Dare to Believe: Teen & Young Adult Epic Fantasy Bundle (Series Bundle Andy Smithson Bk 4, 5 & 6): Dragons, Serpents, Unicorns, Pegasus, Pixies, Trolls, Dwarfs, Knights and More!

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Dare to Believe: Teen & Young Adult Epic Fantasy Bundle (Series Bundle Andy Smithson Bk 4, 5 & 6): Dragons, Serpents, Unicorns, Pegasus, Pixies, Trolls, Dwarfs, Knights and More! Page 25

by L. R. W. Lee

  The zolt stood before the crystal and wrung its hands. As if finally reaching a decision, it nodded once, mounted the smaller block, then reached for the crystal in slow motion. The instant its hands cradled the glowing rock, a shriek pierced the stillness and ricocheted off the walls. A blinding flash of white exploded. Andy ducked for cover as black dots filled his vision. Seemingly over before it started, silence returned as if trying to hide a secret.

  Andy risked a peek. With black dots still bouncing in his sight, only the stone blocks and crystal remained. The pulsing rainbow had turned into a steady crimson, making the room look as though blood stained every wall. Andy’s breath caught and he steadied himself against the barrier. He ran a finger against the rock and exhaled as he determined the red was not blood. He shuffled toward the carved pedestal, trepidation biting his gut.

  Methuselah. Instantly he felt the weight of his faithful companion in his hand. Andy stopped three feet before the glowing rock and extended the blade. The red light focused and a beam of energy leapt toward the sword. As soon as it connected, it sent a surge of power coursing through Andy’s body: his arms began to tremble and his legs wobbled. This is worse than defending against Abaddon’s first mage at Giant’s Ring! The thought zapped his brain, giving clarity to the sensation. It’s like when I accidentally touched the live barbed-wire fencing at Grandpa Smithson’s ranch!

  Focus! Andy demanded. He slowly raised Methuselah over his head as the shaking in his extremities intensified. It took every ounce of strength, but Andy brought the blade crashing down on the middle of the crystal. Energy burst forth and launched him across the room. He crashed into the wall and dropped to the floor. The red beam continued to pummel Methuselah and he dropped the sword. The blade retracted as the hilt clanked to the floor.

  I’ve got to destroy that thing!

  Andy grabbed Methuselah once more. The blade extended only inches before a strand of red energy again connected, forbidding further progress. His body began convulsing but he spurred himself on. Kill it! Kill it! Pushing himself up with the wall, Andy tottered toward the beacon. Without hesitation, he swiped at the crystal and felt himself go airborne. The beam wrenched Methuselah free and flung it into the entry where it clattered against the stone. Andy fell to the floor in a heap.

  Spent, Andy lay unmoving as the crystal filled the chamber with a red cast once more. It’s true. Methuselah can’t hurt Abaddon. A painful lump filled his throat.

  After several minutes, Andy rolled over and sat up. While he could now hold his hand steady, he still felt as though energy pulsed through his whole body. He stretched his muscles as he stood, then took tentative steps, picked up his blade, and hunted for the stone to trigger the door. Emerging into the passage, he gulped cooler air as he wandered back to the knights.

  “You don’t look so good,” Sir Kay observed.

  Andy only shook his head as he slid down to sit with his back against the wall across from where the two statues perched.

  The knights remained quiet, respecting Andy’s silence as he thought. What can I do?

  Once the tingling ceased, Andy rose. “I’ll see you guys later.”

  “What’d—” Sir Kay began.

  “Shush,” Sir Gawain interrupted. “If there’s anything to be told, he’ll tell us when the time’s right.”

  Andy waved, then headed up the stairs in search of Father and his friends.

  Andy strode into the kitchen. Ox was chopping vegetables at a counter near the door. “Andy!” he bellowed, igniting a ripple of exclamations and a flurry of arm-waving, swooping, and hugging. At length, Andy spied Marta standing just outside the ring of servants, hands on her hips, with a grin that refused to be dimmed.

  Parting the sea, she threw her arms wide as she approached. “Oh Andy, it’s so good to see you.” She engulfed him in a long, satisfying hug and whispered into his ear, “Alden told me everything.”

  Andy reveled in the embrace and his shoulders relaxed. She always knows what I need.

  Pulling back, Marta looked Andy over top to bottom. “You’ve sprouted since I last saw you! Why, you’re as tall as me. A right young man you’re becoming.”

  Ox thumped Andy’s shoulder with a large hand. “Glad you’re back. There’s an Oscray match tonight. We could really use you since Alden’s—”

  Someone cleared their throat and an uncomfortable hush fell over the group. Eyes passed over Andy’s shoulder and caused him to turn. Alden frowned at the large man before redirecting a smile to Andy who reciprocated. Andy’s eyes met Hannah’s, then locked onto the blonde-haired maiden standing next to her.

  Titters rippled through the group. Andy felt his cheeks warm but his gaze did not waver. Yara grinned then stepped forward, reaching out a hand. Andy took it, and all the female servants sighed “Aww!” and “How sweet!” as he gave her a hug.

  “Well then,” Hannah interrupted, flicking her eyebrows. She stepped between the pair and gave Andy a side hug. “It’s great to see you, too.”

  Several people chortled as they returned to work.

  “Grab some chocolate chip cookies before you go!” Marta encouraged as they headed into the hallway.

  “What was Ox going to say?” Andy asked Alden while swallowing a mouthful of cookie.

  “Don’t worry about it. Hey, I need to brush Optimistic. Let’s go to the stables and catch up,” Alden suggested.

  Andy furrowed his brow and exchanged glances with Yara and Hannah, but the girls only replied with a single shake of the head.

  They walked out the back door and into modest fog. Pounding drew Andy’s attention across the cobblestone courtyard that stretched between the castle and stables. Through the haze he spotted Merk, the gnome, and Henkel and Medrick, the dwarfs, who were constructing weapons that were sure to come in handy as the battle with Abaddon loomed ever closer.

  “Go on ahead. I want to say hi,” Andy announced.

  Alden nodded as he and Hannah continued on into the stables. Andy turned to Yara. He had thought at least a thousand times of what he was going to say when he saw her again, but now that she stood before him, his brain tangled itself up. “I…”

  Yara reached a hand to her chest and pulled a silver chain from inside her dress. The pendant Andy had sent her for Valentine’s Day dangled into view.

  “You like it?”

  Yara looked at the half heart and smiled. “It’s from you. Of course I do.”

  Writing was so different than talking face to face. Andy’s thoughts swirled and he wished he could tell her everything he was feeling. It was easy when he was staring at a piece of paper. Now the only words he could put together were, “I missed you.” Lame.

  Yara grinned, then reached for Andy’s hand and led him toward the craftsmen.


  The Way Things Are

  After receiving warm and hearty hellos from Medrick, Henkel, and Merk, Andy pulled open the heavy door for Yara and they stepped into the Cavalry Training Center.

  “Whoa, Alexander!” The stone horse neighed and bobbed its head against taut reins.

  Yara grabbed for Andy who couldn’t suppress his delight. “Sir Gawain! It’s great to see you again!”

  “What?” The princess’s eyes grew to the size of saucers.

  Andy guffawed, then added, “Yara, I’d like you to meet my good friend, Sir Gawain. Sir Gawain, this is Princess Yara of Cromlech.”

  As the stone knight dismounted, Yara managed a strangled, “How?”

  The horseman knelt, took her hand, and pressed it against his stone lips. “Your Majesty, I am honored to make your acquaintance.”

  Yara scrunched her brows and searched Andy’s face for an explanation, at which he burst out laughing. He burrowed in his pouch and extracted the gold key. “Ever since I got this, all the statues in the castle come alive when I’m near. It’s like it unlocks them.” He added in a whisper, “There’s a second statue of Sir Gawain in the dungeons but I’ve never had the heart to tell this o
ne Father has more than one of him. I guess he likes that knight a lot.”

  “That’s amazing!”

  The stone warrior rose. “Prince Andrew, not a day goes by without hearing rumblings of war, as well as seeing more and more vulture-folks amble by. I’m glad you’re here to take matters in hand. By the way, where have you been? I’ve been ready to give you my report for quite some time.”

  “That, my friend, is a long story, one I don’t have time to tell at the moment. But thank you.” Andy saluted the knight.

  “Anything for you, sir.”

  Andy nodded, put an arm around Yara, and they turned to go find Alden and Hannah.

  “Never in my life… That’s amazing.” Yara glanced into Andy’s eyes and he felt his pulse quicken.

  Three vulture-men cracked their knuckles in unison as they passed.

  “Nice guys,” Yara whispered once they were far enough away to not be overheard. “They give me the creeps. Why are they even here?”

  “The last time I asked Father that question, he said we can’t go rounding up everybody who looks like our enemy. Just because they’ve been turned doesn’t make them zolt.”

  “I guess he has a point, but still. Those guys didn’t act friendly.” Yara shook her head.

  “I know.”

  After a short search, the pair overheard Alden. “That’s right, Optimistic. Andy’s back. Big things usually happen when he’s around, and we sure need something…”

  Andy and Yara shared a glance before peeking over the stall. Hannah stood petting the purple pegasus’s head.

  “Hey, you found us,” Hannah announced.

  Alden patted the mare, put the curry comb back in the tool box, and he and Hannah joined them in the aisle. A tall pile of hay sat at the end of the row and the four made themselves comfortable.

  Andy began. “Hannah, Alden said you’d been sensing something evil in the castle.”

  “Yeah, it’s the same feeling as when the bellicose is near. It’s growing but I can’t place it. It’s like an oppressive mood that wants something.”

  “Well, I may have found it.” Andy related the details of his recent encounter, and Hannah’s face turned ashen. Alden reached over and patted her leg, but his gesture fooled no one when a tremor rippled through his body.

  “What’ll we do?” Yara choked out the question in a voice higher pitched than usual.

  “I don’t have any answers yet. I want to hear what Father says.”

  Three heads nodded.

  Two vulture-men joked as they approached, shattering the solemnity. Stopping before the foursome, Major Cahill and Private Boingderban bowed.

  “It’s great to see you again, Prince Andrew!” the major welcomed.

  Andy remembered his first meeting with the War Council when Major Cahill had volunteered to spearhead a PR campaign encouraging folks to band together and support each other in light of the increasing onslaught by Abaddon to turn citizens into vulture-people.

  As if reading Andy’s thoughts, Major Cahill recalled Andy’s words from that meeting, “‘We are as strong against our foe as the love we choose to share.’ I’ve never forgotten what you said. It guides me every day.”

  “Thank you, Major. You honor me,” Andy acknowledged.

  Andy held a vastly different assessment of Private Boingderban. The overly energetic officer had once instructed Andy in how to capture pixies that plagued the stables. The private’s method had proven completely and utterly ineffective. Andy nodded a curt greeting.

  “Well, we won’t interrupt further, but welcome back!” Major Cahill concluded.

  Before the pair left, the private mimed squeezing a ball, then laughed, “Hey Alden, think you can ‘get a grip’ tonight?”

  The major frowned at the private then nodded him away. “Come on.”

  Alden scowled after the pair and Hannah shot a cautioning look toward Yara.

  Andy opened his mouth to question, but the princess whispered, “Don’t ask.”

  Heeding her advice, Andy changed the subject. “I want to find Father.”

  “And I’ve got a lesson with Hans,” Yara agreed.

  As the meeting adjourned, Andy grabbed Yara’s hand and caught the smile that escaped from Hannah. He reciprocated with a grin, then turned and led his belle back toward the castle.

  It didn’t take much searching. They climbed the grand staircase, entered the dining hall, and Andy spotted him. Mom grinned as she stood at Father’s side and watched him animatedly gesture before Hans and Mermin. The tall, scruffy healer slapped his thigh in response and the wizard nodded like a bobble-head doll.

  “Andy!” Father bellowed.

  Andy and Yara raced for the prize, stopping before the King’s outstretched arms. Only then did Andy drop Yara’s hand to step into Father’s embrace. A corner of Mom’s mouth twitched upward.

  “I knew you had to be back, too. You’ve grown!” Father patted Andy’s back.

  “I missed you, Father.” Andy’s declaration drew a tighter hug from the sovereign and chased away some of the fears that had plagued Andy all year.

  In a whisper Father added, “It’s not been easy for either of us.” His tone communicated more than mere sentiment. He could identify. “I was worried, what with all the attacks you endured.”

  “I love you.” Andy’s response came without effort. He felt Father press a kiss to the top of his head before replying, “Son, I love you more than you’ll ever know.”

  Taking a deep breath, Andy stepped back. Mom, Mermin, Hans, and Yara stood with eyes downcast, giving the two of them a small measure of privacy. Andy’s movement drew Yara’s gaze and she winked. To Hans she added, “I believe I have my next lesson.”

  “Indeed you do, my princess! Come with me.”

  “You two arrived just in time,” Father remarked after the pair took their leave. “There’s a War Council meeting tomorrow and I’d like you both to attend. We’ve much to do.”

  Andy and Mom exchanged glances. I’m back and so is my responsibility to the people.

  After dinner Andy went to change into his royal blue Oscray uniform. Pulling on his leggings, he found them a good three inches too short. I’ve grown! Thankfully the tailor was still in his shop just down the hall from Andy’s chambers, and he retrieved a new pair. After ensuring his wardrobe fit properly, Andy went back down the stairs and joined Alden in the kitchen.

  “You be careful. They’re getting more aggressive,” Marta admonished Alden before giving him a kiss.

  “I’ll be fine, Mom.”

  Unconvinced, Marta repeated the advice to Andy, adding, “After everything you’ve been through this year, the last thing I want is for something to happen to you tonight.”

  “Yes ma’am,” Andy smiled and pecked her cheek. Marta returned the gesture, adding a frown and shake of her head.

  After donning nose plugs to fend off the smell of cow farts, the throng swept out the back door of the castle and deposited the boys near the egg-shaped Oscray field. Andy spotted a bevy of cows strategically placed around the circumference of the pitch, giving a ten-yard buffer against the wall of dense fog trying to dominate. A gentle breeze caused the mist to splinter into wispy arms that looked like a boxer punching. Is the fog indignant at the interruption of its control? A loud shout from a nearby fan made Andy jump, banishing the random thought.

  “You’re quiet,” he commented to Alden, who hadn’t uttered a word since leaving Marta.

  Alden only grunted, causing Andy to raise an eyebrow.

  Approaching from behind, Ox broke the tension as he commanded, “Here. Wear this.”

  The burly man extricated two brown leather helmets from the armload he carried and thrust one at Andy’s chest, adding, “Compliments of Cadfael.” Alden caught the other, joining the rest of the team gathered on the sidelines.

  “Since when?” Andy queried.

  “Since tensions escalated,” Alden explained.

  “Andy!” Cadfael boomed over the noisy
crowd, drawing him to his barrel chest. “It’s good to see you! You’ve grown.”

  “It’s great to see you, too!”

  Hans placed a firm hand on Andy’s shoulder and squeezed. “I didn’t have a chance to properly welcome you back earlier. How have you been?”

  Andy nodded then opened his mouth, but before he could reply, Gwinny the vulture-woman interrupted, “I heard you were back! Time to teach Cavalry who’s boss.”

  “Yeah!” Hearty agreement came from Emmadank, the giantess, who towered at her side.

  Andy took a step back. Never had he heard the pair express such strong sentiments. He scanned the crowd. The green-clad Cavalry fans sneered at the castle staff who repaid the remarks in kind. Gone was any sign of the friendly rivalry Andy had witnessed in previous matches.

  Just blowing off steam? Are you kidding me? They look ready to kill each other.

  Across the field several fans dressed in Cavalry green waved signs proclaiming Alden’s our guy! When Alden spotted them, he frowned and kicked the dirt.

  Andy rubbed his forehead in confusion then scanned the castle staff spectators, noting an increase in the number of bulging eyes and beak-like noses among them. How could Abaddon get to them when they’re in the castle most of the time?

  Downfield Mom, Father, and Mermin situated themselves in the elevated spectator box as a girl’s voice announced, “If everyone would move off the field, we can start tonight’s match.” Andy followed the voice up to the castle porch and saw Hannah in her usual spot, holding the cone she always used to amplify her voice. Next to her bounced Yara who waved at Andy. He couldn’t resist laughing and waved back. Razen stood to her side, straight-faced with arms behind his back, unmoved by the goings-on.

  “I’ll call the match tonight,” Hannah announced to cheers. “And Max, Oscar, and Henry will be our referees.” The news met with vastly different exclamations depending on which team fans rooted for.

  “Nothing’s changed I see,” Andy commented to Hans who smiled back.


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