I Got Love For A Carolina Hustla

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I Got Love For A Carolina Hustla Page 5

by Nikki Brown

  “Ummm” a moan slipped through my lips, and he began to laugh. I grabbed my purse that I had laid on the counter and headed for the door never looking back. I could hear that asshole laughing, but I couldn’t turn around and cuss him out.

  “Fuck! What in the fuck just happened?” My body shuddered as I talked to myself.

  I cranked my car and was about to back up when I saw him just standing there I froze again. I don’t know what the fuck is going on, but I didn’t like it. I didn’t freeze, I was in control of every situation I was presented. This was new, and I was over it already.

  The smirk on his sexy face made a smile form on mine, my eyes did a quick survey of him and focused on the veins that were poking out of his arms. It showed his strength, and as much as I wanted to deny it, I wanted this man, but only for a night. I would have that too.

  Reaching into my purse, I pulled out a business card and sat it on my lap. Backing up I pulled to the curb where he stood. I looked at the stupid smirk he was wearing, and I threw the business card at him.

  “I got something to prove.” Was all I said before I pulled off. I could see him looking down at the business card like he was debating whether he wanted to pick it up or not. Before I turned the corner to go through the stop light, he was picking it up looking my way. “Don’t like chubby my ass.”


  Calling Ocean for the hundredth time with no results, I threw my phone against the wall. I was mad at myself for allowing things to get this out of hand. Things weren’t supposed to be this way. I just wanted to have my fun, you know no strings attached. I didn’t know that fun would end up with me having a disease and losing my wife.

  After Ocean found out about the STD, she confronted me about it, and I told her it was just a one-time thing. After I got off the phone with Ocean, I tried to choke the shit out of Bailey. She confessed that she slept with her baby daddy because she was mad that I flaked on her for Ocean. She swore she didn’t know about him having something and she promised it would never happen again.

  I forgave her and made her promise to stop seeing him. The day that Ocean walked into my office, Bailey was apologizing correctly. She had just given me the most amazing head then I was faced with the worst situation of my life.

  I had never seen Ocean so pissed before in my life, I knew right then that the woman loved me more than I knew and I had to get her back, I just planned on hanging on to Bailey in the process.

  Bailey brought out a side of me that I had forgotten about, with law school and trying to keep my wife happy, I forgot about the things that I liked to do. She reintroduced me to that. She made me feel like I was the man that I wanted to be instead of just the man that I should be.

  Bailey was beautiful in an average kind of way. She was light-skinned, but her complexion had a golden touch which made her stand out. Her long face housed a beautiful set of hazel colored eyes. Her lips were thinner than your averaged black chick, they still knew how to suck a dick, so I wasn’t complaining. She was on the skinnier side, unlike Ocean who was built amazingly proportionate.

  Ocean was dedicated to her job, she was a social worker and the director of The Boys and Girls Club of Charlotte. She loved those kids, and sometimes she loved them more than she loved me, which is why cheating came so easy. She was a good woman who was in love with her job. Bailey was there for me in ways that Ocean wasn’t. Which is the main reason that she’s still around.

  When I wanted to talk about my day or a case that I was assigned, Ocean had to set up counseling appointments for her kids and make sure that they were scheduled for the SAT and the ACT. I felt like if she had to choose then, the kids would definitely trump anything that had to do with me. With Bailey, I was her everything, at work and at home. I needed that from Ocean, but I knew the kind of woman that she was and I would never be that for her.

  She wasn’t the type to revolve her life around a man, a man just simply fit in her world. We talked about that before we both graduated and at first, I was okay with it, but Bailey made me see that I wanted more. Maybe this was the wake-up call that Ocean needed.

  “Are you still worried about Ocean?” Bailey walked into the room with her hands on her nonexistent hips.

  “Bailey don’t start.” I was already frustrated because I saw Ocean with that thug, I wished at that moment that I was as ruthless as he seemed to be. I wanted to shoot him, but I wasn’t about that life, and I was not about to pretend to be. Plus, I knew I wouldn’t make it out of there in one piece, he more than likely wasn’t alone.

  I spent my whole life defending people like him, and I knew what they were capable of. I was so close to getting my own practice, and I would like to be alive to watch it flourish. The case that I was fighting right now was gonna make me famous.

  I was building one hell of a rapport with my client, maybe more than I should but I was so close to finding out exactly what happened that night. That was the last piece of the puzzle, I could see victory in my peripheral. I could see the clients just pouring in if I could pull this off.

  “I don’t get it, she left you, and I’m here. I’ve been here this whole time hanging on to every word you tell me about us being together, but I’m starting to think that it was all bullshit,” She whined. This conversation was one that we had at least once a day, it was aggravating as shit, but at the present time, I needed her. “You need to tell me what the fuck you want to do.”

  “I’m here baby what in the fuck do you mean?”

  My eyes traveled to hers, and she had tears on the brim, she was about to start one of her dramatic episodes, the one thing that I hated about her.

  “My period is like really late!” She announced, and I felt my life slip out of my hands. Every vision that I had of Ocean and me dancing in the sun and loving each other was disappearing right before my eyes.

  There was no way possible that Ocean would take me back if she knew that I had gotten Bailey pregnant. We didn’t have kids because we both agreed to wait until we were financially stable. Now I wished that I would have done things a little differently with Ocean, maybe if we would have had kids, then I would have a way to converse with her.

  “Ummm…” was all that came out. I didn’t know what else to say. I couldn’t tell her that I was excited because it was a lie and she would be able to see straight through it and I didn’t want to tell her how I really felt because it would ensure an argument that I didn’t want to have.

  “Wow.” She scoffed. “That’s all you have to say is Umm.”

  “What do you want me to say, Bailey? You knew I didn’t want kids when we first got together. I mean you got one kid that you don’t even take care of, your mom has him. What are you going to do with another baby?”

  She looked at me like I had hurt her feelings, but she knew that it was the truth, she never had her son. Hell, her mom has to call her to come and visit him. That’s not the kind of woman that I wanted to have my child. I wanted someone like Ocean who I knew was a nurturer. Bailey was more nurturing to her man than her child, and I didn’t want that for my offspring.

  The vein that lied in the middle of her forehead popped out, and her face turned red. I knew she was about to flip shit, so I braced myself and prepared for the backlash of my comments.

  “I can’t believe you, first off I never said I was pregnant I just wanted to let you know that there may be a possibility.” She sniffed back the tears that were threatening to fall. Bailey was a very dramatic person, the complete opposite of Ocean. “And I bet if it were Ocean that was pregnant with your kid you wouldn’t say shit.”

  What she said was somewhat true, if Ocean said that she was pregnant right now, then I would accept it because I wanted to be with her. It would be a reason for her to give us a second chance, so yes, I would be happy about that, but the baby part would definitely be an afterthought. Call me what you want but I knew who I was and what I wanted and a baby wasn’t on that agenda, but if that’s what it took to get Ocean back then so be i

  “Let’s just calm down, go take a pregnancy test, and we will deal with whatever the outcome is okay? Are you good with that?”

  She didn’t say anything she just went in the bathroom and slammed the door. Today was not going to be a good day. I may just have to go and get me a room for a few days. I had been staying with Bailey since I left Ocean and I’s house at her request. I could very well stay at a hotel, but I needed to save every coin that I could for my practice.

  I really needed to talk to Ocean, I needed her to see that I was sorry and if she took me back all of the shit that happened before wouldn’t happen again. I really needed to talk to her if Bailey is pregnant, I would have to smooth things over before it was time for the baby.


  I hated that Ocean chose to waste her career on these hooligans, she had a masters in Social Work, and she graduated with honors, and she decided to dedicate her time to this boys and girls club. These kids were dangerous, and I’m sure that I would be defending them one day in the future if I hadn’t already.

  “Ocean Charles please,” I said to the receptionist.

  “Do you have an appointment?” She glared at me, I don’t know what she had against me, but she was pissy for no fucking reason. I had been here plenty of times, she knew who I was.

  “I’m her husband, I don’t need an appointment.” I barked, and she sucked her teeth and said something under her breath, but I didn’t quite hear her. “Excuse me?”

  “I said not for long sir.” She smiled as if what she said was appropriate.

  Ocean must have confided in her about our situation and I hated that. I didn’t feel like hearing that shit from someone else, I heard it enough from her. Without arguing with her, she was definitely out of place, but I had more pressing matters.

  Walking in the direction of Ocean’s office, I could hear her mentoring someone. I just sat back and listened to her, she was an amazing woman and I genuinely fucked up. The way she finessed the conversation just made me realize what I was missing in her.

  “You can’t be around here giving men your most prized possession like it means nothing Shamar. You have to make men respect you or you’re going to be dealing with things like this your whole life. He didn’t deserve that part of you, and you knew it but you gave it up anyway. Why?” she asked the young teen that was sitting across from her, she was so in tuned to what she was doing she didn’t even realize I had joined her. “Just know whatever you decide I got you, we will have to talk to your mom though. If you want I’ll take you home and we can discuss your options.”

  “Thank you Ms. Charles.” She wiped her eyes.

  “It’s Mrs.” I interjected.

  They both looked my way with scowls, I knew what Ocean’s was for, but I doubt she shared her issues with her kids.

  “Shamar go ahead to the tutor room and get started on your work and we’ll finish this when I get rid of my unwanted guest.” She said looking directly at me. The girl giggled and did what was asked of her.

  The minute she was out of the door I pulled it shut and took a minute to take in the appearance of my wife. Her unmistakably beauty radiated underneath the thin coat of makeup she had on, the light pink lipstick took me back to our college days, even the frown that donned them. Her round face wore the cutest scowl, and her eyes housed the hurt that I caused and there was nothing I could do but apologize.

  I leaned on the wall just remembering when things were good. Standing up from her desk my eyes traveled the silhouette of her body and mine reacted to the sight of her. Adjusting my hard-on, I leaned up from the wall and made my way to her. She took in every stride, and I could have sworn I saw a smirk or half a smile, but that was quickly shut down.

  “Why in the fuck are you here Bryce?” I was taken aback by her tone, she was normally calm besides when she was with her ratchet ass sister.

  “We need to talk.”

  “No we don’t, I have nothing to talk to you about. You told me everything I needed to know last night, the next conversation you will have will be with my lawyer.” She tilted her head and walked out from behind her desk.

  The minute she got within arm’s reach I reached out for her, and she hauled back and slapped the shit out of me. I was stunned for a minute and could only stand there with my hand on my cheek.

  “When did we start disrespecting each other this way?” I asked disbelievingly. “We’ve never been here.”

  “The minute you disrespected this marriage and brought me home something that I didn’t leave with, that’s when I lost all respect for you and this marriage. Now if you would leave I need to get back to my kids.”

  “That’s the problem, all you got time for is your fucking kids! These,” I waved my arms around the room, “Kids! You love them more than you loved your own got damn husband!” I yelled. “Everything is about your job and about these damn kids. You forgot about me and your marriage, that’s why I found myself in the bed with another woman who appreciated the man you didn’t.”

  I regretted those words the minute that slipped off of my tongue, her dismissive attitude took me to a place of anger, and I didn’t know how to channel that so I lashed out. I wanted her to forgive me and tell me that everything was gonna be okay and that we could move past this, but her stubbornness was in the way.

  Her eyes were glossy, and I immediately felt like shit, I went to reach for her, and she jerked away. I stepped back to avoid getting slapped again, I didn’t want to react and accidentally hit her back.

  “No, my love that’s where you’re wrong, I was never with a man. I was with a spoiled ass little boy that threw a temper tantrum with his dick!” she yelled. Aggression had never been her thing, but it was evident.

  “What has gotten into you?” I yelled at her.

  “Do you really want to know?” Crossing her arms across her chest, “You really don’t want to know.” The smirked that spread across her face had me seeing red, and I reached out and tried to grab her up, and she slapped me again. “I wish you would put your fucking hands on me.” she gritted.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t know what I was thinking.” I snapped out of my rage and saw the bigger picture. We were even. “So we’re even right? I cheated, you cheated, now we can just move on right?”

  She furrowed her eyebrows and slowly transitioned her hands from across her chest to her hips. Resting her weight on one side she made her ass poke out a little, I lost focus for a minute there but was brought back with someone busting in the room.

  “Ms. Charles, we have a fight on the basketball court.” One of her employees called out and then ran out of the office.

  She glared at me and then grabbed her cell phone and her keys. She held the door open for me to leave, and reluctantly I followed her notion. I gave her a look that said that this wasn’t over. She didn’t bother to say anything else she just waited until I walked out and slammed the door, locking it after and taking off in the direction of the commotion. This was definitely gonna be harder than I thought.

  I needed to get my shit together, get rid of Bailey and prove to her that I was the man that she needed. First, I needed to find out who the man was that she was with in the club.


  River had a nigga’s head, and dick fucked up, I ain’t never been attracted to no woman that wears more than a size six. I was a shallow nigga, and I liked to sling my bitches around when I fuck them. I wanted them walking out like they done been to boot camp or some shit. I wasn’t a love making nigga, and I had my reasons.

  Unlike my brother, I was still dealing with my mom’s leaving me. She was supposed to be the one woman that was there for me and love me unconditionally and she just up and leaves. How in the hell was I supposed to trust a woman when the one God gave me wasn’t shit.

  It was a fucked up way of thinking, it was what it was, and it worked for me. I only dated shallow women and gold diggers, women who didn’t think for themselves and did what the fuck I wanted them to do. That way I knew
I would never fall for them, I hated them because according to my pops, they were her, my mom’s.

  This was one of the main reasons that I was trying to shut River out, she had something on me where I couldn’t control myself around her. I almost fucked up at McDonald's earlier, I was thankful that she got aroused and excused herself, or I may have got myself into something that I wasn’t ready for.

  “Sony what the fuck nigga.” I looked up at my brother standing by the gate to go in to see my sister. I looked around, and we were the only ones left sitting there besides the officer that was standing there with a fucking attitude. “The fuck was yo mind at?”

  “You can watch your language in here,” the stuck-up CO said as we passed.

  I gave her a once over, and she was sexy as shit, but her bucked teeth turned me off, her body was sick as fuck though. She licked her lips when she saw me looking at her, I smirked and followed behind Lucas. I had half a mind to cuss her ugly ass out, but I let her live just this one time.

  “Yo Cherice better not be on that bullshit or I swear I’ma go through this fucking glass.” I fussed.

  Cherice was the oldest of all of us, at 33. She had my nephew Young on her twentieth birthday. Her baby daddy was also killed on the same day, he was on his way to see his son being born when his car was riddled with bullets. My sister ain’t been right since.

  She stayed with a fuck boy around her and no matter how much we tried to tell her the men she chose to have around her and my nephew weren’t shit the more she kept them around. That nigga Roger had her head all fucked up, and I hated that shit. I don’t know what the fuck he did, but it had to be bad for Cherice to kill him. She loved that nigga more than she loved her own got damn life.

  “Just chill nigga, yo hostile ass ain’t gone make the situation better,” Lucas said through gritted teeth. “Let me do all the talking.”


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