by KJ Sheerin
‘Are you happy with that decision, Josh?’
‘What do you think Myvanwy meant about tonight?’
‘Just what she said, I expect.’
‘And that is…?’
‘Well now that we have an agreement in place, we just might end up with a bar of soap tonight. Only I hope she has some money because I’ve only got bus fare home.’
‘Do you think so?’ Clare said, excitedly, ‘how would we get there?’
‘Definitely not by balloon—we’d probably have to fly.’
Josh shrugged, ‘If we did though, what would you buy?’
‘There would be so many things…’
‘What if you could only buy a couple of things?’
‘Mm, now that would be different, I’d have to think.’
‘Then again, I could be wrong. We’ll have to wait and see.’
Josh finally got his line untangled in time to catch a fish before it was time to go. They collected some more wood for the fire and went back to cook tea.
‘What should I wear?’ Clare asked.
‘Trust a woman to ask that question.’
‘You know what I mean,’ she shot back, as she turned the fish.
‘It’s a warm night, maybe what you’re wearing—plus gloves and a beanie.’
‘More to the point, where are we going to sit?’ she said, worriedly.
‘Do you think she’ll let me put the saddle on her?’
After the meal they took some fish to the two dragons as usual.
Myvanwy thanked them and said, ‘Here is some money, take it and meet me outside in ten minutes.’
‘If it’s a ride that you’re thinking of, will you let Clare use the saddle from the balloon?’ Josh asked.
Myvanwy thought for a moment before giving her consent. When she did, Clare ran over to the balloon basket to retrieve the saddle.
The money was in small notes and totalled almost fifty dollars. Josh took twenty and gave Clare the rest before going back to prepare for the trip. It only took a moment to don the extra gear and take the saddle, blankets and backpack outside to await Myvanwy’s arrival.
When she appeared, Josh said, ‘I thought you were going to shift the carcass?’
‘When we get back—it will serve as a deterrent until then. Now hop on.’
Dancing with Dragons
Clare used the blankets to pad both sides of the spines at the base of Myvanwy’s neck, then threw the saddle over and drew the cinch tight, leaving just enough blanket for Josh to sit on. While she did that, Josh tied a rope loosely around Myvanwy’s neck, to keep them anchored. When satisfied, they clambered aboard and made themselves comfortable.
‘Are you right? Then let’s go,’ Myvanwy said, as she stretched her large wings to catch the breeze and lift them effortlessly up into the night sky. She flew out across the water, so as not to make a silhouette for any prying eyes and followed the chain of islands before veering right, towards a much bigger land mass.
Clare snuggled back into Josh as they took in the wonder of flight. They felt the constant rush of air and watched as the outstretched wings utilized the air-currents as they skimmed over the water below them. Josh hung on tightly and pointed out the faint glow of lights in the distance, watching as they grew brighter. Myvanwy skirted the city and searched for a supermarket in the outer suburbs instead. She found one with a school adjacent and landed on the playing oval before giving them instructions to meet her back there in thirty minutes.
The two teenagers hurried across to the shopping centre. Once in the supermarket they took a shopping basket each and walked down the aisles, bypassing the meat and vegetable sections altogether. Josh chose some rolled oats, an herbal tea and a packet of fishhooks from the hardware section, as well as bars of soap from the laundry aisle. Large candles were going cheap, so he got one and some more safety matches, plus a spare battery for the torch.
Clare selected a comb and two toothbrushes along with some hygiene products for herself. She hesitated in front of the condom display before hurriedly choosing a packet, and put it in Josh’s basket. In the clothing aisle she picked out a pair of underpants for him, but he stopped her.
‘I’d rather some rope ones like yours,’ he whispered. She smiled at the reference and indulged in a packet of toilet paper instead.
‘That’s it, I’m done,’ she told him.
‘Okay, let’s go.’
There weren’t many people about at that time of night, so there were no queues to worry about at the checkout. Afterwards they made their way back to the middle of the oval, where Myvanwy rose up from the shadows to greet them. They mounted her quickly and took off again for the return journey, happy with the progress that had been made.
On landing outside the cave again they both dismounted and unsaddled their mount, who waited patiently.
When free of her encumbrance Myvanwy said, ‘Come, let’s have a talk before you retire and bring your shopping with you.’
She went inside the cave and over to her reading corner to light the torches. Sweet Pea came out of the shadows to join them.
‘So tell me, what did you think of it?’ Myvanwy asked.
‘What, the shopping?’ Josh asked.
‘No, the flight.’
The teenagers looked at each other and then back at Myvanwy.
‘It was fantastic, just like the balloon flight that brought us here,’ said Clare.
Myvanwy looked at her incredulously.
‘A balloon! You’re comparing a ride on a dragon to a balloon?’
Josh smiled and interrupted, ‘Don’t get us wrong, it’s magic being up there. But I would have to say that balloons only go one way, while you can fly wherever you want—and your landings are so much better than a balloon.’
‘Hrmmmphf! A balloon indeed,’ Myvanwy muttered, and shook her head, ‘what is the world coming to? Okay, let’s see what you’ve bought.’
She spread their shopping out on the cave floor and pored over it before commenting on one or two of the items.
‘Mm, peppermint tea,’ and then, ‘taking the relationship to the next level, are we?’
Clare blushed and Josh smiled. He took the little change they had left and put it on the ledge.
‘Tell me, was this the test?’
Myvanwy looked up surprised, ‘No, that comes much later. I’d better let you go now—I have much work to do.’
The teenagers retrieved their shopping and thanked Myvanwy wholeheartedly for what she had done. Josh took the candle and lit it from one of the torches on the wall before leading the way back to their quarters.
‘Goodnight Sweet Pea,’ Clare said, looking back.
The cooking fire had died out long ago, so Josh placed the candle centrally and made ready for bed. He sat on the edge afterwards and waited for Clare to join him on top of the blankets. When Myvanwy trudged past sometime later the candle still burned brightly.
Once outside the cave Myvanwy viewed the sea creature in the moonlight. There was no way she could hope to lift it, so she opted to roll it down to the water’s edge and tow the carcass to one side of the island, in order that the currents take it past and beyond. Tired after all of the lifting and flying, plus the fight earlier that day, she called it a night. On entering the cave again the candle went out, and she shook her head—suddenly feeling very old.
When Clare and Josh woke the next morning they kissed all the more. Like every day spent on the island, everything was new. They finally left the bed to start the day by using real toilet paper and then a quick swim before lying together on the towels. They had the whole beach to themselves and sea creatures were definitely the last thing on their minds.
When it came time to hunt for food they did so hand in hand or else Josh put his arm around Clare. They were very much aware of one another as only lovers could be. The only things picked were greens for garnish before walking back along the beach via the lighth
ouse. They stopped there to kiss awhile and afterward Josh carved a heart with their initials on its wall. Not much flotsam caught their eye, although they investigated everything along the way. They finally made it back to the cave uneventfully and had breakfast. The only change there was to boil the billy for the peppermint tea.
‘This is really nice,’ said Clare.
‘I thought we could use a treat.’
‘There are a few things we forgot though.’
‘Given the parameters I think we did well,’ Josh replied.
‘I mean like a razor for you and maybe a mirror—also I got toothbrushes, but forgot the toothpaste,’ she said, ruefully.
‘Don’t worry, you got the important things,’ he said, smiling at her. She hit him playfully.
‘Besides, those other things are superfluous—and all you need on the toothbrush is soap. You wash the rest of your body with it, why not your teeth?’
Clare thought about it and agreed, ‘I suppose the main thing is brushing them.’
‘Tell me, those tampons. Does that mean you’ll need them soon?’
‘Yes, in a few more days, unfortunately.’
They brushed their teeth using soap and some water in a mug and then threw the water outside the cave when finished.
‘Now that’s what I call clean,’ Clare said, running her tongue around her mouth.
Josh kissed her, ‘I’d have to agree.’
When finished, they went in search of the two dragons and found them in the Temple of Baal, having just finished their bat-fest.
‘Ah! Just the two people I was thinking of. And how are the two young lovers this fine morning? Oh, and I was glad that you never woke me with your yelling about sea creatures today,’ Myvanwy said, jocularly.
‘Glad we didn’t have to,’ Josh returned.
‘Seriously though, do you realise you could have done nothing and been free of us?’
‘Maybe, but it would’ve been at the expense of two very good friends,’ he assured her.
‘Yes, I do believe you mean it.’
‘Now, what is it you wish us to do?’
‘To be our agents in the wider world: increase our wealth, provide us with technology and maybe a safe house—something along those lines. But as I mentioned before, it would have to be ongoing. Sweet Pea is only seventy five and he still has hundreds of years ahead of him. No-doubt he’ll want to marry and procreate at some stage also. It’s not too late if you want to change your mind, you know.’
‘No, we’re happy with our decision,’ Josh said.
He looked over to Clare, who nodded her agreement.
‘Hopefully it will provide us with a purpose and anchor us in life. Did you have anything specific in mind or can we grow into that role?’ he added.
‘Well given the nature of the job and your tender years, I think it is one that will gradually unfold. But first we must give it direction and there are certain things you must know about us. To begin with though, we will start by you two telling us a bit about yourselves—who you are and what direction you saw yourselves taking before this?’
Sweet Pea looked on eagerly at the proceedings as Josh told of living in the suburbs with his mother, Sally, and dog Molly.
‘So your father is dead also?’ he asked, and Josh nodded.
‘Then tell me, how come you adapt so well to this environment?’ Myvanwy asked.
‘Well before Dad died we used to go camping regularly and since then I’ve been a member of the Scout movement. It provides a broad range of outdoor activities and challenges that keep me busy.’
‘That explains a lot,’ she said, nodding her head, ‘go on…’
‘I planned to finish school this year and do a cadetship in a bank.’
‘Mmm, interesting and what about you, Clare?’
‘I still have another year at school and then intended to apply for a secretarial position.’
‘Why a secretary?’
‘Because it would give me a variety of skills, so that one day I may go on from there—if I wanted.’
‘What about your parents?’
‘They’re divorced. Mum lives overseas and I live with my father, Ben, on a few acres, just outside of town.’
‘A farm?’
‘Just a few sheep and my horse, Toby.’
Sweet Pea licked his lips.
‘Hmm, interesting. Already the possibilities are leaping out. What about you, Josh?’
‘Do you mean the farm? Is it that simple?’
‘Unfortunately, not. We’ll have to prepare for every contingency I’m afraid.’
‘How are we going to explain our absence for so long?’ Clare asked.
‘Oh, I think that should be simple enough, but first you must explain how it was that you came to be in the balloon in the first place.’
‘Well that’s easy,’ Clare said, and then told them about Rita and what she had done.
‘Good, that’s another hurdle out of the way.’
‘Tell me, is there any way we can get word to our parents and tell them we’re alive?’
‘Yes, everything is possible,’ Myvanwy told her, adding, ‘follow me.’
She took them over to the alcove full of treasure.
‘Well, this is the family fortune—and one day it will all belong to Sweet Pea. People think that us dragons overreact somewhat when it comes to our treasure, but we are just collectors of pretty things and sought after objects. Like anyone else we guard it zealously and maybe toast those who are cheeky enough to want to steal it. Outside of us, you two are the only ones alive to have seen it.’
‘May we enter?’ Josh asked.
‘Yes, please do.’
They both entered to survey the pile of gold coins and artefacts along with the large array of jewels scattered throughout the collection. Myvanwy looked on as Josh fell to his hands and knees. She followed his every move as he examined the coins more closely.
He picked one up and sidled over to her, ‘Do you know these coins date back to the earliest civilisation and yet they’re still in excellent condition—probably due to Baal’s predecessors taking them out of circulation all those years ago. With coins like these you could sell them, buy more gold coins and still have a lot of money left over to invest.’
Josh put the coin down carefully, while Clare looked on with interest.
‘The plan does have merit, especially the part about the replacement coins.’
‘Or bullion. I’ve heard that you can buy nuggets direct on the goldfields for a lot less,’ he added.
‘That’s what I like about you—you’re full of bright ideas. Enough for now. What say we meet you back here at midnight for your first dance with dragons? You’d better go—the film must have started by now.’
The teenagers left hand-in-hand and made their way back to the television alcove. Sweet Pea followed them some minutes later. Josh and Clare lay side by side in the sand, each with the same thought in their mind. What did she mean, ‘dance with dragons?’
When Sweet Pea arrived he turned to them and said, ‘You’ll find out tonight.’
His comment startled them, so they promptly dismissed it from their minds and opted to watch the film instead.
Afterwards they excused themselves and collected their fishing lines before heading off to the rock ledge to catch supper. The castaways stretched out on the warm rock as a fresh breeze blew over them. Looking up they could see that a rainbow had ended above them and the sky was filled with its colours.
‘Look at that,’ Clare said, pointing skyward.
‘You know, I always wondered where the rainbow ended. So how is your dream going now?’
‘Delicious so far. It would have to be the best dream I’ve ever had.’
‘And what if I kissed you, would it still confuse you?’
‘Not any more. That’s a part of my dream.’
They kissed and soaked up some more of the glorious day before casting their lines out. Josh gave Clare the float l
ine and told her to rely more on the actions of the float to tell when something was on the line. She mastered the technique in no time. The fish were on the bite and they soon caught their fill.
After the evening meal was cooked and eaten, Clare took the few extra pieces of fish to the dragons while Josh boiled the billy. When she returned they drank a cup of peppermint tea each while staring into the fire, both filled with uncertainty of what the night might bring. When the fire died down they lit the candle and moved to the bed to wait and then panicked at eleven-thirty in their effort to get ready for their ‘dance’ with the dragons.
Josh held the candle up high as he led the way to the Temple. Once there, the flames of two torches cast their soft glow on the burnished bronze form waiting in the centre and the smaller metallic green dragon to one side.
‘Please join us,’ Myvanwy told them, and when they had made themselves comfortable she went on, ‘the first rule in the outside world or even when you go to talk to someone as you will tonight, is to never speak our names or give any information about us. There are people out there who hunt us still.’
‘So what’s the alternative?’ Josh asked.
‘You choose.’
‘What if we call you William or Bill,’ Clare said, looking at Josh, ‘and Margaret?’
Josh looked at Myvanwy who said, ‘I can live with that.’
‘Tonight you will both send a message to your loved ones. That message will be that you are alive and will be home in another two weeks’ time. Also tell them they can discuss it between each other, but no one else. It might be a good idea to give them a sign. Advise them of something that only you would know, okay?’
Both teenagers nodded.
‘This is just an introductory lesson to our powers and only ever conferred upon a few select people. Each person must be of stout heart and spirit for the heightened energies that will run through their bodies. Now Josh, hold on to me and Clare. Clare, you hold on to Josh and Sweet Pea. Close your eyes and empty your minds.’
The two dragon’s tails entwined to close the circuit and make them all one.