603
Medicare, 128, 247, 401, 405, 518
“Meditations of a Lifeguard” (Reagan), 44–45
Meese, Edwin, 91, 759, 768
Meet the Press (news show), 211, 479, 552, 607, 636
Meiklejohn Agency, 341
Meir, Golda, 182, 629
Melich, Tanya, 762–63, 766–67, 787–88
Meloy, Francis E., Jr., 702
Memphis, Tenn., 201
Mencken, H. L., 715
Mendocino County, Calif., 368
Menjou, Adolphe, 369
Mental Hygiene Department, California, 411
Mercer, Pa., 652
Merrill Lynch, 482
Merriwell, Frank (char.), 34–37, 39, 83–84, 89, 93, 261
Messianic Character of American Education, The (Rushdoony), 324
Methodists, 62, 301, 447–49
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, 302–3
Mexican-Americans, 303
Mexico, 52, 54, 100, 112, 130, 261, 266, 268, 530
MGM, 343, 349, 353, 356, 380–81
Miami, Fla., 63, 82, 201, 475, 549–51, 629, 702, 710, 782
Miami Beach, Fla., 624, 703, 753
Miami News, 400
Michigan, 214, 316, 321, 325, 415, 467, 472, 511, 568, 588, 604–5, 624, 661, 663, 681–83, 709, 776, 791
Fifth District of, 212
Michigan, University of, 279, 532, 613, 791
Institute for Public Policy Studies at, 178–79
Survey Research Center of, 162
Middle East, 182–84, 189–91, 196, 205, 219, 232, 252–53, 333, 432, 466, 497, 506, 679, 730
Middleton, Ohio, 699
Midler, Bette, 167
Midnight Cowboy (film), 7
Midway, USS, 433–34, 437, 748
Midway (film), 659
Milan, Ohio, 500
Miller, Arnold, 679
Miller, Edison, 5, 70, 685
Miller, Glenn, 197
Miller, Jonathan, 566
Miller, Marion, 402–4
Miller, Merle, 214–15, 279
Miller, Warren, 613
Miller, William, 756
Miller, William “Fishbait,” 326
Miller, Zell, 608
Miller v. California, 295
Milliken, William, 683
Milliken v. Bradley, 290
Millirons, Rollie, 668
Mills, Wilbur, 311–12, 327
Mills, William O., 98
Miltown, 560
Milwaukee, Wis., 106, 109, 416, 463, 482, 614, 624
Milwaukee Braves, 226–27
Milwaukee Common Council, 202
Milwaukee Journal, 193, 196, 284–85, 415, 538
Milwaukee Sentinel, 655, 789
“MINARET” (surveillance project), 521
Mindszenty, Jozsef Cardinal, 618
Minersville, Pa., 711
Mine Safety and Health Administration, 478
Mineta, Norm, 319
Minneapolis, Minn., 132, 286
Minnesota, 17, 485, 505, 518, 523, 614, 664, 706, 721
Mises, Ludwig von, 642
Missionary Society, 36
Mission to Moscow (film), 356
Mississippi, 19, 82, 111, 169, 186, 262, 264, 293, 326, 486, 497, 540, 726, 742–43, 777, 786
Republican Party of, 732–36, 745–46, 754, 765, 774–76, 778–79
Mississippi River, 112
Missouri, 207, 215, 262, 382, 680, 692, 704, 745, 782
Republican Party of, 702–3
Miss Universe pageant, 497, 514
Miss USA, 514
Misty Malarky Ying Yang (cat), 728
Mitchell, John, 56, 67, 72, 75–78, 92, 97, 108, 124, 127, 130, 138–39, 143, 145–48, 188–89, 199, 213, 217, 234, 253, 267, 274
Mitchell, Martha, 56, 493–94
Mix, Tom, 340
Mobile, Ala., 226, 496
Mobil Oil Corporation, 113, 743
Modern Screen, 165, 343, 351–52
Modern Stories of Inspiration (Stephens, ed.), 588
Moffett, James, 295–96
Mohr, Charles, 695
Moline, Ill., 260
Mollenhoff, Clark, 159
Mondale, Joan, 721
Mondale, Walter “Fritz,” 111, 143, 306, 505, 517, 522–23, 536–37, 614, 678, 720–22, 728, 730, 741
Monday, Rick, 670–71
Monmouth, Ill., 26, 32, 39, 340
Monologue and Dialogue (textbook anthology), 295
Monroe, Marilyn, 294, 303, 566
Monroe, N.C., 641
Monrovia, 673
Montana, 59, 706, 762
Montana, University of, 229
Montgomery, Gillespie “Sonny,” 668
Montgomery, Robert, 362, 364, 374
Montgomery Ward, 242
Month of Sundays, A (Updike), 448–49
Monticello, 713
Montoya, Joseph, 152
Montreal, 175
Monument of Faith Evangelistic Church (Chicago), 628
Moomaw, Donn, 651
Moon, Sun Myung, 207, 257–58, 570, 700–701, 711
Moonies, 257–58, 700–701
Moore, Alice, 292–99, 305, 458
Moore, Arch, 791
Moore, Sara Jane, 509–13, 575
Moore, William, 560
“Morality in Foreign Policy” (minority report), 779–80, 788–89
Moretti, Robert, 91, 161–63, 169, 194–95, 412
Mormons, 660, 784
Morris, Minn., 314
Morse code, 248, 323
Mortgage Guarantee Trust, 481
Morton, Rogers, 527, 667, 676
Morton Grove, Ill., 118
Moscone, George, 165
Moscow, 79, 148, 189, 357, 362, 405, 485, 597
Moses, 395
Moss, Thelma, 176
Mossadegh, Mohammad, 184
Motion Picture, 381
Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals, 355, 368–69
Motion Picture Herald, 349, 351
Motor Trend, 254
Moultonborough, N.H., 595
Mounger, Billy, 734–35, 775–76, 786, 795
Movement to Restore Decency (MOTOREDE), 293–94
Moyers, Bill, 20, 131, 193–94, 652
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 454, 476, 501, 590, 629, 771
Mozambique, 635
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 436
MPLA, 597
Muehlebach Hotel, 774
Mulligan, James, 16, 66
Mummers, 711
Muncie, Ind., 198
Munich, 432
Olympic Games massacre in, 7, 62
Municipal Assistance Corporation (MAC), 482–83, 500
Murder Inc. schemes, 473
Murder on the Orient Express (film), 424
Murphy, George, 362, 368, 783
Murphy, Morgan F., 506
Murphy, Reg, 114
Murtha, John, 212
Muskie, Edmund S., 56, 75, 109, 127, 142, 170, 172, 188, 235, 549, 623, 642, 720–21
Muslims, 62, 175, 444, 702
Mussolini, Benito, 677
Mutual Network, 518
“My Dark Days” (TV episode), 402–5
My Lai Massacre, 12, 248, 524, 687
Mystic River, 167
Nader, Ralph, 114, 189, 286, 329, 478, 492, 560, 728, 730
Nagasaki bombing, 464
Namath, Joe, 142
Name That Tune (game show), 640
/> Naples, 208
NASA, 111
Nashua Telegraph, 596
Nashville, Tenn., 218, 582–83, 691
Nashville, USS, 632, 707, 710
Nashville (film), 277, 581–83, 681
Nasmyth, John, Jr., 4, 21, 106
Nation, 41
National Abortion Rights Action League, 640
National Academy of Applied Awareness, 176
National Agricultural Laboratory, 615
National Air and Space Museum, 709
National Airport, 265
National Archives, 713, 776
National Assembly, 632
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 733
National Association of Broadcasters, 219
National Association of Evangelicals, 651
National Association of Home Builders, 333
National Association of Manufacturers, 399, 456, 479–80
National Black Republican Council, 772
National Book Awards, 229–30
National Campaign to Impeach Nixon, 229
National Chamber of Commerce, 479
National Citizens Committee for Fairness to the Presidency, 240, 257
National Citizens Engaged in Reuniting Families Inc., 700
National Committee to Win the Peace, 355, 357
National Conference of Republican Mayors, 637
National Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPAC), 455–56, 675
National Council of Churches, 62
National Education Association, 607
National Electrical Contractors Association, 400
National Endowment for the Arts, 247
National Enquirer, 615, 695–96
National Federation for Decency, 514
National Federation of Independent Businesses, 456
National Federation of Republican Women, 177–78, 458
National Guard, 89, 161, 218, 255, 602
National Labor Relations Board, 365
National Lampoon, 311
National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia, 10, 13, 18, 73, 110
see also League of Wives of American Prisoners of War
National Liberation Front, 430
National Library Association, 514
National Mall (Washington, D.C.), 709, 711
National Negro Republican Assembly, 553
National Organization for Women (NOW), 444–46, 459
Reproduction Task Force of, 444
National Peace Action Committee, 415
National Press Club, 225, 409, 519, 525, 546, 792
National Public Radio, 234
National Religious Broadcasters, 651
National Review, 91, 119, 163, 180, 193–94, 394, 440, 452, 539
National Rifle Association (NRA), 550–51, 674–75
Institute for Legal Action lobbying group of, 551
National Right to Life Committee, 301
National Right to Work Committee, 675
National Safety Council, 713
National Science Foundation, 449, 451, 744
National Security Agency (NSA), 521, 523–24
National Security Council (NSC), 183, 464, 526, 528
National Taxpayers Union, 454
National Transportation Safety Board, 478
National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO), 439
Native Americans, 62, 128, 157, 165, 712, 772, 776
Natural Resources Defense Council, 478
Nature, 176
Naughty but Nice (film), 345
Naval Academy, U.S., 584, 611
Navasky, Victor, 319
Navy, U.S., 2–3, 8–9, 11, 65, 146, 314, 323, 352, 464, 470, 641, 685
Navy Cross, 323
Nazimova, Alla, 379
Nazis, Nazism, 88, 142, 313, 374, 378, 482, 602, 618, 659, 706, 770
NBC, 5–6, 9, 16, 20, 58, 81–82, 89, 171, 188, 241, 248, 269, 414, 429–31, 472, 519, 530, 557, 599, 660, 665, 708, 783, 786, 796
NBC News, 115, 250, 420
NBC Nightly News, 248
Nebraska, 676–77, 679–80, 682, 699, 727
Nedzi, Lucien, 472, 506
Negroes of the Washington Urban League, 472
Negro Leagues, 226
Nelson, Gaylord, 313, 654
neoconservatives, 453–54
Nessen, Ron, 417–18, 423, 471–72, 488, 493, 516–17, 528, 549, 576, 598, 667, 707, 745
Netsilik cosmology, 450
Nevada, 59, 489, 686, 691
New Bedford, Mass., 500
New Deal, 53, 118, 189, 212, 243, 246–47, 294, 317, 321, 355, 369, 390, 478, 554, 563, 613, 677
New England, 321, 531, 608, 627
New England School of Art, 198
New Hampshire, 160, 201, 333, 484, 502–3, 602, 611, 614, 633, 717, 741, 744, 761
New Hampshire, University of, 606
New Hampshire primaries, 585, 620–21
of 1972, 125, 456
1976 Democratic, 578, 580, 608–9, 613, 617, 620–21, 627, 723
1976 Republican, 531–32, 546, 594–97, 603, 605–7, 619, 630–31, 635–36, 738, 752, 761
New Hollywood, 166
New Jersey, 63, 112, 114, 193, 219, 251, 260, 316, 452, 497, 558, 664, 672, 692–93, 696, 699, 705–6, 724, 726, 737, 751–52, 762, 766
New Left, 18, 88, 90, 299
Newman, Edwin, 796–97
Newman, Laraine, 667
Newman, Paul, 141
New Mexico, 152, 674, 706
New Mind, New Body (Brown), 575
New Muckrakers, The (Downie), 461–62
New Orleans, La., 22, 61, 63, 145, 512, 724
Newport, R.I., 702
Newport Beach, Calif., 699
New Republic, xiv, 312, 318, 414, 428, 462, 478, 600, 650, 747
New Right, 305, 309, 322, 602, 643, 754, 757, 759, 796
PACs and, 674–75
rise of, 443–67
Newsday, 143, 549
Newsweek, 6, 18, 53, 103, 107, 111, 121, 200, 233, 236, 257, 279, 284, 315, 375, 409, 440–42, 465–66, 526, 541, 557, 627, 658, 679, 713, 726, 783
New Times, 319
New World Liberation Front, 510, 617, 639, 656, 728
New York, 120, 122, 179, 191, 320–21, 473, 517, 526, 615, 626, 650, 653, 717, 730
New York, N.Y., 58, 61, 95, 105, 107, 111, 113, 122, 127, 142, 151, 177, 193, 202, 205–6, 229–30, 273–75, 286, 289, 300, 342, 370–71, 380, 383, 410, 415, 429, 474–75, 480–82, 499, 501, 520, 528, 549, 567–68, 604, 615, 639, 650, 654, 659, 661, 669, 680, 700–701, 711, 714, 716, 724
fiscal crisis in, 475–78, 480–83, 491–92, 496, 500–502, 504, 514–17, 525–27, 533, 555, 590, 610, 634
1939 World’s Fair in, 395
1976 Democratic National Convention in, 714–15, 717–20, 722–25, 729, 801, 803
New York Conservative Party, 518, 645
New York Daily News, 229, 525, 662
New Yorker, 13, 222, 278, 355, 409, 420, 423, 428, 569, 603, 622, 637–38, 647, 654, 697, 712, 741, 756, 791
New Yorker Hotel, 700
New York Harbor, 707, 710
New York Herald Tribune, 41
New York Jets, 142
New York Post, 5, 514, 516
New York Review of Books, 600
New York State, 7, 51, 57, 63–64, 81, 84, 93, 131, 219, 246, 251, 315, 319, 328, 410, 482, 496–97, 505, 521, 640, 651, 661, 693, 735–37, 752, 759–60, 762, 764, 784–85, 790, 793
New York State Assembly, 17
New York State Republican Party, 771
New York State Right to Life Party, 640
New York Stock Exchange, 98, 192, 482
New York Times, 1, 4–5, 8–9, 13–16, 18–20, 52, 54, 59, 62, 64, 67, 79, 84, 93, 99–100, 107, 109, 112, 116–17, 119–21, 125, 132, 141, 172–73, 178, 180, 193, 201, 203, 211, 222–23, 229, 236, 251–52, 254, 261, 273, 275–77, 280, 282, 284, 298, 300, 302–3, 308, 321–23, 328–32, 345, 349, 351, 381, 416–1
8, 421, 423, 427, 431–32, 444, 460–62, 469, 471–73, 485, 489–90, 502–7, 514–15, 523–24, 526–27, 535, 546, 555, 557, 559, 564–65, 578, 589, 591, 598–99, 601, 603, 610–11, 614, 619, 636–38, 653, 657, 660, 678, 681–83, 692, 694–95, 698, 727–28, 750, 777, 781, 790, 792, 799, 804
Week in Review section of, 56–58, 109, 115, 149
New York Times Book Company, 555
New York Times Company, 453
New York Times Magazine, 269, 589–92, 601, 609, 651, 654
New York Tribune, 40
New York Yankees, 230
Ngo Diem Dinh, 535
Ngo Dinh Diem, 78, 92, 138, 147, 417, 429, 535
Nha Trang, 421
Nicaragua, 112, 514
Niceville, Fla., 431
Nichols, William, 448
Nicholson, Jack, 274
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 41, 590, 612
Nielsen ratings, 267, 386
Night After Night (film), 375
1984 (Orwell), 330
Nineteenth Amendment, 446
Ninth World Energy Conference, 309
Nitro, W. Va., 299
Niven, David, 229
Nixon, Donald, 149
Nixon, Julie, 257, 541
Nixon, Patricia, 53–54, 218, 272, 279, 281, 441, 658
Nixon, Richard M., xiv–xvi, xviii, 10, 16, 96–98, 102, 125–31, 133, 138–40, 144, 146–47, 152–55, 168, 170–71, 182–84, 195–200, 204, 211–12, 217–19, 221–22, 224, 249, 266, 278, 288, 290, 298, 300, 306, 308–10, 313, 316, 319, 322, 334, 374, 398, 403, 406, 409, 415, 425, 427–28, 435, 453, 456–57, 471, 476, 478–79, 487, 489–90, 495, 498, 506, 512, 518, 521, 531–33, 536, 541, 560, 565, 576–77, 583, 585, 595, 602–3, 607, 617, 619, 626, 632, 645, 654, 657–58, 661, 705, 726, 730, 733, 735–36, 738, 741, 750, 753, 764, 768–69, 771, 777, 781, 783, 789, 794, 797
approval ratings of, 50, 56, 92, 108, 189, 193, 214, 225, 253
defenders of, 238–41, 257–58, 261–62, 264–65
“détente” position of, 484–86
“enemies list” of, 141–43, 279, 579
executive privilege and, 64–77
Ford’s pardon of, 282–85, 315
impeachment campaign against, 189–90, 192–93, 198, 214–17, 223, 229, 238, 250–51, 253, 269
meat boycott and, 57–58, 60–61
media and, 99–100, 156–57
“peace with honor” phrase of, xiii, 1, 14
possible prosecution of, 281–82
POWs and, 2, 5–6, 9, 11–13, 18, 72–73, 100–101
protesters as obsession of, 136–37
recorded tapes of, see Nixon tapes
resignation of, 269–72
Saturday Night Massacre and, 187–88, 191, 223, 528
sexual revolution and, 107
social programs cut by, 53, 74
Vietnam War and, see Vietnam War
see also Watergate hearings; Watergate scandal
Nixon, Tricia, 199
Nixon administration, 16–17, 56, 111, 114, 118–19, 140, 157, 195, 199, 240, 271, 281, 298, 313, 327, 480, 509, 557, 598
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