Wilder: The Guardian Series

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Wilder: The Guardian Series Page 20

by G. K. DeRosa

  Dante continued, “In any case, the reason that we brought you here today is to see how your Guardian training has been coming along.”

  “Yes, we want to make sure that your mentor has been providing you with everything you need,” said Sierra.

  “Stellan has been wonderful so far. I’m going to be spending the summer with him training,” explained Celeste.

  “And we couldn’t help but notice that you have been spending time with some vampires,” said Dante.

  Celeste was taken aback, and she shifted nervously in her chair. “Is that against the official guardian rules or something?” she asked.

  “No, not exactly, but it has so rarely come up in the history of the Council that we have never had to make a specific rule against it.”

  “Are you aware that some supernatural creatures are inexplicably drawn to guardians?” asked Sierra. “Has Stellan told you about that?”

  She shook her head.

  “No one knows why it happens or why it affects some and not others, but it seems that your light attracts their darkness.”

  Celeste shivered. She wasn’t sure if it was from the cold room or Sierra’s words.

  “I am curious,” said Sierra peering through her purple-rimmed glasses, “how can you stand being around them?”

  “I’ve been working on controlling my feelings. Stellan taught me how to.”

  Sierra shot Dante a look of approval.

  “I am impressed that you have been able to master your impulses so quickly,” said Dante.

  “It’s hard, but I have to do it,” she admitted.

  “Still, we don’t see how consorting with vampires could be conducive to your studies and training,” he continued.

  Celeste felt a twinge of anger bubble up inside of her. “Roman and Nico aren’t just any vampires. They are good, and they’re on my side. They have been very helpful to me so far, and they’ve saved my life a lot. I may not even be here today if it weren’t for them.”

  “We are familiar with the Constantin brothers. We are also aware of the Patrick and Magnus situations, which is honestly the only reason why we haven’t removed these vampires from your life.” Celeste was shocked. Did they really have the power to get rid of them? “For whatever reason, they seem to want to protect you, which is ultimately our goal as well,” finished Dante.

  “Then I don’t see why we are even having this conversation,” said Celeste haughtily.

  “It is our duty to check in on you from time to time Celeste,” said Sierra. “We only want what is best for you. Becoming the Guardian is a long and arduous journey, and we hope to help you in whatever way possible.”

  “Your father was an exemplary Guardian, and we have no doubts that you will become one as well,” Dante added.

  “Thank you,” Celeste said, reigning in her temper.

  “One last thing before you go, do you have the Wilder family key your father left you?”

  “Yes, of course,” she said pulling it out from under her shirt.

  “Good, if you ever need to reach us, simply hold the key in your hand and focus in on your powers.”

  As Celeste lay in bed wide-awake staring at the ceiling, she reveled in her discussion with the senior Council Members. She finally felt as though she were a part of something. The idea of being the Guardian didn’t seem as scary now that she knew she had a Council she could rely on and a whole secret realm she could visit. But Dante’s words about Roman and Nico had her worried. She hoped that her powers would grow quickly so that she could return soon. Maybe she would even be able to see her father there again, she thought. She pulled the covers up over her head and shut her eyes. She couldn’t wait until morning came so she could tell Roman and Stellan all about it.

  The days flew by for Celeste under the steady schedule of early morning runs, a few hours of sparring with Roman, and evening meditations as her new normal. She could feel herself getting stronger, faster and more confident in handling an assortment of deadly weapons. Her sword was still her favorite, but Celeste now could handle a stake, crossbow or dagger with the greatest of ease. Roman had also taught her how to turn virtually any inanimate object into a deadly weapon. From chairs to tree branches to pens, Roman had borne the brunt of her newfound resourcefulness and ferocity.

  “As much as I hate to admit it, having Roman here is proving to be quite useful. The fact that Celeste can stab you with a knife or shoot you with an arrow and you heal within minutes makes for excellent practice scenarios,” said Stellan as he watched the two of them go at it in the backyard as the sun began to set.

  “You should have seen her try to break my neck a few hours ago. You would have really enjoyed that,” said Roman, ducking to avoid a blow.

  “I almost got him too. He was just a little too fast for me,” Celeste said proudly. She signaled to Roman for a time out, and walked towards Stellan.

  “Then we need to work on your speed,” he said. “Since most of your opponents will be stronger than you given their supernatural abilities, the Guardian must rely on the element of surprise. You, my dear, are especially lucky as you have been given the gift of premonitions, you must use that knowledge to your advantage.”

  “How do I do that?”

  “You must rely on your instincts. You said that you can feel danger when it is near you so you must listen to your body’s natural response. Remember that your enemies do not know that you can sense their true nature. Use that to get the upper hand from the onset.”

  Celeste nodded listening intently.

  “I’d like to try something. Roman, go get the blind fold from the weapons trunk in the garage.” In a flash, Roman was back firmly tying the black blindfold around Celeste’s eyes.

  “Celeste, put all your energy in concentrating on ‘the feeling’ and see if you can detect from which direction Roman is coming at you from.”

  Celeste stood very still and took a few deep breaths before delving inside herself to find the source of her premonitions. It was difficult since she hardly felt it anymore around Roman. She searched deeper within, and she felt a tiny pang in the pit of her stomach that something wasn’t quite right. She lunged to her left just in time, plunging her sword into Roman’s chest.

  “Bravo!” said Stellan clapping.

  “That was dangerously close to my heart, Celeste,” said Roman. He pulled the sword out while muttering a few expletives.

  She pulled the blindfold up over her head and saw the bloody wound on his chest. “Oops, sorry! I couldn’t see with the blindfold on, and Stellan told me to follow my instincts.”

  “Next time, try to be more careful or you’re going to have to find yourself a new training partner.”

  “That’s enough for today. Roman, why don’t you go get yourself cleaned up, and I’ll finish off with some meditating with Celeste.”

  “She’s all yours.”

  Roman limped back to the house clutching the open wound in his chest, and Celeste sat down with legs crossed next to Stellan on the lawn.

  “Now do you see why the meditating is so important?” Stellan asked.

  “Yes, I think I am starting to,” Celeste agreed.

  “It is very important for your mind to be centered so that you can fully tap into your gifts. I’m sure Dante mentioned that to you as well when you were summoned by the Council. That was another reason why I didn’t want Roman to be here during your training. I may be an old man, but I am not blind, and I see the way you look at each other.”

  Celeste reddened at the thought of having this awkward conversation with Stellan.

  “Love is a beautiful thing, my dear, but it can become a weakness. It clouds our judgment, not just yours, but his too. Be careful that it doesn’t put you both at risk.”

  “Is that what you told my father too?”

  Stellan chuckled. “You are a quick one Celeste. Yes, of course I did. When your father came to me seeking my counsel about your mother, I had to advise against their relationship. As a memb
er of the Council it was my responsibility to remind your father that his duty as a Guardian came first.”

  “And what did he say?”

  “He didn’t listen to me of course. He, and in this you two are very much alike, gave me a list of reasons why he should be with your mother. He was very stubborn, that father of yours, but ultimately he was right. He succeeded in accomplishing his duties as a Guardian as well as a husband and eventually a father.”

  “Until he was killed.”

  “Yes, that is true, but had he listened to me he would have undoubtedly died eventually as we all do. But without ever experiencing true love, having a family, and bringing you into this world.”

  “Then why do you want Roman and me to stay away from each other if you think my father was right in wanting both?”

  “Because, my dear Celeste, your mother was not a vampire.”


  “So how is Nico doing with vampire obedience training?” asked Celeste as she and Roman strolled hand in hand through the moonlit woods. The peaceful sounds of the forest drowned out the frenetic day of training. The only sounds that broke the stillness were the crunching of dead leaves underfoot or the occasional mouse scurrying across their path.

  “He said he’s making some progress. It’s slow, but Dani doesn’t seem to want to rip every human’s head off anymore.”

  “That’s promising. So he’s been taking her out in public?”

  “Yes, but not in Oak Bluffs. He’s been driving her to Falls River or Youngstown at night so that no one will recognize her. As long as she has fed before being near people, she’s been able to hold it together.”

  “I just hope that she can go home one day to her family.”

  Roman stopped walking and leaned against a towering oak. A hint of sadness flashed through his eyes. “It’s hard for vampires to live among humans, even well-adjusted ones. Dani would have to tell her family what she is, and unfortunately that doesn’t always go over well. Even if they did come to accept what she is, after a few years the good old citizens of Oaks Bluffs would notice that she hasn’t aged a bit and become suspicious. She wouldn’t be able to stay there for long.”

  “Right, I guess I hadn’t thought about that,” she said. “So does that mean that you and Nico won’t be staying in Oak Bluffs for long either?”

  “We never really can Celeste. Even if it weren’t for Fabian chasing us, after at most five to ten years most people would start to notice that I’m just too devilishly handsome for a thirty-year-old.”

  “This isn’t funny Roman. When were you planning on telling me this?”

  “We’ve only been back in Oak Bluffs for a few months now, Celeste. I figured we still had time. And I thought it would be a little presumptuous of me to start talking about our future since most of our days together involve you kicking, cutting, stabbing or staking me.”

  Celeste couldn’t help but crack a smile.

  “Besides, you’re the one that is leaving me at the end of the summer when you go off to college,” said Roman.

  “Leaving you?” she asked. “Are you implying that we are together?” she asked with a mischievous grin.

  “I don’t know, does it?”

  “You are exasperating Roman Constantin!” whined Celeste, playfully punching him in the stomach.

  “I love you, Celeste,” he said, taking her by surprise. He pulled her close to him and took her face in his strong hands. “I’ve never loved anyone the way that I love you, and I’m sorry that I waited this long to say it.”

  Celeste barely waited for the last word to come out of his mouth before jumping into his arms, her lips passionately locking onto his.

  The next few weeks continued in much the same way: a never-ending cycle of waking, training, meditating and sleeping. In spite of Stellan’s original wishes, Roman stayed with Celeste the entire time. As tough as Stellan tried to be, he couldn’t deny Roman’s value and he didn’t have the heart to kick him out. Celeste was progressing much more rapidly than anyone had anticipated, and Stellan frequently found himself watching her proudly as she pinned Roman to the floor on numerous occasions.

  “Nico!” said Celeste as she ran into his arms as he hurried up the walkway.

  “Hello little brother,” said Roman just behind her. “It’s good to see you.”

  “I think this fresh country air is doing wonders for you. I’ve never seen you look so relaxed brother,” said Nico.

  “It’s the company,” chimed in Celeste with a big smile.

  Dani lurked nervously by the car until Stellan finally invited her into the house. Roman stood protectively by Celeste’s side watching her every move as she neared.

  “Hi Dani Lynn, how are you?” she asked.

  “I’m doing a lot better, thanks. I can smell your blood, but I don’t have a blinding urge to tear into your neck anymore.”

  Celeste recalled that subtlety had never been one of Dani Lynn’s strong suits, and apparently it hadn’t improved when she became a vampire. “That’s great to hear Dani. And since we’re being up front, I might as well tell you that if you try to bite me, I’ll stab you in the heart without blinking.”

  “Sounds fair,” she responded.

  “I almost hope she tries,” said Nico. “That would be a sight I would love to see!”

  “Watch it Nico or else I‘ll have to show you some of my moves,” teased Celeste.

  “Now that would be something I’d like to see,” said Roman.

  “I’ve heard she’s been mopping up the floor with you brother.”

  “I think ‘mopping up the floor’ is a bit of an exaggeration, but yes, she has come quite a long way – due in large part to my relentless motivational training.”

  “Oh, I don’t doubt that,” said Nico.

  “Come on now children, enough of that trash talk as they say. Let’s sit down for dinner and Celeste can show Nico what she’s learned tomorrow morning,” said Stellan as he ushered them all into the candle-lit dining room.

  The following morning Celeste and Roman were up early for a jog followed by a round of hand-to-hand combat in the backyard. Roman held Celeste with both of her arms immobilized behind her back. She threw herself forward, tucking her chin to her chest and somersaulted to the ground taking Roman down with her. He landed flat on his back with a ground-shaking thud.

  “Impressive,” said Nico as he came out on the porch to watch.

  “Feel free to tag me out,” said Roman breathing hard.

  Faster than Celeste’s eyes could follow, Nico had switched places with Roman and he was coming at her. She ducked and missed his first blow then followed up with a leg sweep that sent him crashing to the ground. She hurdled on top of him and held a stake hovering just inches from his chest, a satisfied grin on her face.

  “I was going easy on you,” he said.

  “Well, don’t!” Celeste ordered.

  Dani joined Roman on the porch where she was shielded from the morning sun to watch Nico and Celeste now sparring with long swords.

  “She’s pretty good,” she said.

  “Yes, she’s getting there.”

  “So guardians are like vampire hunters right?”

  “Something like that. They protect the human world from all evil supernatural beings.”

  “And are they strong like us? She seems to be.”

  “Not quite as strong, but certainly not your average human either.”

  “How many guardians are there?”

  “It’s hard to say exactly, but no more than a dozen around the world at any given time,” instructed Roman.

  “So if I don’t get on Celeste’s bad side, I should be pretty safe from getting a stake in the heart, right?”

  “Yes, it’s pretty unlikely that you will come across another guardian in your lifetime, unless you do something very bad.”

  “Like what?” Dani Lynn inquired.

  “Like go on a murderous killing spree, leaving countless bodies in your wake. Then the Counci
l would send a guardian to find you and end your life.”

  “You say that like you’ve seen it happen before.”

  “I have,” Roman said and walked away.

  As a reward for Celeste’s tireless training and rapid progress, Stellan had agreed to allow her friends to come visit for the day. Natalie had been texting non-stop since Celeste had left town, but she hadn’t heard much from Brian at all. So Celeste was surprised when Natalie told her that they would be coming up together.

  “Hi!” said Natalie as she ran up the walk. “I missed you so much!”

  “I missed you too,” said Celeste returning her enthusiastic hug.

  Brian came up behind them and nearly toppled them all over as he eagerly joined in the embrace.

  “How are you stranger?” Celeste said to Brian, searching his eyes.

  “I’m good Cel. It’s really great to see you.”

  “Come on in, I’ll introduce you to my Uncle Stellan,” said Celeste as Stellan stepped out of the kitchen.

  “This is such a lovely home you have,” said Natalie as she walked around the large open living room.

  “Make yourselves at home children. Celeste has told me much about both of you. I’m sure you have a lot of catching up to do so I will make myself scarce,” said Stellan, retreating into his study.

  “So how come I never heard about this uncle?” asked Brian once he was out of earshot.

  “He’s not really my uncle, just an old friend of my dad who recently moved back to the area.”

  “Can we go outside? It looks so beautiful out back,” said Natalie. She had been checking out the backyard through the oversized window.

  “Yeah, I was thinking we could go for a hike in the forest. There’s a river about a mile away, and we can go for a swim too.”

  “Sounds cool,” said Brian.

  Natalie went to one of the guestrooms to change, leaving Brian and Celeste looking at each other uneasily.

  “So how’s your summer been? Too busy to text your best friend back?” she asked finally.


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