Return of the Matka-Zem (The Sorain Chronicles)

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Return of the Matka-Zem (The Sorain Chronicles) Page 30

by Chanley, Deborah

  Not needing any more encouragement, they began to climb. It was tedious and slow with loosened rocks breaking away at a mere touch. Halfway up the cliff, Thane noticed black-winged birds gathering above the fortress. Within minutes, their numbers were so great they blocked out the setting suns' light. The Mlinzi quickened their pace. Screams of terror echoed above them. Chand roughly pushed him against the cliff, just as a falling man fell past him.

  "What in Sora's name was he covered in?" asked Thane. Mystified, he watched the man hit the ground, but Chand only shrugged his shoulders. The Mlinzi pointed to the sky, and they watched six Minore take flight. The largest of the creatures carried a person on its back. The flock of birds attacked the creatures, covering the first two Minore before they could get clear of the cliffs. The birds continued their attack, taking down three more Minore before converging on the Minore that carried the man. Thane heard it screech in pain as it crashed into the forest below, just shy of the huge lake

  "The Matka-Zem's wrath," Chand whispered as they watched the scene unfold before them.

  "That one could have survived the fall." Thane said, as he watched the birds briefly hover over the site before flying away. Thane's chest squeezed in fright, worried that, once again, he was too late. The Matka-Zem was killing her captors. In his haste to reach Valencia, he passed Chand and took the lead. "Let's get up there."

  All was quiet when they reached the top. Thane slowly raised his head to spy over the edge, and found himself peering into the four beady eyes of a Krysa. Streaked with blood, the once white tuff of fur on top of its head marked it as the very creature Valencia had carried on her shoulder. Hopping out of his way, the tiny creature cheeped with happiness as Thane hauled his body over the edge.

  Speechless, he stared at the carnage before him. The dead, still covered in Krysa, with birds pecking at the flesh, lay throughout the oval courtyard of the fortress. The earthquake had destroyed two of the four buildings, which had crumbled on the ground like children's wooden blocks.

  "There's no one left alive, Chand. Open the gates to let the others in then follow me." He peered down at the creature as it hopped about. He realized the Krysa was trying to get his attention. "Majesty, where's Valencia?" He followed the tiny rodent as he descended into the ruined tunnel. As he scrambled over debris, the animal frequently stopped, scolding him for his slowness.

  ""I'm going as fast as I can, Krysa." He thanked his fortune for being able to see in the dark, for the tunnel was pitch black. Not even a trace of light penetrated into the bowels of the fortress. Cave-ins and crevasses slowed his progress, all the while the Krysa peeped impatiently for him to follow. As he entered the lowest level of the dungeon, his skin chilled from the cold dampness. The rodent stopped at a pile of twisted bars. The stench of death, mixed with the smell of blood and excrement, assaulted his nostrils as he cautiously entered the room. The tiny Krysa scurried into the cave and cheeped pitifully. He sucked in his breath at the site before him. In the middle of the cell, slowly swaying like a pendulum, Valencia hung naked and covered in blood.

  "Valencia?" His voice was barely a whisper, yet it echoed around the cave.

  "Thane?" Valencia weakly lifted her head, her eyes searching the darkness.

  "I'm here, my love." Quickly locating the end of the chain, he slowly lowered her to the ground. As the pressure on her shoulders relaxed, the princess moaned in agony. She felt as cold as ice. He covered her nakedness with his cloak and picked the lock on the shackle around her wrists. A shudder of pain shook the Matka-Zem's body as he gently brought her arms to her sides. He tenderly gathered her into his arms and lifted the princess off the floor. The little rodent scurried up the length of his arm, to perch on his shoulder, squeaking a worried chirp at Valencia. "You're safe now," said Thane.

  "Oh Thane, Alana . . ." Valencia's slim frame shook from the huge sob that rocked her trembling body. She pressed her cheek against his chest and her tears soaked his tunic. The princess whimpered between sobs as she explained what happened. "She . . . she killed . . . herself . . . for . . . to protect . . . me!"

  "I know, my love." Thane scanned the room as he held the princess tight. On the far wall, Alana hung by an arm, the knife still embedded in her breast. Three Torpek guards lay dead, with one crumpled against the wall, while the others lay buried under a pile of rocks. When he took a step to leave the dreadful place, Valencia stiffened.

  "We can't leave her here," the princess pleaded in protest.

  "We will bring her home, Valencia. First, let's get you out of here. Alana would want that," he whispered against her hair as he carried her out of the dungeon. The return trip was slower, with Thane being gentle so as to not cause Valencia pain. She whimpered, however, with every step. When he reached a huge crevasse, he lowered her to a rock, not wanting to risk carrying the princess over its gaping maw. As he waited for Chand, he held Valencia close. She did not stir, nor speak. A flicker of light danced in the blackness as Chand approached, followed by Parth.

  "We cleared a path," Chand said, after they had constructed a safer walkway over the crevasse. With a worried glance at the unmoving princess, the Mlinzi turned away. "I'll get Alana. Help them out, Parth."

  "Where's Donna?" Thane asked the large man after they crossed the makeshift bridge. Valencia stirred at the sound of the human's name but still she did not speak.

  "She's looking for a resting place for the Matka-Zem." Parth gave him a concerned look before continuing his report. "The main force was just arriving when we headed down the tunnel, so I assumed the earthling would be safe without me."

  As carefully as he could, Thane carried the injured princess toward the surface. They remained quiet until they reached the surface and both sucked in the clean air as they entered the courtyard.

  "The place is abandoned, except for those." Parth waved his arm to the almost picked-clean skeletons.

  Viktor rushed over when the commander saw them leave the tunnel. "The place is secure, Thane. We inspected two of the towers and the furthest one is sturdy." Viktor's eyes swept over Valencia, then back to him. "The fortress is mostly abandoned, except for the soldiers' camp and the last tower. The top suite was already prepared, as if someone of importance was staying there. The human and the servant girl are making it suitable for the Matka-Zem."

  "Send a squad to search the forest," Thane ordered as he remembered the man riding the Minore crashing in the forest. "You may be able to find who occupied the rooms there."

  They crossed the oval courtyard to a five-story tower that sat apart from the main compound. At the top of the tower, Donna rushed to his side and brushed Valencia's dirty hair out of her eyes. The earthling hissed in anger at the site of the princess's swollen face.

  "This way, Thane. We made a bed for her. We really didn't have to do much, though," Donna explained as she led the way to the far door at the end of the corridor. "It's like someone had recently decorated the place. There was even running water in the bathroom. Whoever occupied the place didn't like roughing it." As they entered the suite, Thane understood what Donna was saying. Instead of an empty room, the sitting room contained a plush décor of maroon and green furnishings. Hurriedly, Donna pushed the heavy wooden door open to allow entry into the bedroom. "We changed the bedding and placed some warm water to wash her wounds." Donna gave him a worried loo. "Will that blue crystal thingy help her?"

  "The Ravib Kivi will heal her physical wounds." He carried the princess to the huge king-sized bed that sat against the far wall. Across from the bed burned a roaring fire in the large hearth. Surrounded by two plush high-backed chairs, it crackled as it warmed the room. The fire light reflected off the huge mirrored dresser, as if someone played shadow puppets on the ceiling.

  "Don't leave me," Valencia cried when he laid her on top of the covers and stepped away to allow Donna and Gabby to tend to her wounds.

  "I'll never leave your side again, Matka-Zem." He choked back tears, his heart broken from her cry. "I'll be close
by while Donna tends to you."

  "Hey girl," Donna whispered to Valencia as she and Gabby started to wash the blood from her body. Thane watched from a distance as the women gently wiped the dried goo from her breast but even with their slight touch, the severed breast began to bleed. As Donna applied pressure to stop the bleeding, Gabby was able to get most of the blood out of Valencia's hair. "We're going to take good care of you, you hear?"

  "Donna . . . I'm so glad you're okay." The princess opened her one good eye and tried to smile, but the movement caused her lip to bleed again.

  "With that big behemoth of a guard you stuck me with, nothing could hurt me."

  Thane turned away from the women as the human's words tightened his heart. Parth was able to protect the human, yet he, supposedly the most powerful of the Mlinzi, had failed to protect the Matka-Zem. His selfish desire to mate with the princess caused him to forget his duty. Thane vowed never to let his emotions control his life again. He fought back tears as Valencia groaned in pain. All the while, Donna chatted as she explained what they had been through since they'd last seen each other. "We even had Nereii help us cross this gigantic lake."

  Thane felt Valencia relax from the human's constant chitchat, and dared hope that all might be well. Once the princess was in a thin nightgown that Gabby had packed for the princess prior to leaving the Torpek city, Donna beckoned him forward to use the crystal. Removing the Ravib Kivi from his cloak, he placed a hand on Valencia's forehead.

  "Valencia, I'm going to heal you now. This may hurt."

  The princess nodded her head, but did not open her eyes.

  Donna took hold of Valencia's hand and gave him another worried look.

  "Genees mij," he said, speaking the words to activate the blue crystal. He placed it on the Matka-Zem's temple. With a cry of agony, Valencia's body went rigid, as the wounds began to knit together. She squeezed Donna's hand, and Thane watched the human's fingers turn white, before Valencia finally collapsed into unconsciousness.

  "Is she going to be all right?" Donna helped him tuck the sleeping princess under the covers, and then brushed a strand of hair from her eyes.

  "Physically, yes." He pulled a chair to the side of the bed and made himself comfortable. "We will see how she is mentally when she wakes."

  "Val's not going to be that innocent, naive girl anymore, is she?" Donna sat on the bed and held the princess's limp hand.

  He glanced at the human with sorrowful eyes and shook his head.

  "No, I'm afraid not. We will be hard-pressed to keep her wrath at bay."

  "I can't believe she actually caused those creatures to kill the guards, much less caused an earthquake." Thane saw the look of awe and apprehension on her face. "She's pretty powerful, and she's not even bonded with the planet yet."

  "We will have our hands full to keep her grounded, Donna." He gave her a slight smile. "I'm glad you're here to help me."

  "Wow! You actually admitted I can be of some use." Donna gave him a soft laugh. "Why don't you get something to eat? I'll stay with her while you're gone."

  "I'm never going to leave her side again."

  "You can't blame yourself for this, Thane." Donna rose to her feet and patted his shoulder with a comforting hand. "But I understand. I'll get you some food." The human gave him another light pat on the back before she headed towards the door. "Thane?"


  As she hovered by the door, he saw Donna's uncertainty in her pretty face.

  "What if we can't keep her grounded?"

  Thane felt his chest tighten in fear at the consequences of failure.

  "I'll have to stop her . . . any way I can."

  Chapter 15

  Valencia woke to the sound of a chirp. Not wanting to leave the comforting abyss, she started to sink back into the soothing blackness. However, a stinging scratch on the tip of her nose prevented her descent. Reluctantly, she opened her eyes and saw the Krysa sitting by her head. The tiny creature chirped with pleasure, and she reached out to scratch its head. The soft purr brought a smile to her lips. As the rodent rubbed its head against her finger, she saw the faint tint of red on the Krysa's silky fur. Her smile vanished as the memory of her captivity came back into her thoughts. Anger filled her heart as she remembered Alana's death. In her rage, she had summoned the creatures to avenge her death, but she doubted that Liam was among the dead. With a chirp of anxiety, the Krysa head-butted her hand and her smile briefly returned.

  I will deal with the Torpek later, Valencia thought, as she pushed the hated into the recesses of her mind, and rolled onto her back to stare at the ceiling. The room was dark, except for the firelight, dancing above her, like a shadowy spirit playing in the night. Sensing a presence in the room, she rolled onto her side to find Thane standing by the closed double doors, peering out into the night. Silently on guard in the shadows, he stood like a statue. His heavy cloak hung over a high-backed chair, and his tunic, usually tucked into his trousers, hung loosely around his hips. A slight smile formed again on her lips when she noticed his bare feet. The memory of their time on the yacht flashed into her mind and she wished they were back on the craft. Her smile vanished again as the present pushed aside the past. Those carefree days were gone, and so was the young, naive woman she once had been.

  Thane turned his head and their eyes locked together from across the room. He did not speak, nor make a move towards her. She could feel his silent agony for his part in her capture and she extended her hand toward him.

  Come to me, she ordered with her mind, and Thane obeyed without hesitation. He knelt beside the bed and took her hand. The tingle of his touch sparked a ripple of desire through her body, but she ignored it. His yellow eyes shimmered with unshed tears, and his lips quivered with sadness.

  "Please forgive me, Matka-Zem. I have failed you."

  Thane's shaky voice pinched her heart.

  "All is forgiven, Mlinzi. But don't let it happen again."

  Two huge tears splashed onto her skin, as Thane bowed his head in servitude. With a soft groan, he brought her hand to his lips and firmly kissed her knuckles.

  "I will never leave your side, Princess," Thane vowed as he caressed her hand with his thumb.

  Her heart pinched again at her own part in her abduction. If she had not been so stubborn, they would have joined that night, eliminating the reason for her capture. And Alana would still be alive.

  "Finish the Kleben, Thane."

  The Mlinzi stiffened at her words and released her hand.

  "This is not the right time, Valencia." Thane rose to his feet as he shook his head.

  "It's the perfect time." She threw aside the heavy covers and sat at the edge of the bed. The room spun out of control and she tightly gripped the edge of the mattress. When her vision returned to normal, she saw Thane had retreated to the double doors and was staring out the window. Valencia slowly rose to her feet and crossed the distance between them. When the Mlinzi refused to look at her, she caught Thane's arm and turned him towards her. "This is the only way, Thane." Although she spoke softly, she made sure her voice had an authoritative edge to its pitch. "Once we complete our bond, their power will cease." As Thane peered into her eyes, she saw his refusal. "Join with me, Mlinzi," she commanded, "or set me free."

  For a long moment, Thane stared into her eyes.

  She was about to make another plea when he took a step back and began removing his clothes. Unhurriedly, he untied his tunic and pulled it over his head. Her palms tingled in anticipation of touching his chest. He stared into her eyes. When he unbuckled his trousers, she felt heat flush her cheeks. Shyly, she started to look away, but when she saw a slight smile lift one corner of his mouth, she stopped. He was calling her bluff. She raised her chin in defiance and held his gaze.

  Thane's smile vanished as he removed his pants. Naked, he stood before her, his desire evident, yet he made no move towards her. His smile returned as she fidgeted in front of him. Valencia remembered his words before her capture, a
nd she pushed the silky gown off her shoulders. Self-conscious of her missing nipple, she started to cover the deformed breast. Thane quickly blocked her movement as his eyes hungrily roamed over her body. They were orange with desire, but still, he made no move towards her. Taking a deep breath to calm the quivering in her stomach, she stepped over the crumpled gown and closed the distance between them. She felt him shiver as she placed her palms onto his chest. As she slid her hands over his broad shoulders, she pressed her body against his.

  "I love you, Thane."

  With a groan of desire, Thane swiftly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her firmly against him.

  Her desire swept away the memory of Liam's hands.

  "I've been waiting a long time for you to say that, my love," he whispered against her lips before planting a hard kiss onto her mouth. A brilliant blue light engulfed their bodies. Their souls intertwined, joining them as one, no longer two separate entities, but together forever in their bond. Lost in the Kleben, they staggered across the room and fell onto the bed, with only one thought driving them: to conceive the next Matka-Zem.


  Donna tossed and turned on the bed, as the events of the last month played like a movie inside her mind. She still could not fully fathom how her humdrum life had changed, and was not totally convinced it was for the best. Thoughts of returning to Earth flickered in her mind, yet as soon as they appeared, she vanquished them from her mind. There was no way she could return to her boring existence, regardless of the sorrows she'd experienced on Sora.

  Giving up the attempt to sleep, and not wanting to be alone, she pulled a heavy cloak around her shoulders and left the bedchamber. As she entered the night, she spied several small fires scattered throughout the courtyard. When she recognized the Mlinzi off to her right, she made a beeline to Parth and plopped down beside him. As she huddled close to the fire, Chand strolled toward them and handed her a cup of hot liquid to drink.


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