Pretty Kings

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by T. Styles

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  Shyt List 1

  Shyt List 2

  Shyt List 3


  Shyt List 5

  Pitbulls in a Skirt 1

  Pitbulls in a Skirt 2

  Pitbulls In A SKirt 3

  Poison 1

  Poison 2

  Victoria’s Secret

  Hell Razor Honeys 1

  Hell Razor honeys 2

  Black and Ugly As Ever

  A Hustler’s Son 2

  The Face That Launched A Thousand Bullets

  Year of the Crackmom

  The Unusual Suspects

  Miss Wayne and the Queens of DC

  La Familia Divided


  Raunchy 2: Mad’s Love

  Raunchy 3: Jayden’s Passion


  Quita’s DayScare Center

  Quita’s DayScare Center 2

  Dead Heads

  Pretty Kings

  The End. How To Write A Bestselling Novel in 30 Days




  T. Styles

  Copyright © 2013 by The Cartel Publications. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission

  from the author, except by reviewer who may quote passages

  to be printed in a newspaper or magazine.


  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses,

  Organizations, places, events and incidents are the product of the

  Author’s imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance of

  Actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2012956540

  ISBN 10: 0984993045

  ISBN 13: 978-0984993048

  Cover Design: Davida Baldwin

  Editor: Advanced Editorial Services

  Graphics: Davida Baldwin

  First Edition

  Printed in the United States of America


  I dedicate this to all my Twisted T fans. I love you babies.


  I dreamed this entire book in one night.

  And, I acknowledge all of my fans for inspiring me to create. I do this for you.

  Thank You.

  T. Styles, President & CEO, The Cartel Publications

  What Up Fam,

  I hope and trust that you all had a great and Happy New Year. We at the Cartel Publications had a wonderful holiday season and beginning to 2013. When you have a moment, make sure you slide by our updated website, and check out all the new and exciting things we have in place. We hope you enjoy it just as much as we did creating it.

  We will be dropping some incredible novels including my very own, first book. Yeah, yeah, I know, I should have been written a novel, but I know that you can only come out once for the first time and I had to make sure it was the right time. It drops by midyear, so be on the lookout for it.

  Ok, now that my shameless plug is out the way, ;) Let’s get down to brass tacks, “Pretty Kings”. Man, I gotta say, this novel is the freshest concept for a book I ever heard of. I still remember exactly what I was doing when T called me and told me the title and premise. My mouth flew open! I loved it and equally important, I hadn’t heard of a story like this. I love fresh shit. I know you will too.

  However, before you go, keeping in line with Cartel tradition, we would like to honor an author who’s literary work we admire and moving forward we decided that we will not only pay homage to authors but go getters in life and business. In this letter, we would like to pay tribute to:

  Malcolm Gladwell

  This is an author who wrote a book that T swears by. If more people who desire to attain a goal read this book, we believe they will reach their dream with a purpose and plan. The book is called, “Outliers”, so make sure you pick it up.

  Ok, I’m out, got work to do! Get your read in; I know you’ll love it as much as I did!

  Much Love, Success and Happiness.

  Charisse “C. Wash” Washington

  Vice President

  The Cartel Publications

  Follow us on Instagram @cartelpublications

  Follow me on Instagram @publishercwash

  Saturday, November 3rd

  4:00 pm


  I fucked my husband 4,777 times in my life. That’s everyday for the 17 years we’ve been together, minus the days I got my period. My husband knows my body, and I know every mole and hair on his. Sex with him is outrageous, and there’s nothing I won’t do in the bedroom to please him. From sucking his dirty toes, to licking the crack of his ass, for the sake of love I’ve done it all.

  When it comes to sex we can’t get enough of each other. It’s so bad that the only time he goes out of town on business is when my pussy bleeds and is out of order. He figures if I’m leaking, another nigga won’t taste the goods. It doesn’t matter that I’ve never met a nigga who would turn down the juicy, menstruating or not.

  I sigh when I roll over on my white Baldacchino Supreme bed, worth over four million dollars. My husband is not next to me, and I feel empty. I’ve felt empty a lot lately. I rub my hand over the 28 carat gold leaves carved into the bedpost. My outstretched manicured hand, scarred with tiny cuts, makes me think of my violent past.

  The stiff pad stuffed between my pussy lips is the reason I’m alone. Kevin is in LA, right now on business. I grab his down pillow, bring it to my face and inhale. It smells like Clive Christian cologne and I melt. Electricity shoots through my body, and I contemplate playing with myself for the third time that day. But I fingered myself so much over the past few days thinking about my missing husband, that my wrists are throbbing.

  First let me tell you this, I’m Bambi Kennedy, wife to Kevin Kennedy, leader of the Kennedy Kings. Kevin has been in the drug business since I’ve known him. Prior to Kevin I was a soldier girl, looking for a way out. He saved me by loving me hard and spoiling me rotten. Once I accepted his love and he introduced me to luxury boat rides on his yacht, fly private parties, which we threw here at our ten-bedroom mansion, I knew there was no turning back for me. I’m all about this life.




  Before we go any further, let me set the record straight. My nigga deals in cocaine. Not crack. Not weed or any of that other watered down shit. He deals in the purest and only fucks with the big boys who can afford weight. I call it the Virgin Pussy.

  Kevin is great at what he does. His brothers too. He’s so good that he has given me everything I have ever asked for. The black drop head Phantom coupe outside, I own that. The ten million dollar home in the suburbs, I live in that. St. Paul’s Boarding school? One of the best schools in America? My twin boys do that. Life is sweet. Real sweet. Sometimes.

  In the back of my mind, where I keep the rest of my raunchy secrets, I feel like I’m out of my league by being here. Like a fake. I know the truth about our troubled marriage. And, when I see Kevin’s face, I wonder if
he regrets the day he chose me to be his wife. I also think about where my life would be, if we never met.


  17 Years Earlier

  Kevin Kennedy glided through the Washington Dulles International airport, on the way to the parking lot to ease into his big-bodied black Benz. His plane landed late, and he was excited to tell his brothers about a meeting he just had with Mitch McKenzie in Mexico. Not only was the meeting unprecedented, it would put the Kennedy Kings in a position to distribute the purest cocaine in the United States. Mitch would not only give the Kings the white at great wholesale prices, Mitch was using the most underestimated cocaine hubs in the world to grow his product, Peru, thereby reducing some of the risk.

  While everyone who was on the plane with Kevin hustled to baggage claim, he had intentions on walking right past it. He never took luggage when he went out of town. He would purchase clothing wherever he landed, and leave the designer garbs for the natives when he left the city. He believed in moving light.

  Kevin pushed his brown and gold Versace eyeglasses to his face with his index finger as he headed for the door…until he saw her face.

  Bambi Martin seemed upset as she picked up suitcase after suitcase on the conveyor belt looking for her luggage. The green army fatigue pants she wore tried to drown out the thickness of her ass, and the curves of her hips, but the pants failed miserably. The white t-shirt clinging to her breasts was raised enough to see her cute belly button. Was she a soldier, is what Kevin wanted to know? Bambi’s long brown hair hung down the middle of her back, and it swayed from left to right as she searched for her luggage.

  When Bambi finally grabbed her green army duffle bag, and strutted past Kevin without so much as eye contact, he knew immediately that she was the one. Females threw themselves at Kevin on a regular basis, so it wasn’t like he couldn’t get pussy. He couldn’t even sit in traffic without some chick flashing their breasts to get his attention, or making fools of themselves to get his number. Every now and again he would choose one, take her to a hotel, and fuck her brains out to make sure his fuck game was still on par. But he never, ever, until that moment saw some random chick, and said she was the one.

  Keeping his eyes on Bambi, Kevin removed the gray bulky Motorola 8900 cell phone from his jean pocket. He followed her out of the airport, and into the parking lot. The sun’s rays were strong and caused Bambi’s brown skin to sparkle. Kevin was in awe of her beauty. She seemed like she was waiting on someone because she stood on the curb and kept looking at her watch.

  “I gotta have that bitch,” he said to himself. Kevin hit the speed dial on his cell phone to reach his brother Ramirez Kennedy.

  When he answered Kevin said, “Ram, I’m not gonna be able to get up with ya’ll tonight.” He slid into a yellow cab. “I’ll get up with you later and explain. But, on everything I love, I think I just found my wife.”

  “I guess I’ll hear all about it later, because to tell you the truth, I can’t imagine Kinky Kevin settling down for nobody,” Ramirez told him.

  “Fuck you, nigga,” Kevin chuckled. “I’m out,” he ended the call and stuffed the cell phone into his pocket.

  With his attention on the African cab driver he said, “Wherever she goes, follow.” He pointed at Bambi. “But, hang back so she don’t see you.” He tossed him a crisp one hundred dollar bill to start the tab off right. Kevin decided to leave his brand new black 1995 Mercedes Benz E-Class in the parking lot, to trail the girl he wanted. This was not his plan but he loved it.

  When Bambi slid into the passenger seat of a black Honda Accord, and Kevin saw the long hair of the female driver, he rested a little easier. It would make his job to bag her a little smoother if another nigga wasn’t scooping her up. The cab driver did a good job of tailing Bambi. She seemed unwise that she was being watched from behind.

  Thirty minutes later they arrived in a suburb of Maryland. “Park a few cars behind them,” Kevin told the cab driver. The driver obeyed and Kevin waited for Bambi to get out of the car. When she finally eased out, she grabbed her duffle, and pulled her long hair over her right shoulder. Waving goodbye to her ride, she strutted away from the car.

  When Bambi walked in the direction of the cab, Kevin eased down in his seat so that she couldn’t spot him. He was worth more money than at least five of the houses on the block put together, yet he was cowering down like a bitch. He felt ridiculous but something about the soldier girl had him intrigued. Had him humbling himself.

  When he waited long enough, Kevin sat up straight, and looked back to see which house Bambi walked into. He didn’t see her anywhere. It was as if she vanished into thin air. He exhaled in anger. Why didn’t he approach her? When he faced the front of the cab, and looked to his right again, he was now staring into the barrel of Bambi’s gun.

  Kevin saw his life flash in front of him as he looked into the eyehole of the weapon. Both he and the cab driver threw their hands up in the air to show they weren’t armed.

  Bambi grinned, and tapped the back passenger window.

  Kevin pointed to the automatic window button, “Can I roll it down?”

  She nodded. When the window was down she asked, “Who are you and why are you following me?”

  Kevin didn’t know whether to be frightened or turned on by Bambi. She held onto the handle of the gray .45 in her hands with authority. It was evident that she knew guns…well. “How did you know I was following you?”

  “I saw you in the airport,” she explained with her finger still firmly on the trigger. “When you pushed your glasses to your face, and watched me in baggage claim,” she paused. “Now answer my question, why are you following me?”

  “Because you gonna be my wife.” he told her plainly. In his mind, Bambi would be the perfect addition to the Kennedy family. She was beautiful, could handle a weapon and had the eye of a killer.

  “What makes you think that I’d want anything to do with you?” Bambi asked no longer holding the gun as firmly. Besides, she wasn’t as scared of him as she was the first time she saw him follow her. Kevin was dangerously attractive with his large brown eyes and model looks and for some reason she wanted him, and badly.

  “I know you want it because you haven’t killed me yet. And, I can look in your eyes, and tell that you’ve killed before. The way your lower jaw is trembling, you’ve probably killed many.” When he saw her expression soften he continued. “You also not gonna pull the trigger, because you tired of moving around like a man in life. You need a real nigga to take care of you, and hold you down. That’s where I step in. You not gonna kill me, because if you do, you’ll risk the only opportunity at real love. Now what you wanna do, ma?”

  He read her from the hair on her head to the soles of her feet. She was done. For five months Kevin courted her, showed her the finer things in life while never sliding into her pussy once, no matter how bad Bambi begged him too. And, when he was ready to make his move, he stepped to her father first.

  Brian Martin, Bambi’s father, immediately liked Kevin, but not for the reasons a father should. He never wanted his daughter to be a soldier in the army, and hoped Kevin could show her what she’s been missing. No he didn’t like Kevin’s drug dealing lifestyle, but he hated the war for Bambi even more. Besides, there was something regal about Kevin that Brian respected. Kevin’s age said he was young, but his mannerisms said he was raised properly.

  Karen Martin, Bambi’s mother, on the other hand, didn’t like Kevin. Not because he was rude, or didn’t love Bambi, but because he sold poison to their people. She saw her daughter’s life turning for the worst if she shacked up with Kevin for the love of money. Karen’s own marriage was falling apart as she came to the realization that she was in love with another woman. She didn’t want her daughter to suffer the same fate, by realizing that she wasn’t in love with Kevin the man, but Kevin the hustler.

  Kevin respected Karen’s opinion of him, but knew there was no getting through to her. Instead, he focused on Brian. The only ot
her man on earth besides him that Bambi idolized.

  When Kevin was ready he presented Brian with a seventeen year family and business plan. In the plan he depicted how he would care financially for Bambi. He listed how he would invest in their futures with stocks and bonds. He even drew out an area showing how much money would be allotted for their children if Bambi bared him any.

  Although Brian was impressed, the best part of the plan was the end. Because after 17 years, Kevin said he would get out of the drug business, and remain successful due to his plans to be a real estate mogul. Brian gave Kevin his approval to be with his daughter. When Brian did, Kevin proposed to nineteen-year-old Bambi, and the rest was their history.


  I’m at my 28-kt gold dresser combing through my long expensive weave. It’s wavy now, but when it’s wet, the curls tighten up just the way Kevin likes it. When my iPad dings on my bed, indicating I have a video call, I rush over to my bed and hop on top of it. When I pick up my iPad, and I see Kevin is trying to reach me, I tingle all over my body.

  After all this time he still gets me wet. And, not just wet between the legs. That type of thing is normal in our relationship. Whenever I see him or hear his voice, I sweat. My palms. My feet. My back. Everywhere is wet, because I’m always thinking about how I would react if Kevin decides he doesn’t want me anymore...first. Leaving the Kennedy family doesn’t just mean a divorce, in my mind it means giving up my crown. Giving up my place in life. I can’t let another woman have what I have. I won’t.

  I lie on my back, grab my iPad and hit the button to take his call. Immediately his handsome face comes into view on the screen. He strokes his neatly trimmed goatee, quickly and I smile.


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