
Home > Contemporary > Sinful > Page 2
Sinful Page 2

by Lexi Buchanan

  Movement opposite Ned’s desk catches my attention, telling me he isn’t alone. As I walk closer, my heart sinks, and I can’t get my head to accept that the man who is engaged to Savannah is sitting in Ned’s office wearing the uniform of a sheriff’s deputy.

  He isn’t someone I’ve ever seen here before. The few times I have seen him, he’s been at the field, on the occasions that he’s dropped off or picked up Savannah. I had no idea he was a deputy. For that matter, I’d never given thought to what he did. It just angered me that he had Savannah when she’s meant to belong to me.

  Get a fucking grip, Jace. She doesn’t belong to you, no matter how much you wish that she did.

  Ned catches my eye through the glass partition separating his office from the bustle of the detective’s room. Waving me inside, Ned stands and opens the door.

  We shake hands in greeting, and I kind of miss the hug that usually accompanies the hand greeting. He’s familiar and a friend, and even though I’d rather not have the other guy in the room with us, I’m happy to see Ned.

  “It’s been too long, Jace,” Ned comments, sitting behind his desk.

  “A couple of weeks.” I smile, and take the remaining chair opposite his desk.

  He chuckles. “You have me there.” He clears his throat. “Let me introduce you two.”

  “We’ve seen each other before,” leaves my mouth before I can smother the urge.

  Ned looks between us, and frowns. “I didn’t know you’d both met.”

  “He’s dropped Savannah at the field few times, although we’ve never been officially introduced,” I reply before turning to him, “Jace Stone.” I hold my hand out and await his response.

  I don’t have too long to wait, although I get the feeling he’d rather not respond to me at all.

  Something to think about.

  “Richard Tate, Savannah’s fiancé.”

  Ignoring him, I turn back to Ned, wondering why he has us both in his office, all the while keeping an eye on Richard from the corner of my eye.

  It’s clear that Richard thinks I’m a threat to his relationship, which tells me he isn’t sure of his woman. If he were, he wouldn’t feel threatened by me, and why he does when we’ve never actually met before is anyone’s guess.

  Ned clears his throat as he shuffles some papers on his desk—a clear indication that he’s nervous. He glances between the two of us as the tension builds in the room. “Um, okay. You girls need to get along because I want you both to arrange a charity softball game benefitting the local children’s home, Golden Circle.” He pauses before continuing, “The two teams will be one from here and one from the academy.” He looks directly at me. “Jace, you’re on the academy’s team, so I can’t see any problems with you getting them together.”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem. I really like this idea. So we charge per ticket and all money goes to the home, right?”

  “Yes, we have the grounds,” Ned replies, before waving between Richard and me. “Richard is a transfer and he’s organized a few fundraisers before, which is where you,” he points at Richard, “come in. You both need to double check dates, make sure there’s enough time for the event to be organized, confirm the date with Joe, who looks after the field, and then away you can run with it.” Ned relaxes back in his chair and places his unwavering gaze on the two of us. “Also, Clint has offered to come in with the food stands and donate all the profit for the day to Golden Circle.” He eyes us both suspiciously. “Is there going to be a problem, or are you both going to be able to pull this off?”

  I certainly don’t have any problems with this and it’s for a worthy cause as well. It’s something I can get sucked into so I’m distracted from the gorgeous redhead that is under my skin. I nod and say, “I don’t have a problem and would be happy to support the children’s home.”

  Ned shifts in his seat and I realize that some of the tension around his eyes is starting to relax. He turns his gaze toward Richard, who has remained quiet.

  Richard nods. “Do you intend to play?” he directs at me in an abrupt manner.

  I’m surprised by his question, and for once, I’m silenced as my brain tries to spin into gear.

  Luckily, Ned doesn’t have the same problem. “Of course Jace is going to be playing. I’ve already said he’s on the academy’s team.”

  I knew there was a reason why I loved that man!

  Finding my voice, I ask, “Do you have a problem with me playing?”

  Richard’s eyes flash toward my prosthesis before he backtracks right before my eyes. “No…no, sorry. I didn’t mean it to come out like it did.” He carelessly throws his arms around. “I’ve played softball before and wouldn’t mind being on the team. I was just curious about you.”

  What a load of shit!

  “I’m going to be playing,” I say firmly.

  At my tone, Ned stands and glances between us. He doesn’t look too happy with Richard and I wonder if he will say anything more about the guy’s obvious attitude. “Well that’s sorted. Richard, I won’t keep you any longer as I’m sure you have something better to do right now.” He dismisses Richard without a second glance, before turning to me, “Jace, can you stay for a minute?”

  “I can.”

  Richard stands, a scowl marring his face as he stomps out of the room, closing the door with a firm click. It’s clear that he wasn’t happy about the abrupt dismissal by Ned.

  Ned relaxes completely as he sits back down in his chair. “I shouldn’t say this, but please watch your back around him. There’s something I can’t put my finger on. I’ve tried to like him because he was there for Savannah when she lost her father, but now, I don’t think he makes her happy…” He sighs and his eyes fill with worry before they brighten again. “The only time she seems to smile is when I ask her about the softball lessons.” He smiles and raises a brow in my direction.

  My heart thuds in my chest knowing I make her smile.

  Not you, the softball…

  “I trust you with my niece… I don’t trust him.” Ned sags back into his chair as though he has the world on his shoulders. “Go talk to your friends at the academy.”

  He’s given me a lot to think about, although it’s not as though I’m not going to be thinking about Savannah when she takes up all my spare time and then some.

  “I will.” I move toward his door.


  Turning back, I realize he’s up to something with the grin on his face. “I’m having a barbecue in two weeks for Savannah’s birthday. I hope you can attend.”

  Try keeping me away.

  “I’ll be there.”

  “Thought you might,” he chuckles.

  Have I not hidden my attraction to his niece as well as I thought I had?

  He knows and doesn’t seem bothered, even though she’s engaged to someone else, and why doesn’t he think she’s happy? That comment has me worried. I shouldn’t be, but I am.

  Needing to clear my head, I head down to the ground floor. I have enough to think about and I’d rather do it away from the station, where I won’t have any questioning eyes.


  The heat and the shoddy air-conditioning in my car are going to have the buttercream melting on the two cakes that I’ve made for my uncle and his colleagues. I’m hoping he’ll be in a sugar-induced coma and not pay much attention to me when I ask for Jace’s number. That’s the plan at least.

  Uncle is partial to red velvet, and I don’t know anyone who can resist chocolate cake, so having spent all morning baking, I’m happy that they’ve turned out so well.

  Now all I need is the air conditioning to kick in again. It seems to be on for two minutes, then off for five. Definitely need to take it into the garage tomorrow to get it checked because I’ve no clue. There’s no use asking my uncle about it either. He likes to think that he knows what he’s doing under the hood of a car when in actual fact he’s just as clueless as me. I’m not even going to ask Richard. I’ve
started to feel relieved when he leaves and I dread him inviting me to stay at his place. Having him fix my car would just mean that he was around even more.

  I haven’t spent the night with him at his place since we’ve gotten engaged, but I’m kind of expecting him to ask me soon. I don’t know what I’m going to do when he does because I don’t want that. I guess the sooner I tell him, the better. I just don’t think he’s going to accept my decision lying down.

  Chewing my bottom lip with worry, I sigh in pleasure as the air conditioning kicks in just as I’m pulling into a parking lot at the sheriff’s station.

  It’s a new building, or rather a newish one, as it’s about three years old now. The six floors hold a different division on each. Outside, it’s like any other building, but inside it has state-of-the-art equipment from the computer to the workstations to the lab equipment. Very modern looking.

  I smile when I remember my uncle being so disgruntled when he first moved into the new building. My uncle likes his routine and, at the time, he preferred all the old machines, which really had needed replacing.

  Chuckling to myself, I climb from the hot piece of junk I call a car and start to sweat the minute I’m standing outside. The fact that my long hair is loose isn’t helping, so leaning back into the car, I grab a clip from the dash. Stepping away, I gather my hair up and immediately start to feel cooler with the slight breeze caressing my neck.

  As I turn to look around, my eyes land on the man I have an obsession with, and I find it difficult to look elsewhere.

  Jace’s gaze is fixated on my face, before it slides over my body with a slow caress.

  With a tingling of desire in the pit of my stomach, my feet freeze to the ground and all I can do is watch as Jace moves closer, until he’s standing directly in front of me. In the silence, we let our eyes do the talking.

  This is the first time he’s let me see how much he really longs for me, and my heart is hammering in my ears with a mixture of desire and excitement as his gaze stays intently on me.

  Focused on Jace, my arms drop to my sides, letting my hair tumble down my back in waves. Jace steps closer and, reaching out with his hands, catches some of my red locks between his fingers.

  “So soft,” he whispers, stepping closer until there are only inches separating us.

  The warmth of his body seeps through my clothing, causing pinpricks of pleasure to roll through me. It isn’t until he dips his head and inhales my scent that my knees threaten to give way with the lust running through me.

  I’m so glad that I’m wearing a multi-colored chiffon tunic over my cami because my nipples are hard buds, begging for his touch. The throbbing in my shorts is so bad that I’d be surprised if he doesn’t smell my arousal.

  Jace turns his face toward me, and I gasp when our noses rub together, albeit briefly. The desire thrums through me and my body aches for his touch.

  “Jace,” I whisper, my voice husky with need.

  “Savannah,” he counters, his eyes moving over my face with desire.

  I nervously lick my lips, and hear a groan at the back of Jace’s throat. His fingers tighten in my hair as his eyes close tightly and he inhales deeply before his eyes snap open again—as though he needs to get himself under control.

  It feels like any minute now he’s going to pounce on me in the parking lot. Not that I’d complain, but my life’s too complicated at the moment with a fiancé—even if I don’t want him to be. To be honest, I’m not even sure Richard wants to be with me either.

  As if Jace realizes my mind has drifted, he clears his throat and, with reluctance, slowly takes a step back. Goose bumps follow the caress of his hands on my arms as he withdraws his hold.

  I long to wrap my arms around his waist to pull him back to me. His loss of body heat is like a chasm between us.

  Watching him now that my body doesn’t feel like it’s been completely overtaken, I see the control he’s using to steady himself. His arousal isn’t as easy to hide as mine and it looks hard and uncomfortable behind his zipper.

  He catches where my eyes are focused and chuckles. “I guess I can’t hide what you do to me.” He blushes.

  The admission is one that takes my breath away and taking pity on him, I admit, “I’m just as aroused as you.”

  His eyes flare with heat before he forces himself to take another step back. “God, Savannah. What you do to me!”

  I need to pull myself together instead of standing here like an idiot flirting with Jace. I’m not sure what overtook us, but it was potent.

  Suddenly remembering the cakes in the car, I clear my throat and turn my back to him. “Can you help me with these?” I scramble into the car so I can reach the cakes on the other side. Kneeling on the seat, I grab the red velvet cake and turn to pass it to Jace. His eyes are firmly fixed on my legs and bottom, which is sticking up as I’m reaching onto the floor of the passenger side. I should have gone around to get them.


  His eyes meet mine, and after he blinks a few times, he takes the cake from my hands. I collect the chocolate cake and my purse as I back out of the car.

  I grin when I catch Jace sniffing at the baked goods. He returns my grin. “You made these?”

  “I did.” The butterflies in my stomach are going crazy and the sexy guy in front of me is the cause.

  “Where you taking them?”

  “To my uncle.” I snicker, and wait for him to announce that he’ll carry them inside for me.

  “Let’s go.” Jace removes the other from my hands and indicates for me to go before him.

  “You like cake?” I ask, while holding the door into the building open for him.

  “Who doesn’t?” He grins—the panty dropping one.


  Anita buzzes us in, and I can’t help but notice the knowing glance she gives us as we pass her.

  “Um, you want to call the elevator?” Jace raises a brow with his lips twitching.

  I blush and quickly step forward to press the call button. I seriously need to get my act together before reaching my uncle’s office. I seem to be a blundering idiot today.

  Seeing the elevator is on its way down, I turn to Jace and ask, “Weren’t you on your way out?” I frown.

  Jace stays quiet.

  He was, and I’ve delayed him. “If you pass the cakes to me, I’ll make it upstairs on my own without dropping them.”

  The elevator arrives and Jace dodges by me and my reaching hand as he steps inside.

  I, of course, follow. I have a feeling that I’d follow him anywhere.

  “I’m not,” he looks between the cakes, “letting these babies out of my sight until I’ve sampled some of each.”

  “Is that right?” I lean against the wall, but get the feeling he’d prefer to sample something else.

  As the doors close, I feel my chest tighten. The elevator is slow, and the longer I’m trapped inside with Jace, the more I want to fidget. Not just the fact that I hate elevators because of the enclosed feeling, but because the heat from Jace is all-consuming. I’m not even sure he knows what he’s doing to me. At least I have a distraction from one of my biggest fears.

  Meeting his gaze, I can’t quite keep the panic from entering my eyes.

  Jace straightens and takes a step closer when the doors whoosh open.

  I jump out and try to place a smile on my lips but with the look Jace is giving me, something tells me I’ve failed.

  “Savannah, what a lovely surprise,” Uncle Ned calls from the hallway moments before he pulls me into his arms in one of his bear hugs. Putting me away from him, he looks me over. “You look pretty…now tell me what brought you down here today?”

  At this moment, Jace steps out of the elevator brandishing the cakes just as the doors start to close.

  My uncle’s face lights up as he swipes the red velvet out of Jace’s hands.

  “Hey, now,” Jace protests.

  “She’s my niece, so I get to choose first.”
br />   I laugh at the two of them not wanting to share.

  “Besides,” my uncle pointedly stares at Jace, “I thought you’d left.”

  Jace grins. “I did, until I spotted homemade cake in the parking lot.” Jace winks at me, and my heart thuds in my chest.

  “Hmm, I suppose I can offer you a slice…but only one.” My uncle turns and disappears into his office with the baked treat.

  “We better follow,” I suggest, “or there won’t be any left.”

  “Wait.” Jace ignores the laughter in my voice as he grabs hold of my arm. His voice and expression turning serious, “Are you all right?”

  I stare up into his eyes and I want to say something. I want to tell him how I’m unsure about everything…how I’m unhappy about being engaged. The words hover on my lips and just as I’m about to say them, I hear Richard’s demanding voice snarl, “What’s going on?”

  Jumping away from Jace as he lets my arm drop, we turn at the same time to face Richard.

  Until now, I’d forgotten that there was a chance I’d run into him and, by the sound of it, he doesn’t seem too happy. It’s his first day working out of this location, so I guess I need to get used to seeing him here.

  My longing to catch a glimpse of Jace was what brought me here, and everything else has flown right out of my head.

  “I was just checking that she’s okay. She looks pale,” Jace offers, his jaw tight as he looks between the two of us, refusing to budge.

  He’s obviously picking up the vibes from me that are saying I don’t want to be alone with my fiancé.

  Richard has a temper and I’m relieved that I’ve only ever seen it once. It had shaken me up. He hadn’t put his hands on me in anger, but he’d roared around my house until he’d left to cool down. I’d spent hours shaking, terrified that he would come back and hit me.

  “Richard, we have to go.” Stefan dashes around the corner, and comes to a stop when he notices me. Smiling, he says, “Hi, Savannah.” He reaches out and kisses me on the cheek—this is something he’s done for years. His gaze then flitters to Jace, he nods, “Jace,” in greeting before he turns back to me. “It’s been a while, Savannah. How’re you doing?”


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