The Ocean Between Us (A Southern Heroes Novel Book 1)

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The Ocean Between Us (A Southern Heroes Novel Book 1) Page 19

by Michelle Heard

  “I miss you, Emma,” he says. I hear him open the car door.

  And then I hear a woman in the background, “Aiden, this is a surprise. Come in, darlin’.”

  “Give me a sec’,” he calls back to her.

  “You have to go, I understand.” The words tear from my throat because it still hurts so much to say goodbye.

  “Love you, Em.”

  “Love you more,” I say, and hanging up I run up the road, just wanting to get back to the flat.



  I cannot believe how much red tape there is. It’s like the world is conspiring to keep us apart, but I won’t let that stop me. I meet with the consulate twice to make sure I have all the facts straight. There will be a lot of interviews once we’re back. People marrying just to get into the country are making my life hell.

  What’s worse is Zac and Wyatt not taking no for an answer. They’ve decided we’re going out for breakfast.

  I’m not in the mood for anything that doesn’t involve Emma.

  I grab my car keys and phone as I stalk off to go endure a morning of torture with my brothers.

  I pick up Zac and drive to Wyatt’s apartment.

  “Have you decided when you’ll go?” Zac asks.

  “Next week, I hope. Don’t tell Wyatt, he’ll tell Mom, and she’ll ask questions, and I don’t want to talk about it right now. I want to get it all sorted out first,” I say, glaring at him for extra effect.

  “I won’t tell. Where are we havin’ breakfast?” Zac asks as I pull up to Wyatt’s.

  “I don’t care where. Y’all can decide. Will you take over drivin’? I want to call Emma.”

  “Sure,” Zac says.

  Thankfully he’s been very understanding the past week.

  I get out and walk around the car, taking out my phone. Climbing in the passenger side, I call Emma.

  “And now?” Wyatt asks, getting into the car.

  “Aiden’s phonin’ Emma, so be quiet,” Zac answers for me.

  “Seriously, Aiden. Just for one day give the girl a break,” Wyatt says from the back. I’m about to snap at him when the phone starts to ring, saving his butt.

  “Hi,” Emma’s voice suddenly comes over the line.

  “Hey, Em. How’s your day?” I ask.

  “I made a mess of Chloe’s hair,” she says, and I can hear she’s trying not to laugh.

  “This is not a mess,” I hear Chloe shout from somewhere in the apartment. “It’s a bloody natural disaster! I’m heading to the hairdresser. See ya.”

  Emma’s laughter fills my ear, and I smile as it warms my body.

  “How’s your morning so far?” Emma asks when it’s finally quiet on her side.

  “I’m on my way to have breakfast with Zac and Wyatt,” I reply.

  “Hey, Emma,” Zac calls out.

  I hear her chuckle. “Tell Zac I say hello.”

  Before I can say something else, Emma says, “There’s someone at the door. Give me a second.”


  I hear as she opens the door, and then the phone drops to the floor.

  “No!” Emma says sharply. “Leave. You’re not welcome here.”

  “Is that the way you greet your parents.” I hear her mother’s cold voice.

  “Fuck, no,” I whisper as dread fills my veins.

  “What?” Zac asks. I hold my hand up so I can hear what’s happening.

  “Get out!” Emma screams, and I can hear scuffling.

  I swear I can hear breathing come over the line, then, “I told you she’s mine,” her mother sneers.

  “If you hurt her –”

  “You’re going to what?” She chuckles, and the sound alone sends chills racing down my spine then the line goes dead.

  “Pull over,” I hiss through clenched teeth.

  The car has barely stopped before I’m out and running. I have to let it out somehow. I’ve let her down just like her dad.

  I didn’t protect her.

  Zac catches up to me, and taking me down to the ground, he wraps his arms around me from behind.

  My shout echoes over the field as I try to ease some of my raging emotions.



  “Here I was worried about you, and you were shacking up with this…” Mom walks into the bathroom and throws my phone in the toilet. “Commoner,” she says as she turns back to me.

  “You need to leave. You’re not welcome here,” I say again, knowing she won’t listen to me.

  Dad’s right outside having a cigarette. Keeping that in mind, I slowly inch closer to the kitchen. I just need a weapon.

  “Class and culture are important,” she continues, ignoring my request for her to leave. She starts to look around Chloe’s place, picking at things as if they’re dirty. “You don’t know what the children will be like.” Her mouth pulls down with disapproval as she wipes her fingers over the coffee table.

  “Mom,” I whisper, my voice hoarse, “He’s not like that. He’s gentle. He’s caring.” I finally make it to the block of knives next to the microwave and grab the biggest one.

  “Aiden is everything you’re not,” I say, holding the knife in front of me.

  “Next you’ll be telling me you’re off to marry him,” she sneers, and as she turns around, her eyes lock on the knife. “Are you going to use that on your own mother?”

  As she takes a step forward, I square my shoulders and give her a look of warning.

  “I’m not the same person you used to abuse,” I growl. “I’ve met the devil face to face, and you’re nothing compared to her. I’m not afraid of you. You have no control over me anymore.”

  Her mouth sets in a grim line. “Is this him speaking? Did he brainwash you?”

  “This is me sick and fucking tired of your shit. Get out, or I will use this. I swear I will.”

  “Did you stop taking your pills?” she asks, looking for a reason because she can’t believe that I could possibly stand up for myself.

  “Leave. Now,” I grind the words out.

  Suddenly Dad opens the door, popping his head in. “Lovey, Chloe’s car just pulled up. Time to go.”

  I can’t believe he was keeping watch for her.

  “This is not over,” Mom sneers.

  I let out a breath of relief as I watch them go.

  Chloe comes rushing through the door, her eyes wide with fear. “Emma! I couldn’t get an appointment. Just as well. Was that your crazy mother I saw leaving?”

  “Yes,” I say, still holding the knife.

  Chloe spots the weapon and her eyebrows dart into her hairline.

  “Sorry,” I whisper, dropping the knife onto the counter. I walk to the bathroom and fish my poor phone out of the toilet. I try to switch it on, but it’s dead.

  “She killed my phone,” I say as I walk back to where Chloe is still standing looking a little shocked.

  “Sunshine,” she says, sounding emotional.

  My eyes dart to her face and when I see the proud look in her eyes a smile pulls at my mouth.

  “You totally stood up for yourself.”

  “I did.” The impact of what I did, finally hits. “It felt so good.”

  Chloe rushes to me, and we hug each other as some peace returns to my battle-weary soul.

  I beat one of my demons.



  The last day has been a total blur. Right after the call I packed and got my ass to the airport to catch a flight to South Africa.

  I didn’t even last two weeks without Emma.

  I’ve tried calling her, but it keeps going to voicemail. I can kick my own ass for not taking Chloe’s number.

  A million thoughts torment me. I have no idea whether Emma is okay or not.

  Now that I’m sitting in the back of a cab, in a foreign country, I don’t take in any of my surroundings. I just want to get to Emma. I need to see that she’s okay. I’m going out of my fucking mind with worry

  The cab driver drops me off in front of some luxury apartments. I run up the stairs, and almost bust the door down.

  “Hold your damn horses,” I hear Chloe’s familiar voice yell from the other side. She yanks the door open, and when she sees me, her scowl falls from her face. “Aiden?”

  “Hi, Chloe,” I say, then get straight to the point. “Where’s Emma? Is she okay?”

  “She’s fine,” she says, still in shock from seeing me. “What are you doing here? Emma didn’t say you were coming.”

  “She doesn’t know I’m here.”

  “Come in,” she gasps once she realizes that I’m still standing outside.

  “We were on a call when her mother showed up here. Is Emma okay?” I ask again.

  My eyes search through the living room for any sign of Emma.

  “She’s really okay. She chased her mother away.” Chloe walks to a huge set of floor to ceiling windows. “Come here.”

  I walk to her, and she points at something. “There she is. On the rocks.”

  I see her blonde hair waving in the wind, and for the first time, I can breathe easily again.

  “How do I get to her from here?”

  “Take the stairs down, then turn right. There are two more flights of stairs. Cross the main road, and you’ll come out by those robots.”

  “Robots?” I ask.

  “The set of traffic lights.”

  “Oh, right,” I say, then remember my manners. “It’s nice to meet you in person. I just need to get to Emma.”

  “Go,” she laughs. “Go get your girl.”

  I jog out of the apartment and try not to break my neck as I rush down the stairs. I have to wait for cars to pass before I can cross the road.

  I only slow down when I reach the beach. Walking to the cluster of rocks, I hear Emma shout over the waves, “I love you, Aiden.”

  “I love you, Emma,” I say when I finally reach her.

  She spins around so fast, she almost loses her balance. I dart forward and grab hold of her.

  She grabs hold of my shirt, then spreads her hands over my chest.

  “Aiden,” she whispers. “You’re here.”

  “I told you I’d come. I’m not leavin’ without you.”

  Her eyes start to shine with unshed tears, and the smile I have missed so much spreads over her face.

  She shrieks as she throws her arms around my neck. “I can’t believe you’re here. You crossed an ocean for me.”

  “Dammit, I missed you,” I whisper into her silky hair as I practically squash her body to mine.

  I take a deep breath, filling my lungs with her scent.

  “Oh, God, please be real,” she murmurs as she starts to press kisses to my neck and up my jaw. I turn my face to her and grin when she crushes her mouth to mine.

  The grin quickly fades as her tongue swipes over my bottom lip. I kiss her with all the longing I’ve felt since she’s left.

  I pull her face away and look down at the happy tears. Cupping her cheeks, I wipe them away with my thumbs, then press a soft kiss to her swollen lips.

  “Hi, Emma.” I just want to hold her, and I do. This is what I flew thousands of miles for – to feel her arms around me.

  “You’re here, you’re really here,” she whispers as she clings to me.

  She lets go, and I drink in her beautiful face like a man dying of thirst.

  “Why haven’t you answered your phone?”

  “My mom drowned it,” she says. “I tried to call your work from Chloe’s phone, but they said you weren’t in. But you’re here now, so that doesn’t matter.”

  “Yeah, I’m here now.”

  Keeping my arms around her, I just hold her not wanting to let go.



  “Night, Chloe,” Emma says as she closes the door.

  She turns and again smiles when she sees me lying on her bed.

  “Come here,” I growl, wanting her something fierce.

  She sprints forward and jumps on the bed with laughter bubbling over her lips. Grabbing hold of her, I tuck her under me and smother her laugh with a kiss.

  The urgency to be inside her grows until I almost rip her clothes off in my hurry to get her naked.

  Our breaths mingle as I help her get my sweats off.

  When we’re finally naked I kiss my way down her body and pushing open her legs, I bury my face in her pussy, sucking her clit hard.

  Glancing up, I suppress a grin as she grabs a pillow and presses it over her face to muffle her groans.

  I nip and suck at her until her hips are pushing down on me, then roll on a condom at the speed of light. Not being able to hold off any longer, I crawl back over her, sinking my cock deep inside her body.

  I shudder from how amazing it feels. Ripping the pillow from Emma’s grip, I throw it to the other side of the bed.

  “Finally. Fuckin’. Home,” I growl with each hard thrust.

  I crush my mouth to hers, swallowing all of her groans as I keep driving my cock into her until her body starts to shudder beneath mine as pleasure takes her.

  Not breaking the kiss, I move both my hands down to her ass. As my fingers dig into her flesh, with my chest pressing against her breasts, I thrust as hard and deep as I can, wanting to become one with her. When tingles sizzle down my spine as I empty myself inside of Emma, the pleasure is so intense, it robs me of my breath.

  Waking up with Emma in my arms is something I’ll never take for granted again.

  Not thinking, I only pull on my sweatpants before I open the door to go grab some coffee.

  Emma and Chloe stop stalking, and they both stare at me from where they’re sitting on the couch.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Shirt,” Emma says as she starts to laugh at Chloe’s comical facial expression.

  “Don’t wear one on my account. I like the view,” Chloe teases, then she has to duck as Emma grabs one of the throw pillows and tosses it at her.

  I shake my head as I walk back to my bag to grab a shirt.

  “Mornin’,” I grumble, trying to suppress my smile as I drag the shirt over my head.

  “Do you guys have any plans for today?” Chloe asks.

  “Do we?” Emma asks as she joins me in the open plan kitchen which has a view of the living room.

  She pours me some coffee as I answer, “We do.”

  “I have a date with Netflix,” Chloe says, making herself comfortable on the couch.

  “What plans do we have?” Emma asks, looking curious.

  I glance at Chloe, but she’s already lost in a show on Netflix.

  “Do you have a car?” I ask.

  “No, but I can borrow Chloe’s. Why, where do you want to go?”

  “Your parents.”

  Emma’s mouth opens, but nothing comes out, then she frowns. “Why?”

  “I want to meet her. This fuckin’ hold she thinks she has on you, ends today,” I say with finality.

  She takes a deep breath, then nods. “Okay. You’re right. It’s time I close this chapter in my life.”

  “I still have keys to get in,” Emma says as we stand outside a large mansion. “I’m not sure if I should use them, or knock.”

  I can hear how uncomfortable she sounds, and give her hands a squeeze for encouragement.

  “Unlock the door, Em,” I say, not wanting to even bother with knocking first.

  My heart starts to beat adrenaline through my body as she pushes the key into the lock.

  I’ve been ready for this moment since I heard those messages from Emma’s mother. Today I’m putting a stop to that crazy bitch.

  I push open the door, letting myself inside the mansion - the place that’s supposed to be Emma’s family home.

  Inside it’s gloomy and dark, even though it’s hardly noon. The house is spotless giving it a cold and clinical feel. You could eat off the floor.

  Large pictures are hanging on the walls, and as we walk close by one, I notice
they are actually puzzles that have been built and then framed.

  She leads me down a passage, and her body starts to grow tense, as her fingers tighten around mine.

  When I see the photos on the wall, I clench my jaw to hold back all the rage I feel inside. Graduation photos of a guy, who I assume is her brother. Wedding photos of her parents. Pictures of a happy boy. There are others - they must be of the rest of the family.

  I stop and pull Emma close to me as my heart aches for her. There’s one of four boys standing around a birthday cake. A little white-haired girl’s cherub face peeks out from behind the one boy. She’s the most adorable fucking thing I’ve ever seen.

  It’s the only photo of Emma on the entire wall.

  “You matter to me,” I say the words slowly, so she can hear every syllable and know I mean them.

  She tries to smile, but gives up, and instead, she leans up to kiss me. I savor it, drinking it in.

  The atmosphere is cold as we near an archway to the left of us. Emma moves in front of me as if to protect me, as we step into the kitchen.

  “Mom,” Emma’s tone is cautious. “We need to talk.”

  “Well, well, look what the cat dragged in,” her mother sneers.

  Emma glances at me, looking on edge. “Aiden, this is my mother.”

  I pick up on the fact that Emma doesn’t say her mother’s first name.

  “Mom, this is Aiden Holden.”

  I’m not here to meet the fucking woman. Taking Emma’s hand, I pull her behind me as I take a threatening step forward.

  The woman is seated at a large, dark oak table in the middle of the kitchen, with a glass of fucking wine in front of her.

  Her mom doesn’t move to get up. She glares up at me, her dark eyes filled with hatred.

  “Finally we meet… Aiden.” She practically spits my name out.

  “I’m not here to play your fuckin’ games. Where’s your husband?” My entire body starts to vibrate with anger.

  She arches an eyebrow at me. “Why may I ask?”


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