Of Gods and Wolves (The Godhunter, Book 2)

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Of Gods and Wolves (The Godhunter, Book 2) Page 28

by Amy Sumida

  “Yes, er, what’s your name again?” I smiled my lopsided sorry, I’ve just met eighty werelions in one evening grin.

  “Alfred,” he actually said it without laughing.

  “Your name’s Alfred?” I vaguely recalled hearing it as something different. “Oh, but I can call you Al, right?” I laughed as Paul Simon sang in my head. Alfred, aka Al, didn’t get it.

  “Yes,” still blank, still lifeless, until he returned to the subject closest to his heart. “So can I go get laid or what?”

  “Yes, Al,” I waved imperiously, like I was the bloody Queen of England granting her knight a favor, “have at it.”

  Al didn’t wait a second longer. He ran out of the room with a few men trailing after him. I was kind of surprised I didn’t hear any Yippees to go along with their excited exit. They all but skipped from the room. I laughed at how much they resembled a college fraternity set loose. Frat boys with the strength of lions. Sigh. No good could come of it.

  “They’ll be okay right?” I watched them leave with a little concern. “They have spending money and, er… protection?”

  Aidan laughed but beneath the laughter I caught a hint of growing affection. “She’s already a better Tima than Nyavirezi.”

  I looked at Darius questionably but he wasn’t laughing when he answered me. He actually seemed very serious. “Nyavirezi never concerned herself with our needs. That you would think of such trifling things as money and condoms for Al, shows what kind of leader you’ll be. I’m thankful you came to us, Tima.”

  “I don’t know how long that will last,” I rubbed at my head and instantly hands were on my shoulders, kneading away my tension. “Oh, uh, thank you.” I sighed and relaxed a second before I remembered that I couldn’t sit there dawdling, when my friends and my lover were probably wondering if I was even still alive. “I really need to go home guys. I’m sure everyone is concerned and Trevor must be climbing the walls.”

  “Of course,” Darius stood and pulled me up as well. “Fallon and I will accompany you.”

  “Ah, I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.”

  “They will have questions,” Fallon said matter-of-factly, “some of which you’ll not know the answers to. I think Darius is right, we should escort you.”

  “Alright, but no fighting,” I started out the door and then stopped abruptly. “Do either of you know where my gloves are?”

  Chapter Forty-Five

  When I got home, it was to find my living room full of gods.

  “I think this room has exceeded divine capacity,” I announced.

  They all stood with different degrees of shock on their faces. Trevor was the only one who recovered enough to rush forward and swing me up into his arms.

  “By all that’s holy!” He buried his face in my neck so the rest of his words were muffled. “I knew you lived but we couldn’t trace in. Nyavirezi had her home warded well. I was going crazy, Minn Elska, knowing she was going to kill you and not being able to do a damn thing about it.”

  “That seems to happen to me a lot, huh?” I stroked his thick hair as he let me slide down his body till I felt my feet touch the floor. He rubbed his face along mine tenderly before pulling back. My wolf was finally happy.

  “How many times do I have to tell you, not to do that to me?” There were signs of strain all over his beautiful face and I smoothed them away gently with my fingers. He sighed as he closed his eyes.

  “I told you all she’d be fine,” I heard Horus say flippantly but there was a note of relief in his voice.

  “Shut up, Horus,” Thor thundered and came forward to kiss me on the cheek. “We’ve all been here trying to come up with a plan to get you back.”

  “My heroes,” I sighed dramatically.

  Then the rest of them were hugging me and welcoming me home. What a change from the days I hunted the gods alone, coming home to a cold house and a warm cat. I'd be lucky if the cat didn't yell at me.

  When we all gushed in relief enough, we sat down and Trevor went to make a pot of tea for me. Persephone sat next to me and eyed the bloodstains on the robe I still wore.

  “I had a bit of an altercation,” I smiled grimly and told them what happened with Nyavirezi, Blue, and the Intare.

  “Vervain,” Trevor groaned. “Why can’t you stay out of trouble for five minutes?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, is my life inconveniencing you?” I couldn’t help it, saying it once was excusable but twice was making me mad.

  “Rouva,” I saw his jaw clench as he inclined his head slightly. “You know I meant no disrespect.”

  “Oh, stop with the Rouva thing,” I threw my hands up and fell back against the couch. “All I’m trying to say is, it’s not like I intentionally go out shouting ‘Someone try and kill me please’! I’m trying my best here, Trevor and I could use a little support.”

  “So, you think I’m not supportive enough?” His tone went low and his eyes were starting to glow.

  “Fuck,” I rubbed at my face. “Where the hell did this conversation take the turn into Splitsville?”

  “We’re not breaking up,” Trevor growled.

  “Well that’s the end of the line for the track we’re currently on,” I sat up and sighed. “I’m not saying you don’t support me, I’m just saying that blaming me when shit happens is not conducive to a loving relationship. I need your help here, and I don’t particularly like fighting with you in front of everyone. So what’s it gonna to be?”

  “Shit, Vervain,” he shook his head. “Having a fight doesn’t automatically lead to ending a relationship. Who taught you that?”

  “Huh, really?” I frowned as I rethought my idea of relationships. Usually I got involved with someone, did something to mess it up, we yelled at each other, and then it was over. Isn't that how it works?

  “Yes, really,” Trevor took my hand and squeezed it. “The healthiest relationships aren't with couples who never fight. They're with couples who know how to fight and how to compromise. I can accept the fact that you're a walking magnet for supernatural trouble if you can accept the fact that I have trouble dealing with you in trouble.”

  “Okay, deal,” I grinned in relief. “Now what do I do about the Intare?”

  “You’re lucky you’re alive,” Thor’s deep voice rumbled through my chest. “I told you not to try taking another god’s power. How are you feeling? Are you dizzy at all, breathless?”

  “I’m fine, Thor,” I slumped over my tea. “I’m a little tired, a little sick of shapeshifters telling me they need me to survive, but other than that, I’m great. A lot better than I’d be if I hadn’t killed Nyavirezi.”

  “Okay,” Thor held up his hands, “point taken. I don’t want to fight with you either.”

  “I’m not trying to start fights,” I clawed my hands though my hair and roared in frustration. Yes, roared.

  Everyone sort of sat back a little and stared at me in fascinated horror. The funny thing was, I didn’t even realize what I’d done at first. Occasionally when I fought, I’d growl like a wolf or snarl like a jaguar. That little piece of Trevor’s soul or my Nahual would surface and help me out. This roar was all lion though, and everyone knew it. When it finally sank in for me, I raised my pale, horrified face to my friends.

  “What the hell was that?” I looked at Trevor who was looking a little pale himself. Were wolves afraid of lions? I guess if they had any brains, they would be. Lions seriously outweigh them.

  “I think your new power is having some side effects,” Thor answered for Trevor and I looked toward him for more help, more answers. “It may be what’s shortened your temper as well. Try to breathe deeply and acknowledge the lion inside, let it know who’s in charge but make it feel welcome. Like a child, you must discipline it, rein it in.”

  The steady sound of his voice calmed me, cleared my head, and I was instantly able to use the technique Teharon taught me to take look inside and see each part of my powers clearly. The butterflies of my love magic played
around the sleeping wolf. The lioness sat proud and defiant in her corner, eying the shining Victory with interest. War sort of sat back in the shadows, a churning mass waiting to be called, and Lust swirled deep red in my center, watching everything with lazy curiosity.

  I took a deep breath and called to the lioness. She cocked her head to the side, looking at me suspiciously. Then from the dark below, I felt something stirring and the lioness felt it too. She sank into her haunches, wiggling in anticipation of attack, as I sifted through the shadows blindly. There was another presence, another magic that was so much a part of me, I'd forgotten to bring it into the mix.

  My Nahual.

  As soon as I remembered her, my Nahual came forward and seemed to light every dark recess with her presence. She was a white jaguar with golden spots and rich, brown eyes. My soul given shape, a light that could connect me with myself, if I ever lost my way. She was more me than I was, if that makes any sense. The magic I was born with, my spark, and I'd forgotten her.

  I accepted the feelings of guilt over the sleight but she only glowed brighter, those dark eyes twinkling with humor. Guilt was unnecessary, silly even, when you were dealing with yourself, it seemed. My Nahual was there for me no matter what, she was me, and there was no forgetting her, only remembering. Now I was remembering.

  Even though she'd made an appearance when I'd gained the lioness magic, I hadn't consulted her for guidance. I'd just figured they'd all learn to get along but now I realized that I needed more than a truce inside me. I needed unity. That kind of cooperation didn't come from just leaving warring factions alone. It came from mediation.

  The jaguar looked on with approval as I sent a wave of warmth to the lioness but underlying the welcome was my determination to remain in control… of my life and my magic. I opened my soul to her, so she would know the type of woman she now inhabited and I felt her reach through me, sniffing out the secrets of my heart. When she was done, she lay down and rolled onto her back, offering me her belly like a trusting cat. I mentally stroked her and gave her the love that was needed to bind us together. A vibration rumbled through me, bringing an amazing peace. She was purring.

  A rushing wave of energy flowed out from my Nahual and enveloped the other magics, connecting them together in a circle of light. It pulsed brighter and brighter but within the light I could still make out the forms of the individual magics. They glided to my jaguar slowly. The darkness of War was absorbed instantly, then Victory followed quickly with the flash of steel. Lust was orange heat, swirling low around the jaguar and curling into her belly but Love was a flock of butterflies diving straight to my Nahual's heart and leaving a pulsing blush on her coat. Finally, my wolf and lion approached together.

  The three animals bowed their heads together and where they met, the light flared with a burst of colors. A true union had been forged, a trinity previously unknown. Jaguar, wolf, and lion. Jungle, mountain, and plain. Soul, heart, and body. Each represented something different and special to me. I saw the pattern clearly in the light of their joining. The light that grew brighter and brighter.

  My eyes popped open with a sharp inhale.

  “How long was I out?” I asked the intent faces around me.

  “Just a few seconds,” Trevor’s brow was wrinkled deeply and I reached up automatically to smooth it again. His smile was full of relief. “It worked.”

  “I think so,” I reached a hand out to Thor and he took it with a half smile. “Thanks for the advice. It’s getting a little crowded in there but I think I can handle it now.”

  “I know a little about shifting from my father. It's different than being born a Were,” he nodded to Trevor. “If you'd like, I'll have Odin come speak to you about it. He could give you more pointers than I.”

  “I'd appreciate that,” I smiled gratefully at Thor but part of me was nervous about seeing Odin again.

  Then I remembered the lions.

  “So any suggestions about my Thundercats?” I looked over at the others hopefully.

  “Nyavirezi’s shapeshifting ability was created through magic,” Teharon said thoughtfully. “So you should now be able to create more lions through the magic.”

  “Yeah, Darius told me about all that. Evidently, I can also use it to kill them.” I grimaced. “But what about all his talk on how I need to lead them and how her home is mine now?”

  “Well it is,” Pan piped up. “All her stuff is yours. To the victor go the spoils. How cool is that?”

  “Who’s Darius?” Trevor’s voice had an undercurrent of a growl and I turned to him sheepishly. Not a good way to approach a wolf.

  “One of the werelions,” I smiled hesitantly.

  “Which werelion, was he at the battle?”

  “Well of course he was at the battle,” I sighed. “They all were. She commanded it and they had to follow her or die, basically. Well not anymore.”

  “Now they follow you?” Trevor’s growl was becoming more pronounced.

  “That’s what I’m trying to figure out, Trevor,” I nudged him playfully. “You wanna give me some suggestions?”

  “Tell them all to take a flying leap?” He grinned maliciously.

  “Trevor, please,” I poured myself another cup of tea. “I need to know what’s going to happen to the Intare if I walk away. Darius says they’ll be too close to animals without me, so they can’t rule themselves. Does anyone know if that’s true?”

  “I’m afraid it is,” I was a little surprised that Brahma was the one to answer. “You need to lead them, Vervain. If you don’t, we’ll have a bunch of wild werelions on the loose.”

  “Wow, wild werelions,” I scrunched up my face. “Try saying that three times fast.”

  “This is serious, Vervain,” Thor ground his teeth.

  “You think I don’t know that?” I took a deep breath and pushed the lioness back down. Boy she sure had a temper. “It's either laugh or cry and I don’t like crying.”

  “Fine, laugh it up,” Trevor had evidently been stewing about the damn lions, “but you’re not moving in with them.”

  “Sweet werewolf lovin’,” I swore. “Will you listen to yourself? I don’t want to live with them. I’ve got enough crazy shifters in my house as it is.”

  “Okay, Minn Elska,” finally his Trevor smile was back and so was his hand on my neck. “You’re right, I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m getting upset over some man I’ve never met. What happened to that lion who drug you off by the way? I’d like to get my hands on him for hurting you.”

  “Actually, you should be thanking that lion,” I grimaced again. I couldn’t blame Trevor, hadn’t I wanted to do the same thing? “His orders were to kill me. He knocked me out instead.”

  “And you know this how?” Trevor’s eyes narrowed.

  “Because he told me,” I counted to ten before I continued. “It’s Darius, he was the one who helped me and urged the others to back me in our plan.”

  “So Darius was the blonde midget?”

  I raised my eyes at Trevor’s tone. “Um…first of all, they prefer the term little people,” What the hell was up with him? He had always been the calm one, what was with the about face? “Secondly, he’s at least a foot taller than me, so what does that make me, a member of the Lollypop Gang?”

  “Actually, I think you’d be in the Lullaby League, since you’re a girl,” Pan added in an overly serious tone that immediately drew laughter from the God Squad, even Trevor grinned.

  “Okay, maybe he wasn’t exactly a little person,” he relented.

  “But you’re bigger than him,” I sipped my tea calmly. “Yes, I get it. You’re a big bad wolf and he’s a fraidy cat. You’re a manly man and he’s a pussy. You’re a sexual powerhouse and he probably can’t even get it up. Did I miss anything, O Seventh Wonder of the World?”

  “I’m the Wolf Prince and he’s a royal pain in the ass,” he nodded solemnly.

  “So what do I do about the ass pain?”

  “I believe they make
an ointment for that.” Horus delivered the joke so dryly, everyone just sat blinking and gaping at him.

  “Holy crap,” I laughed and broke the stunned silence. “An ointment.” I laughed more.

  “I’d guess you’d know about those kinds of things, Horus,” Pan recovered a heartbeat after I did.

  “Yes, I do,” he grimaced, “but you won’t sit still long enough for me to rub it on.”

  “And he just keeps going and going,” I laughed again. I had to put my tea down, I was afraid I’d spill it.

  “Yeah, he’s the god damn Energizer Bunny,” Pan didn’t take too kindly to having his joke turned back on him.

  “Speaking of bunnies,” I interrupted. “I shifted into a lioness… and I kinda liked it.”

  “What’s that got to do with bunnies?” Pan was the only one who wasn’t staring at me in rapt fascination.

  “Absolutely nothing but it got you to stop fighting, didn’t it?” I smiled serenely and Pan smiled back.

  “Did you want to chase bunnies when you were a lioness?” Pan continued helpfully, oblivious to everyone else’s reaction. “Maybe that’s where the bunnies come in.”

  “No,” I frowned. “At least I hope not. I don’t particularly want to kill Thumper. Although I did enjoy snapping Nyavirezi’s neck when I shifted. You were the only thing that kept me from eating her actually,” I looked at Trevor and saw his face turn as serious as the sudden silence felt. “I heard you in my head, telling me how you never ate human flesh, that you’re not just animals but gods as well. Remembering you, helped me to remember me. I changed back instantly.”

  “You controlled the beast on your first shift?” Thor leaned forward in his seat. “That’s amazing, Vervain. Animal forms can be very overwhelming, all your senses going into overdrive. Dad had to study and meditate long hours before he even attempted his first shift.”

  “Father helped me through my first change,” Trevor was staring at me with something that looked a lot like awe. “It took me hours to conquer the wolf and change back. A first timer, with no training, no guide, you should have been lost for days. There would have been a good chance that you’d never come back.”


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