Betrayed: The Chronicles of Luxor Everstone Book Two

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Betrayed: The Chronicles of Luxor Everstone Book Two Page 8

by Jacklyn Daher

  “Will you relax? I’m usually the one dreading school.”

  “I can’t,” she said truthfully. She was strung tight like a violin where one sharp stroke would make her snap.

  Evie didn’t prod any further, instead sent constant glances in between pauses of looking down at her mobile. She busily typed away, her forefinger getting a workout.

  “What are you doing?” Luxor hopped up and paced around the carpark.

  “Keeping up with the news,” she said. “And walking on the road is a sure-fire way to get hit.”

  The purr of Scarlett’s sleek Audi A3 Cabriolet came into view, the number plate QUEENB1 highlighted in bright pink. She pulled into a car spot and she sauntered over with a skip in her step. “Morning Luxor,” Scarlett sang. “How are you on this joyous day?”

  Luxor rolled her eyes, and squared her shoulders. “Can we talk?” she said, tilting her head to the side. She didn’t need their conversation to be public knowledge.

  “Why so serious? Did you receive some bad news?” she cooed.

  “Scarlett, leave it,” Jake said from behind.

  She waved her hand. “Mind your business Jakey boy. You can leave now.” She tapped his cheek and raised an eyebrow. He opened his mouth but one lethal look from her had him obeying. “How can I help you?”

  “You can start by telling me what you want with my home?”

  “It’s a moot point. You won’t have it after today,” Scarlett said matter-of-factly.

  “Your aunt should be signing the papers, oh,” she glanced at her watch, “about now.” She sighed and gave a bored expression. “By the way, will Pandora be joining her?”

  Luxor stiffened and furrowed her brow. She expected Scarlett to know why, but not about private aspects of her life. Pandora was a new addition to her life and nobody outside of her inner circle knew about her or how she came about. She remained stiff and projected an image of strength, but on the inside, her emotions were in shambles. How was Scarlett able to gain information which was only spoken of last night?


  “Small town. You’d be surprised at the ton of information I have about you. I win. Like always. I’m sure you’ll be happy in the trailer you’ll be moved to.”

  “I’m sick to death of your bullying. Let’s settle this once and for all. You want me? Come fight me. Let’s see how strong you are without words," Luxor said, suddenly not caring about the consequences. Their feud had gone on for far too long.”

  “I’m not going to fight you.”

  “Okay.” She turned, her fist clenched and counted to three. She spun around and connected with bone.

  Scarlett flung backwards. “You’re insane.” She held her jaw.

  Luxor loomed over. “Wrong answer,” she hissed.

  A flicker of fear entered Scarlett’s eyes, but just as quickly it had disappeared.

  Evie jogged on over and looped an arm around her arm, giving a slight tug.

  “I need answers.” Luxor cuffed Scarlett’s wrists and yanked her upwards.

  “You have no idea of the repercussions of what you’re doing.”

  “Bring it on, you seem to want to take everything from me,” she growled.

  “It’s not my fault,” Scarlett’s voice cracked. “You don’t belong.”

  She tightened her grip. “You’re right, I don’t, and you better thank whatever God you believe in for that,” she said low. “One last chance.”

  “Fuck you,” Scarlett spat.

  Luxor smiled wickedly. “Thank you.” She focused on the sky and closed her eyes, evoking all of the horrible things Scarlett had said or done from their first meeting. Her patience ebbed and ultimately would snap shortly. This was the first time since the fight with the Habiti and Cane where a spark of anger had flickered, and where Luxor revelled at the opportunity to test her limits.

  Wind wisped hair around her face and kissed her cheeks as images of spilled lattes and batons flashed across the irises. A flash of violet lightning cracked across the sky and a haze coated her vision, a stranger peering out. Sweat dotted her brow, but she didn’t dare release Scarlett’s wrists. She held on tighter, her pulse thumping erratically. Skin shifted and came off in flecks, coating her fingertips.




  Delirium set in, a culmination of hatred infiltrated Luxor’s subconscious. She became lost within her mind and held onto Scarlett for support as she swayed, tumbling deeper, and deeper into a rabbit hole. She heard murmurings and faintly felt her body being shaken.

  “Luxor, release her,” Castor growled, his grip crunching her ribs. He craned his neck. “Can you help?”

  Theo held Luxor’s legs and struggled to contain the kicking. The more she was restrained, the greater the rage flared.

  A high-pitched scream tore from Scarlett, her knees buckling to the grass.

  Luxor revelled in the agony she inflicted. The Beast coursed through her veins, taunting her soul. And now it was feeding time. She gripped Scarlett’s wrists further and twisted, her fingertips glowing from the flames burning her skin. She urged the fire to break through her skins, to scar Scarlett and pay homage to her name.




  Let the scar match your ugly soul.

  Luxor elbowed Castor in the ribs and launched forth, tackling Scarlett to the ground. She pinned her down with a knee on her chest and palm of Scarlett’s head to her movement.

  Scarlett’s emotions invaded hers, mirroring her own; loneliness, shame, vulnerability, powerlessness, and a magnitude of angst. She lived a life where she hid her true self, and masqueraded one where she flaunted her seemingly perfect life, made her peers bow down to her, and fooled everybody into submission.

  Luxor let go and staggered backwards, collapsing on the road. Blue blood dripped out of her nostrils and ears, both trailing down to her chin.

  “Everyone move back,” Principal Wright said. An explosion of jade light exploded outwards and encapsulated them in a transparent, a glistening bubble.

  “Luxor, open your eyes,” Ayla said and kneeled. She cradled the back of Luxor’s head and wiped away the blood.

  “Did I hurt her?” Luxor straggled.


  “Good. I win.” She smiled before blacking out.

  A few hours later, Luxor peeled her eyes open and quickly closed them again, as the glaring lights of the infirmary stung. She scrunched up her nose at the potent smell of antiseptic. On the other side of the room, Principal Wright sat on the edge of a bed, his back turned with jade light emitting from his palms. A sleeping Scarlett lay unconscious and deathly pale, her arms outstretched and her bloody wrists devoid of skin.

  Plip, plip, plip.

  Luxor sat upright and cradled her arms around her knees to deal with her conflicting emotions. Anger, not relief, settled in her gut. She wanted Scarlett to suffer.

  No, no you don’t. You are not him.

  She licked her cracked lips and gripped her hair at her lack of empathy. She turned around and faced the wall, tracing random letters and shapes not able to keep her fingers idle. The invisible darkness had evaporated, but it plagued her mind, knowing it was lying in wait.

  “Good Morning Miss Everstone, welcome back,” Principal Wright said wryly, coming closer and pulled up a chair. “Can you please explain to me what has happened?” He looked over his shoulder at Scarlett.

  “Will she be okay?”


  “And will sh—”


  Of course not. Theo and Castor will fix another one of her messes.


  Luxor chewed on her bottom lip, knowing whatever she said couldn’t justify her actions. “She knows things. Things nobody else knows.”

  “Are we playing the ambiguity game? Straight to the point,” Principal Wright said sternly.

  “The Chalet is being sold to her father an—” />
  He held up a hand. “What? That’s impossible.”

  “Money talks. And a conversation that occurred in my kitchen, she repeated it,” she said. Principal Wright stood abruptly and headed towards the door. “Are you listening to me?”

  “There are more pressing issues at hand,” he said. “Wait here until I return.”

  Luxor cinched her brow wondering what on earth could be so important. Didn’t he want to hear the full story? She sent off a quick text message to Pandora for the latest update.

  Scarlett stirred, her movements slow, and groaned in her bed. She opened her eyes and grew wide before she screamed.

  “You must be confused,” Luxor said, and proceeded with caution.

  “Stay away from me. What are you? I knew there was something off about you.”

  She survived being exposed by Verity, and she would not let Scarlett ruin her. “What do you remember?”

  “You. My wrist. Burning.” She looked to her unmarked skin. “You burnt me. I heard the sizzle and the smell.”

  “I burnt you?” She put on the most mystified expression she could muster.

  “I-I,” she stuttered, sniffing her wrist. “It’s not real.”

  “Exactly.” Luxor blew out a sigh of relief, cajolingly Scarlett’s mind at her whim. Unfortunately, it didn’t ease her conscious.

  “No. It’s there, I just can’t see it.”

  Scarlett staggered to her feet. “Principal Wright!” she screamed.

  “You’re crazy.”

  “It was there, it was there, it was there.” She shut her eyes and paced around, her arms outstretched. Heavy breaths wracked her chest, increasing the more she walked. She halted immediately and plastered her back to the door. “It started because I know all about you, about a girl named Pandora, and oh my…The Chalet. Papers are signed. You, you’re now homeless.”

  Luxor saw the precise moment it dawned on Scarlett. The way her eyes widened, the way she kneeled over, the way she shook as she emptied the contents of her stomach into the corner.

  The second Scarlett realised a monster resided amidst her.

  Luxor stepped forward, her palms up in surrender.

  “Stay away from me,” Scarlett mumbled, quivering and grabbing the door handle. Finding it locked, she banged, and kicked the door. “Help me, let me out, let me out!” she screeched until her voice turned hoarse.

  The door clicked and in walked in Principal Wright, eyeing the situation. He side-stepped the vomit in the corner.

  “You’ve got to help me, Luxor is making me crazy. You see these burns, don’t you? Tell me you see them.” She twisted her skirt, her chest heaving. “Blood. All over.” She wiped over the material as if to erase the blood.

  “Yes Miss Kingsley, she’s insane.” Principal Wright strode by and held a palm between Luxor’s shoulder blades and prodded her forward. She opened her mouth to protest but a stern look stopped her. “And I promise she will be dealt with.”

  Just then Castor entered, followed by Theo, both blank-faced, but Luxor knew underneath they harboured murderous emotions, and she would pay. Dearly.

  Luxor held on tight to her seatbelt, seated in the back of Theo’s Hummer as he sped up the drive-way like a rally driver. Melita sighed and mainly grumbled to herself. She expected Meredith’s car to be in the same position but instead, there was a blank space.

  “Shit, shit, shit.” She opened the door, and jumped out before the Hummer stopped. “It’s over.”

  Theo blocked her way and clasped her upper arm. “What the hell is your deal?”

  “Get out of my way!” She shoved him back, and wrangled free.

  “Do you think we enjoy cleaning up your messes?” Castor said.

  “What? Like you have something better to do?”

  Melita lunged forward, but Theo held her back by the waist. She clawed out with her sharp nails and hissed. “You’re a selfish brat, there are bigger dangers out there and you are starting a bitch fight. In public.

  Luxor hated to admit she was right. She could always confess about her constant battle with the burgeoning anger which festered inside like maggots on a corpse. She had two lives in turmoil, and each was as bad as the other.

  “Thank you,” She mockingly bowed and turned around.

  “Can I hit her?” Theo asked Castor.

  Luxor headed to the door and was almost there when Pandora came pouncing.

  Pandora eyed the triple terrors, her eyes wide. “They better leave. Like now.”

  “Meredith’s here? But her car?”

  “Details later, you have like thirty seconds.”

  Luxor nodded. In all honesty, she was surprised she hadn’t kicked them off the property already. “My aunt is coming.”

  “And?” Theo said.

  “And go?” She made the shoo-ing motion.

  “Awww, will it cause you trouble for us to be here?” Melita said with a cunning smile.

  Before Luxor could asked again, Meredith came out. She swept over the scene. “Luxor, mind explaining?” She folded her arms.

  Luxor swallowed hard, and silently cursed the triple terrors. If their mission was to cause trouble, they succeeded.

  “You’re home.” She opened her arms and pulled Meredith in for a hug, mouthing to Pandora, “Help.”

  Meredith pushed her back and distanced herself. “Nice try, but your diversion tactics won’t work.”

  “Where’s your car?”

  “At the mechanics, it stalled today.”

  “Were the papers signed? Are we homeless?” she asked, anxious to see if her plan worked.

  “God almighty Luxor, enough with the theatrics. No papers were signed. The car will be ready tomorrow.”

  Tomorrow. She had only just been able to delay the inevitable.

  “Who are they?” Meredith pointed and wrinkled her nose at them.

  “They are Hunter’s…” She paused and chose her next words carefully. “Workmates. Remember Hunter?”

  “Yes, your study friend. Oh, he’s a mechanic, you could have called him.”

  Yeah sure, if he ever returns, she thought sardonically. Maybe somebody had Unveiled and he was needed. That’s a logical explanation.

  “Except we would have been at school.”

  “Of course. He sure is gifted when he comes to cars.”

  Gifts, curses. Same shit.

  Luxor smiled and walked towards the triple terrors, as a bolt of clarity entered her mind. But she had to play her cards right. The gifts endowed upon the Nephilim were given to assist in their lives, as well as others. She had used hers against Cane, and the outcome would have been disastrous without her. And now it was time for them to return the favour. But she feared they wouldn’t bother to help. They've made it clear they'd make her life hell, and without Hunter’s back-up, it made it all the easier.

  “Luxor, come back here when I’m talking to you,” Meredith yelled out. Ayla came to her side and spoke low, sending a few glances Luxor’s way. She nodded and returned inside with Ayla.

  Castor and Theo eyed her warily as they opened up the car doors.

  “Afternoon peeps,” Luxor chirped, and skipped towards them.

  “She wants something,” Melita said.

  “The answer is no.” Castor rounded to the drivers’ side of the Hummer.

  Luxor jumped into his path. “Do you want to know what happened today?”

  “I’m already aware of your predicament.”

  She stepped forward, and bit her lip as she suffered a pinch at her birthmark. She subtly rubbed the spot and remained firm. “And do you know why The Chalet is important?”

  “Get to the point,” Theo said.

  “Tomorrow Mayor Kingsley will attain this house and I’ll be…well who the hell knows.”

  “And?” Melita said.

  The burning increased and she had to stare at the duo. She widened the distance and disregarded any dark thoughts. “Do you want me to spell it out for you? You’re not dyslexic too, are
you?” Luxor huffed. “I need there to be no sale. Ever.”

  “Arson, that’s do-able. Not our usual poison.” Theo smirked and raised an eyebrow. “Then nobody can access the tunnels.”

  “Damnit, no. Use your damn gifts. Glamour Meredith to change her mind,” she hissed.

  “No, you’re out of your mind. We only use in important cases, and well you’re not important.”

  “You used it for my getaway,” she justified. “What’s different?”

  “Too many contributing factors. Do you think Mayor Kingsley, the most powerful person in Brighton Falls would accept it without asking more questions?”

  “I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  “Your choice,” Castor said, jumping behind the wheel and gunning the engine.

  “Exactly. And it’ll be my choice to release photos of you forcing a boy into the Renaissance Centre,” she said, ready to implement Plan B.

  Castor gritted his teeth. “You’ll be exposing our world.”

  “Not our, yours. I don’t belong to that world,” her voice hardened, and she pushed back the image of the little boy being forced in.

  “I can tell you’re as conniving as your father.”

  Luxor raised her arm to slap the filthy words, except Castor intercepted and snatched her wrist.

  “What do you need me to say?” he said with resignation, releasing her wrist.

  She smiled victoriously. “Hello Mayor Kingsley, after careful consideration I’ve decided to decline your offer and continue to reside at The Chalet. My niece needs security and living here would provide that.”

  “Can I gag now?” Theo said. “Is that all?”

  “And I need the car issue to be fixed. I’m not sure what the mechanic’s name is but just get him to think the bill has been paid in full.” Before Theo could interject, she stepped aside and swept her hand towards the door.

  Luxor wanted to jump for joy and fist pump the air once the gruesome twosome completed the deed. They vacated the premises with matching murderous expressions, their bodies holding in their contempt.

  Meredith cooked and bounced about the kitchen, her previous worried expressions transformed to one of ease. For the first time in a while, dinner was pleasant, and afterwards, she padded upstairs.


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