Forbidden Dance: Will She Forgo Her Marriage for a Lifetime of Happiness?

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Forbidden Dance: Will She Forgo Her Marriage for a Lifetime of Happiness? Page 8

by Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku

  “There are things I do in Casablanca you don’t know about.”

  “Not crime, I hope,” he teased with a cute wink.

  She shut her eyes and shook her head. After I started my business and made a decent profit, I made a commitment to devote ten percent of my monthly profits to the children who have no money for school lunches here. Zane helped me get in touch with the schools.

  Kyle’s face stayed interested and impressed until she mentioned Zane. His eyes clouded, and he turned aside. He picked up the two glasses, gave her one glass with a nod, and raised his glass. “To us, a new start and abiding love.”

  She raised her glass and murmured, “To us.”

  “I have fears, Kyle, real fears.” She sipped her drink, and waited for his response.

  Her husband sipped his and stared into his drink for a moment. “I know that, babe. I have my fears too. But we can work through it all. Tell you what? Why don’t we simply lay out our fears, here and now? Get it out in the open.”

  Alero grinned. In the past, Kyle would have brushed what she had to say aside and given her vague excuses. She sat facing him with one leg curled beneath her butt.

  “My biggest fear is returning to London to my old life. By that I mean, sitting at home, doing nothing of importance, waiting on you hand and foot, with no friends or family. It sucks! Here, in Casablanca, in six short months, I renovated this dump,” she rolled her eyes over the living space, “started a business, trained my team and got involved with local schools. Of course I didn’t do the last bit alone. I got help from Zane. I party when I want, and I have my space at the same time. Do I want to give it up? My answer is no.” She panted.

  All the while, Kyle sipped his drink. “I get it and I’m very proud of you. I should have encouraged you to do what you wanted. I was blind and selfish. For that I’ sorry, and I’ll make it up to you. I want to invest in your business. I believe in you, babe.”

  Her eyes widened. “Thank you,” she gushed, and kissed his lips.

  Kyle didn’t kiss her back, but he smiled. His eyes held something back. “Let us agree on something, babe.”

  “What is it?”

  “Each time you mention his name, it hurts. You might as well take a knife and stick it right here.” He indicated the left side of his chest.

  Alero leaned her forehead on his right shoulder, and clasped her fingers round his muscled biceps. Fireworks popped inside her.

  “Yeah, I’m damn right jealous he taught you what I didn’t, and screwed you in the process. It makes me sick. But I have to swallow my pride because I was an idiot. But keep his name out of our conversation. Can you do me that favour?”

  She pushed his arm playfully and snaked her arms round his washboard abdomen. “Hey! Don’t be jealous. I’m sorry. I promise to call him, my friend when I refer to him. Is that okay?” She could understand his point. If he mentioned any of the models he slept with in their conversation, she would be pretty cross.

  Kyle leaned back in the sofa and set down his glass. “Your friend? Is he going to remain your friend?”

  She nodded. “I want to keep him as a friend. He’s my friend. Please disregard what we did, you know what I mean.”

  Kyle plugged his ears with his hands.

  “He has been of great help to me and it would be callous of me to just shrug him off.”

  For a long time, her husband stared at her. She didn’t blink. Alero wanted him to know she wasn’t about to give up everything for him, not as long as trust was still out of the door.

  “And what if I say I’m scared you might get tempted to go back to him? For that reason, I need you to keep him away from our marriage.”

  It was hard to believe she was negotiating the idea of keeping her ex-lover as a friend with her husband. Where did she get the nerve?

  “I’ll tell you to please think about it. I don’t have any close friends. When we got married, you insisted that keeping my modelling friends was not a great idea, because they were all single. I agreed. In four years, I haven’t made a single friend, Kyle. Now, I have one, I want to keep him if he agrees.”

  Kyle sat forward, his chin stiff with anger. “If he agrees? Don’t I have a say in this? Please find a female friend. You’ve got to understand how I feel about him.”

  She shook her head. “For four years, I let you dictate everything that happened in my life. That’s going to have to change. He’s my friend, and I’m going to hurt badly if you ask me to kick our friendship away. He’s a good guy.”

  He nodded. “And he has the power to hurt our marriage. We need to rebuild our lives together without him. Can’t you see that, babe?”

  “Not if I speak to him, and explain how our relationship is going to work from now on.”

  Kyle rested his head in both hands. “My God, what have I done to my marriage? I can’t believe we’re even having this conversation. I gave up the other women, every one of them. I’m asking you to do the same.”

  Alero dragged in a ragged breath. “I lived with the fact you were screwing the girls behind my back.” At his questioning eyebrow, she added. “I got a call from LA every time you moved to a new model. I consoled myself with the knowledge you didn’t date them publicly. I thought it was because you respected what we shared. But when your dad brought in the little boy, every trust, every honour, faith and respect I had vanished into thin air. I have no way of knowing whether you can remain loyal to me. What if you go screwing another woman two years from now, what do I do? I would have given up everything for you in vain.”

  Kyle exhaled, slowly removed her hands from his abs and strode outside.


  Alero chewed her manicured fingernails. It was over an hour ago Kyle stepped outside her house. The mere idea of getting rid of Zane filled her with dread. Zane understood her so well, and helped her settle into her new life in Casablanca. She loved to hang out with him. Yes, the sex was great but they shared a deep friendship.

  Kyle’s fear was valid too. It would be awkward keeping her past lover in sight. What if Zane kissed her unexpectedly? She touched one finger to her lips.

  “Can I resist Zane if he crosses the line?” she murmured.

  The question is, I’m I willing to sacrifice everything for my husband again? If I do, will he do the same?

  A loud noise stirred her from her thoughts. Someone was at the door. She peeped through the hole.

  Alero sucked in her breath.

  It was Zane.

  She hadn’t seen him since the fight at the nightclub. Where was Kyle? Should she open the door?

  Zane knocked again.

  Alero sucked in air, tucked in her belly and opened the door. Zane looked good. Blue polo shirt, denim jeans and a black baseball hat turned backwards as usual. The only thing missing was his trademark smile and cocky wink. His dark eyes wore a sad shirt.

  “Can I come in?”

  She held the door open and moved aside. “Yes, please. Sorry.”

  Zane tucked both hands into his back pockets and looked round her lounge. He went through to the living room uninvited. She couldn’t stop him. He was a large part of her home, her memories.

  She brought out a glass, and offered him red wine.

  “Don’t want a drink, beautiful. My heart is broken. I want us to talk.”

  She swallowed, and sat down in one of the single armchairs. There was no easy way to do this. “Zane, I’m deeply sorry I didn’t tell you about my situation with Kyle. It was wrong. I wasn’t totally honest, and I’m sorry.”

  He shut his eyes and leaned against the wall. “And why didn’t you tell me everything?”

  “I got carried away with your affection. I believed my marriage was over, dead and buried. Coming here was part of my plan to move on, to get a new start. But you snagged me up as soon as I drove out of my husband’s gate.”

  A grin formed on his tight lips. He probably recalled his wolf whistling antics on Oxford Street. “I didn’t push you to tell me about your pas
t, because I assumed it was too painful. When you mentioned you were married in passing, I discarded it as a joke. I didn’t expect the man who inflicted the pain to come back into your life. I thought he was history. And now, are you back with him? Have I been looking after another man’s wife?” He pushed away from the wall and spread out his hands. “This time, beautiful, I want the truth.”

  This was way harder than she thought. “We’re still working on it. Kyle wants me back. That’s why he came here. He says he’s a changed man, and I have listened to all he had to say. We’re discussing our fears and how things might work out, but I don’t know for sure if I want to forget my life here. I love it in Casablanca. You made sure of that.”

  Zane growled. “Stop messing about with my emotions, Alero. I’m out of my mind worrying about you. Is he treating you right? Do you want him back? Give me an honest answer.”

  Again, she dragged in air. “I know. I’m so sorry, Zane. Yes, Kyle’s treating me right at the moment. It’s the future I’m fretting about. He treated me right for the first year of our marriage. Everything went downhill afterwards. Do I want him back? Yes, on certain conditions.” When exactly did she come to a decision?

  Her heart skipped a notch.

  Zane winced. It must be a bitter pill for him to swallow. For him to find out his girlfriend was a married woman who planned to leave him high and dry, must hurt so much. She was filled with remorse.

  “What conditions?” Zane quipped.

  Alero shrugged. “Keeping you as a friend for a start.”

  He grunted. “Are you out of your mind? I love you, beautiful. I don’t want to share you with Kyle or any other man. Do you have any idea how I feel? I’m hurting. Remaining friends with you would be equal to isolating me in a torture cell.”

  Alero burst into tears.

  Zane rushed to her side. He gathered her in his arms, and kissed her forehead. She sobbed and sniffed in his arms.

  “What the hell is going on here?”

  Zane let go, and she faced her husband, teary-faced.

  Kyle’s eyes darkened, and his jaw clenched. “What did you do to my wife?” His accusation stung her chest.

  Alero dashed forward to stop Kyle from advancing towards Zane.

  “Listen to me, Kyle. He didn’t do anything to me. I was telling him our affair was over.”

  “Did he hurt you?” Kyle’s eyes zoomed in on Zane, who glared right back.

  “No. Zane wouldn’t hurt me, Kyle. I apologized to him for keeping the truth about my marriage from him. He didn’t know, Kyle.”

  Kyle frowned, and stared at her as if he had just seen her for the first time. “He didn’t know you were married?”

  She shook her head. “To me, our marriage hit the rocks well before I left. I wanted a new start.”

  Kyle turned his back on them. After a while, he walked up to Zane.

  Alero waited for the punch that was sure to follow. She held her breath.

  “Hey man, I’m sorry. I misjudged you. I thought you knew she was married. But I want to ask you for a favour. Keep your hands away from my wife. I love her and we’re going to work on our marriage. I don’t intend to make the same mistake twice.” His tone was soft but firm.

  Zane raised both hands. “Your wife is off limits. But you don’t get a second chance to abuse her emotionally. Treat her right and I’ll stay away. She wants me to keep an eye on you.”

  She gasped.

  Kyle strode back to stand beside her. “Are you okay?” His tone was ripe with concern.

  Alero shrugged.

  Kyle glared at Zane. “My wife wants to remain friends with you. I told her I had my fears. How does it sit with you?”

  Wow! What a turnaround stance from her husband. Alero covered part of her face with both hands. If Zane turned down her request, she would be distraught.

  Zane looked from Kyle to Alero. “I love her dearly. It hurts to see her with you. That’s the truth. But if that’s what she wants,” he shrugged, his eyes held a hint of despair. “And if it is okay by you, Kyle, I guess I’ll have to get used to it.”

  Alero laughed, and turned into her husband’s waiting embrace. Kyle tucked his fingers into her hair and pressed her head against his chest.

  Zane covered his face with both hands. “Here’s the thing, when I’m around, please keep the snuggling to a minimum until I get used to the idea. I need a drink,” he said gruffly, as he walked towards the kitchen.

  They all laughed.

  Kyle took delivery of a takeaway meal of Moroccan style houmous, falafel, cucumber dip, cous cous salad served with warm pitta bread, lamb tagine with potatoes and olives. He ordered it when he went outside to sort out his thoughts.

  The trio sat on the carpeted living room floor and tucked into the food.

  Kyle popped open a bottle of white wine afterwards, and toasted to their new friendship.

  “Watch my back and stay out of my wife’s bed, Zane. I’m not going to share Alero with you.”

  “I’ll drink to that,” said Zane with a wicked grin. “Here’s to our weird friendship. If you don’t look after her, I’m going to come after you, Kyle,” he threatened. “And, one day, I’ll find my own woman.”

  Kyle hooted. “I’ll keep the woman in your absence.”

  Alero poked her husband in the ribs. She was so relieved. Words were not enough to describe the feeling of triumph in her soul. Rev. Jones did a real job on her husband and she was grateful.

  “Perhaps, you’ll need these gems after all.” Zane said. He spread out his right palm. Alero’s wedding and engagement rings sparkled in his hand.

  Alero jumped up and down in joy. “Thank you, Zane. Gosh! I wanted them back so badly.”

  Kyle nodded at Zane. “Thank you. Where did you find them?”

  “Where they were safely hidden. In the glove compartment of your wife’s car.” Alero and Kyle shared a look.

  Zane’s reference to Alero as Kyle’s wife was the beginning of his acceptance of their new relationship.

  “When she traded her Mustang for the Jaguar, I kept the car. As I scrubbed it out today, I found these gems, and I realized someone hid her status from me.”

  Kyle re-claimed the rings. He immediately went on one knee before his wife. “I, Kyle Thomson, take you, Alero Thomson to be my wedded wife, again. I intend to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you.”

  Tears welled up in her eyes. Her husband slipped both rings into her fourth finger and sealed the gesture with a kiss.

  She admired the rings anew and flung her hands around Kyle’s neck. “Thank you, Kyle. We can start again. I’ll give us another shot to get it right.”

  Zane clapped and cheered. “Hey, you lovebirds, see you sometime. I’ve got a broken heart to nurse.” He blew them a kiss.

  “Bye, Zane.” Kyle and Alero said at once.

  They saw him off and Kyle kicked the door shut. Straightaway, Alero and Kyle tore off each other clothes and made love on the large sofa in the lounge. It was hot, high tempo and unforgettable. In her heart, Alero knew she had made the right decision.


  “It would be great for you to meet Rev. Jones and his family when we return to London.” Kyle said to his wife while they made themselves comfy on the sofa.

  Alero twisted away from him and grumbled. “I don’t want to feel like dirt before a priest. They can smell adultery from a mile. Although, I must confess, he did a great job on you.”

  He chuckled. One hand pulled her back into his hold. “Funny you should say that. When I first met him, I felt he could see right through my soul. But frankly, he’s the warmest person I have ever met. He’s non-judgmental, a great listener and a treasured friend. He helped me get through my dark days.”

  She curved her lips sideways. “Are you sure about that?”

  Her husband breathe over her neck and she burst into fits of giggles. “About what, babe? Going back to London or meeting the priest?”

  When the laugh
ter ceased, she sighed. “Both. I’m not in a big hurry to get back to London. The mansion is a lonely place and what will I do with myself there anyway?”

  With tender strokes, Kyle patted back hair from her face. “Same thing you’re doing here. I’m not going to stand in the way of your dreams, babe. Not anymore. Believe me.” Kyle’s face was animated as he made the promise.

  For the first time, she believed him. “And where do I get the money to start over again, and build my clientele? London is expensive and I have no friends or network. My friends are in Los Angeles.”

  Kyle’s fingers drew circles around her collar bone. “Are you worried about money? How did you get the bucks to re-settle in Casablanca?”

  Her eyes slowly widened as his question hit home. “I took your credit cards and helped myself to your money.” She didn’t feel contrite.

  “Our money babe, our money. We have the money to buy you an exclusive nail studio or beauty salon anywhere in London. What do you say?”

  She kissed his lips. “Thank you, Kyle. There’s one more thing.”

  His eyes roamed her breasts, so she covered them with her arms. “Shoot! What is it?”

  “Having your parents drop in unannounced with unpleasant surprises fills me with nausea. I have no desire to be in their good books. Keep them away from our home. If I get pregnant, I might change my mind.” A sly grin formed on her lips, and her eyes danced with happiness.

  “My parents are not welcome in our new home. You’ve got nothing to worry about, babe. Then Kyle’s eyes brightened with hope. “Are we trying for a baby now?”

  “I’m not saying you should ban them from our lives. All I want is to protect our privacy. We deserve to have a normal life without their interference or influence on the decisions we make.” She ignored his question about trying for a baby, and tried to break free from his grasp.

  “We’re singing from the same hymn book, Alero. It’s not going to happen again. You didn’t answer my question. Should I get ready to be a father? Nothing will delight me more, babe.”

  “I haven’t taken my pill since you hopped back into my bed.”


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