Never Trust a Saint (LOS SANTOS Cartel story #1)

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Never Trust a Saint (LOS SANTOS Cartel story #1) Page 11

by Melissa Jane

  The title was devastating enough. ‘Former FBI agent wanted for questioning in connection with murder.’ The same picture of me on my identification lanyard was plastered smack bang underneath. As tears brimmed, I continued reading. The journalist stated my apparent ‘undesirable business associations’ with cartel rings had resulted in Garcia being killed out of retribution. The tone of the story changed midway as a blurred image from a CCTV camera caught me holding my service weapon aiming it at the men who attacked me in the convenience store. A quote from the hotel manager at the place I was staying in the small town painted me as if I was crazed lunatic. The last sentence was a warning to all who encountered me claiming I was armed and dangerous.

  How could this be?

  If they bothered watching the footage they would know I was the victim of an attempted abduction, my gun never even fired.

  Who was trying to frame me and why?

  “Seems like someone’s made you public enemy number one.” Ruby Ring couldn’t hide his amusement at my crestfallen face.

  “I didn’t do any of this!” My eyes landed on Hunter, who was watching me with particular concern.

  Ruby Ring snatched the smartphone from my hands and gave it back to No-name who considered me with a bored face. “Back to work,” he ordered. “I’m sure that intelligent head of yours can devise another plan of entry.”

  The weight of all sets of eyes on me had my palms sweating. The only other way in would be to use Garcia’s account which I knew. We shared our details on days when one of us was sick. We trusted each other enough for this to happen.

  Ruby Ring pulled his Glock from his waistband and carefully placed it on the wooden table. I stared at the shining metal and swallowed hard, for if Garcia’s account was closed like mine, I was all out of options and that much closer to my grave.

  “I can try my partner’s and see if it’s still active.”

  “Good girl,” he said with a wink.

  Entering the username and password I hoped was still the same, I waited while the spinning wheel did its thing. It took only a quarter of the time before a window appeared greeting me as Tomas Garcia. My heart broke a little more for the friend I’d lost.

  “Excellent and very lucky for you indeed,” Ruby Ring said peering over my shoulder his Glock now positioned at my side. “Now you need to locate a file belonging to the Florez cartel. The FBI have frozen his account and you need to unfreeze it.”

  This I wasn’t sure how to do. It was beyond my jurisdiction with higher levels controlling the flow of money.

  “I need time.”

  “How much?”

  “Enough of a chance to find what it is you’re looking for. Things aren’t conveniently labeled as you think they are.”

  Maybe they were, I just didn’t know and I figured this would buy Hunter enough time to sort out Luis Santos.

  “You have twenty-four hours, don’t waste a second of it. You alert anyone to this, not that it would do you any good given the target on your head, but I will shoot you down in a second before you could even beg for your life. Do you understand?”

  I nodded and after a few beats had passed, I watched as he left the room.

  No-name followed, leaving just Hunter and me alone.

  Rising to his feet he made his way down and stopped behind me, his encasing arms coming to rest on the table top, lips to my ear. “You did well, cariña. How is your cheek?” His mouth moved over my flamed cheek and he kissed it softly. Leaning in, I closed my eyes and relished his touch.

  “It’s okay,” I lied.

  “You need to buy some time,” he whispered. “Word has it Santos will be here tomorrow and he expects the deal to have already gone through. Can you do that for me?”


  “Do all that you can to ensure that transaction does not go through.”


  “I have to make a phone call. I will check in every now and then, but I don’t want to raise suspicions.”


  He was halfway to the door when I stopped him.


  He turned and faced me. “Yes, cariña?”

  “Will you get me out of here alive?”

  His eyes softened. “That was always the plan.”

  When Hunter left, No-Name reappeared and took his seat in front of me. He didn’t look threatening. Bored maybe. So I went about my plan of attack keeping a straight face. From Garcia’s mailbox, I composed an email to Alex head of Tech back at the agency.

  Me: Alex, it’s Nina Cross. Whatever you’ve heard about me, it isn’t true. I didn’t kill Garcia. Los Santos cartel did. Evan Jacobs needs to know that they also killed Jair Ruiz, and now they have me. What is the word around the station? Why am I being targeted?

  I hit send and sat back in the chair trying to steady my shaky breath. None of this was making sense. Why had the agency turned its back on me? Worse still, why was I being pinned for murder? Alex was a good guy. With his scientific brain, he wasn’t one to listen to gossip and had a keen ability to analyze those who weren’t telling the truth.

  I didn’t have to wait long before I got a response.

  Alex: Nina, your name is being dragged through the mud here. They have officially terminated your employment and are now on their hit-list.

  Me: I know, but why? How did they come to this conclusion?

  Alex: That I don’t know. Whatever is happening is between the Chief and his top-line. Nothing is being filtered down. Are you safe?

  Me: No. I’m somewhere in Mexico with Los Santos cartel. If I don’t give them what they want, I’m dead.

  Alex: What can I do?

  Me: Log in to Garcia’s account so you can follow my movements. They want me to transfer funds over from the Florez account into an account in Singapore. Can we use masked funds?

  Alex: Yes, that’s easy.

  Me: Allow the whole lot to stay active until I say, then make it disappear.

  Alex: Just so you know, you are somewhere in Hermosillo.

  Me: How do you know?

  Alex: I’ve traced the IP address you’re using. I have also turned on your microphone so I can hear everything on your end, but they won’t be able to hear me on mine. That way I can be one step ahead of you.

  Tears prickled my eyes and I wanted so bad to reach out and hug him.

  Me: Thank you, Alex. Somehow I will make it up to you.

  Alex: Thank you! It’s the most excitement I’ve had in a long time.

  I hid the smile with my hand.

  Alex: Stay safe Nina. Remember, I can hear everything your side and it will be recorded. If I get the chief involved now, he will shut the whole thing down without even listening. See this through and we’ll clear your name. Close the chat and delete the history.

  I did just that feeling a new sense of hope. I had, at least, one person on my side. One and a half if I counted Hunter. I wasn’t entirely convinced of his intentions.

  After closing down the chat, I searched for the Florez cartel file. I would need their account details to get anywhere near the Cuban National Bank even if it would be all for show.


  “I hope for your sake you have some good news for me,” Ruby Ring’s heavily accented and expectant voice boomed through the house as he entered the dining room. Hunter followed him in wearing his best poker face.

  “Actually, I do.”

  This caught them both off guard. Ruby Ring because he assumed I’d do anything within my power to sabotage the operation and Hunter because he saw me cooperating with the enemy. I was expected to stall. To do whatever I could to waste time. He wasn’t in my charade, hence his reaction.

  “What have you got for me?” Ruby Ring questioned, suspicious of my response. I was certain he had come back in prepared to punish me and this had thrown him off his game.

  “I’ve located the details for the Florez account.”

  I watched, unsure of the thoughts running through his head
and then breathed a sigh of relief when a smile spread across his face.

  “Well, I must say, I am surprised. I had expected a great deal of pain before we reached that step.” He stood behind me staring at the screen, his hand resuming its usual spot circling my neck. I cringed under his touch and I watched Hunter’s jaw twitch uncontrollably. If anyone was going to blow my cover, it would be him and his lack of anger management.

  On the screen, I had the details Alex sent through of an account that did not belong to the Florez cartel. It was a fake that would serve a great purpose. It was a coded sequence that would allow masked funds to appear in someone’s account only to vanish shortly after. It was used for dealing with terrorists and the like when they held hostages for ransom.

  “I was able to enter the bank account used for the safe keeping of temporary funds before the IRS confiscates them as illegitimate earnings. Here we have a request to unfreeze offshore accounts. It’s filled in and sent… approval should be overnight. Then we can commence the transfer of monies straight to your foreign bank in Singapore.”

  “That easy?”

  “Yep,” I lied.

  Ruby Ring lowered his mouth to my ear, his warm breath already stinking of alcohol. He whispered so only I could hear, “Good girl, Ms. Cross. Good things happen to those who make me happy.”

  I know he saw me shiver.

  I know he wore a smile at my response.

  And every part of me knew those good things he promised would end badly.

  Chapter 17

  I was taken back to my room since we now awaited ‘word’ from the Cuban bank AKA Alex. My job for the night was done and I was exhausted. Getting some sleep was my only objective, my eyelids begging for closure.

  It wasn’t meant to be.

  Fate was telling me a different story. A story I had dreaded all afternoon.

  Before I had the chance to collapse on the bed, I spotted something that caused my blood to run cold. It was a dress. Unlike the casual sundress I currently wore, this one was exquisite. Deep red and silky with a low cut neckline.

  But why was it here?

  My stomach rolled. What did he have in store for me?

  “Be ready in twenty minutes,” came Tattoo’s voice from behind. I turned to see him watching me closely, observing my reaction to the threatening item

  “What’s the dress for?” I hurriedly asked before he locked me away. I dreaded the answer.

  “Gabriel wants to express his gratitude,” he replied with a wicked gleam and I figured he meant every word as a taunt. He closed the door and left me to my thoughts.

  Ruby Ring was Gabriel.

  The irony was not lost to me that he possessed a Saint’s name belonging to Los Santos cartel.

  With a sense of foreboding, I switched on the light to the bathroom preparing for a shower. On the marble counter sat an array of beauty products including a brush and makeup. He really expected a turnout.

  But what about Hunter?

  If he wasn’t attending, I didn’t know what to do or how to behave to ensure his plan didn’t go ass up. Pulling my dress over my head, I immersed my tired body under the heat of the shower stream. When finished, I studied the items I knew I’d have to use in order to keep Gabriel happy.

  Applying a thin layer of everything, I then ran the brush through my long mane. It was naturally dead straight and required little extra effort. Slipping the dress over my head, I let the smooth material caress my skin. It felt beautiful and luxurious, but my reflection was devastating. The low neckline extended all the way down to my belly button, exposing an indecent amount of cleavage. It was too revealing, and not the ideal outfit to wear while trying to keep prying hands at bay.

  The door opened around what I assumed was twenty minutes later and tattoo crossed the threshold, his appraising eyes seemingly appreciating what was in front of him.

  “Let’s go,” he ushered, knowing that timing was everything.

  I followed him down now familiar passages until I came to a wing I was yet to go through, all the while keeping an eye out for the one person I desperately wanted to see.

  He was nowhere to be seen.

  Instead, what I saw was terrifying.

  A group of men, all in black, sporting machine guns stopped what they were doing, their hardened stares causing me to take a fearful step back. They were no longer talking, no longer eating.

  Instead, their eyes were creating a new conversation. One of them stood, his head cocked to the side as he stared, finger on the trigger of his semi-automatic.

  “Vamos, puta. What are you doing?” Tattoo hissed. He had backtracked once realizing I hadn’t followed.

  With a thudding heart, I resumed my step behind him wondering if Hunter had incorporated them into a plan when we escaped.

  We stopped outside a closed door and Tattoo knocked and waited before opening it. Inside was a large dimly lit room, its lavish décor simply beautiful. There was a dark wood four post bed against the far wall and matching furniture scattered throughout. What caught my eye the most was a small table with a bottle of champagne and two glasses that sat center of the room. A chill passed through me and I swallowed my fear when I realized Tattoo man had disappeared, locking the door behind him.

  This was too intimate of a setting for me to be comfortable with whatever it was Gabriel was going to throw at me. I didn’t want him to get me drunk, and I didn’t want to be anywhere near a bed with him.

  “Beautiful isn’t it?” The familiar voice startled me. Turning, I watched Gabriel rise slowly from a chair positioned in the far left corner of the room. His figure was shrouded in darkness yet his impenetrable eyes glistened in the dim lamp light.

  “My uncle has expensive taste. He loves beautiful things, the smell of money, and gorgeous women.”

  I cringed and he noticed, but it went unfazed.

  “But who wouldn’t appreciate one of God’s finest creations?”

  “What do you want from me?”

  Gabriel was by my side before I knew it, circling like he was a hungry vulture. “I know I certainly have a taste for a particular type of woman,” he continued his taunt, ignoring my question. He came to a stop behind me, his chest pressing against my back. His cologne was strong, that familiar scent of alcohol on his breath irritating my nose.

  “How very fortunate that Hunter found and brought you to me.” He couldn’t disguise the smile in his tone.

  His words stung and even though dwelling on it wouldn’t be conducive to the plan, it still hurt.

  “What do you want from me?” I asked again, failing to hide my annoyance. “I’m helping you out. I’m doing everything you’ve asked, isn’t that good enough?”

  He laughed. It was deep, throaty and patronizing.

  “Bonita, your feisty behavior is something I find quite a turn on. So please continue in your heroic haste.”

  I wanted to slap him. “I simply want to finish what I have to do and go back to my normal life.”

  His hand slid along my waist as he rounded on me. I saw a determination in his eyes that made my confidence waver ever so slightly. I had seen what this man was capable of when he peppered the real Jair Ruiz with bullets. The last thing I wanted was a similar death.

  “I assure you, your freedom will be granted when everything is complete.”

  I didn’t believe him, his words lacking sincerity.

  “Come…” He took my hand and led me to the small table and chairs. I sat where instructed and watched as he poured two glasses of champagne. Handing me one, he lifted his in acknowledgment before taking a sip.

  “Go ahead,” he urged. “It’s one of our finest.”

  The last time I had champagne, I ended up drugged and in another country. I took a small sip to avoid the hassle.

  “Tell me something, Ms. Cross,” he began, leaning on the back of the chair feigning casual intrigue. “What’s going on between you and Hunter?”

  I froze, the glass flute only millimeters from m
y lips. I could feel my chest pounding and I knew he could see it.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Don’t play coy with me, bonita. I see how you two interact.”

  I breathed a silent sigh of relief. For a terrifying moment, I thought he’d cottoned on to our plan.

  “There’s no love lost between us,” I stated with an expressionless face.

  “See the funny thing is, I happen to think otherwise.” He placed his glass down and I watched as condensation slipped down the stem and pooled onto the table. He walked behind me and leaned over the chair until his face was next to mine. “I. Don’t. Like. The. Way. He. Looks. At. You.”

  My body stiffened at the poorly disguised threat.

  “I assure you, it… it’s nothing,” I stammered. “He drugged me and brought me across to Mexico and into the home of a drug cartel family without my consent. There is nothing going on.” I wasn’t going to reveal that every time Hunter even slightly glanced at me, my thighs clenched in anticipation. Or that when he touched me, I became wet with need. No, it was easier and safer to portray him as the villain.

  Uncertain whether he believed me or not, Gabriel’s hand slid down my chest and into the neckline of the dress. I bit down hard on my lip as he cupped my breast, his fingers digging painfully into my skin. Wincing, I struggled to free myself but he pinned me against the chair. The champagne glass slipped from my grasp, spilling on the floor, the side of his face pressed firmly against mine.

  “I’m a greedy man, bonita. I want what he has and I don’t care how I’m gonna take it.”

  He squeezed my nipple hard and I could take no more. Pushing his arm away, I went to stand but was caught around the back of the neck. Releasing a scream, I slapped and scratched, struggling to free myself, but to no avail. Gabriel forced me forward stumbling until I was bent over the bed. He crashed down upon me, crushing me with his weight.

  “Get off!” I barely managed.

  He didn’t listen. Instead, he ripped my head to the side and pressed it hard into the mattress with his palm. When I tried to shake him off, he only increased the pressure. Adding salt to the wound, he licked my cheek, his tongue leaving behind a trail of saliva.


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