Betrayed: The Chronicles of Luxor Everstone Book Two

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Betrayed: The Chronicles of Luxor Everstone Book Two Page 34

by Jacklyn Daher

  “That could wait for today, unless you want to scrub the toilets and mop the floors.” Meredith gathered cleaning supplies and headed towards the laundry.

  Been there, done that.

  "It will be fun.”

  "Stop saying that word! Besides our definitions are vastly different, much like friendship," Luxor mused. “Don’t you have anywhere else to be?”

  “Why won’t you let me explain?”

  "Explain what? How you brought Xavier here to have play with me? Why? And especially when you know how I feel about Hunter, and you continued to sabotage us.”

  "Can't you see how toxic he is?" she said exasperated.

  Luxor grunted at the repetitiveness of the topic. "That's not your call to make. If you wanted to be helpful you would have told me about Xavier from the start. Friends don’t have malicious intentions.” She had to give her credit, she played the role of caring friend well, she just couldn't figure out her ultimate motives.

  "The kiss shouldn’t have happened, he was only supposed to be nice."

  “Well he sure fulfilled his role,” she drawled.

  "I understand your anger, I truly do. You’re in a worse mood. Is this because Xavier left?"

  "He what?" She choked on the water, and coughed.

  "Gone, I thought you knew."

  "Yeah, because I keep tabs on him. When was this?"

  “Days ago. Most likely after you confronted him.”

  Ayla shuffled over and squeezed her shoulder. "I hate seeing you like this."

  Luxor shifted away. “You’re partly to blame so don’t play the caring friend now.”

  The entire Village had indeed become a Twilight wonder underneath the stars, and unlike the grandness of the carnival in Mount Beauty there was a beauty in the understated. Candles and oil burners mixed the with the street lights dimmed onto the lowest setting created a warm environment. People milled about tasting local foods, and appreciating the musicians strumming away on their instruments. Every once in a while, a horse and carriage trotted past, carrying a couple snuggled up together, a blanket placed across their lap. One of the only activities which required electricity, was the gigantic projector in The Village Bowl which played a classic movie, not too old, or recent, but perfect to cater to all ages.

  “This is…” The words died on her tongue as she was awed at the simplicity. She turned around and Ayla had disappeared.


  Bethany Cooper came around from the back of her stall adorned with frills, and enclosed her in a lavender infused hug. "I'm glad you're here." She smiled warmly.

  “I’m glad I decided to come.” Luxor looked around. "Where's Evie?" She hoped to see her already. If she was going to survive the night alone with Ayla, she needed a great diversion, and Evie was always up to the task ready to put Ayla in her place.

  "She's home sick, been that way for the last couple of days."

  Luxor groaned, and suddenly felt like a horrible friend for avoiding Evie’s calls but a lot of things had happened since she last saw her. But more of all she had hoped to clear the air with her association with the Facebook page. Xavier's true identity had shaken her to the core, especially how her affections for him had been manipulated like putty to suit his needs, and Ayla knowing all about it.

  "Oh no, maybe I should call her."

  Or visit. It'll give me a reason to leave.

  "No need." Bethany Cooper waved her hand, and placed a star shaped cookie on a serviette and gave it to her. "It's this time of year, her hay fever flares up the most. All she needed was Netflix and her inhaler. She made me promise to make sure you have fun on her behalf."

  "I will." She smiled wanly and waved a quick bye and moved on to join the festivities.

  The pieces didn't add up, no matter the circumstances Evie wouldn't miss out on the festival, the male population had had a massive influx that had come from all directions.

  Luxor shot off a text to Evie.

  Luxor: Where are you? Don't believe you're sick. Call me

  A magpie circled above her head and she ducked, almost dropping her phone. She peered up and right in front of the theatre, Becky waved her hands. She wasted no time in going over.

  I really should give her my number.

  “What are you doing here?” Becky asked, with her trademark scowl and lack of common curtesy.

  “Having fun.”

  “Is everything a joke? You have the deal takers still out, which probably consists of half our school and surrounding counties. And you want fun? Will be a fun time when they grab you and deliver you to Cane?” she hissed. Becky pinched the inside of Luxor’s elbow and pulled her behind the counter. “Call Hunter now.”

  “I don’t need anybody to keep me safe.”

  “So, help me, I will tie you up and stick you in the stinky cleaning cupboard,” she said. “Tonight, is packed and I can’t babysit.”

  “Ayla is about, she can guard me. And Pandora is on her way, she always knows where I am,” Luxor said. “And has everybody forgotten I can look after myself.”

  Becky sniffed. “Not with your unpredictable nature, especially in public. Just call Hunter, and arm yourself with weapons. Discretely.” She turned towards a customer who was waiting impatiently for his popcorn fix.

  Luxor: Becky in crazed mode. Want to meet me at the theatre?

  Immediately there was a buzz.

  Hunter: Alone in the dark. Count me in.

  Luxor had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. Hunter was back in fine form with his innuendos.

  When Becky wasn’t looking, she poured herself a large cola slurpie to the rim, and kept an eye out. If only distinguishing the deal takers was as easy as the Habiti. Should she be looking out for outcasts? What distinguished an outcast? Would they be alone? The ones in the alleyway worked as a duo. Worrisome question after question swam in her mind.

  A bump from behind had Luxor lurching forward and she spun about. “Don’t touch me!” she grabbed the forearm of a boy, and squeezed.

  “Damnit, let go, you freak.” He wrangled from her grasped. “You’re in the way of the lollies.”

  Luxor stepped back, wide-eyed at the commotion she caused. She mouthed a sorry, and moved away to prevent anymore simple accidents.

  “Assault and stealing, should I add that to your sins?” Hunter said.

  Luxor gripped onto the counter and crouched, dropping her drink all over the carpet. A sudden brain freeze from drinking the slurpie too fast struck her forehead and spread to her temples.

  “Karma.” He held her upright, and gripped her shoulders.

  “Take her away,” Becky grunted. “I’ll tell your kitty and Ayla your safe.”

  Hunter lead Luxor blind out of the doors, bypassing the crowds. The fresh air eased the ache in her head, and she opened her eyes. “I forgot how much they suck.” She rubbed her temple.

  “Do you want to go home?”

  “No, I refuse to let them keep me cooped up like an animal.” She wasn’t quite sure who the them was. Lately even being at home made her feel as if she was a hostage. “Blazin’ Bakery?”

  “I forgot my keys, and breaking in with a packed town would be a sure-fire way to be arrested.”

  “Don’t stress, I can be useful at times.” Luxor removed the keys from her satchel and unlocked the doors to The Blazin’ Bakery, and locked the doors behind them.

  “Aren’t you special?”

  “You’re only figuring this out now?”

  She ducked underneath the register and turned the knob until there was a click, and slid the wall across exposing the elevator. Pulling the rope down she was semi-proud she recalled all the steps.

  “What now?” she said, heading towards the kitchen.

  “I don’t know about you, but I’m in a pissed off mood. I wouldn’t mind lashing out at anybody who touched you.”

  “Even if it was innocent? I feel bad for the guy, all he wanted was a sugar fix.”

  “Then he should be like me and
keep them on him at all times.” He pulled out a packet of Skittles from his jeans, and jiggled to prove a point. “Since we’re down here, you might as well practice. Choose your poison.”

  Luxor looked around the entire bunker, and nothing appealed to her. After her sessions with James and Coach Davis anything strenuous caused her body to ache.

  “Archery it is.”

  Bloody boring.

  Luxor was annoyed, and the agitation festered inside of her. She fiddled around with the inside of her satchel until she reached the bottom, and stayed close behind. When she was within arms-reach she lashed out.

  “What the hell?” he groaned, and staggered forward.

  “I don’t need practice when I have these,” she smirked and wiggled her fingers adorned with the knuckle busters.

  He latched onto her wrist, and stripped her fingers free, the metal clanging onto the ground. He plastered her against the wall. “I wasn’t meaning about the deal takers, but if you want to play dirty, you’ve chosen the perfect person.” His fingers delicately caressed her cheeks, and ran from behind her ear, down her throat.

  “How’s this going to help?”

  “Since you don’t want to practice, I’m assuming your go to area is passion. You can’t call this boring.” Hunter skimmed her thighs, moving up forward ever so slowly, and bit her neck before releasing her. She gasped and closed her eyes, and savoured every moment before spinning around. “Are you ready to practice?”

  Luxor wasn’t sure on what he was alluding to, the only surest thing she ever knew was this magnetic pull where she craved him, no matter the where and when. Her emotions surged into a fight or flight mechanism against each other, Her heart boomed behind her rib cage and with a regained surety, she thrust him back and brushed her lips against his.

  His gazed became primal and transformed into a deep topaz, and she tapped into his emotions: Hunger and she swore she felt sorrow. "Mmmm apple," he licked his lip. “You’re too sweet.”

  "Mmmm toffee." Luxor flickered her eyes open, her finger trailing against his jaw.

  “This certainly took an unexpected turn.”

  “Hmmm, I wonder why.”

  A crackle surged through the air and the lightbulbs exploded, plunging the room into a near darkness where only a faint glow illuminated the room.

  "The universe wants to keep us apart with these spectacular special effects." Hunter laughed, continuing to play with her hair.

  "Or the opposite."

  “Aren’t we supposed to be gathering more weapons?” he said but made no move.

  The mild vibration of Luxor's mobile was heard from under the cushion.

  "No, no interruptions."

  "Later." Luxor pecked him on the cheek, pressing two fingers on her lips. She sealed in Hunter's kisses, and the burning sensation tingled.

  Hunter groaned. "You're killing me, Angel."

  She laughed and retrieved her phone from her bag.

  Evie: On my way to Sanctum. Last chance for a wild night.

  Luxor stiffened up, re-reading the words. Her instincts had been on point.

  Hunter peered over her shoulder and cursed. "Evie's heading for trouble."

  "Let's get out of here." He put his hand in hers, the blind leading the blind as he retraced his steps until they exited The Blazing'' Bakery.

  Luxor didn't want to go anywhere, she would have been happy in this safe bubble but danger had returned and expanded. She couldn't leave Evie, if anything happened to her, she wouldn't be able to forgive herself.

  Hunter peered towards the petrol station where all the lights were on, and at the last minute turned around and ventured into a darkened alley towards a ferocious two-wheeler.

  “A Ducati? Really.”

  He passed Luxor a shiny black helmet with lightning streaks on either side. “You’re not scared of this death contraption now?”

  “It would have been more practical to have a car.” She contemplated getting a cab or public transport, but she was broke and clueless. Truth be told she was scared out of her wits on getting onto the red monster.

  “Maybe it’s a ploy to have an extra opportunity of your arms around me. Take my advice, scrap the helmet you won’t get any better exhilaration.” He helped her on and sat in front revving the ignition. “Unless you try skydiving.”

  “Just be careful,” she urged, wrapping her arms around his torso. Leaning her head against his back, she breathed him in and relaxed. It was beginning to be her addiction.

  Hunter chuckled. “There’s no margin for error, if I slip up, we’re gone. Well kind of. Lucky we’re very resilient.”

  That didn’t ease her mind. She placed the helmet behind her hoping she wouldn’t regret it. Dying on a motorbike would be too cliched, it bordered on pathetic.

  The wheels of the Ducati sped manically through the narrow streets, the vibration rumbling between her thighs. Her hair flew through the wind, whipping in her face. Following his suggestion, she opened her eyes, but only saw flashes of white from the street lights. A few times Hunter defied gravity by leaning the motorbike lowly it almost touched the asphalt. She dug her fingernails into his chest hoping he’d feel it. The experience was more of an emotional rather than a visual one. It was a strange combination of fear and pleasure. Her anxiety levels were at an all-time high, yet she was free. She teetered on never nearing one again to couldn’t wait.

  Within minutes Hunter pulled up in the driveway and she couldn’t get off fast enough. “Told you it’ll be a wild ride,” he said cockily, then dismounted and ruffled his already mussed up hair. She stayed quiet because secretly it had been a thrill and a buzz. “You’ve got two minutes, make it quick. I’ll keep a lookout.” He leaned against the bike.

  “Just come in, I’m sure if Meredith finds you in my room, you’ll use your charm to get out of it,” she said unlocking the door.

  Hunter raised his eyebrows but didn’t hesitate to follow closely behind her. Not for the first time she was glad Meredith was a midwife otherwise she wouldn’t have been able to do half the things she’d been doing lately.

  Luxor removed the one and only dress out of her wardrobe that had the “look at me” factor, ripping off the price tag. It was coincidentally the same dress Evie raved about, unfortunately, it wasn’t the one which would cover her up the most. Finding a “hot” dress for a Nephilim would be an arduous task, they’d be outed straight away because most were strapless or sleeveless.

  I guess there’s not much of a market for semi-demon couture.

  “Angel, come on,” Hunter complained from behind the door. “What are you doing?”

  In typical guy fashion, he was impatient to the ways of a girl’s getting ready routine. What differed here in this instance was apart from changing her dress and shoes there wasn’t much she had to alter, but she procrastinated.

  The figure-hugging red, strapless dress was the most daring thing she’d ever worn and her self-confidence wasn’t high enough. Counting to three she geared herself up and left the sanctuary of the bathroom.

  “Wow.” Hunter let out a low whistle. His eyes roamed the length of her body taking in every inch, doing the sign of the cross. “I’m going to hell for my current impure thoughts. You look...” he paused, his toffee eyes lingering making her feeling naked. “Well, you can probably guess what I’ll say next.”

  She punched his arm, which made him smile even further. “Don’t say another word.”

  “I was going to say exquisite.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Luxor wriggled around and tugged at the bottom of her dress which kept riding up and exposed more of her bare legs.

  She twirled her finger. “Turn around, I need to put my shoes on.”

  For a six-foot girl wearing heels was a big no-no. The closest Luxor could wear to match the outfit was a pair of black wedge heels. She leant over and crisscrossed the strap so they tied up halfway up her calf.

  “I’m ready.”

  Slow and steady he slinked closer, enclosin
g her waist, his hands burning against her bareback. “You truly are beautiful.” He nuzzled her neck laying the faintest of kisses behind her earlobe.

  Luxor let out a gasp, a tickle stirring up in the pit of her stomach.

  Oh hell, why now?

  “I can’t help myself,” he replied to her thoughts.

  “Such a bad boy, my Hunter.” She gave him a quick peck on the lips. If she gave him what she truly wanted they’d never leave the room.

  “Am I? Yours I mean? Or just for the Twilight Festival?” He held her face and stared at her intently.

  “Nope, you’re all mine, just like I’m all yours. Apples and Skittles unite.” There was no hesitation at all. For once she knew, and would get wanted she wanted.

  Hunter helped her with her jacket, slipping his fingers in hers giving them a light squeeze, and kissed the front of her hand. Luxor loved how they connected, his rough against her soft, opposite yet perfect for each other.

  “You need to put your contacts in,” he said.


  “Where we’re going, it’s better you blend in, and your eyes and veins are a giveaway to your rank.”

  Luxor quickly inserted them, already hating the feel of them. If the ride from the Village Bowl was bad, the return trip was worse. And all because of the wretched dress. Hunter had covered her lap and modesty with his jacket which only made it a tad bearable.

  A sonic boom and a myriad of electrified colours highlighted the sky. Crackle and the fizzle announced themselves as the fireworks launched like shooting stars across the sky illuminating the night.

  Driving down Main Street, red and blue lights flashed in the distance highlighting the street. The Hive had been sealed off with tape, a crowd of people gathering around glimpsing at the action.

  Luxor leaned in closer, tapping him on the shoulder. “Pull over, something’s happening,” she said hoping he could hear her.

  “You can see them another night, we have to get to Sanctum, it’s about to open,” Hunter replied not taking his eyes off the road.

  “It’s something worse.” She pointed outwards.

  Hunter nodded and returned the Ducati to the alley whilst Luxor took off to The Hive. She pushed through the throng of people that was spilled onto the street and sidewalk.


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