Eternal Temptations (The Tempted Series Book 6)

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Eternal Temptations (The Tempted Series Book 6) Page 7

by Janine Infante Bosco

  Anna died seven years ago after a long battle with breast cancer and her son came to me, looking for a job. He despised what his father stood for, hated the fact drugs and greed were associated with his name, deciding he wanted to change the way people perceived Rocco Spinelli Junior.

  I gave him a job within the organization and he worked his way up to becoming the soldier in charge of the trade business. Rocco was in charge of the docks, controlling the Longshoremen’s Association and the local union contracts I had in my pocket. He reminded me a lot of myself, thirsty for power and eager to make a name for himself.

  I schooled him on the values and code that the Pastore family abided by. We weren’t about drugs, and no innocent children would overdose on our watch. We kept the streets as clean as possible, shutting down any dealers that threatened to sell their product on our territory. After he mastered that I sent him down to Miami Florida and put him in charge of my interests there. I owned three night clubs down there and business was thriving. Miami was flooded with drugs but they didn’t touch my clubs and that was all Rocco’s doing. He kept things clean and profitable.

  “Anthony should be here any minute,” I began, folding my hands neatly on top of the table. “How did everything go with the men?”

  “Everyone thought the Pastore family was dead. They were just about ready to disburse your territory amongst the five families when I walked in and introduced myself,” he informs me. “The boss of the Pastore crime family.”

  Smiling, I imagine the stunned faces of every mob boss rivaling against my organization, looking to take over my territory. I made it clear a long time ago, I wasn’t someone to be underestimated.

  I stare back at Rocco—the future of my empire.

  We’d never die.

  Never end.

  Rocco Spinelli would carry the legacy of Victor Pastore—the gangster. My empire would continue to reign even after I was buried.

  “Did you square away everything in Miami?”

  “Joaquin DeLeo will take my place, controlling the clubs and small business ventures I have down there. As for New York, I’m pulling Rienzi off the docks like we discussed, and I will appoint him as my underboss. We’ll be small for a while as soldiers and enforcers climb the ranks but I’m not worried. You’re sure Parrish and his club will have my back until I can strengthen the organization?”

  “Son, you know better than to question me,” I chastise, turning my head as my son-in-law appears in the room. Anthony stood out amongst everyone in the room and although his appearance differed from Rocco’s, wearing a pair of sweatpants and fitted t-shirt that stretched across every muscle he worked hard at strengthening, there was no denying he was a force to be reckoned with. He used to be the most lethal man in my organization, the one who did most of my dirty work, allowing my hands to remain clean and his covered in blood.

  He traded in his title as my enforcer to be my daughter’s husband, and though the mob runs in his veins, something he won’t ever truly escape, he wakes every day and attempts to be everything I never was. He is a husband that comes home night after night and a father who tucks his children into bed and reads them a bedtime story.

  Anthony narrows his eyes and pins them onto Rocco as he makes his way toward us.

  “Anthony, so glad you could join us,” I greet, waving my hand to the empty seat beside Rocco. “Have a seat.”

  “What the fuck is this, Vic?”

  “Relax,” I soothe. “That’s why you’re here, for me to explain.”

  “Bianci, always a pleasure,” Rocco sneers, his gaze never wavering under Anthony’s scrutiny.

  He’s perfect.

  Anthony pulls out the chair and sinks into it, crossing his arms against his chest, covering the Xonerated logo branded to his shirt.

  “You said I was here because you had a message for Jack,” he started, tipping his chin toward Rocco. “He have anything to do with that?”

  “He is the message you will bring to Jack Parrish’s doorstep,” I explain, cocking my head to the side as I stare back at him.


  I opened my mouth but Rocco leaned forward, tapping his hand against the edge of the table, beckoning Anthony’s attention.

  “Let me clarify for you. You will bring me to the Satan’s Knights compound and introduce me to my new ally as I am now the boss of the Pastore family.”

  Anthony’s eyes divert back to me.

  “You’re shitting me, right?”

  “Problem?” Rocco challenges.

  “Yeah, motherfucker, there’s a problem,” Anthony hisses. “What the fuck is going on, Vic? I thought this was done, I thought the organization was null and void.”

  “You thought wrong,” Rocco declares.

  “I’m not talking to you, motherfucker,” Anthony barks, slamming his fist against the table.

  “You better control yourself, Bianci,” Rocco warns.

  “Enough,” I interrupt. “Anthony, Rocco has already sat down with the five families. It’s done. He will control all aspects of the organization. You really didn’t think I would sit back and watch people pick apart my empire; just let them have at it, did you? I thought you knew me better than that,” I accuse.

  “I’m not understanding, Vic,” Anthony says, gritting his teeth as he runs his fingers through his slicked back hair. “After you went away, Jimmy became the acting boss,” he started, pointing a finger at Rocco, “Where was he?”

  “I knew before everyone, before I even turned myself in that Jimmy had gone against me, that he was working with the G-Man even before Val’s death. After the shoot-out at Temptations, when Adrianna pulled that trigger, I had to make changes. My family couldn’t go on suffering for my crimes. Then Nikki was kidnapped by Deke Rogers and Mikey was shot and nearly killed. I went to Rocco and told him I was turning myself in. I told him what Jimmy had done, that he had a hand in killing my underboss and that I had to still get the G-Man.” I pause, taking in the shocked expression on his face. Ah, you got to love the element of surprise.

  “It was all part of the plan, Anthony. I went to Rocco before they cuffed me in Florida and after he took his oath I turned myself in. I let Jimmy dig his hole deeper and deeper, bided my time and Rocco’s, giving him an opportunity to know my organization like the back of his hand. It’s time for him to reign now, especially with me being transferred to the G-Man.”

  Anthony remained silent.

  “You’re going to take Rocco to Jack, make sure the alliance we have with the club carries over with Rocco as the boss. Rocco will run the family with the same values and earn Jack’s respect just like I did. Now, I’ve given Jack and the club control over some of my interests but other than that, Rocco will run things from now on. Jack knows Rocco is in the business but he doesn’t know he’s taking over my organization and that he is now the boss of the Pastore family. The Pastore family isn’t going under like everyone assumed it would.”

  “This is bullshit,” Anthony seethes.

  “Why don’t you say it, man? You’re only grief with Vic’s decision is that he chose me instead of you,” Rocco accuses.

  Anthony snaps his head and glares at Rocco.

  “Know what the fuck you’re talking about before you speak. It was my choice to leave this life, mine and mine alone.”

  “Right, and you got the out that nobody gets. You got to walk away and claim a life for yourself. You got a fucking family, man, a beautiful family…you don’t need to be in my shoes,” Rocco says. “I don’t have what you do. I’ve got no one that stands a chance at getting hurt by the choices I make. The only life I’m responsible for is my own.”

  Anthony balls his fists as he digests Rocco’s words for a moment before turning his gaze back to me.

  “You’re slick, Vic. Always have been and always will be I suppose,” he mutters.

  “And don’t you forget it,” I tell him, leaning back in my chair. “Which leads me to the ne
xt order of business, I didn’t forget about you or Michael for that matter. —You’ll always need protection and the Satan’s Knights can only do so much. The club has their own enemies they have to worry about and can’t always be relied upon to take care of what’s mine. Rocco will provide protection to both of you as well as your families for a legit place within the organization,” I reveal.

  “Adrianna will kill me if I go back, Vic. I can’t do that to her, I won’t do that to her and I won’t do that to my kids—”

  “I’m not offering you your old place back. I’d never do that,” I interrupt. “Someone will have to run the contracts for the docks and I want that someone to be you. I’ve set Michael up to be the foreman in the local union, Rocco will make sure the union is covered and all jobs they bid on they’ll get.”

  “So, we’ll still be in the fold and earn the respect and benefits of being made men without having to kill anyone?” He asks incredulously, anger dripping off of each word.

  “So you’ll be protected,” I correct, leaning forward and pinning him with a stare. “I’m making sure my family is taken care of because when I die I won’t be here to protect any of you.”

  Anthony narrows his eyes, staring back at me skeptically.

  “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “I’ve told you all you need to know. Now, Jack’s waiting for you to introduce him to his new ally…you know better than to keep the Bulldog waiting,” I reprimand.

  I push back my chair, standing before signaling for the guard to take me back to my cell.

  “Give my daughter a kiss and tell those two babies of yours their grandpa loves them,” I rasp before looking to my nephew. “Button your collar and buy yourself a tie goddamn it. Appearances are everything.”

  My legacy will live on in the lives of the two men staring at my back as I walk away from them. One will carry my family and the other my empire.

  I’ll die but my name will always live on.

  Chapter Nine

  Inspecting it for any rough edges, I run my hand over the freshly sanded table making sure Bosco had taken my order seriously when I demanded him to sand and prime this damn thing. This table was as much a part of our club as I was. It had been through hell and back just like everyone who ever sat around it. My predecessor, Cain, and his old man, Pops, built this table with their own hands and it has held up through war, death and the exchange of power. As long as I hold this gavel this fucking table will stand tall, and should the day come when I retire from this life, Blackie better be prepared to have his sanding papers ready.

  I pull out the chair at the head of the table, taking my rightful seat, and lean my back against the worn chair as I reach for my pack of cigarettes.

  I have to quit.

  I bring the cigarette to my lips and fish through my pockets for a light.

  Tomorrow I’ll quit or the day after that.

  I light the Marlboro and take a nice, long drag.

  I’ll quit smoking before the kid is born for sure. I better or Reina will have my balls.

  I scowl at the clock on the wall, noting these fucks are five minutes late for church. The door slams open in that moment and the circus comes barreling through.

  “What part of ‘church in five minutes’ did you bitches not comprehend?” I growl, blowing out a ring of smoke.

  I watch my men take their seats, Blackie sits at my left and next to him is Riggs—the next seat stands empty as we keep it in place for our fallen brother, Bones. Wolf and Pipe park their asses across from my vice president and the self-proclaimed Tiger. The club’s new blood fill the seats at the other end of the table.

  Our club has grown, adding Linc, Deuce and Cobra into the mix—thank fuck for that because we need all the men we can get. And let me not forget about Stryker, that poor bastard is doing a bid in Riker’s for a possession charge. He got the shit end of the stick, finally decided to trade in his nomad patch and take a seat at my table, only to get his ass thrown in the can. After Blackie got locked up, I had to send someone inside to keep him safe and deliver my right hand his orders. I’ll make it up to him somehow.

  Our brotherhood didn’t stop there though, we’ve recruited some new prospects, and they stood in the back of the room, leaning against the wall.

  I’m not getting a bigger fucking table, let those fuckers stand.

  “Sorry boss, but I had to take a piss and Pipe wanted to watch, been a while since he found his dick, he needed a reminder of what a real cock looks like,” Wolf explains.

  “Fuck you, Wolf,” Pipe replies. “My dick is just fine.”

  “If you can find it,” Wolf chuckles.

  “I’m going to kill him,” Pipe vows, staring at me. “With or without your consent.”

  “Enough ladies, let’s get down to business,” I begin, biting the side of my cheek so I don’t laugh as Wolf holds up his pinky finger, mocking the length of Pipe’s dick.

  I glance over at Riggs, watching as he messes with his phone. I grin, tipping my head toward Blackie who leans back and peers at the screen of Riggs’ phone.

  “You naughty Kitten just wait until I get home,” Blackie reads from Riggs’ phone out loud, disguising his voice to mock the Tiger.

  “Hey, man! That shit is personal,” Riggs snarls. “That’s foul, especially after I kept your shit with Lacey under lock and key.”

  “Calm down, Tiger. You know I’ve got nothing but love for you and your kitten,” Blackie teases.

  “I bet if I pulled out your phone and did a read-a-long, Jackie boy wouldn’t be laughing,” Riggs fires back, narrowing his eyes in my direction.

  “Point for Riggs,” I mutter, not needing a reminder that Blackie’s sleeping with my damn daughter.

  Wolf throws his head into his hands and groans before pinning his eyes toward the other end of the table where the nomads stare at us like we are a bunch of assholes.

  “Do us all a favor and don’t become pussy whipped like the rest of these assholes,” he begs. “You fuckers are all I have left to keep me from looking for a fourth wife.”

  “Shouldn’t the fact you have three exes be enough to stop you from seeking a fourth?” Linc questions grinning at Wolf. “We’ll leave the ball and chains on that side of the table.”

  “I wouldn’t mind a ball and chain,” Deuce drawls, flashing his smile full of southern charm.

  “Been a while since you found your dick too, huh?” Wolf questions Satan’s cowboy.

  “Nothing wrong with the man looking for a good woman to keep him warm at night, especially after coming back from the dark side,” I argue, glancing back at Deuce. “Boy’s looking for his heart—”

  “Here we go again,” Riggs mumbles.

  “Found yours didn’t you?” I fire back.

  “What about you, Cobra? You’re awfully quiet,” Blackie interjects, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms against his chest.

  It took a moment but Cobra finally lifted his head acknowledging that Blackie had asked him a question.

  “I may have taken a chair at this table but I’m loner at heart,” he replies hoarsely.

  I peer down the length of the table at the man covered in ink from his neck down to his toes and stare into his dull eyes.


  Each one of us sitting here has them. Some of us hide them better than others, then there’s Cobra who wears them on his skin. Each intricate piece of art tells his story, portraying his demons and giving us insight to the man of mystery.

  “I’m almost afraid to ask, but fuck, someone has to grab their balls, why are we here, Bulldog?” Wolf asks, forcing me to peel my eyes off Cobra’s arms and the face tattooed on his forearm.

  “Two reasons, but since Bianci thinks he can waste my time just like the rest of you, I’ll give you the good news first,” I grunt, knowing any kind of news coming down the pipe from Victor is bound to give me a fucking headache. “I’m getting hitched.”

>   “Yeah, we know, got that woman of yours wearing a rock as big as Pipe’s dick,” Wolf taunts.

  “She finally give you the green light?” Blackie asks.

  “Yeah,” I grin. “One month from today Reina will officially become Property of Parrish.”

  “Praise Jesus,” Pipe mocks, clasping his hands together as he stares up at the ceiling.

  “So does that mean more of them family dinners you two like to put on?” Wolf probes.

  “That means you idiots get to whip this shithole into shape because we’re having the wedding here.”

  “Here?” Pipe asks incredulously.

  “Where else would the Bulldog get married?” I reply.

  “Clearly, this won’t be a black-tie affair,” Linc chimes in.

  “Reina wants to keep it simple and I want to do whatever the fuck makes her happy,” I tell them. “Any of you have a problem with that?”

  My eyes roam the table, daring one of them to speak before I settle my gaze on Blackie.

  “And you, you’ll be at my side just as you are now,” I ground out.

  “You asking me to be your best man?” Blackie queries, biting back a grin.

  “It’s only fitting since Reina’s asking Lacey to be her maid of honor,” I mumble.

  Blackie leans over, places his arm on my back and gives me a firm pat.

  “I’ve got you, brother,” he says sincerely.

  “I object, I mean I get it, he’s your VP and all that, but best man? Just tell me…was I even in the running?” Riggs questions.

  The door opens and Bianci strolls through, leaving it open behind him.

  “Well if it isn’t my favorite brother-in-law,” Riggs cheers, turning his attention to Anthony. I think the little fucker has ADD or some shit.

  “Don’t recall you marrying my sister,” Bianci growls.

  “Made her my Kitten, Bianci, that shit is worth more than my given name,” Riggs shoots back.

  “You’re late,” I accuse, glancing over his shoulder at the open door. “Any particular reason?”


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