Shifter Wars Complete Series

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Shifter Wars Complete Series Page 40

by Sarah J. Stone

When Connor's lips landed on mine, for a moment, I had no idea what was happening. It took me totally by surprise. At first, my body went as straight as a spear and my arms show out to my sides awkwardly, like I was trying to brace myself against something on both sides of me. Instead, my arms just kind of flailed in the air. Part of me, the logical, thinking part of me, wanted to shove him away and run out of that apartment as fast as I could. After all, who the hell did this guy think he was, kissing me out of nowhere like that?

  But after a few seconds, I changed my tune.

  His kiss was….amazing, and I fell into it right away, the feeling of his lips on mine pushing out all of those nagging thoughts about what I was supposed to be doing. And it didn't hurt that Connor was hot as hell. I brought my arms in, placing my hands on his hard flanks. Driving with him on the back of his bike hard already let me know in very certain terms that he was stone-solid all over. And the rumbling of the engine right where it counts didn't hurt either.

  I closed my eyes, kissing him back hard. There was something different about Connor, as though he'd been possessed by something. I realized that it had to be his animal. Bears and foxes were one of those things that everyone knew about shifters, and as I kissed him, taking in his rich, manly scent, I realized then and there what everyone had been talking about. There was something absolutely intoxicating about it, something that made nothing else in the world matter except his body pressed against mine.

  Connor pulled away, leaving me standing there with wide, uncertain eyes. But before I could say a word, he grabbed my hips and, with a sexy grunt, hoisted me over his head. I'd never had a man handle me like this before, and goddamn, I loved it. He carried me over to the couch like I weighed nothing at all, and something about knowing that he could do with me whatever he wanted just drove me absolutely wild.

  With a heave, he tossed me onto the couch, my hair splaying out all around my face as I looked up at Connor, who glared down at me with intense, smoldering eyes that burned with the intensity of the animal that I could see he was just barely keeping at bay. He took in deep draws of breath through his nose, his barrel chest rising and falling as he stared hard at my body. His eyes moved from my face, to my breasts, to my stomach, then to my pussy. It was like he didn't know where he wanted to start.

  "What do you think you're doing?" I asked, my voice breathy.

  "I think you know," he said, the corner of one side of his mouth pulling up into a slight smile.

  "I want to hear you say it," I said, my hands moving up the curves of my body.

  He narrowed his gorgeous blue eyes into a glare that was half intimidating and half erotic. Then, he leaned in close.

  "I'm gonna fuck you like you've never been fucked before."

  Just what I wanted to hear.

  At his words, I became so aroused that I don't think I could've said a word even if I wanted to. Connor stood back up and pulled his shirt off, revealing a body so sculpted and rock-solid that my jaw nearly dropped. His square pecs were covered in tattoos, and his abs were absolutely shredded. I wanted that body on me right that second.

  And he was happy to oblige.

  He dived down at me with lightning speed, grabbing my T-shirt and ripping it open, exposing my bra and bare stomach. I gasped at this display, shock and more than turned-on. He lunged in, planting his lips on my stomach and kissing me all over as his hands slid down to the waist of my jeans. With another swift movement, he pulled them down my legs and tossed them over his shoulder. Then, his lips moved down to the side of my thong panties and, to my surprise, he took the fabric into his mouth. Just before I could wonder what he was doing, he jerked his head hard to the side, ripping my panties right off.

  It was so goddamn hot.

  His eyes went right to my now-exposed pussy, and he didn't waste any time. By this point, Connor looked as though he were in the midst of an animal frenzy, and now the source of the scent that had been clearly driving him wild all night was so close, he looked like he just might lose total control at any moment. Connor took in another slow breath through his nose before going right in for what he wanted.

  I nearly came as soon as his mouth touched my pussy. It felt like total heaven. He pulled my lips apart and set right into licking my clit just the way I wanted. And as he ate me, he slipped a finger inside of me, giving me two sources of unbelievable pleasure. He stimulated me with expert precision, getting right where I wanted him to go. And he ate me like the wild animal he was. Moving his hands to my ankles, he pulled my legs apart, now licking me in a feverish frenzy. Soon after he started, an orgasm burst through my body, my legs shaking in his hands as I came.

  Connor continued to eat me through the orgasm. When I finished, he lifted his head from my pussy, his lips covered in my juices. It was a hell of a sight.

  As he stood up in front of me again, I decided to return the favor. Undoing the button and zipper of his dark blue jeans, I yanked them down quickly, eager to see just what he was packing. Soon, he was in nothing but his boxer-briefs, the thin material clinging tightly to a huge package that strained against them. I took them off in a hurry, and a massive, thick cock sprang out, nearly hitting me in the face as it did. I looked the enormous prick over, my mouth watering at the sight of it. It was easy to tell that Connor was the kind of guy to have a huge unit like this, but I wasn't prepared for just how big and thick it is; part of me wondered if I'd be able to even handle it.

  One way to find out.

  I grabbed the cock by the base and began stroking it up and down, a shudder running through Connor's body as I did. Then, I opened my mouth and wrapped my lips around his head, letting it rest in my mouth for a moment, letting him enjoy the warm wetness.

  "Goddamn," he said, pushing my hair out the way. "Get on your knees."

  I flashed him a sly look as I scooted off the couch and onto the floor, my mouth full of his cock all the while. As soon as I took my place on my knees, a little thrill ran through my body. Something about being in this position in front of a bear like Connor, his cock in my mouth as I serviced him like a good girl…it just felt sexy as hell. Once I was settled, went right back to it, bobbing my head up and down on that thick prick of his, savoring the flavor of it. Taking his full length was a little tricky at first, but as soon as I brought the entire thing into my mouth once, each time after was pure pleasure. I worked his cock with my hand as I went up and down, and soon the salty taste of precome appeared on my tongue.

  "Not so fast," I said, taking his cock out of my mouth and looked up at him with a crafty little grin.

  "Girl, I haven't even gotten started with you," he said, his voice a low growl.

  Good answer.

  He reached down, grabbed my arm, and pulled me to my feet. I loved how he handled me. I wanted him to treat me like I belonged to him. And that's just what he did. He spun me around on my feet, put his hand on my shoulder, and pushed me down into the couch, my ass in the air and my face pressed into the cushions. I could hear him take in a few more animalistic breaths as he ran his hands up and down my body, his fingertips greedily feeling all of my curves. I couldn't see just what he was doing, but my body tingled at both his touch and at the anticipation of the idea of him shoving that big cock of his inside of me. I was ready.

  Then, he clamped one hand down on my right hip and guided his prick inside of me with the other. I let out a moan as he entered me, feeling each hot inch. Once he was fully buried in me, he held still for a moment, and I savored the feeling of fullness that his cock gave me. It was simply incredible.

  He didn't waste any time in getting right to the business of fucking my brains out. Once I'd accommodated his cock, Connor began pounding me hard, penetrating me over and over. I felt like I was being split in half in the best way imaginable. I moaned and scream as he bucked into me, the sensation of him in me reducing me to a pleasured mess.

  "You like that fucking cock in you?" he asked, his voice hard and gruff.

  "Oh, my God," I moaned. "It fe
els so fucking good, so goddamn good. Don't stop, don't stop."

  It was clear that he didn't have any intention to do so. I let myself sink into the pleasure as he pounded me, and just when I thought the ecstasy couldn't be any more intense, I felt the hard, sharp crack of his palm against my ass. The pain rang like a bell, but quickly melted into a sensation that was just divine.

  "Again," I commanded. "Do it again."

  And he did. He brought his palm against my ass, hitting one cheek then the other, each strike against my flesh sending out a new wave of that intoxicating mixture of pain and pleasure. I knew that it wouldn't take much more of this for me to come hard.

  But Connor wasn't done with me yet. As he pulled out, he grabbed my hips again and flipped me around. I landed on my ass, the flesh still throbbing from his spanking. Standing over me like a possessed beast, Connor glared down at my now sweat-slicked body. And I couldn't help but stare right back, taking in the sight of his beefy chest rising and falling with each full breath.

  He lunged toward me again, scooping me up in his thick arms and pulling me toward him. He grabbed my ankles and spread them far apart, giving him full access and view of my totally wet pussy. Then, he leaped on me like a wild animal and shoved his cock into me again, starting a new barrage of thrusts that hit me in just the right spot. I grabbed onto his thick shoulders for support, my eyes wide as though I couldn't believe the pleasure that was currently running through my body.

  I couldn't take it anymore. Another orgasm exploded through me, and Connor's soon followed. With a heavy grunt, he unloaded himself into me, the sweet feeling of his cock erupting deep within me pushing me to even higher levels of total bliss. Once our orgasms faded, he pulled his cock out from me, his come dripping down my thigh as he did. Connor then collapsed at my side, and we both lay like this for a time, totally spent.

  Soon, however, the crazed passion that had taken hold of me during the sex faded, and now I was starkly aware that I'd just fucked a bear who I'd only known for a few hours. I turned to him, my eyes now wide with disbelief.

  "What the fuck just happened?"

  I bit later I was pacing back and forth in the living room, my mind racing with the events of the evening. And Connor just stayed seated on the couch, a beer in his hand as he watched me with a smart-ass little smirk on his face.

  "You think this is funny?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips and glaring at him.

  "You know, it'd be a lot easier to take you seriously if you weren't buck-ass naked," he said.

  I looked down and, sure enough, I was still naked. I was so mad that I hadn't even thought to put clothes back on. My eyes scanning the room, I snatched up my pants and bra; the shirt and panties were ruined, torn in the middle of our little fuck session, so it was all I had. I scrambled to put on the little clothing that I had.

  "I've got clothes you can wear," he said. "Stuff that'd probably fit you."

  "I don't want to wear your fucking clothes," I said. "I want to know how the hell you made me do that."

  "'Made you do that'?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. "I didn't ‘make' you do anything."

  "Are you kidding?" I demanded. "You, like, cast a spell on me or something. You used some bear shifter magic or, I don't know."

  "Uh, you're a shifter, too, and I don't think I need to tell you that we're not wizards."

  "Then how did all…that, happen?" I asked, waved vaguely around the couch where we'd done our…business.

  "Your parents never told you about bears and foxes?" he asked, taking a sip of his beer.

  "Yeah," I said. "They have. They told me that foxes and bears should stay away from each other."

  He gave a little snort-laugh. Of course, I knew more than that. Every fox had their parents tell them about the strange pull these two species had for one another. And every fox from a good family like mine was made sure to know that bears and foxes should never, never be together, despite this strange, almost supernatural attraction that they seemed to have for one another. And it made perfect sense to me. After all, just about every bear was a tattooed, biker thug like Connor.

  "And now you know why they say that," Connor said. "Because we can't keep our damn hands off each other."

  Standing there in nothing but my bra and my jeans, I began to feel a little exposed.

  "Okay, give me those clothes."

  He smirked, finished his beer, and got up from the couch.

  "This way," he said, starting down the hallway.

  He led me to a small, but well-decorated and modern bedroom.

  "You'll be sleeping here tonight," he said, walking over to the dresser and opening one of the drawers. "I've got all kinds of girl shit in here; take whatever you want."

  "And can I ask why you have all this ‘girl shit'?"

  "Because I do," he said, starting back toward the door.

  "I don't think we can do this," I said, crossing my arms under my breasts.

  "What?” Connor asked, “The witness protection thing or the fucking?"

  "None of it!" I exclaimed. "This is all…just too much."

  "Well," Connor said, not fazed in the slightest by my protests. "The witness thing you're not gonna have a choice about, and as far as the other thing…well, we'll see."

  He flashed me another one of his cocky grins, a grin that made me furious and a little turned on all at the same time. He didn't seem like he gave a damn about how pissed off I was. "Now, get some sleep," he said. "You've had a long day, and you're gonna have a longer one tomorrow. We're going to Sapien HQ first thing in the morning."

  With that, Connor stepped out of the bedroom and shut the door behind him, not giving me the chance to say another word. I was left with nothing but frustration.

  That little fucker, I thought, stomping over to the dresser and looking at the contents. So cocky.

  Sorting through the clothes, I found all sorts of things that seemed to be brand new. I took out a pair of panties and a T-shirt and quickly changed into them before climbing under the covers of the nearby bed. And as I lay there, part of me couldn't help but wish that Connor would come back, kick the door down, and give me another savage fucking.

  Christ! Keep it together!

  Fatigue finally came over me, the events of the day weighing me down. I soon fell into a deep sleep.


  A pounding on the bedroom door jolted me awake. My eyes shot open, and for a moment I struggled to remember just where I was.

  "Hey!" Connor called out through the door. "Get your skinny ass out of bed!"

  "It's not skinny!" I shouted in response.

  Wait, why the hell am I defending my ass to him?

  "Whatever it is, get it out of bed and ready to go! You overslept!"

  I grabbed my phone out of my pants pocket and saw that, along with a few missed calls from my parents, it was pretty late in the morning. I jumped out of bed and opened the door. Connor stood there, some breakfast burrito stuffed full of greasy meat in his hand.

  "We're leaving in thirty," he said. "Get ready. And be quick about it."

  Then he turned to leave, not giving me a chance to respond, like always.

  I let out a noise of frustration and stomped my foot, which only elicited a laugh from Connor as he headed into the living room. Once I was alone, I rushed into the bathroom, showered, and dressed with more of the clothing from the dresser. Soon, I was ready.

  "There's coffee in the pot and food in the fridge," Connor said. "Grab something quick if you want."

  I went into the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee into a portable thermos. Opening the fridge, I saw that there was nothing in there but meat, both uncooked and cooked.

  "Do you have anything in here that's not a dead animal?" I asked.

  "Uh, I think there's some cheese in there somewhere," he said, not turning his eyes away from his food. "But remember what I said about eating."

  "I'll get something on the way," I said. "Let's just go."

got up from the couch and we were off. Once back on his bike and driving down the city streets, I felt the cold tingle of fear grow in my belly. It still hadn't fully dawned on me what kind of mess I was in, but I was beginning to realize that I was likely in over my head.

  Soon, we pulled up to a nondescript building in midtown Manhattan. Connor pressed a button near the handlebars of his bike and a small garage opened. It led to a narrow, silver passageway that terminated in a parking garage packed full of sleek cars. Connor pulled into a spot and led me toward a set of doors. Just past those was a series of security checkpoints, all staffed by serious-looking men and women who checked the IDs of the many employees filing into the building. They waved Connor through after confirming that I was with him.

  Then, after one more set of massive, silver doors, we arrived in an enormous lobby that was several stories up and topped with a huge rotunda. Dozens, if not hundreds of shifters where there, nearly all of them dressed in sharp suits and wearing the same serious expression on their faces.

  "Welcome to Sapien HQ," Connor said. "Get used to this place; you're gonna be spending a lot of time here."

  "What?" I asked as he led me through the crowd. "What do you mean?"

  "This is where the witness protection is," he said. "They'll put you up in a room somewhere in here while you wait this out."

  "Are you serious?" I asked. "That sounds like I'll be a prisoner!"

  "It's for your own good."

  "And where are we going right now?"

  "We're meeting with my superior," he said, raising his voice over the low clamor of the main lobby. "He's gonna get you sorted out, then you'll be out of my hair. Hopefully, for good."

  "What's that supposed to mean?"

  "No offense, but I'm not really the babysitting type."

  "What makes you think you'd be babysitting me?"

  Connor scoffed. "Let's see, you're a rich girl, you're a fox, and you're barely old enough to drink. I think those are three pretty good reasons."

  "Well, you'd be wrong," I said, overcome by the need to defend myself. "I'm totally fine on my own."

  Connor stopped in his tracks and turned to face me. The agents moved around us like river water around two stones. "You were alone at a bar for an hour and you managed to nearly get raped, then you were witness to a murder. If I hadn't come to save your ass from yourself, you probably would've managed to turn the city into a smoking crater."


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