Desire After Dark: Lords of Pleasure

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Desire After Dark: Lords of Pleasure Page 6

by Jo Carlisle

  After forcing down a few more bites, Kass wiped her mouth with a linen napkin and then stood, pushing herself up from the table. Taryn rose as well, following her from the dining room. In the hallway, she made a quick decision and turned to her slave.

  “Select five of our best staff to be Lord Fontaine’s blood donors. Before they agree, make certain they understand that serving a vampire entails providing blood and sex. Then bring them to Luc’s quarters.”

  “Yes, my goddess.”

  His pet name made her smile, especially since the real goddesses wouldn’t like it. “Good boy.”

  She left him and made her way to Luc’s room. Outside, she didn’t bother to knock because to do so would imply he had the right to privacy when he did not. She simply flung open the door and swept inside.

  The sight of him made her mouth water. He was sprawled on his bed wearing a black robe, his blond hair feathered on his pillow. The tent at the front of the robe hinted at his eagerness to get on with his feeding and a nice fucking.

  Lacing his hands behind his head, he bent one knee and sent her a sultry look. The position caused the robe to fall open, showing a slice of skin tantalizingly close to his groin. “Don’t tell me I’ve earned the right to feed from you already.”

  “In your dreams. Taryn is gathering your volunteers as we speak.”

  “They get a choice in whether to serve me? That’s more choice than I’ve been given so far.” But his tone was bemused rather than annoyed.

  “They’ve earned my trust,” she reminded him.

  “Oh, right. Trust.” He studied her curiously. “I’m grateful to you for saving my life, but I didn’t ask to be brought here, you know, or to be trusted by you. I didn’t ask to be a part of your game.”

  “But you’re going to love playing it.” Her lips curved into a catlike smile.

  “I have no doubt of that, but that doesn’t mean I understand ‘why me?’ A knockout like you could have any vampire she wanted.”

  He was digging a bit close, again trying to ferret out the truth, though not too insistently—yet. Casually, she shrugged. “I found you in a dire situation, and I was intrigued enough to bring you home to heal you.”

  “And keep me as a pet of sorts.”


  “Maybe you should place a studded collar around my neck.”

  “Actually, you’d look stunning in one.”

  Head tilted, he paused, those twin laser orbs attempting to pry into her soul. “Something about your story doesn’t make se—”

  Just then, Taryn strolled into the room, leading the group of servants he’d picked. Kass barely managed to hide her relief. Luc had been gearing up to grill her in earnest. Now, hopefully his suspicions could be forestalled long enough to allow her to come up with a plan—perhaps indefinitely.

  Kass scrutinized the three young women and two young men Taryn had brought. He’d done well. She’d have chosen these gems herself, a testament to how well she and her slave had come to know each other. A glance at Luc, the hunger evident on his face as he shifted to sit up more on the pillows, revealed that he approved, too.

  “Any further complaints about your choices?” she asked, needling him with good humor.

  “None.” He grinned at the assembled donors, who wore a variety of expressions from very shy to openly wicked anticipation. “Not where these beauties are concerned.”

  “Good. Now for the rules—”

  “More rules,” the vampire groaned. “Does she have this many for you guys?” A couple of the serving girls giggled, but no one answered. They knew better.

  “As I was saying, rules. First is that none of your donors may be harmed, and you’ll leave no permanent marks on their bodies.”

  “I never hurt those from whom I feed,” Luc said. “Unless I run across a creature with a corrupt soul. Then I will drain my prey without an ounce of remorse.”

  One of the girls shivered.

  “Fair enough, but that won’t pertain to anyone within these walls.”

  “It might, if it’s someone who doesn’t belong here.”

  She relented some. “Point taken. Should you discover an evil intruder inside the palace or anywhere nearby, feel free to dispatch him. The next rule is that you may feed from any of these five donors Taryn has selected, but you may use any one of them no more than twice in one week. Of course, this is to prevent them from becoming too weak to perform their other duties.”

  “Agreed, since I need to take blood only once per day. I have a question, though.” When she nodded, he went on. “What about Taryn? Am I not allowed to feed from him?”

  “No,” she said sharply. Then she softened her tone, because it wasn’t his fault that it never occurred to him not to ask what no one else would dare. He was powerful in his own world, after all. “Any other questions?”

  He raised a blond brow. “Am I allowed two of them at once?”

  “Greedy, are we?” She snorted. “Play with all five of them at once if you want, but remember that counts as one time for each of them whether you bite them all or not. I won’t have you taking unfair advantage of them. Indulge in an orgy twice and you could be a hungry vampire by the end of the week. Anything else?”

  “Can I feed? I’m starving.”

  Anticipation fired her blood. This was where things would get incredibly fun. “You may.” Waving a hand at the five donors, she introduced them, girls first. “These are Lyric, Maya, Tansy, Fallon, and Jinx.”

  Not surprisingly, Lyric and Jinx caught Luc’s attention first. All of his donors were pretty, but none more so than these two, who were faeries. In fact, they were uncommonly beautiful, perfect specimens of their kind with delicate, shimmery wings and long silky hair, Lyric’s crowning glory a lilac purple and Jinx’s a deep royal blue.

  “Stunning,” he murmured, flashing his fangs. “As are all of you.” His servants looked pleased as he considered them. “Lyric, I’d like for you to stay. The rest of you I look forward to tasting later.”

  Taryn ushered out the other four, but not before Kass saw more than one disappointed face. No matter, they wouldn’t stay sulky for long with a vampire in the palace.

  Luc beckoned with one finger for the faery to approach, blue eyes glittering. Lyric moved to the bed, biting her lip shyly, cheeks pink. The Fae folk might be bashful with strangers at first, but they were a notoriously sexual bunch. One just had to get them warmed up, so to speak. Kass settled into a large, stuffed chair near the bed, and managed not to smile at Luc’s irritation.

  “Really? You’re going to stay and spy on my feeding?”

  “Spy? I think not. Remember, this is my palace and you belong to me. If I want to watch my vampire in action, doing what vampires do best, then I will. Besides, you run an adult resort. I can’t imagine this is the first time you’ve been observed.”

  He lifted a shoulder. “Suit yourself.”

  Oh, she intended to.

  She wouldn’t miss this show for the world.

  Damned Valkyrie female! She was doing this to keep him off balance. He knew that and told himself to blow it off, to forget about why Kass was staying and concentrate on turning the tables on her. Satisfaction filled him at the thought.

  Oh yes, that was it! Since she wanted to observe her vampire in his natural habitat so badly, then he’d put on a show that would leave her squirming—and hating her own self-imposed rule not to allow him to feed from her! Because nothing was more orgasmic than the bite of a vampire. The warrior had never experienced it for herself or she’d know this.

  Well, he’d teach her.

  Determined, he focused his attention on the pretty faery. “Have you ever experienced the kiss of a vampire, little one?”

  “No,” she whispered, her eyes huge in her small face. Her wings fluttered in agitation.

  “Are you scared?”

  “Nervous. But I know my mistress would never allow anything bad to happen to me.”

  “Kassandra is your mist
ress?” he asked, for clarification. She nodded. “Well, you can trust her, because I’m not going to hurt you. I’ve never killed an innocent, and I’m not going to start with a sweet little faery.”

  She gave him a tentative smile. “I have friends who’ve been with vampires, and they claim it’s like leaping from the top of a mountain with your wings folded behind your back. Just plummeting, letting the wind rush past your body, until the very last second. Then snapping your wings open again to float safely to the ground.”

  He chuckled. “Do they? That’s possibly the best description I’ve ever heard. I’ll do my best to live up to expectations.”

  Still, she seemed a bit skittish. So when he reached out, he moved slowly, brushing a long soft strand of lilac hair behind one ear. Then he leaned forward and placed a kiss on her lips, keeping it gentle, coaxing. Her lips were warm and pliant, and after a few seconds she opened for him like a thirsty flower after the rain.

  Deepening the kiss, careful with his fangs, he fingered the thin strap of her top and slipped it off one shoulder. The blouse was loose and the material slid down, exposing one pert, creamy breast tipped by a rosy nipple. With care, he pressed the faery onto her back and bent over her. Took the nub in his mouth and suckled.

  He heard her indrawn breath, felt the quickening of her heartbeat, and those responses pleased him, as did the flare of her sparkling, unusual pink irises when he glanced up to gauge her reaction. Yes, she was ripe for the taking.

  Leisurely, he worried the nipple more, scraping it with his teeth. He laved and nibbled. When Lyric squirmed beneath him, signaling the desire for more, he complied, pulling the blouse off and tossing it to the floor. Next went the flowing pants that reminded him of the type of garment a harem girl might have worn long ago.

  Beneath, she was naked. Her skin was as pale as a snowdrop, her body lithe, the gorgeous canvas accented by the purple curls at the apex of her thighs. Never had he seen such a color adorning anyone, especially a tint that obviously didn’t come from a salon.

  Spreading her legs, he crawled between her thighs and positioned himself on his stomach, aware of Kass nearby, watching intensely. Though he’d meant to teach the warrior a lesson, he couldn’t help that having Kass there, watching him have the faery, turned him on. Damned if he’d let the woman know that.

  He parted the welcoming folds of Lyric’s pussy and flicked his tongue out to taste, finding the faery sugary and tart, like juicy fruit. “Mmm, so good.”

  Faeries were so delicious, and not too common in his circles. This particular one was a rare treat. He licked her slit, then opened her wider with his fingers. She wiggled and moaned, trying to get closer. He gladly obliged, sliding his tongue into her moist channel, fucking her with tantalizing strokes. She whimpered, grinding into his face and seeking more still.

  Giving her what she wanted, he ate her slowly, laving and slurping her pussy as if it were the finest of delicacies—which wasn’t far from the truth. She squirmed, her whimpers increasing in volume until she started yanking at his hair, urging him to move up.

  “Lord Fontaine, please!”

  “Luc,” he murmured, placing the blunt tip of his cock to her opening. Bracing himself with his elbows on either side of her head, he began to push inside. “I’m not your lord or master. Say my name.”

  Her eyes widened. “Luc.”

  “What do you want? Tell me.”

  “Fuck me, please!”

  “With pleasure, pretty one.”

  He would’ve stopped but was immensely glad she wanted him to continue. Thrusting in to the hilt, he sucked in a sharp breath. Her velvet heat clasped his dick like a soft glove, squeezing as he stroked in and out, sending electricity zinging through his nerve endings. As he pumped, he turned his head to peek at Kass.

  She was sprawled in the nearby chair, legs spread, one hand under her shirt, apparently pinching a nipple. Her eyes had darkened, and her expression was hungry with arousal. Holding her gaze, he increased the pace and strength of his thrusts, and as he did, became aware that he couldn’t hide from Kass. Forget turning the tables. She knew he was just as titillated by the voyeurism as she was.

  Lyric’s slender legs went around his waist, and she clung to his shoulders as he pumped. His climax neared and his hunger rose, the urge to bite far too strong to resist any longer. He’d spent too many days recovering, not able to feed as deeply as he needed.

  Just as his balls drew up tight against his body and the impending orgasm tingled at the base of his spine, he struck. Sinking his fangs into her throat, he moaned as the crimson liquid flowed over his tongue. He fucked her hard and fast, pulling deep draws. He swallowed greedily.

  His release exploded and he shot into her, shuddering until he was spent. Then he withdrew his fangs and licked the tiny puncture wounds to seal them. He smiled down at the faery’s sated expression.

  “Are you all right? Was I too rough?”

  “I’m perfect, and that was…” She heaved a satisfied sigh, thinking. “Like leaping from the top of Mount Olympus. Truly wonderful.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.”

  “When may I provide for you again?” she asked hopefully.

  “You know your mistress’s rule—no more than twice per week. I certainly want to keep you happy and healthy.”

  After kissing her cheek, he withdrew and rolled to the side, sending Kass a catlike grin. His warrior goddess looked flushed, and more than a little frustrated. A spurt of triumph bloomed in his chest. It seemed he’d won this round after all.

  Pushing from the bed, he glanced at the faery again. “I need to get cleaned up again. Want to join me in the shower?”

  “Actually, Lyric has other duties to attend to,” Kass said curtly. Then to the faery, she ordered, “Clean up in your own quarters quickly. Then see if the cook needs help in the kitchen.”

  “Yes, mistress!”

  The little faery jumped up, bobbed her head, then hurried from the room, wings fluttering. Luc crossed his arms over his chest and studied Kass, bemused. “Evidently, I’m not allowed to become too cozy with my food.”

  “Play with your food, by all means. Coziness is reserved for your mistress.”

  With that, Kass swept from the room. Luc stared at the spot where she’d been for a few seconds before he burst out laughing. “I’ll be gods-damned.”

  The strong, controlling, take-charge female was jealous! Kass might be an ancient Valkyrie, a warrior nearly unparalleled on the battlefield or in the bedroom, but one simple fact remained.

  For all that strength, Kass was still a woman.

  And on top of that, she was a woman who, for some reason, was possessive of the vampire she’d brought back from the brink of death. He had to wonder why she cared so much.

  Suddenly more cheerful than he had a right to be, he turned and padded to the shower, whistling a merry tune.

  Kass stalked the corridor, fuming. Well, she’d set herself up perfectly, hadn’t she?

  It wasn’t supposed to be like this. She wasn’t supposed to want to strangle precious Lyric, who’d done only as she’d been bid.

  And she did it rather well, her inner voice sneered.

  The vampire had been beyond pleased with his offerings and had wasted not one second getting the faery flat on her back, slender legs wrapped around his waist, his cock buried in her sheath. It had been…

  Decadent. Exciting. The sight had made Kass’s blood sing and her pussy wet.

  But that desire had morphed into a hairy green monster when Luc had uttered the simple invitation for Lyric to join him in the shower. Why?

  The answer was instantaneous: Because Luc is my mate. Mine! And while it’s fine for him to take pleasure in the natural drive of a vampire to feed and fuck, albeit with my permission, I won’t tolerate further intimacy between him and his Chosen.

  That self-realization was shattering. She was bound as securely to Luc as if they’d been tethered together by enchanted rope. What was more,
she was certain he didn’t yet feel the same pull as she did. Weren’t vampires supposed to know their mates upon meeting them? How frustrating!

  Yet his ignorance of the true situation gave her time to think. Her existence that had become so ho-hum in recent years was suddenly anything but, and she had no idea how to deal with complications that couldn’t be dispatched with her sword.

  Caught up in her thoughts, she didn’t realize she was looking for Taryn until she found him in the courtyard. He was practicing his fighting skills with a guard named Darius, using the sword she’d given him as a gift for his last birthday, a fact that pleased her. Not only would his skills be necessary in their often-brutal world, once he’d perfected them, but he loved that sword because it was a present from Kass. He enjoyed feeling useful as well, which gave him a break from his other duties.

  Right now, however, his duty to his mistress would take precedence.

  “Darius!” she called, striding forward. “Give me your sword!”

  “Yes, Commander!”

  That was the title with which their guards and other soldiers were expected to address Kass and her sisters, rather than “mistress” like the household staff and pleasure slaves. Their soldiers were considered more their equals, but they were still deferential to the Valkyries, as their station dictated.

  Confident, Darius tossed his sword, and Kass easily caught it by the hilt. She nodded to him, and he stepped back, content to watch her and Taryn spar.

  She circled her slave, who was giving her a feral grin, the light of battle in his eyes. The familiar thrill zipped through her blood, the need to test her skill against a worthy opponent. In four years, Taryn had come far.

  Raising his weapon, he made the first strike, a move that surprised her in its skill and speed. Immediately he put her on the defensive, driving her back with powerful blows, taking no prisoners. She blocked them, countered his thrusts, and then leaped backward, putting some distance between them to recover.


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