Betrayed: The Chronicles of Luxor Everstone Book Two

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Betrayed: The Chronicles of Luxor Everstone Book Two Page 15

by Jacklyn Daher

  Was that supposed to be a compliment or an insult?

  As always, Hunter left her reeling with confusion that there was no way she could respond. As if he didn't just insult or compliment her, Luxor returned her attention to the stars. Hunter let out a laugh, his mischievous demeanour returning. He snapped her out of her daze. "Twinkle, twinkle little star," He began to sing, incredibly off-key, making the hand motions to go with it.

  "Stop it." She playfully kicked his shin.

  "Would you like me to sing ‘Ring-A-Ring-A-Rosie’, it's about the Black Plague, very lovely for children." He cleared his throat, and lay her hand under his. With his index finger her drew circles in her palm. Ring a ring a Rosie a poc-"

  Luxor released her breath, and turned her body, clamping her other hand over his mouth, whilst Hunter continued to sing in a muffled tone. She held her side, suppressing the laugh bubbling to escape, and the tone of the song increased.

  He ran his thumb along the outside of her hand, pulling it away. "You have a gorgeous laugh. Not that I've ever heard it."

  "I laugh all time." Luxor wondered if he could tell it was a lie. Hunter looked at her dubiously. "If you stop trying to get a rise out of me, I would laugh around you."

  "You should do it more." Hunter kept his eyes trained on her, and she couldn't help but smile back. "I can attest that the only one who gets a rise while we are together is me."

  “Okay horny boy, walk me home.”

  Hunter obliged, and together they made their way alongside the creek, a place where on previous occasions had her sensors on high alert. Even though she had the pepper spray tucked away safely in the front pocket of her jeans, Luxor had to admit she felt safer with him by her side, she was able to enjoy the serenity of her surroundings. His finger skimmed across her arm, and a zap shot up her arm. Hunter's eyes locked on hers, and they simultaneously drew in an intake of sharp breath.

  Luxor let out an involuntary shiver, and laced her fingers in front of herself to decrease the trembling, hoping it wasn’t noticeable.

  Always attentive Hunter removed his leather jacket and shifted her backpack on the ground, and on his own accord placed it around her shoulders. He pushed back his broad shoulders, and flexed to carry her backpack. Now only wearing a plain black singlet, his tattoos were alluring, and she couldn't avert her eyes.

  She thread her hands through the sleeves, and breathed Hunter in. Despite being surrounded by nature, she was bundled up in the intoxicating aroma of the forest; fresh and earthy, as close to nature as she could get without experiencing the real thing.

  “Are we now on the best of terms?” he asked.

  “I’d say so, your explanation seems plausible.”

  “Good, because I don’t loan my jacket to anybody.”

  Once at The Chalet, she wanted to spend more time with him.

  Hunter flicked off his cap, frisbeeing it onto the swing, and reclined back, stretching out his long legs.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Not wanting the night to end.”

  “Too bad Romeo, it’s time to bid goodnight,” Luxor said, knowing at least two others who would be lurking around and eavesdropping on their conversation.

  “Swear you want me to leave, and I will.”

  Luxor pursed her lips, bowing her head and focused on the scurry of ants in the dirt.

  Hunter sighed and joined her at the opposite side of the door, “Never mind, you’re always vocal Angel, and your actions speak volumes.” He rose, and closed the distance.

  Her heart thundered behind her ribs as he leaned in so they were cheek to cheek, his warm breath at her ear. He held her hand, and his eyes lightened up to a translucent toffee, as he gazed into her blue eyes. She was unable to break the connection, the magnitude of them was hypnotic, and addictive. Despite his taunts, innuendos, and cockiness, Hunter made sure she never felt alone, and she didn't. With her mind not set on his negatives, for once she found someone who understood what it felt like to be lost, not knowing who you were.

  The electric sparks coursed through her and intensified, her cheeks flushing a deep crimson. Backed against the side of the door, her palms lay flat against the exterior, and he moved closer. Caged in and as close as any two people could be, his touch burned, igniting sparks in every pore. His singlet skimmed against her. He cradled the back of hair, his fingers entwined in her hair, as his thumb stroke the length of her jaw. She wanted to scream against the intensity, in a tug of war on whether she wanted to stop or not. He leaned in slowly as if not to frighten her, and she momentarily seized up.

  Oh, no, is he going to kiss me? Wait, do I want him to kiss me? Would I push him away? Should I push him away.

  "I'm not going to kiss you, again," she whispered, her words belying her actions, as she itched to touch him.

  "If you say so, Angel." His warm breath tickled her neck, his thumb running circles on her clavicle. "There’s nothing else that matters in this world. Only you," he murmured.

  Luxor’s temperature spiked and she burned all over, his closeness robbing her of air, and she attempted to suppress her ragged breaths. She moved in, her lips near the side of his mouth. "Me?" she said breathlessly.

  "You, always you," his voice was low and husky.

  His words severed any hesitation. The amount of power he held over her with a mere glance of his enchanting toffee coloured eyes had her knees weak, and her heart whimpered with an unsurmountable need. She reached over and lightly touched the outside of his singlet, which lifted up an inch. Her thumb caressed the deep groove of his prominent V line on his hip. Hunter sucked in a sharp breath, and slipped his fingers in hers, tucking it behind his back.

  Pinpricks tingled through Luxor’s veins, accelerating her heartbeat and creating a flutter, her insides glowing as if a million fireflies invaded her body. No longer cold in any sense of the word, Hunter was a spark who brought a scintillating ray of fire. She was crazy to get close to him, she'd get burnt by his wicked ways, but in this moment, she didn't care. If being burnt mean feeling alive, then she'd let him consume her.

  The light flickered. Luxor peered up, her hesitation creeping in.

  "You really need to change the globe." Hunter nuzzled her neck.

  Havoc continued to wreak, and Luxor dismissed Hunter’s suggestion it was a dwindling light globe. Strange things always happened when she got close to people. It was a curse she told herself, somebody must have put a hex on her, what other reasoning could there be? She didn't want Hunter to bear her consequences.

  "I t-think we should s-stop," Luxor stuttered, but she made no attempt to move away.

  Hunter stuck his thumb in his mouth, and she watched him through hooded eyes as he rubbed it across her bottom lip. Her heart stammered furiously in her chest and pounded her ears.

  In the past she hadn't wanted to be close to anyone as much as she wanted now.

  Luxor held his hands, callous and rough, but perfect against hers. She nibbled on her bottom lip and acted on instinct, opening her mouth slightly and pressed her lips firmly against his thumb.

  Hunter’s eyes turned a dark shade of copper, his lust evident through those penetrating orbs. He inched upwards, and slowly released the elastic from her hair, leaving it to tumble in waves, settling on her shoulders and down her back. "I like it better down." He nuzzled alongside her ear, and pecked.

  He closed his eyes, and leaned against her forehead, his fingers tangled in her hair.

  O Theós eísai ómorfi.

  The pounding in her chest was almost too much to bear. Luxor blinked back, and couldn't hide the smile. "You really mean it?"

  "Mean what, Angel?" Hunter whispered. He cupped her face, and tucked a stray hair being her ear, stroking his thumb alongside her jaw.

  "What you just said," she whispered.

  He furrowed his brow. "I didn't say anything."

  "Yes, you did. You said 'O Theós eísai ómorfi' and that means God, you are beautiful," she said with perfect fluency.
br />   Hunter froze, and blinked a few times, stepping back. His forehead creased. "You speak Greek?"

  "No, but I understood those words, I didn't even know they were Greek."

  "Then how do you know what it means, or if it's Greek in the first place?" he said defensively, all softness disintegrating.

  "Well the fact you just confirmed it was, means they were. Just admit you said it, it'll be our little secret, it won’t dent your image."

  "Angel, I seriously didn't say anything but if you want me to admit you’re beautiful, yes, you are, but I didn't say anything." Fear flashed in his eyes, as his voice broke.

  "Whatever, I don't care. Goodnight Hunter." Luxor pushed him until he stumbled back, and tried to hide the pain in her chest.

  One sweet moment, and he ruined it. She waited for him to say he was joking, to come closer, but he remained stoic. Leaving him at the doorstep, there was no, “goodnight, Angel” instead he walked off without a word.

  It was all a game to him, he would continue to play the game, all to keep her unbalanced. One step forward, three steps back. This was the final straw, she wouldn't let him catch her unaware again, if he wanted to play her, he messed with the wrong girl.

  Luxor prepared herself for bed and was relieved Pandora or Ayla weren’t about to witness her seething mood. She couldn’t understand Hunter at all, it was a case of playground games, mainly the highs and low of the swing.

  She crossed her legs on the bed and opened the box of cupcakes to eat her emotions away. She demolished the first flourless chocolate cupcake in two bites, before scarfing the other one. Whoever said chocolate wasn’t the answer to your problems was a moron. She tapped her stomach and leaned over to put the box on her bedside table when a glint shone off the bottom of the box.

  Luxor moved the other two cupcakes on the opposite side and skimmed the bottom. Taped to the bottom was a note with an item inside. She unwrapped the note and found a bronzed rectangular shape on a silver chain. She read the note, “mi casa es su casa.”

  “My house is your house?” She rubbed the solid bronze, her thumb grazing over a button. It flicked open and she flinched.

  She propped herself up on her knees Two numbers were written on there; a mobile and a landline both belonging to Maya. She couldn't fathom why Maya would be nice to her, especially if she had a close link to Hunter.

  Luxor picked at another cupcake, and popped a morsel into her mouth. "Hmmm, interesting turn of developments. Don't know what it means but I'll soon find out." She twirled the chain around her finger, her mind veering towards the eventful day she'd had.

  She held onto her necklace and restlessly tossed around, the night’s events weighing on her mind. The necklace warmed under her touch, and she quickly succumbed to exhaustion.

  Rain poured from the Heavens, soaking Luxor to the bone. Her teeth chattered, the frigid air creating goose bumps on her bare skin. She rested her head against an oak tree, and dug her fingernails into the bark. She was in an unknown cul-de-sac, which was plunged into near darkness. A familiar house with a white picket fence was calling out to her, but she was afraid to venture forward.

  Where am I this time? Is Cane going to come for me?

  Luxor wanted to wander around, to find out where she was. It had been a while since she dreamt, and this was a different location. She didn’t sense danger, but an underlining issue lingered. She wanted to turn around, but instead of her body twisting around, the body involuntarily stepped forward.

  What the hell?

  A yelped escaped her lips, and she doubled over. Except it didn't come from her. She held a protruding belly, inside a baby kicked, stabbing pain down her back sending her forward. A voice screamed at the same time as Luxor screamed.

  Why am I pregnant in this dream? Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!

  She edged towards the cottage-style house with the old white picket fence with no control over this body. Her steps faltered as she moved forward. She wanted to go back, to move in the opposite direction of the house. But the body continued on its path.

  Step. Step. Step. Luxor was merely a passenger as she surged forward, against her will. The need was strong and the rain continued to rage, the hatred projected hard on this blustery day.

  Luxor limped across the wet asphalt, her bare feet ache and burned, all bloodied and blistered. A searing pain struck her again, crimson blood smothered at the front of her white nightgown.

  Fuuuuuuuck! What is this? Why am I pregnant? Why am I bleeding?

  She involuntarily bit her lip to minimise the pain, and in sync she internally screamed at the same time as the outer body did. The pain was too much to bear, she wanted to die. But it was worth all the torture.

  Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!!!!!

  Luxor touched her head, thoughts invaded her mind, a quivering, soft voice. The baby must live. The end was coming, it said. No matter what, she didn't care about herself. But she was about to die.

  Why is this happening? I don't want to see death. I don't want to feel death. Please wake up!

  Through the side window a reflection stared back at her, similar features, yet with distinct features. Platinum hair, matted down to her head, as hot tears travelled down her cheeks, and down her straight nose.

  What is going on?

  Luxor peered closer into the glass, blinking repeatedly to view the reflection. The face was gaunt, almost on the brink of starvation, and the lips small and pouty like a little parcel. But brown eyes stared back, so afraid and alone. Brown eyes...

  Luxor hugged her arms around her chest, and knocked on the familiar white door. Opening up, a youthful Meredith stood on the other side, her eyes widening. She gently pulled Luxor inside by the elbow, and Luxor was unable to stop her. The past had already been written and she was being forced to endure being her mother.

  Why is Meredith here?

  Luxor whimpered and suffered through the pain, and cradled the swelling belly, as the contractions came fast and hard. The searing pain shot through her back, ripping her apart. Luxor was experiencing it all; every emotion and monumental movement, her subconscious forced her to witness and feel everything from that night.

  Luxor begged and prayed to wake up, to be released from this unfamiliar body she possessed. Her piercing screams went unheard. Just like the vision quests with Cane, it was futile, and the only way out was to wait.

  Meredith placed cushions behind Astrid's head and lay her down on the floor. Her head rested against the sofa, with her eyes closed taking short, fast, erratic breathes trying to keep them steady but failing. Tears streamed down her face, her vision a blurry mess. Meredith grabbed the towels that were folded on the couch positioning it beside her.

  "How can this be?" Meredith scrambled over and rubbed Astrid's back.

  Did Meredith need the birds and the bees talk? Luxor thought sardonically.

  "Help me please!" The vibration of the scream reverberated within every fibre of her being, as Astrid doubled over.

  "What's this?" Meredith lifted up the dress where puddles of blood spread across.

  "A little blood, very normal."

  "No, it's not normal!" Meredith shrieked holding back tears. "Please Astrid don't be stupid let me get help. I'll call an ambulance."

  “Hello, no it's not normal!” Luxor screamed, sick of being a bystander in this nightmare.

  Take her to the hospital. You can't do this. This couldn't have been the way she died. Meredith couldn't have delivered me. If she did...

  "No, there's no time. She's coming. You must deliver her,” Astrid grunted, and gritted her teeth powering on through the pain.

  No don't listen to her.

  "I've never delivered a baby. I can't do this alone." Meredith sobbed, discarding the tears with her arm. She rubbed up and down Astrid's arms, and tucked a lock of hair behind her ears.

  Love reflected through every word, every touch. Luxor wanted that from Meredith. It was true, she did resemble her; long wavy platinum hair, same small stra
ight nose, and the way she smiled, tilting her lips to the side. It was eerie because Luxor did that, when she was hurting, she put on a brave face to the outside world, but through the eyes it reflected how deadened they both were.

  "I believe in you Meri," Astrid whispered.

  Time crawled as the screaming intensified from the feeling of being ripped apart from the inside out. Although in her mother’s body, Luxor heard everything Astrid was thinking and why she left Cane, and it took some time for Luxor to adjust to Astrid's thought process. This time she smiled adoringly at another man, and placed her hands over his, enamoured in his handsome face, he was perfection incarnate. The image was distorted, but Luxor knew he was perfect, Astrid's thoughts told her so, and she felt her love for him.

  Cane? He sounded like he adored me. Why would she leave him?

  "This baby is special." Cane knelt on the linoleum floor and placed his hands protectively on Astrid's belly.

  "All babies are special." Astrid placed her hands over his, but her mind knew this wasn't true. Her baby would be extraordinary.

  He smiled wickedly. "No, this one will be different, and all mine."

  "You mean ours."

  "Oh, how I wish but you will never meet it, for their life will bring you death." His gaze averted to the kitchen bench where a large butcher's knife glinted. He leaned down with the knife and held the knife against Astrid's belly.

  No, why? Why did he want to kill my mother? And for me?

  Astrid stepped back, and shivers ran down her spine. He was insane, Luxor heard her think.

  The stinging of the slaps on Astrid's cheeks woke her. Her vision was blurred, and she slurred her words. "She is special. My girl will be different."

  Meredith sobbed as she held onto her knees. "Stay with me, the baby is almost here. She's crowning, I can see the head. You have to push."

  Oh, my God. This can't be happening. She's dying, I'm about to be born. Wake up! I don't want to see this. I don't want to feel this.


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