Male Me

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Male Me Page 2

by Amarinda Jones

  There were probably many reasons why this was a truly bad idea, but for the life of her, she could not think of one. She lifted her feet without thinking to free her panties that he had pulled down to her ankles with lightning speed. Delaware liked a man with fast hands.

  “Um─” Was she actually doing this? Was one of her wildest fantasies going to become reality? Could she pass up the opportunity of sex with a hot man she planned never to see again?

  “Yes, darlin’?” Templeton crooned softly in her ear as his hand caressed her bare butt.

  “Ah, do you have a condom?”

  There. The dye was cast. She knew she probably should have been saying ‘No, I’m a good girl and I don’t sleep around.’ But then, that was half the problem. She had not had sex in such a long time that her hormones were thinking for her, and they wanted—needed—the hard thrust of a cock.

  “But of course,” Templeton murmured. He fumbled in his pocket and pulled one out. He wasted no time unzipping his trousers. His cock jumped out eagerly.

  She turned around and looked at the man and his erection. Awe inspiring and all for her.


  Templeton grinned at her reaction, then rolled the condom into place. “Do you want me darlin’?” He moved in close behind her and bent her forward, kissing her neck as he did.

  His warm breath on her skin made her had spin. “Oh yes.”

  Delaware sealed her fate, and her legs readily opened for him. His first thrust inside her body took her breath away. Her vagina welcomed the hot intrusion eagerly. She bit her lip as Templeton slid in and out a couple of times until he was finally where he wanted to be, then he stopped as if allowing them to savor the moment.

  “Templeton,” she murmured, as ripples of heat ran through her body, making her hotter than she had been in a long time.

  “Yes, darlin’?” he whispered, then leaned in to kiss the skin where her neck and shoulder met.

  “Please fuck me senseless.”

  If any other man had laughed at her in such pleased male arrogance she would have been pissed off, but this was not just any male who started to ram into her hard. This was a real man, and they were nearly impossible to find.

  “Hold on.” Templeton pumped hard, back and forward within her as if he sensed that her need to be taken wildly was beyond her control.

  Delaware grabbed the desk and tried not to shriek at the overwhelming sensations that shot through her body. Heat, fullness, and sheer masculine power were unbeatable. She was not surprised that the orgasm hit her with so much force, and so quickly. It had been a long time between fucks. Her knees started to shake, and she knew if she hadn’t been impaled on his penis, she would have fallen to the ground.

  “Go on, scream,” Templeton teased, guessing her thoughts.

  “No,” she choked out. Shudders of pleasure racked her body, and she held on as he rammed a few more times, then came.

  “I can hardly wait for the wedding night.” Templeton turned her head, and kissed her.

  Chapter Three

  Templeton pulled out from Delaware, and knew that this was one woman he wanted to spend a long time getting to know. That she denied wanting him, and then allowed him access so quickly, indicated that behind the seemingly cool persona lurked a woman of great sexual passion. He could hardly wait to share her with Speed.

  He neatly smoothed down her skirt over her hips. He then reached down and pocketed her knickers as a souvenir. Soon she would not have the need to wear them at all. “Have you ever had two lovers at once?”

  “No.” Delaware turned around and tried to look anywhere but at him or her disappearing panties.

  He was amused. She had lost control and now she regretted it. Her face was pink and adorable. She was perfect for him and Speed.

  “Would you like to?”

  “N-no.” Her denial lacked any force.


  “I’d like you to meet a friend of mine. I’ll come by your desk at knock off time. We can go out and have dinner together.”

  Delaware shook her head quickly as she made for the exit. “I have plans.”

  He followed her to the door. “With me.” He touched her shoulder lightly and felt the shiver that ran through her. “Don’t disappoint me, darlin’.”

  * * * *

  “What happened?” Quinn asked, hurrying over to Delaware on her return.

  “Nothing happened.” Everything happened. I had the best sex of my life with a gorgeous stranger, and I want more of him, and I hate myself for being so weak and I should immediately quit my job but I don’t want to. “Nothing at all.”

  Quinn looked at her in concern. “You were gone a long time. Did he talk to you about the emails?”

  Delaware sat at her desk and had a quick look at herself in the mirror she kept there. I look like I have been thoroughly shagged. She wondered how long it would take for the keenly astute Quinn to work that out.

  “In a manner of speaking.” And Templeton wanted to see her tonight. It smacked of danger, especially the bit about sex with two men. Was he bi? Or maybe he was joking? She shook her head. It didn’t matter. It would be foolish to go on that ride again.

  * * * *

  “Man she’s hot.” Speed Guthrie told Templeton over the phone as he watched the pictures that had landed in his personal inbox. Although the footage was limited due to the angle of the small desk camera on Templeton’s office desk, he could see more than enough to know that Delaware Brooks was a woman he wanted to get to know intimately. Speed was almost jealous that his friend had tasted her before him. But he knew his time would come soon enough.

  “And Miss Brooks is very willing, despite her initial good girl reluctance.”

  “I’m hard just watching her.” Speed stood up to relieve the pressure in his crotch. His trousers felt two sizes too small. “She is something special.”

  “Yeah, she’s mouthy, but shy. It’s awfully cute.”

  Speed loved the shy ones; they always hid the deepest passion. “When do I get to meet her?”


  Speed gripped the phone with excitement. “Excellent.”

  Templeton sighed lightly. “There is a small problem.”

  “Yeah?” They never took reluctant women. It had to be mutual, or not at all. It would be disappointing if they could not taste the delights of Delaware Brooks, but they would never force any woman.

  “I expect she is going to give me the slip, so here’s what I want you to do…”

  * * * *

  “Whoa.” Speed caught Delaware Brooks in his arms as she almost fell down the stairs in her rush to leave the building. “Are you okay?”

  Delaware clutched the strong arms that saved her from breaking her neck

  “I’m sorry.” She looked up at the blond man and her mouth went dry. He was gorgeous in that casual beach bum kind of way. She licked her lips as she imagined him on the beach in nothing but a tight pair of Speedos, leaving very little to the imagination. She shook her head and tried to pull herself together. Of late, no men had attracted Delaware enough to look and wonder. Yet, in the space of a couple of hours, two men had grabbed her attention at first sight.

  I must start thinking pure thoughts otherwise I am sure to go to hell.

  “Looks like you’re trying to escape someone.”

  “You have no idea.”

  Her overriding urge had been to leave the office as fast as possible. As exciting as it had been to have spontaneous sex with the boss, it was something Delaware knew could get her into a lot of trouble. She wasn’t looking for a relationship, let alone sex. Both always ended up complicated and messy.

  “Tell me about it.” Speed still held her arm; his eyes were locked on hers.

  There was something about chocolate brown eyes that always fascinated Delaware. Maybe it was the depth or the intensity. She wasn’t sure, but these particular eyes were set on hers, and it made her feel all hot and bothered. It was odd. Maybe she was having s
ome weird hormonal incident where all men were suddenly attractive to her.

  “You’re a man, you wouldn’t understand.” It had only just occurred to her that he was still touching her. She pulled her arm away, trying not to look like he had affected her. I’m just all tensed up after Templeton McAdam.

  “Try me.” Speed smiled at her with a lopsided grin. It was the type of smile that encouraged her to tell him everything.

  Yet, for some reason, Delaware had the feeling that he meant more than just chit-chat. His smile was charming, yet the shiver of anticipation that ran down her spine alerted her to be careful.

  “Well, there’s this man…”

  “That you fancy?”

  “Maybe, but he’s pushy.” And hot and sexy.

  “And you don’t like to be dominated?” Speed asked in amusement.

  “No.” And why was this stranger smiling at her in such a superior know-it-all way? What was it with men today?

  “Why not?”

  Delaware took at step back from him. Even if he had been standing ten feet away he still would have been too close.

  “Because I believe everyone should be treated as an equal.” All this submissive-dominating stuff was beyond her. Delaware could not imagine allowing any man to treat her like a sex toy.

  “Lovers included?”

  “Well─yes.” Why am I even having this conversation with this man?

  “Can you not see that being out of control can be exciting?

  “No,” Delaware snorted. Control to her was as vital as breathing. She had totally lost it with the boss and the only way to recover it was to quit her job.

  “Never lost control princess?” He leaned in and ran his eyes down her body.

  Delaware stepped back and hit the rough textured wall behind her.

  “Excuse me. I need to go, and you are in my way.” She could have quite easily have pushed her hands against his chest to make him move, but she had the feeling they would both enjoy her touching him a little too much. Oh yeah, the hormones were running wild today.

  “Is the conversation a little difficult for you?”

  Was it pushy he-man day today or something? Had she missed seeing that on her desk calendar?

  “I don’t know you.”

  “Then get to know me, princess.”

  Delaware looked at him in shock. ‘Princess?’ ‘Get to know me.’ He used the same words as Templeton. A wild feeling of panic rushed through her body.

  “Ah, there you are,” Templeton said as he pushed the door open. “I see you’ve met my fiancée.”

  “She is delicious.”


  “I am not your fiancée.” Delaware looked from one man to the other. The truth dawned on her. “You two know each other?” It suddenly occurred to her that this was the ‘friend’ he had mentioned.

  “Yes.” He held out his hand. “My name is Speed, and I want to get to know you.” Speed’s eyes never left hers.

  Speed? As in head rush? It certainly was what she felt at that moment. Delaware took the chance and pushed at his chest. Hot and hard─just like she imagined. Her hands immediately let go as if scorched by the contact. He moved back, indicating she was the only one that held her there. “Whatever games you’re playing, I am not interested.”

  “Yeah you are,” Templeton responded as it was perfectly obvious to him. “I could tell when I mentioned sex with two men you were interested, but chose to hide it.”

  “You’ll enjoy it princess.”

  Who were these arrogant sods?

  “I am not a princess, I am not interested in either of you, and if you want sex so desperately, go fuck yourselves.” Delaware marched down the stairs.

  “We only make love to women, darlin’,” Templeton called out as she stomped away.

  Delaware turned on her booted heel and looked at them angrily.

  “I’m not a bloody ‘darlin’’ either!” She stormed off, annoyed when she stumbled slightly in her rush. “Sexist, frigging pigs.”

  “I love her.” Speed was hooked. Her whole attitude turned him on. While she was not classically beautiful, she had full curves he liked, and the intelligence in her eyes made him aware that she would not allow them to take her without a fight. “Meet us at Noir at 8pm,” he called to her.

  “Piss off!” She yelled back.

  “Think she’ll be there?” Templeton looked at his friend.

  “Oh yeah.” Speed knew a risk taker when he saw one.

  Chapter Four

  For the rest of the afternoon, Delaware had raged around her home alternating between declaring she would not go to deciding she would go, just to show them she wasn’t intimidated by their masculine bullshit.

  “I have nothing to prove or disprove.” She told herself as she crashed about doing household chores. “Men are animals.” Okay sure, that pair were sex on a stick, but it did not mean she was interested in licking them. Even thinking of her tongue anywhere near their bodies made her shiver in anticipation. “On no, I’m definitely not going.”

  Three hours later, Delaware Brooks stood outside Noir. It was one of those ultra hip bars, in the middle of Brisbane, that she would never have thought to frequent because the people who did struck her as too ‘cool’ to be real.

  “Jeez,” she muttered as she stood out the front and debated whether she would go in or not. Part of her wanted to run and grab the nearest taxi while another part wanted to show those bozos she could be as calm and collective as the next person.

  “Are you coming or going, lady?” The burly bouncer who stood at the entrance of the bar asked. He ran his eyes down her body insolently.

  Oh ick.

  “I’m not coming that’s for damn sure,” she muttered to herself. As much as she had enjoyed what happened in the office, she was annoyed that she had responded to Templeton McAdam with so little effort. No wonder they thought she was easy. The thought appalled her.

  “What?” The bouncer looked at her, an angry look on his face. He seemed pissed off at something.

  What’s his problem? Did he have two men wanting to jump his bones? She shook her head and decided to ignore him and concentrate on the problem, or in this case, problems─two of them─at hand.

  “Nothing…” Okay I can do this. I am not scared of them.

  Delaware adjusted the strap on her shoulder bag, held up her head, and walked inside. She almost walked back out as the music was so loud, however, she was not fainthearted and she had a point to prove. So what if she got deafened making it?

  She looked around warily as she tried to make her way through the chatting groups of people. Delaware hated crowds. She again wondered why she was there in the first place. As suspected, the club was full of stick thin people with various parts of their bodies pierced and their hair all the colors of the rainbow. They all looked extremely bored. Delaware assumed this was all part of the looking ‘cool’ thing. If so, they could keep it to themselves. She did a quick scan around the bar and sighed in relief when she did not see either man. Whew.

  “Excellent.” She started to head out. She had proven a point to herself and that was all that mattered. “I win.”

  “Hello princess.”

  “Holy hell!” Delaware jumped in alarm at the arms that wrapped around her waist from behind. When her back made contact with hard male front, she lurched forward in shock. But Speed held her tightly against him

  “I’m glad you made it.”

  The delicious warm breath on her neck made Delaware close her eyes for a moment. I have to get a grip. She struggled out of his arms. Just because he smelled divine and felt heavenly against her tense frame did not mean she would allow herself to be held so close.

  “I just came to tell you what I think of you.” She turned around and faced him, feeling the same dried mouth feeling she had when she first looked at him. Oh boy, be careful.

  “You smell delectable.” Speed made no further move to touch her, as if to leave whatever happened next up to

  So do you. She had the overwhelming urged to taste him. Down girl.

  “I didn’t put perfume on for you. I always wear it.” She was annoyed she felt the need to justify herself.

  He smiled at her sweetly. “Of course you do.”

  “Hello darlin’.” Templeton greeted her as his eyes moved down her body. He was looking at her with such intensity, she thought she might melt.

  The scarlet red mini dress she had worn seemed awfully tight and inappropriate under their collective gazes. Why did I wear this? To prove a point, or something else?

  “I have a name.”

  Delaware found herself automatically following them. They pushed through the crowd, making sure no one jostled her. That was kind of sweet. She was sitting down in a booth, sandwiched between them, before she had time to even think about it. The only way to get out would be been to crawl over the table or under it, as these two man mountains beside her were imposing. She wasn’t a small woman, however, her size fourteen frame felt almost petite beside them.

  “Delaware… most unusual.” Speed’s hand came down on hers in a soft caress. “How did that name come about?”

  She gulped loudly as their flesh connected. “My mother traveled a lot and─why are you staring at me?” She looked from one man to the other.

  “Because you’re beautiful,” Templeton responded as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

  “Oh, please.” As much as she wanted to believe it, no one had ever told her that before, and it was highly unlikely two strangers meant it.

  “You are. Why is that so unbelievable?” Speed’s hand massaged her suggestively.

  “What exactly is it you want?” It was a dumb question, but she felt she had to ask it.

  Speed smiled at her surprise. “You.”

  “Anyway we can have you,” Templeton added.

  Delaware looked from one man to the other. Was this seriously happening to her? Two Greek gods wanted her? She pinched her arm. Nope, she was awake. She leaned toward Speed and sniffed.


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