TR’s education at, 27–33
Harvard Crimson, 51–52, 288
Hay, John, 212, 251–52
Hayes, Rutherford B., 29
Hays, Will, 357
health care:
LBJ’s progressive goals for, 329, 332, 336
reforms, 140, 327
heart attacks:
of Eisenhower, 350
of LBJ, xv, 188, 198–201, 309, 326, 350–52
of “Mr. James” Roosevelt, 45–46, 50–53, 358
of Sam Johnson, 88, 92–93, 189, 350
of TR, 367
Henly, Tex., political picnic at, 68–69, 78, 81, 185
Henry, Anson, 118
Herndon, William, 9, 14, 16, 100, 105–8, 111, 123
LBJ’s perception of, 73
tales of, 24–26, 48
TR as emblematic of, 153
TR’s perception of, 28–30, 73, 150, 245, 264, 352, 355–56
higher education act, 337
Hill, Mrs. Joseph, 277
Hill Country (Texas), 94, 307
LBJ’s electrification project for, 90–93, 349
Hitler, Adolf, 359
Ho Chi Minh, 340
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 43, 46, 232
Hoover, Herbert:
Depression policy of, 180–81, 273, 283–84, 292
presidency of, xvi, 175, 178, 347
Hopkins, Harry, 67, 297–99
Hopkins, Welly, 69, 76–77, 79, 90
“hot” letters, 225–26
House of Representatives, U.S.:
AL’s undistinguished term in, 102–5, 116, 142
civil rights (1964) bill in, 318–20, 326
LBJ as mismatch for, 189–91
LBJ’s run for and tenure in, xvii, 87–94, 188–91
as site of LBJ’s initial presidential speech, 310–11
housing and urban development act, 337
Howe, Louis, as FDR’s indispensable friend and aide, 63, 65–66, 161, 164–68, 175, 278, 300
How the Other Half Lives (Riis), 137
Hughes, Charles Evans, 126, 129
Hugo, Victor, 325
Humphrey, Hubert, 202, 322–23, 325, 326, 347, 350
Hundred Day (73rd) Congress, 287, 291–93
Hundred Days, FDR’s turn-around accomplishments of, 273–305
Hunt, Isaac, 125
Hunter, David, 219
Hunting Trips of a Ranchman (T. Roosevelt), 127
Hyde Park, N.Y., 40–41, 43–44, 51, 56, 363
Ickes, Harold, 275, 282, 297–99
Illinois, 103–7, 121, 212, 224, 232, 323, 366
AL in state politics of, 3, 11–20, 21–22, 98, 101–2
AL’s early years on frontier of, xviii, 4, 9–20, 122–23
recession in, 18, 98, 102, 230
Illinois State Assembly, AL in, 3, 11–20, 21–22, 98, 101–2
in coal mines, 247
ethnic, 22, 34, 38, 41, 75–76, 139, 140
in NYC police department, 139–40
poverty of, 38, 54, 137, 244
quota system eliminated for, 337–38
in work force, 141–42, 364
immigration reform, 337–38, 341
Industrial Age, problems and challenges of, xvi, 244–46, 248, 251, 256, 272
industrial capitalism, 291–93
infrastructure projects:
AL’s proposal for, 11–12, 17–18, 20, 98, 100, 105, 123, 230
of CCC, 293–95
innovation, 57, 60–64, 328, 339
through “trial and error” experimentation, 164, 166–67, 178, 181, 287, 293–96
James, William, xiv–xv
Jenkins, Walter, 183, 193
Jim Crow laws, 317
Johnson, George, 77, 189
Johnson, Hiram, 281
Johnson, Lady Bird, 92, 185, 198, 199, 308, 326, 341, 348, 350–51
as asset to LBJ, 83, 86, 88, 190, 331
LBJ’s courtship of and marriage to, 82–83
Johnson, Lynda, 350
Johnson, Lyndon:
adversity as agent of growth for, 182–207
ambition of, 74–75, 82, 189, 192
appearance and personal style of, 68–70, 347–48
attempts to moderate excessive lifestyle of, 199–200
compulsive energy and drive of, 76–89, 93, 182, 192, 194–95
debating skills of, 77–79, 182, 185
decisiveness of, 87–88
depression of, 183, 187, 189–90, 206–7
early adversity faced by, xiv, xv, 71–72, 190
empathy of, 75–76
family cemetery of, 349, 352
gregarious nature of, 70, 77
heart attacks of, xv, 198–201, 309, 326, 350–52
heart disease and fear of death of, 189, 343, 350
intellectual prowess of, 72–73
legacy of, xvii, 346–52
memoirs of, xvii, 346–48
networking of, 73–74
organizational skills of, 77, 86
paradoxical character of, 71, 80, 85, 197
period of self-involvement of, 190–91
personal flaws and failings of, xv, 83–84, 182–87, 189–90, 198
personal leadership attributes of, 75–76, 82, 188–89, 196, 197–98
ranch of, xvii, 347–49, 352
roots of ambition and the early recognition of leadership in, 68–94
sadness and vulnerability of, 346–52
speaking style of, 69, 78, 89, 184–86, 189, 193, 201–2, 309–12, 334–35, 342–43, 347
teaching career of, 75–80, 85, 166, 182, 189, 191, 335, 336, 349
volatile temper of, 84, 189–90, 198
wealth of, 190–91
youth of, 71–73, 79, 82, 190, 307, 336, 348
Johnson, Lyndon, political career:
civil rights championed by, 92
drive and determination in, 182, 189, 194–95
FDR’s influence on, xvii–xix, 88, 90, 94, 183–84, 186, 187, 191, 205, 312, 318, 326, 328, 341, 349
flamboyant campaign style of, 185–86, 192
formal reemergence speech of, 201–2
fusion of personal identity and, 187, 191, 206–7
as gifted judge of character, 198–99
heart attack hiatus and reanimation in, 199, 309
in House of Representatives, 87–94, 185, 188–90
LBJ’s rededication to core values of, 201–2
LBJ’s Senate victory and tenure in, 191–99, 202–6
management style of, 80–87
mentors in, 90, 194–95
onset of, 68–69, 76–77, 79–94, 192
personal despondency and physical response to stress in, 89, 185–88, 191–92, 198–99
political style of, 77, 89, 91–92, 184, 189, 192–97, 203, 314, 316, 319–24, 330–31, 338, 340
power manipulation of, 79–81, 189, 193–205
progressive agenda of, 201–2
rightward shift in, 191, 201
Senate election defeat and temporary loss of bearings in, xv, 182–87, 201
as Texas NYA director, 83–88, 182, 191, 329, 349
as vice president, 205–7, 309, 313
Johnson, Lyndon, presidency:
accomplishments of, 337–38, 343, 349
aftermath of, 345–52
assumed after assassination, xvi, 207, 306–11
cabinet of, 307, 310, 330, 339
civil rights bill (1964) passed by, 316–32
defining leadership issues of, see civil rights; Great Society
derailed by Vietnam War, 330, 338–43, 346–48
economic policy of, 311–16, 318, 327, 332, 337, 338, 341, 343
election mandate of, 328, 343
first speech of, 309–12
foreign policy minimized by, 310–11, 316, 338–39
JFK’s agenda embraced by, 308–12
LBJ’s withdrawal from nomination to or service in, 342
legacy of, 343, 346–52
onset of, 309–26, 349
personal drive in, 315–16
progressive agenda of, see Great Society
summit of achievement and reversal of, 338
Johnson, Lyndon, visionary leadership, 306–43
determining when to move forward, 331–35
drawing a clear line of battle, 321
establishing order of battle, 312–14
honoring commitments, 314–15
honoring the past and providing momentum for the future, 335–37
identifying the key to success, 323–24
imposing discipline, 322–23
involving stakeholders, 329–31
knowing when to take risks, 318
leading with strengths, 310
maintaining drive, 315–16
making a dramatic start, 309–10
mastering the power of narrative, 316–17
rallying around a strategic target, 318–20
readiness, 327–29
setting vision of the future, 326–27
simplifying the agenda, 311–12
taking the measure of the man, 324–26
Johnson, Rebekah Baines, 78, 88, 92, 185, 349
inconsistent and vacillating affection of, 71–73, 82
Johnson, Sam, 190
death of, 92–93, 189, 350
ill health of, 88, 189
LBJ influenced by, 68–71, 87–88, 201
political career of, 69–71, 78, 83
“Johnson treatment,” 319
Johnston, Sarah Bush, 4–5
Jones, Luther, 77–78, 80–81, 88, 190
Jordan, Barbara, 350
Jordan, Vernon, 350
Judd, Norman, 117, 121
Justice Department, U.S., 66, 212
Kansas-Nebraska Act, 111–12, 117
Katzenbach, Nicholas, 333
Keach, Carroll, 89
Kennedy, John F.:
assassination of, 207, 306–11, 314–15, 327, 337, 338
implementation obstacles of, xvi, 308–11, 326, 329, 339
LBJ compared to, 318, 321
presidential run and victory of, 205–7
Kennedy, Robert, 325
Kentucky, 4, 5, 98, 99, 216, 222, 232
Kettle Hill, 152–53
Keyserling, Leon, 93
King, Mackenzie, 361
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 318, 319, 331–32, 335
Kleberg, Richard, 79–84, 182
Knox, Philander C., 249–50, 254–55, 259, 265, 270
labor unions, 38, 59, 64, 259, 295
in coal strike, see Great Coal Strike (1902)
historical perspective of, 251
restrictions on government involvement in, 246
Land, Emory, 63
Lane, Franklin, 60–61
Larocco, 167–68
Las Guasimas, battle at, 152
Latimer, Gene, 78–80, 82, 190
LBJ Library, Austin, 324, 346
as site of LBJ’s final speech, 350–52
aftermath and legacy of, 50, 54–55, 101, 105–6, 200, 345–68
in crisis management, 243–72
four presidential exemplars of, see Johnson, Lyndon; Lincoln, Abraham; Roosevelt, Franklin; Roosevelt, Theodore
LBJ’s epic failure of, 338–43
military, 148–54
qualities of, xiii–xviii, 39, 43, 75, 109–10, 149, 164, 172, 181, 197–198, see also specific attributes
relationship of the times and events to, xii–xvii, 193, 194, 211–343, 353
roots of ambition and early recognition of, 3–94
transactional, 234–36, 241
transformational, 211–42
turnaround, 273–305
visionary, 306–43
Leatherstocking Tales (Cooper), 25
Lee, Robert E., 213, 220, 221, 227, 238, 364
of AL, xvii, 241, 320, 324, 345, 363–68
of American Revolution, 367–68
of FDR, xvii, 345, 357–63
of LBJ, xvii, 346–52
of leadership, 50, 54–55, 101, 105–6, 200, 345–68
of TR, xvii, 352–57
LeHand, Missy, 67, 164, 167–69
Lend-Lease program, 63
Leonard, Tom, 41–42, 57
Lincoln, Abraham:
adversity as agent of growth for, 97–123, 164, 212–13
ambition of, 102, 105, 121–22, 226, 241
antislavery sentiments of, xvi, xviii, 17, 103–4, 110–23
appearance and personal style of, 10, 14, 33, 223, 224, 235, 280
assassination of, 345, 366–67
biography of, 200, 251–52
debating skills of, 112–18
depression of, xv, 97–102, 123, 187–88, 228, 230, 241
drive and determination of, 106–8, 119, 121
early adversity faced by, xv, 3–11, 25, 39–40, 73, 100, 130, 187, 200
eulogy for, xvi
gregarious and genial nature of, 10–11, 29, 108
innate empathy of, 7–8, 29, 38
intellectual prowess of, 5–6, 14, 27, 46, 73, 108–9, 111–12
last day of, 363–67
law career of, 9, 14–15, 99–101, 105–9, 114, 187–88
legacy of, xvii, 241, 320, 324, 357
limited formal education of, 5
marriage of Mary and, 101–2, 230, 366
personal leadership attributes of, 6, 121, 222–23, 225, 226, 230–31, 236–37, 251–52, 368
physical attributes of, 8, 27, 40
poverty of, xiv, 4–6, 22
roots of ambition and the recognition of leadership in, 3–20, 39–40, 52, 102
sad and melancholy character of, 9, 100, 213, 366
as self-educated, 8–9, 11–12, 14–15, 26, 48, 107, 123
sense of honor and integrity of, 98, 101, 105
serenity of, 365–66
short autobiography of, 122–23
speaking style of, 11, 13, 15, 103, 113–16, 119–21
storytelling skills of, 6–7, 9, 11, 13–15, 72, 103, 108, 113–14, 116, 117–18, 188
TR influenced by, xvi, 251–52, 256
vacillating courtship of Mary by, 98–99, 101, 230
wit and humor of, 6–7, 9, 14, 16–17, 103, 108, 213, 227–29
youth of, 3–11, 122–23, 367
Lincoln, Abraham, political career:
in debates with Douglas, 112–18
failed U.S Senate efforts of, 116–18, 182–83, 187, 230
growing national recognition of, 118–21
hiatus in, 105–9, 130, 200, 230
in House of Representatives, 102–5
onset of, 11–20, 21–22, 33–35, 69, 101–5, 142
political style of, 117, 119
Lincoln, Abraham, presidency, 103, 211–42, 247, 265, 266, 290
AL’s aspiration and run for, 116–24
assassination of, 366–67
defining leadership issues of, see Civil War; emancipation; Emancipation Proclamation
diverse cabinet of, 212–13, 216–31, 234, 364
legacy of, 241, 320, 324, 345
nomination of, 13, 232
onset of, 211–13
post-presidential plans of, 366
second term bid and victory of, 238–40, 365, 368
Lincoln, Abraham, transformational leadership, 211–42
anticipating contending viewpoints, 218–20
assuming responsibility, 221–22
being accessible and approachable, 236–38
changing direction after failure, 213–14
combining transactional and transformational leadership, 234–36
exhausting possibility of compromise, 216
finding time for contemplation, 214–16
gathering first-hand information, 214
keeping ones’s word, 230–31
maintaining emotional balance, 228–31
maintaining perspective in face of accolades and abuse, 227–28
putting collective interest above self-interest, 238–40
setting standards of mutual respect, 225–26
timing of action, 233–34
transcending past resentments and vendettas, 224–25
understanding emotional needs, 223
Lincoln, Mary Todd, 98–99, 101–2, 109, 230, 364, 366
Lincoln, Nancy Hanks, 4
Lincoln, Robert, 364
Lincoln, Sarah, 4
Lincoln, Thomas, 4–6, 8–10, 18, 25, 101, 240
Lincoln-Douglas Debates (1858), 117–18, 368
Lippmann, Walter, 310
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 127, 131, 141–42, 355
Logan, Stephen, 101
Long, John Davis, 64, 143–48
Lovejoy, Elijah, 19
Low, Seth, 257
Lowell, Lawrence, 51
Lusitania, sinking of, 64
McCarthy, Charles, 62–63, 66
McClellan, George, 213, 225–28, 239
McDonald, David, 319
McIntyre, Marvin, 66
McIntyre, Ross, 357–58
Mack, John, 40–42, 56
McKinley, William, xvi, 64, 132, 142–43, 147, 148, 158
assassination of, 53, 159, 207, 243–44, 247, 252, 307, 353
McNamara, Robert, 315
Maddox, Cecil, 70
Maine, 27, 31–32, 44, 110, 128, 251, 255, 257
Maine USS, explosion of, 146–47
Mann, Gerald, 184
Mansfield, Mike, 206
Margaret (FDR’s cousin), 362
Markle, John, 261
Marshall, Edward, 152
Marshall, George, 295
Medicare, 329, 332, 336–37
Mercer, Lucy, 165
Merrifield, Bill, 128
Merriwether Inn, 171
Mexican Americans, LBJ’s support of, 75–77, 79, 85, 92, 191, 335, 349
Mexican-American War, 102–5, 110, 142
Meyer, Agnes, 274
Michigan University of, LBJ’s Great Society speech at, 326–27
Middleton, Harry, 350
“midnight rambles,” 138–39
AL’s personal approach to, 236–37
blacks in, 214, 231–33, 235–38
changed attitude toward emancipation in, 236–37
deserters from, 229–30, 232–33
recruitment, 234
threatened seizure of coal mines by, 266–68
voters in, 239–40
Miller, Tom, 193
Mills, Wilbur, 316
minimum wage, 37, 165, 254, 271, 301
Missouri Compromise (1820), 110–11, 114–15, 117
Mitchell, Clarence, 351
Mitchell, John, 246–47, 252–53, 259, 260–63, 268
Moley, Raymond, 176–78, 278, 285, 303
Montgomery, Ala., 211, 332–35
Morgan, J. P., 246, 253–54, 259, 267–69, 270
Morton Hall, 22, 33
Moskowitz, Belle, 175
Moyers, Bill, 308–10
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