Book Read Free

Male Me

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by Amarinda Jones

  Male Me

  By Amarinda Jones

  Warning: Explicit Content

  This title contains adult material and is not intended for readers under 18 years of age.

  Copyright © 2008, Amarinda Jones

  Published August 2008


  Resplendence Publishing, LLC

  Edgewater, Florida

  All rights reserved

  Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and occurrences are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places, or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

  To those who think outside the box and take a chance on finding something more in life.

  To the dedicated readers who have supported me and my books─ thank you.

  And as always, to my unshockable family and friends who never bat an eye lid over anything I do.

  Chapter One

  From: Quinn Markwell

  To: Delaware Brooks

  You look exhausted honey. Did lover boy keep you up all night?

  From: Delaware Brooks

  To: Quinn Markwell

  Templeton shagged me senseless; I can barely walk.

  From: Quinn Markwell

  To: Delaware Brooks

  I am so jealous! How many times?

  From: Delaware Brooks

  To: Quinn Markwell

  I lost count. I have never had a man so hot, and hard, and ready to perform. I can hardly wait for tonight. Templeton has promised to fuck me senseless again.

  Templeton McAdam’s blue eyes were riveted to the computer screen. He squirmed around, trying to relieve the tension in his cock as he read the emails from this unknown employee, called Delaware Brooks.

  “Oh darlin’ you need to be fucked hard,” he murmured with a grin as he tried to picture what the woman in question looked like.

  It was crazy that she was discussing him via email, and they had not even met. Not that it really mattered. Anyone that fantasized about having sex with him was someone Templeton wanted to meet. He knew if he continued reading much longer he would have to jack off, and that was such a shame when there was clearly a very willing, yet unknown woman who wanted him. Templeton looked up when his office door opened.

  “I’m glad you’re here, Speed.” He motioned his best friend over to the computer screen. “You have to check this out.”

  Simon ‘Speed’ Guthrie leaned over his friend’s shoulder and read from the screen. “Congratulations, I wasn’t aware you were engaged. You should have told me, Temp old buddy.” Speed’s eyes widened in surprise as he read on. “Wow, she’s something else. Do you know who this ‘Delaware’ is, and if so, how come you haven’t shared her with me?”

  “Actually, I haven’t met her, or most of the other employees.”

  Templeton McAdam, CEO of Hindsight Executive Management, had only finished moving his base of operations from Sydney to Brisbane in the last couple of days. He was still finding his feet and hadn’t met all the workers yet. But he had sent out several emails to them, advising them of changes, and clearly Miss Delaware Brooks was having some fun at his expense.

  “I wonder who she is,” he murmured.

  Was she completely unaware that corporate policy was no personal emails while at work? The minute someone exceeded their download limit, the emails were automatically forwarded to him from the IT department. The ones from this particular woman had been eye opening.

  Templeton changed screens and pulled up the employee data base from the icon on his desktop. He brought up her file and opened it. “Delaware Brooks, hmm… she doesn’t look happy in her photo.” In fact she looked positively angry.

  This woman wrote those emails? Intriguing.

  “Yeah but look at the luscious bottom lip and the defiant tilt of her chin. This woman has passion.” Speed clicked on the picture to enlarge the image. “Look at those breasts.” They were just visible in the head and shoulders shot. “I love buxom women.”

  “Yes, she certainly is hot.” The short, shoulder length, dark brown hair, and green eyes made a man keep looking, and wondering. Templeton had not planned on getting into a full blown sexual liaison so quickly after arriving in Brisbane. However, his old fuck buddy Speed was here, and this woman had potential. Both men were strictly heterosexual, and both enjoyed sharing a woman whenever they could. Now that he was in Brisbane he expected this mutual need of theirs would hit full stride, and Miss Brooks looked like the ideal candidate.

  “You need to check her out, and for god sake, take pictures,” Speed reminded him, pointing to the desk camera they used for teleconferences.

  “Of course.” It was something they liked to do. If one took a woman separately, the other made sure that the moment was filmed for prosperity. The films were kept strictly for their own private use.

  Speed ran his finger lightly down the image on the screen.

  “Let me know how she tastes. I like feisty women.”

  Chapter Two

  “The boss wants to see you.”

  Delaware Brooks looked up at her officious supervisor, Nancy, in surprise.

  “The boss?” she asked vaguely, hoping she meant someone other than the new CEO. A sudden chill ran up her spine. Delaware tried to maintain a strict policy of flying under the radar in her boring administration job. Being summoned by the new boss, when no one else she knew had met him, was not a good sign.

  “Yes, the boss. The CEO─Templeton McAdam. Now hurry up.”

  Oh bugger.

  “Did I just hear what I thought I heard?” Quinn Markwell, her best friend, sidled up to her.

  She smiled at him indulgently. “Quinn, I’d imagine even under wet cement with Powderfinger on full volume you would hear things that are none of your business.”

  He flounced down in the seat beside her crossed his legs and leaned in. “Come on, you know you love me.” He pursed his lips, his eyes alight with mischief.

  “We really have to find you a new boyfriend. You have too much idle time on your hands, Quinny.” He was impossible, but adorable, and the sooner he had a new beau, the happier Delaware would be. With a new man to keep Quinn busy, he would be less inclined to stick his nose into her business.

  “I was thinking of checking out the new Chief, but it seems like he’s interested in checking you out.” Quinn looked around him to make sure no one was listening. “Do you think he’s read your emails?” He rolled his eyes dramatically at the thought.

  “They were personal emails.” Delaware pointed out, knowing that she had gone against all the regularly repeated rules, and used corporate mail for personal, and in this case, possibly pornographic use.

  Oh crap, I’m very likely screwed. She had no justification, or even a convenient lie ready, to excuse her behavior.

  “Corporate email shall not be used for any personal matter, and penalties will apply to staff who do so,” Quinn chanted obediently as if he was spouting from the book of Hindsight Executive Management rules.

  Delaware rolled her eyes at him. “Oh please, everyone sends personal emails. No one takes the whole warning thing seriously.”

  How many emails have I sent? The answer was lots. Her stomach knotted at the content of some of them. Double crap.

  “Maybe he wants to discuss wedding arrangements?” Quinn suggested brightly, if not sarcastically.

  They and several others in the office had enjoyed her silly emails back and forth about her and the unknown Templeton McAdam, who she called her fiancée. It
had been a way of poking fun at an unidentified boss that everyone was worried would in and disturb their neat little world. If that was what he was calling her in for, surely he would be able to see the humor in it. Wouldn’t he?

  “Have you done anything else wrong, other than raid the stationery cabinet?”

  “Everyone does that,” Delaware murmured in defense. “That’s like a right of passage.” She could think of no other reason why she was being called in. It had to be the blasted emails. “What am I going to do?”

  Quinn tipped his head to the side, as if weighing her options.

  “Well, you can always fake it─oh that’s right, you never fake it with him. What did you say in your email? He has the stamina of a bull, and the ability to make your toes curl up in ecstasy just by looking at you.”

  Delaware groaned and slapped her head. “Why did I write all that stupid stuff?”

  “Because you’re Delaware Brooks, and you like to have fun at the expense of people in power.”

  “It may be nothing.” She stood up and smoothed down the black mini skirt she wore. The knee boots that had been pinching her feet all day no longer worried her. She had other things to stress over.

  Quinn stood as well, and smoothed down the collar of Delaware’s red button up blouse. “Yeah, he probably just wants to award you employee of the year.” He laughed at the thought, as neither of them was dedicated to anything but a pay packet.

  “Come with me, Quinny. Staff members are allowed to have a peer present during meetings with management.”

  He looked at her in horror. “I love you, but no way. I don’t want him connecting me in any way with you.” He gave her a push to move. “I want him to conveniently forget that my name was on those emails.”

  “Drama queen,” she muttered as she walked off.

  “You know it darling.”

  * * * *

  Templeton McAdam glanced at the woman who stood at his open door. His eyes ran down the full length of her body, and he smiled.

  “Come in Delaware.” He looked at his personal assistant. “Absolutely no interruptions, Penny.”

  Delaware wanted to remain standing in the open doorway. She had the distinct impression that if she went inside the office, and the door shut, she would be in big trouble. Did Templeton McAdam look evil and threatening? No. He was dark haired and deadly sexy─just the way she liked them. Her heart did a strange flip-flop as her eyes locked with his. Was this love at first sight or just lust?

  “I really should get back to work,” she muttered under her breath, annoyed at herself that she felt intimidated, and yet wildly attracted to this man. It was completely unlike her. Normally, no one got to her, especially not on a first meeting. She liked to think she was cool, but she felt distinctly hot under his gaze.

  She crossed her arms over her breasts and looked at him. Oh yeah. He was sinfully sexy. His simple white business shirt did not hide the width of his broad shoulders, or the lean body that tapered down to a trim waist. Bloody hell woman. Look away.

  “Sit down Delaware.” Templeton pointed out a nearby chair. He went to his desk and leaned over to reach for a sheaf of papers.

  Nice ass, she thought as she sat. She would have been insensible not to have noticed those tight buns.

  The man attached to the buns in question turned around and caught her looking at them. She felt the heat rush to her face. She clutched the arms of the chair, and tried to gather herself.

  So he caught her looking at his butt. It wasn’t like it was a crime. Men ogled women all the time. She was just enforcing the rules of equality. Yeah right, but this is your boss’s ass.

  Templeton sat down in the chair beside her with the papers in his hands. “I want to talk to you about these.”

  Delaware did not have to look hard to make out her name on the printed emails. She decided to act cool and brazen it out. “Oh yes?”

  His smile was alight with amusement. “I thought it was time I met the woman I planned to—” he looked down at the print out and checked the wording. “Ah yes, planned to, quote—‘fuck senseless’. Imagine my surprise when I found out she is also my fiancée.”

  Fine. Whatever. It was not like she loved the work. It was time to move on anyway. This job had been boring her to tears. It was the main reason she had done what she had. A little humor had been called for. If the new boss could not take a joke, then she was better off leaving this boring hell hole.

  “Okay, yes, I wrote those emails, but they were in jest because everyone was so worried that you would make dramatic changes.” Delaware knew it did not justify what she had done, but it was the truth. “Go ahead and sack me.”

  “I don’t want to sack you, Delaware.” Templeton leaned in closer to her, and dropped the printouts in her lap. “I want to fuck you senseless, as any good fiancé would.”

  Delaware almost swallowed her tongue in shock. “You want to what?” The words came out choked as she stared at him as if he was mad.

  Templeton picked up the top printed page from her lap and began reading. “When he slams his thick, hard cock inside me, I scream so loud in excitement that I am sure the neighbors think I am being murdered.” He scanned further down the page. “I look forward to Templeton fucking me on his desk in his office while everyone outside is completely unaware of what we are doing.”

  “Well, you see. I ah─” Delaware squirmed in a nervous gesture. She felt a sudden tight wetness between her legs at his words. She tugged the hem of her mini skirt down to cover what she could. When she had bought it last week, it had looked flirty. Now it seemed down right dangerous with his eyes on her legs. “Um…” What brilliant thing could she say to get herself out of this mess?

  “Yes Delaware?” Templeton sat watching her with patient amusement.

  “Those emails were taken out of context.” Though how imaginary sex with the boss could be put into context was beyond her at that moment.


  Yes… how? Hmm… “Well, it’s like this… er, look, I’ll quit.” Delaware knew she had no defense to her own stupidity. “You don’t need to embarrass me further. I get it.”

  “I don’t want to embarrass you, Delaware. I want to make love to you. Let’s try the desk out.”

  “I beg your pardon?” She looked at him, and then the desk. Was she hearing correctly?

  “You heard me. I want you.”

  “I… ah… you’re not supposed to proposition employees. It’s sexual harassment.”

  “Those emails are sexual harassment.”

  Damn. He had her there.

  “Look, I don’t know you but…”

  He smiled at her knowingly. “Your emails suggests otherwise.”

  Oh, but he had a nice smile.

  “I’m not having sex with you.” Delaware was annoyed that her voice sounded so breathless and unconvincing. Was it hot in here or what? She tugged at her now restrictive neckline.

  “Why not?” Templeton stood up and walked over to the desk. “You said in your email you always wanted me to fuck you on my desk, so let’s do it.” He pushed a clear space on the desk surface.

  She stood up in alarm, the pages of email text fluttering to the floor. He had to be joking, surely. Perhaps teaching her a lesson for being so stupid in sending those emails?

  “Yeah, but I was joking.”

  Funny enough, he did not look like he was playing teacher.

  “Were you?” Templeton moved towards her. “I think the things people say in jest are often the most truthful.”

  “Yes, but fantasy is one thing and─” Delaware stopped when she realized what she had been about to admit. But then he knew what excited her from emails anyway.

  When his hand touched her waist, she felt a thrill of heat shoot through her.

  Uh oh.

  “You don’t even know me.” She was being pulled slowly towards him, and for the life of her, she could not stop it from happening.

  “I know you like to joke, I know what y
our fantasies are from your emails, and I know you’re bored with your job and life.” His body met hers. “Besides, we’re engaged, and that means we’re in love. So naturally, we can’t keep our hands off of each other.”

  “We are not engaged, let alone in love.” Delaware pushed at his chest. “I don’t even know you.”

  “Get to know me then, darlin’.”

  Templeton’s mouth captured hers.

  It was then that Delaware knew she was a goner. His lips were glorious. She slumped forward against him. To not have kissed him back would have been a crime. She wound her arms around his neck without even realizing she was doing it. His erection pressed against her stomach as his hands pulled up her short skirt.

  I should stop him but I don’t want to. She wanted to concentrate on his lips kissing hers with a skill that made her bones feel like jelly. Any other kisses she had experienced in the past now seemed amateur compared to the deep, soulful kisses he was pleasuring her with.

  “Stockings,” Templeton murmured as he looked at the sheer black pull-ons that rested on her thighs. “I love these. They’re so sexy on a woman. “

  “I think we should slow down,” she gasped.

  She licked her lips, and tried to control her breathing. This was wildly confusing. Part of her wanted him, while another part was screaming at her to stop. Unfortunately, that hysterical—yet sensible—part did not control her hormones, and it had been a very long time since any man had taken a sexual interest in her, let alone touched her.

  “Why?” He nuzzled her neck while his hands guided her hips to his.

  When he rubbed slowly back and forward against her like that, she had trouble focusing on all the reasons why this was wrong. Sure it was bad, but in that really good way.

  “I’m positive there is something in the employee handbook about fraternization.”

  “I wrote the handbook and I’m making an amendment.” Templeton spun her around and positioned her so her butt faced him.


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