Death's Queen (The Complete Series)

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Death's Queen (The Complete Series) Page 47

by Janeal Falor

  His gaze settles intensely on me. Fiery hot. I work to keep my breathing steady, though it wants to go ragged.

  “Nevertheless, they think the world of you,” he says.

  “And you? What do you think?”

  His gaze darts to the others in the room before coming back to me. “That I can’t properly thank you right now.”

  I can’t help the grin that comes to my face. So much for keeping my distance. If anyone is watching, my feelings must be written on my face. I work to rein in my expression. “Is there something you needed?”

  His eyes narrow. “Sorry. I was sent to see if you wanted the meeting in your sitting room again, or if you were well enough to make it to the council room.”

  He was sent. That’s better than coming himself—which is ridiculous. I hate this. It’s horrid to be kept from the one they love. They could have sent a servant, but didn't. It gives us an excuse to meet.

  I understand why they don’t want to mess with the line of succession and chance our country being destroyed by natural disasters, but it doesn’t make me any happier. I glance at Wilric and Jem. It also makes no sense that my ladies-in-waiting are held to the same no-relations-or-marriage policy that I am. At least they can touch the ones they love without everyone going crazy.

  “Ryn?” Nash pulls me out of my thoughts.

  “Sorry. It doesn’t matter. I can go to either place.”

  “Let’s have it in the council room, then, so the advisors can come as well.”

  “That’s fine.” I focus my attention on Jem and Wilric, who are still working together. Jem lands a clumsy blow to Wilric’s chest. He must have let her have that one. No way she got past his defenses on her own.

  But she looks up with a smile. “Did you see that? I got him.”

  “I did.” My voice carries through the training hall. I can’t bring myself to say well done when it was given to her, but perhaps it will instill some confidence in her and help her do better.

  She grins at Wilric. “I bet I can do it again.”

  “You wish.” His voice carries a hint of laughter.

  Nash leans over and whispers, “Is there something going on between them?”

  “I’m not sure,” I reply. “She has similar restrictions as I do.”

  His face becomes serious. “I know.”

  “Despite that, I think they may have feelings for each other. Or they’re friendly.” Which doesn’t seem like either of them. They’re both acting out of character. But that may be one of the things love does—changes you so you’re more forthcoming with the person you care about.

  I glance at Nash. Maybe less forthcoming.

  Whatever is going on, I wish they could be happy, but with the existing laws, it’s a faint possibility.

  Chapter 14

  My leg is only slightly weaker than before it was wounded. As we walk down the hall toward the treasury, I think of exercises I can do to improve it. It’s still tender, but strong enough for me to get back into things. Stretching it out with a walk feels good.

  My guards surround me, Julina currently leading the way and Nash beside me. I haven’t said a thing. I don’t want anyone to get more suspicious than they already are about our relationship. Besides, my heart is sore from the blow he delivered to it.

  I never thought emotional pain would be as bad as torture, but love is a different sort of torture all its own. It’s not like I can exercise my heart, to make it stronger.

  Our group comes to a stop outside a pair of grand doors, two guards on either side. The doors are intricately carved, gleaming under the torches lining the hall. Although it's daytime, they are needed here. There are no windows along this long corridor, which ends at the treasury and has no other halls branching off it.

  One of the guards stationed by the treasury entrance pulls a torch off the wall. “Would you like me to accompany you inside the vault, Your Majesty?”

  “No, thank you. My Head Advisor and I will be fine examining it on our own,” I say. “My lady-in-waiting, Jem Surah, should be here shortly. Please allow her entrance when she comes. No others are allowed.”

  He gives a brisk nod. “You will be needing this.” He hands me the torch, and another guard hands one to Nash. They station themselves back at the sides of the doors.

  I pull out the key I got from Timit from around my neck. As Head of the Treasury, he is in charge of it, which makes me leery, but we’ll see what’s inside. He wanted to come with us, but I insisted Nash and I could do it on our own, and I’d decide if Jem would join us. It took a lot of persuasion, and in the end, I had to use my position as queen. Someday, I’d like to go over its contents with Timit, but right now I want to see its value for myself, untainted by his thoughts.

  The key is thick and heavy, with lots of notches at its end. I use it to open the door, only to find a second set of doors. Nash and I move into the room and close the outer doors behind us but don’t lock them. I unlock the second set with a different key and push it open.

  A gasp escapes me.

  Gold and gems are heaped all over the room in huge amounts. The smallest stack is more wealth than I’ve ever seen in one place before, and there are dozens of piles. I take several steps in. The doors close behind me. Nash must have followed me in.

  I walk through the mounds that are taller than I am, making little walkways through the room. As I stare in awe, I realize there’s a pattern. Around the edges are the biggest stashes. Medium-sized stashes encircle a sort of hallway. Pedestals containing smaller treasures are clustered together by in groups or scattered throughout in twos and threes.

  The biggest group of pedestals hunker in the corner, surrounded by gold and gems with barely enough room to walk between them. They are about waist high and have different types of crowns and tiaras on them, ranging from overly thick with a multitude of jewels to a simple band of silver with three diamonds in the center.

  As I continue to roam, I find more and more treasure, my awe growing by the moment. Most of the riches are in gold coins or gems, but here and there are piles of silver. The metal and precious stones sparkle under my torchlight.

  I focus on the pedestals as I stroll through the room.

  There are all sorts of interesting items. A stack of scrolls bundled together. A lamp of clear, colored glass, tall and beautiful. A strange thin needle with a bottle of what looks like ink and a bowl next to it.

  I’m particularly drawn to one item, though I can’t understand why. It’s a simple wooden ring. Without thinking about it, I place it on the thumb of my right hand. It fits perfectly. My thumb feels warm.

  “Interesting choice,” Nash says, startling me.

  “It’s not often someone can sneak up on me.”

  “Today’s a good day for it.” He gives me a faint smile.

  I peruse the dull wood on my finger. What draws me to it so? I’m reluctant to take off the ring, even if I don’t understand why. Nothing about it appeals to me, visually.

  “You can keep wearing it if you want,” he says.

  “I’m not sure I should.”

  “It belongs to you.”

  I shake my head. “It belongs to the people.”

  Still, it stays on my hand.

  “I don’t think anyone will care if you wear a plain ring taken out of the treasury.”

  He’s right. I want to keep it, and it’s nothing big. It won’t hurt. “Very well.”

  Together, we walk. He slips his hand in mine, and I pretend everything is all right between us.

  And then I see a necklace with a green jewel.

  I gasp.

  “What is it?” Concern laces his words.

  It’s the First Queen’s necklace. I’m uncertain about touching it, a feeling holding me back the same way something wanted me to take the ring. Perhaps it’s reverence for the First Queen and all that she’s done for me. Guiding me through this job as queen, listening to me, and being there for me when I needed someone.

  Nash looks f
rom me to the necklace. “Ryn?”

  “Sorry. I’m just surprised.” Do I tell him about the First Queen? I shouldn’t; I don’t want him to think I’m crazy. Then again, this is Nash. I don’t want to lie to him or hide things from him. Maybe I should have told him sooner. “This necklace belonged to the First Queen of Valcora.”

  He furrows his eyebrows. “How do you know? I didn’t think anyone knew much about her.”

  I lick my lips. “I’ve seen her. She comes to me, in something similar to a dream, ever since I first drank the Mortum Tura.”

  His expression remains so neutral, I can’t tell what he’s thinking.

  “Do you think I’m crazy?” I ask.

  He glances around the room as if to make certain we’re alone. “No. I think you’ve been touched by powerful magic.”

  He believes me.

  A rush of relief floods through me. He believes me. “That’s what she said. Well… not powerful, but she said it was the magic of the Mortum Tura that allowed me to speak with her.”

  He runs a hand through his hair. “Ryn, I haven't heard of anything like this. If the country found out…”


  “I don’t know how they’d react. It’s either brilliant or dangerous.”

  A chill permeates the air. “How could it be dangerous?”

  He takes a step closer, lowering his voice. “Magic is uncommon in Valcora.”

  “I know, but why does that make it dangerous?”

  “Maybe it doesn’t. Maybe I’m wrong. But sometimes people react poorly to things they don’t understand.”

  It is true that I had a hard time with my first experience with the First Queen. It’s easy to see how others would have a difficult time with it, especially since they can’t interact with her. “That’s part of the reason I never told anyone about her. I’m not always sure I haven’t gone crazy.”

  “You’re perfectly sane. No one understands much about the Mortum Tura. I’m not surprised it does more than we first suspected,” he says. “What is she like?”

  “She’s wise, most of the time. Sometimes helpful, but often leaves me to figure out things on my own. She says she’s here to guide me. To keep me from wanting…”

  “Wanting what?”

  I don’t wish to tell him, but his expression is so earnest. “To kill myself.”

  His eyes widen slightly, but otherwise he doesn’t react.

  It feels strange to tell someone, even if that someone is him, but I need to show him I can open up. “You know some of what I went through with Daros.”

  Daros. What would he think of this treasure? He’d love to get his hands on it. I force myself to stay focused on the conversation. “It was hard, for lack of a better word. After I left, I kept thinking about all I did for him. The people I killed. The blood on my hands. I couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted to end my life.”

  “Oh Ryn…” He gives my hand a gentle squeeze.

  If I stop, I’ll never get it all out, so I continue. “I never mattered to anyone other than for what I was worth as an assassin. For once, I needed to matter. To be the focus. What better way than the Mortum Tura? Only I didn’t count on the fact that the drink only chooses a queen who doesn’t want to be queen.”

  He raises his eyebrows. “What?”

  I nod. “It’s true. The queen is someone who doesn’t wish to be queen. Who doesn’t want power. Which is one reason why the First Queen left her essence in the potion. She knew most of us girls who became queen would be desperate and need guidance and help.”

  “What an awful plan.”

  I bristle. “Why awful? I thought it was smart to have only someone who didn’t want to be queen make it. Less power-hungry rulers that way.”

  “That’s true, but what a horrible experience for all those girls who simply wanted to be queen, and instead died a horrific death.”

  The First Queen’s presences feels close, as if I’ve drawn her attention. I find myself wanting to defend her. “It was the only way the potion would work.”

  “Maybe. But it doesn’t lessen the lives lost.”

  “No. It doesn’t.” It’s uncomfortably hot in here, the chill gone. The summer sun must be shining down on this part of the building. I have to change the subject. I can’t abide talking about death any longer. “This is why I don’t have nightmares anymore. The First Queen stops them.”

  “Wish she could stop them for me too,” he mutters.

  “I wish the same.” It’s my turn to give his hand a squeeze. “Will you do me a favor and keep her a secret?”

  “I will.” There’s a note of hesitancy in his voice, but I don’t push it.

  “Have you ever seen anything like this?” I whisper, waving at the room around us.


  “We could use this for the country. There’s plenty here. We can feed the people and build things that they need.” I raise my voice with excitement, but I don’t care. “Jem should be here soon to help us know how much value these things have, but even without her, I can tell there’s more than enough.”

  Nash scans what we can see of the room again, his enthusiasm reined in. “We could feed the people, but you have to remember you’re ruler over an entire nation. This may look like a lot of money—and make no mistake, it is—but with a whole country to take care of, the gold would go fast.”

  My shoulders drop. “You’re right. Of course you are. I only hoped…”

  “I know.”

  Another thought perks me up. “If we can’t give it to them outright, we should be able to invest it back into them.”

  “That is an excellent plan, only how will you go about it?”

  “We can use it to buy a mine, like I talked about before, or on other projects to need done. Create jobs and make a better life for everyone. I’m sure we can think of something.”

  I stare at the piles of treasure surrounding me. We’d better be able to think of something.

  Chapter 15

  I glance out the window, waiting for Timit. I’d be much more comfortable if Nash was here, but I didn’t think Timit would take me as seriously if I had someone figuratively holding my hand. Besides, I know how to live without comfort, even if I prefer it.

  Soon a servant comes to the door and announces Timit. He glides into the room—as much as a large man can glide—bows, and takes the seat at my right. I’m grateful there’s space between the chairs as I don’t want to be overly close to him.

  As soon as the door closes, he says, “You wished to see me, Your Majesty?”

  “Yes. I’ve seen something that concerns you.” I leave it at that to see if he’s going to say anything. Long ago, I learned not to let silence bother me, but it can make others uncomfortable.

  At first, the quiet doesn’t seem to get to him. I’m about to talk, when he fidgets in his chair. The lack of sound is taking its toll. Just a minute more.

  “What is it that concerns me, Your Majesty?” His fidgeting lessens but doesn’t completely subside.

  I don’t reply right away. His eye twitches. Good. Hopefully, he’s more pliable than usual.

  “You’ve been keeping things from me,” I say.

  “I can’t imagine what you’re speaking of.”

  Again, I hesitate. “Don’t worry so much. If it was serious, I’d have you replaced.” Somewhat of an idle threat. I don’t know who to replace him with that has experience, or I’d have done so already. Still, he swipes at his forehead like he’s sweating. “Is there something you think I ought to have been told?”

  He swipes at his forehead like he’s sweating. “I can’t imagine what Your Majesty means.”

  “Nothing at all?”

  “There… erm… are enough taxes coming in to handle the workings of the government. Most of what you’re planning on anyway. I believe the taxes are too high on the Kurah. They are what drives our economy. We need to feed them, not starve them.”

  I remain expressionless. “I know. I read through
the reports you prepared.”

  “Oh.” He twists a ring on one of his stubby fingers. “Is this a problem, then?”

  “It’s not what I want to discuss with you,” I say.

  “What else is there?”

  Either he’s good at hiding it, or he doesn’t think the treasury was of much significance. “What I want to know is why there is so much in the treasury and why you’ve been hiding it?”

  His eyebrows raise, but he doesn’t look scared. “I didn’t know you were unaware of the amount of money the treasury holds. I thought it was common knowledge.”

  “Who else knows about it, then?”

  “Well… I can’t be certain.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I thought people knew. I’ve known for so long, nothing else has crossed my mind.”

  “So you haven’t told anyone?”


  Interesting. “How long have you been doing this job?”

  “About twenty-five years.”

  I knew he was older than me, but not that old. No wonder he’s so set in his position. How many queens has he seen come and go, while he’s stayed in his position?

  “If we’re going to continue working together, I need you to have a more open mind,” I say.

  His thick lips pinch together. He’s not at all happy with the idea. “You’d do well to take my advice, from the experience I’ve gained over those years, Your Majesty.”

  Maybe. Maybe not. “I understand this will be hard for you, but it needs to be done. Otherwise, I will replace you.”

  He sputters and finally says, “I will work on that, Your Majesty.”

  “Good.” We’ll see if he does. “Now, do you have any news about a mine we could purchase?”

  “I would strongly encourage you to consider lowering the taxes for the Kurah, Your Majesty.”

  “If we can bring enough revenue in from or mines another source, I will consider such a thing.”

  His eyebrows jump. “Thank you.”

  Never thought I’d hear those two words from him. Maybe he isn’t so bad, but stuck in his ways. “The mine?”


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