Betrayed: The Chronicles of Luxor Everstone Book Two

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Betrayed: The Chronicles of Luxor Everstone Book Two Page 29

by Jacklyn Daher

  “Oh, yes you can. I don’t care what his riddle meant, but you two are cute together.” Evie barely glanced up, her fingers scrolling through Facebook notifications.

  "What are you doing on your phone?"

  Conspiring more of my demise I bet.

  Evie peered up, guiltily tucking away her phone. It all made sense more and more lately she had been spending an obscene amount of time on her phone.

  "That's my cue to leave, I guess I better get ready," Evie said. "Don't make me drag your ass out of bed. I'm arriving early." She gave her a quick hug goodbye. "Don't pay attention to Ayla I have no idea what's going on with her."

  Her phone pinged. There was no use checking who it was.

  MY SWEET TOFFEE: Details for beach

  Luxor replied to his message, taking her time to word it just right.

  Luxor: Rocky Valley Lake, near pier 12pm. Don't be late.


  It was official, there was no backing out now.

  The waves of heat distorted the air, the wind held ransom by the sun, and the humidity became stifling, threatening to suffocate. The muggy heat licked her face, the icy sweat clung from the wisps of her hair, the back of her neck and trickled all the way down her spine.

  Only one person could get Luxor out of going.

  When she turned around to ask, Meredith all but pushed her out of the door. "Go, you need to have fun," she urged with a small smile, leaving no room for an argument.


  “No buts. Go.”

  Luxor already dreaded the day. For once she wanted Meredith to lock her up inside, but as with her life, the irony wasn’t lost. She headed back inside and to her bedroom. Pandora was lounging on her bed, the paperwork of all the list of deal takers spread across the bed.

  “You coming along?”

  “Nope, not everybody can have fun.” She laughed. “And before you say anything, it was a joke. I’m catching up with Becky, that should be…” She twisted her lips to the side. “Interesting. I hope her magpie doesn’t peck my eyes out!”

  “You’ll be right, you’re higher on the food chain.” She gathered clothes, a few towels sunscreen and shoved them into a duffel bag. “But humans are higher, and if you eat any kind of fish in my room, I’ll chop you up like chop suey.”

  Pandora stuck out her tongue.

  For once, Evie was late which gave Luxor extra time to appear presentable. When the horn beeped in one continuous horn Pandora joined her.

  "Oh my God Luxor, you look hot!" Evie squealed and clapped her hands. "But you're going to burn in black."

  I'm in Hell anyway.

  Luxor stiffened. "Thanks." She gave her a wan smile, it was all she could muster. She wriggled her toes, her strappy sandals were suddenly uncomfortable. Down on the ground and sprinkled over them was grey ash. She crouched down, swiping it across her fingers.

  "Morning Luxor." Pandora’s small voice said from behind. "What's that?"

  "I don't know." She rubbed her fingers together. Identical grey dust flecks covered the entire front of Meredith's yellow car.

  Definitely not demonic.

  “What’s she doing here?” Evie said.

  “I invited myself to save Luxor from your antics,” Ayla mimicked her thoughts, sliding into the back seat of the Jeep. Unfortunately, this meant she rode shotgun. “Let's go and get this day over and done with."

  Evie revved the engine, cranking up the music. "Can you two cheer up, you're acting like we're going to a funeral."

  If Brighton Falls was known for its greenery, Rocky Valley Lake was given the title of most beautiful beach. Utterly pure, rock crusted mountains soared to the sky, and bordered the pristine off-white sand, and crystal blue water blanketed with a horde of patrons.

  A steep and slanted path from the Jeep led them to the beach, Evie hanging behind, holding a cane picnic basket. After a bit of a look around Luxor found a prime location, and flicked out a towel, and pushed up the candy-striped umbrella, wedging it in the sand. She took her sandals off and laid her legs out, nervously playing with her plait. She planned to stay in the one location and the most she can ask for was to top up her tanned complexion. On one side, Ayla protected herself from the shade reading Paradise Lost, a highlighter in hand, her demeanour quieter than usual. On the other, Evie poured coconut oil over her legs and puffed up her backpack to rest her head against.

  “Relax will you, or I'll wean you off the coffee."

  “Leave her be,” Ayla said, not looking up from her book.

  Luxor angled her body and ceased to fiddle around, albeit it was difficult. She needed constantly connected despite knowing what she experienced was real. "Evie, I want to ask you something and I need you to be truthful."

  "Shoot Snow," Evie replied, leaning back on her elbows.

  "It's about Facebook, why did you cre—"

  "Well, well, well, look who we have here," a grating voice cut her off.

  Scarlett sashayed over, surrounded by her minions. She was dressed in a frilly pink, teeny triangle bikini, held together with thin string. Any sudden movement and Luxor, unfortunately, would witness her birthday suit. "Are you channelling Wednesday Addams, 'cuz you really are pulling it off, especially in that dress."

  Luxor tensed, her fists in tight balls, her eyes flashing with anger. Today wasn't the best day to aggravate her, but it was out of her control. Her veins seared, a slight wind whipping up. Beside her, Ayla dropped her book, and frantically pried Luxor's fingers open. She jerked away, and cocked her head to the side.

  Scarlett laughed. "Are you jealous? Look at your pathetic self, no sane guy would look twice at you."

  Hunter and Xavier would, but their sanity is debatable.

  "When you parade in your underwear, of course, you'll attract attention." Luxor swirled her finger around. "Although I usually wear it under my clothes. Hence the word, underwear." She pushed her sunglasses down. "Now move the fuck out of my way, your lard ass is blocking my sun."

  "Now that's my girl." Evie giggled putting her hand in a high five, and Luxor had no choice but to respond.

  Scarlett opened her mouth to respond but quickly shut it.

  "Anything else?" Luxor asked when she hadn't budged.

  "Nope, everything is very much fine," Scarlett smirked strutting away with self-satisfied confidence.

  A flashback, yet another flicker, this one stronger than before.

  She might be mediocre pretty and a total dipshit, but she sure knows how to be a spiteful bitch.

  Verity's words confirmed Scarlett had a hand in her demise.

  She projected her inner emotions to the outside, and it scared her how easy she was able to switch.

  A minor flurry blew in, and grains of sand flicked up, unbeknown except to Luxor that it was irregular. Sandcastles were flattened, and when she focused out in the water, swimmers played happily; surfing and splashing. Innocents. They didn’t deserve for her to exact revenge, instead Luxor would make sure to hurt Scarlett in every possible way. She reeled in her anger, helped by Ayla who clasped her wrist with more vigour, a silent plea to stop.

  Luxor released a shuddering breath. She captured a firm handful of sand, and hurtled the ball forward. Scarlett stumbled forward, shaking the sand from her hair, and turned around on the verge of returning.

  "Hey dipshit," she yelled out, showing her that she had another ball ready. "Next time it'll be worse." She dusted off her hands, and turned onto her stomach to tan. She checked the time on her phone; ten after twelve.

  There were no messages or missed calls.

  He's probably running late. Or his phone went dead. Or he's playing a game as usual.

  "No, he wouldn't do that," she whispered to herself. "Probably parking the car.”

  "What was that?"

  Luxor waved her hand dismissively. "Nah, nothing. Just thinking out loud."

  Evie's phone pinged with a Facebook notification. She smiled to herself and t
urned it over. "Let's go to the pier." She hopped up, and removed her denim shorts which had bikini briefs underneath, dusting the sand off the back of her thighs.

  "About Facebook."

  "Yeah weird you're not on it, imagine the fun we could have," Evie uttered cheerfully. "There's always Twitter and Insta though."

  Obviously, you already are!

  Over at the pier was the prime place to be for a joyous time. Shirtless males ran up the wooden plank, before bombing into the water and landing with a giant splash. Further away in the middle of the sea, people bobbed along on their jet ski's as they soared through the water.

  "You ready to bomb?"

  "You go ahead, I want to soak up more sun first," she said, and reclined her legs.

  Luxor scanned the area for any sightings of Hunter but found none. She shouldn't have cared, but she did. After everything they dealt with, she thought he'd be genuine. For today everything Hunter related should be put in the I don't care category. Bad thing was the boxes were slowly stacking up, consuming her mind.

  She had enough of the heat, and packing up their positions she juggled her bag, and picnic basket, and searched for shade. Luck was on her side as she snapped the last picnic table, sticking the picnic basket on top, and unpacked, while Ayla followed with the rest of their possessions. In the distance, Evie called out and waved, just in time for them to watch her do a running jump ending up with a giant splash.

  "Why aren't you in the water?" Luxor opened up a container of fruit salad, popping a grape in her mouth.

  "I'm not a swimsuit kind of person," Ayla replied absentmindedly, piercing a cube of watermelon.

  "So, go naked." Luxor half-laughed. "I'm joking. What's up with you anyway you're too quiet."

  "Everything is fine."

  Yeah right. That's my line.

  "How are you feeling?" Ayla's expression told her she was worried. "You're not yourself, kind of like a dead girl walking."

  “Do you remember last night?”

  “You mean how I pulled you out of purgatory and revived you?” Ayla said all too calmly.

  “So I am a dead girl walking,” she said, careful not to say it out loud. “How do I come back from that? What if they strike again?”

  “They won’t.”

  “How do you know? It’s not as if the house can be guarded from them.”

  “They are dealt with. Move on,” Ayla said with a finality in her tone.

  Luxor turned her shoulder and glance at her mobile. 12.36pm. It was abundantly clear Hunter would be a no show but she wasn't going to let that ruin her day. Being around Ayla was like being alone, today she was closed off and isolated.

  "I feel like exploring, want to join me? I'll see if Evie wants to come." She put the satchel across her chest and looked over to the pier. A guy with dreads flirted with her and she was uncharacteristically girly. "On the other hand, looks like she's busy."

  "I'll mind the table." Ayla turned around, pointing to a trail of leafy greens. "You go ahead, just follow the trail and you won't get lost. I'm sure you'll have a heavenly time." Her sky-blue eyes lit up, and brought in a whole world of sunshine in her smile.

  Luxor walked up the ramp and following Ayla's instructions. she'd reached the path in no time at all. It was straight and narrow, at first signs were signalling what was up ahead but after a while, they ceased. Not giving up she continued determined to enjoy her day. The surroundings around her became dense, moss covering looming trees with grass as tall as her knees. The further in she travelled the more she was convinced she was lost. But still, she didn't turn around. In the distance, she heard the roaring of bubbling water. Her attention had been caught and knew way before she saw it, it could only be one thing. Luxor sprinted through the trees, kicking pebbles against the bumpy ground.

  "I wouldn't bother going further," a girl her age told her, passing by holding hands with a boy. "Thought I heard a waterfall but there's nothing there."

  "Thanks," Luxor said, but ventured anyway.

  Further down, the rumbling sounds intensified, yet she had reached a dead end. Wiping the sweat off her forehead with the back of her arm, she leaned against a tree and tried to catch her breath. Not a second later her hand pressed against the trunk and started to wobble. A scream escaped her mouth, as she tumbled backwards through an abundance of lush green vines which curtained an entrance.

  Vibrant moss coated large boulders had a beacon of light shining down the middle, as a waterfall wistfully fell in majestic sheets, blending in with the cyan stream. Dandelions sprung up and intertwined with the mint green glades of grass, cherry blossom trees creating the ultimate shade to escape the torturous heat that continued to rage.

  Not wanting to disturb the field of dandelions, she ventured forward, removing her sandals, and sat underneath the tree, stretching out her legs. She marvelled at the picture-perfect moment scenery and held her hand to her chest. She had never before witnessed anything as breathtaking, and in the past she had travelled to many idyllic destinations. Luxor squeezed her eyes shut and imagined she had wings, jumping from the top of the cliff, soaring through the wind, and to be free. She'd make a massive impact as she hit the water and glided underneath.

  A jaded reality returned when she opened her eyes, and so did a sense of longing. She headed straight to the edge, and knelt, dipping her hand into the flawless liquid. More, she wanted to experience more, and this wasn’t enough. She lifted her dress to mid-thigh and sliding down to the edge, and submerged herself underwater.

  Peacefulness. An enchanted abyss.

  Luxor pinched her nose, and puffed out her cheeks, letting a weightless to overcome her. Her mind became to ebb, and she knew coming up for air wasn't in the equation. She wanted to be numb. Nothing made sense, and she couldn't deal with her life and the baggage it entailed.

  Astrid materialised in the water, her flowing platinum hair floating about. “Did I give up my life so you could end yours?” She reached out, palms up. Luxor placed her hands against hers, wanting nothing more than to join her. A ripple came and Astrid became a haze, before returning. “You are stronger than you think you are. Open your eyes. See the world for the beauty it is. For the beauty you will make it. Hope. All you need is hope.”

  Dum spiro spero.

  Hunter’s words pierced her mind, and her eyes flashed open.


  Not only was she her mother’s hope, but Hunters’, and she couldn't end it. However catastrophic her life was, she was given another chance.

  Luxor gasped and broke the surface, coughing out water. She rubbed her eyes and swam over to the edge. The sun reflected on her back, balmy enough to create satisfactory tingles. An unnatural yet familiar force of serenity infused around her, and her shoulders relaxed.

  "Want company?"

  She squealed, turning over her shoulder. "Xavier," she replied in a breathy voice.

  A ray of sunshine reflected in his creamy complexion. Pale blue eyes shone up at her, and his lips quirked to the, displaying his dimple. "Need help?"

  Luxor accepted his outstretched hand, and crawling up and back on the edge. Keeping her dress down she wrung out her dress, and sat back down. She tucked her knees to his chest, embarrassed at the state he'd caught her in.

  "Enjoying the sunshine?"

  "It's perfect." Her voice was soft, nervously twisting her hands in her lap. She wasn’t about to divulge in what she almost attempted. "Can't believe I almost missed it."

  "Yeah, it's kind of hidden away." Water glistened off his body, down his broad chest. He gathered a fluffy, white towel and placed it around her shoulders.

  Luxor felt the heat run to her cheeks, the act was innocent yet sensual. "I've got to get back, Ayla and Evie are at the pier if you want to join us?" She removed the towel, on the verge of leaving, but couldn’t take a step. Being around Xavier, and the glorious intensity of the emotions he evoked had her conflicted. He was able to remove the angst.

  "I know." He plucked up a d
andelion, passing it to her.

  "You do?" She played around with the stem, knitting her eyebrows together.

  "Ayla invited me last night. I came down but you seemed like you wanted to be alone so I came here." He turned towards the waterfall. "Isn't it spectacular?"

  Luxor was too tongue-tied to answer, stuck on the fact Ayla invited him, knowing full well she'd invited Hunter. What would have happened if he turned up? Awkward was the only word to come to mind.

  "Are you okay? You seem, I don't know..."

  Luxor played with her plait, her fingers quaking. "Completely screwed up?"

  And alive.

  "I was going to say lost."

  "Oh." She laid back flat against the grass, dipping her back feet in the water, already missing the sensation. "Well, I'm that too."

  An infusion of warmth and serenity overcame her as Xavier sat beside her, and her body acting on its own accord as she neared him. Their thighs barely touched but it didn't matter, the contact was minimal, yet the emotions were extreme.

  Luxor sighed, resting her head against his shoulder. "So peaceful. Always the way with you." No tortured thoughts consumed her mind, Hunter no longer mattered and above all she was content.

  "I'm glad I can be that for you," he whispered, his warm breath fanning her face. "You aren't going to fall asleep on me, are you?"

  "Maybe," she mumbled.

  "Nope can't let that happen." Xavier shook his head, hopping up. Luxor whined, lowering her bottom lip, and giving him puppy eyes. "Let's play a game."

  "A game?" She peered up at him. "What sort of game?"

  Hope it's not a Hunter kind of game. Nope don't think of that idiot. A thought popped into her head, but she hadn’t thought it.

  "It's called 'I spy'," he told her enthusiastically.

  Luxor stood up, slipping her sandals back on. "Seriously?" She genuinely laughed.

  "Humour me. You'll love it, and I guarantee it'll make your day, if not week," Xavier told her seriously.

  "That's pretty confident." She conceded. Being happy for a day was a rarity these days.


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