Hard Candy

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Hard Candy Page 11

by Volley, Rue

  Fiona liked the mystery of why the man may have registered with a male escort agency – in much the same way that the man in question had wondered about her, and whether the fact of his being assigned to her was a matter of coincidence. She thought not. Then, if it was not, she marvelled somewhat, at the fact of how he might have selected to accompany her. How had he communicated with the two Adonises at the Knight reception about himself, and about making sure that he were assigned to Fiona? As archrivals, she had some indication of why Charles Beaufonte would have wished to inveigle the all-important, ‘coincidental’ meet, but knew that there had to be something very specific he wished for. And that it would not just be her. Even as she mulled over these considerations, Fiona was not that vain.

  And so Fiona Cunningham was actually looking forward to ‘playing the game’ and of going with the flow. She was looking forward to being accompanied by the most good looking man her game plan had managed to acquire, though why and how she fitted in to his game plan, she did not know as yet, at least not for sure. She enjoyed being driven to the party in his Porsche. She enjoyed being seated beside him as he did so, the sheer animal magnetism of him, of his voice, and the conversation he enthralled her in. What she was not prepared for was the fact of her knees turning to jelly when she turned to look at him in the office foyer, the fluttery feeling his nearness afforded. Was she ever going to get back in control?

  Nor was she sure now, in his house and in his bedroom, on the impromptu bed he had arranged for their lovemaking and the spot they had chosen for their loving. She did know, though, when he had come near to what he thought was an admission of his other professional self. She had quelled it immediately, by her offer of herself – again? How long would she get it to last? And if he were too determined to ‘come clean’, how would she handle it? Right now, Fiona would rather not have minded being an ostrich, head in the sand and a plume on her bottom. There were some facts she was sure of, and others she was not. What Fiona did know, was that she did not wish to break the circle of charm, the magic.

  But right now Fiona was on top in real life, those tawny eyes directly below, as was the mock back of a mock bear. This way she could figuratively stay up. Charles thought he could deal with it, too. His eyes were wide open. Could he see what was going on in her head and in her heart? If only she could. In the filtered daylight though, as he had by the light of a real fire the night before, Charles thought that Fiona was truly beautiful in body and in spirit. He thought she had given of herself completely (which she had), and not knowing the truth about himself (he did not know that she knew). He was determined now, more than ever before, to level with this girl of his dreams. For now, just her, just his room and the many amenities it provided, were all he wanted. Did the outside world have to enter?

  It seemed it did. For the lovers, entwined as they were, in each other’s bodies, now heard a distinct impatient “woof!” at the door, followed by furious scratching. Then, to Fiona and Charles’ amusement, they heard a man’s voice at the same spot calming the dog, and possibly leading her away. But within a few seconds, both were stilled. Both were very aware of the others in the house. Fiona would give herself away first, since she knew what Charles was all about, but was loth to have him reveal what he thought he must. It was however, Fiona who would rise first from the floor and peel off that velvety wrap that Charles had so considerately given her to wrap her unclothed self in. Now, she laughingly raised it above their heads before she brought it down with a swoosh to wrap only herself in. Charles would have to do without, considering he had once again shed his silken pyjamas.

  What was the man to do?

  But she was letting him off his dilemma – in a way. “There’s your Green waiting for you,” Fiona said. “Maybe he needs to be walked on this morning, as you might every day?” She innocently asked. Charles took a less innocent, very long look back at her. He had met his lady love properly just the night before. But she was speaking in a manner which seemed to indicate that they had full knowledge of each other – more than what had transpired between them in moments of tender togetherness, and even during the dinner last night. But Charles, gallant as he was, and as mindful of her feelings, made to do as she had suggested – walk his dog.

  Perhaps Green had returned to his spot outside Charles’ bedroom door at this point, perhaps the clever little Irish terrier had figured how far to jump to manipulate the door handle – if scratching and barking were not to work. But the very next instant, the door flew open and a bundle of buff coloured suede with a soft black nose, floppy ears and soulful eyes flew joyfully into the room. Fiona laughed out loud and nearly dropped the velvet wrap to her nudity. Charles was in the buff anyway, but Green had never understood why human beings insisted on clothing themselves to the extent they did. As for the human occupant or occupants in the house, whose voice had been heard just a little while ago, there was no sign ….for a good ten minutes.

  Or was the person who possessed the voice too embarrassed, too thunderstruck? In ten minutes Charles had disappeared into his shower and had emerged to open his wardrobe. In ten minutes Fiona had regained her party clothing and tidied herself, long dark hair tidily uncombed. And in those ten minutes, Green had managed to inform himself about the nature of the goings-ons in Charles’ bedroom, sniffing and scurrying madly about, wagging her tail and donning what could only be a smile from ear to ear.

  Chapter 5: Charles and Fiona and Green

  A voice with a deep British accent was asking, from some distance away, whether Charles and his friend needed coffee and breakfast? Charles was stepping into his clothes and tying his shoelaces at the time, but replied, “No thank you, Ganymede, we’ve had a bite of the home chocolate cake, which my guest liked immensely. A pot of coffee will do – there’s just the two of us.” Ganymede? Had Fiona heard him address the manservant as Ganymede? Indeed she had. Well, there were some facts about this man she seemed to have fallen for, which not even Mervin had dug up.

  The two of them now stepped out of the room, Green right behind them. They walked to the sitting area which Fiona had but got a glimpse of, the night before. Santa Claus had to have filled the Christmas stocking from the night before. Charles handed Green her little one, but Green was more interested in the stocking itself, rather than the goodies within. A tray with a pot of coffee and two cups was set on a breakfast table in the corner. Of the person who may have delivered it there, there was no sign. Fiona poured, and the dog bounded off on a yet-unseen mission. Green was back, it seemed, in no time, with her leash in her mouth. Charles mentioned that Green was a very bright, very well trained dog and that she was reminding him, once again, that it was time for her morning walk. Green, he said, was also a rather expressive doggy.

  Fiona wore Charles’ greatcoat over her evening wear as she stepped back out of the house, holding onto both Charles and the dog. She had not been able to catch a glimpse of Ganymede up until then. Charles’ eyes were glinting as he squinted at her. “What do you have in mind now, sweetheart?” But Fiona was thinking how Charles had a charming manner of addressing all those he knew. Then, she told him that she had retrieved a Christmas package – or two, from under the tree the evening before. It was time for her to get Charles a gift for today. He laughed again at that, reminding her that he had, after all, been hired for this very holiday by herself, that he was her ‘other’ Christmas present, as similarly, she had chosen to be his. He was a professional, he said, and could not just be given a gift just like that!

  At that, Fiona, looked straight into his eyes, and said, “are you sure, dear Charles?” And Charles, again, had that very uncomfortable feeling that this golden girl knew something about him maybe not being the hired professional? Whatever the query from his side, he did not want his dream girl to fuss too much. Charles was in luck, because this being Christmas day, the shops were shut. Besides which, Green had other ideas about what to do on this glorious day where the snow crunched under her feet and the day was lit with
bright sunlight. The only shop that they could find that was open was one that had reindeer decorations on the outside, and a shop sign that said that it was a veterinary supplies shop.

  Fiona could not help liking the dog mannequin in the window, which sported a tartan hat, and jacket and four little doggie paw boots. The three of them went in, and the two humans and a well-dressed Green emerged. But she still did not have anything for Charles, Fiona thought! Fiona was not done with her quest. But Green was now leading the way, drawing many admiring glances and more, neither was she done with her walk. The only one who was enjoying this amble around Manhattan for the sake of it – and the sake of the company with him, was Charles.

  And so it transpired, that they had walked along all the way to Fiona’s apartment block. They had spent the morning in each other’s company. Fiona said she would like Charles, and his dog, to visit her now, at the home she had skipped being dropped back to, the night before. They entered another warm, Christmassy decorated foyer. Green thought that this might be the start of yet another adventure. Charles thought he was living his own adventure. When she unlocked the door to her apartment, Fiona’s mind was quickly put to rest by her housekeeper.

  The motherly lady had actually got a traditional Christmas lunch put together, one they could do with right now, with the drop of homemade mulled wine she had also put in an effort towards. Green would have liked to investigate the lunch tabletop, but being the well-trained dog that Charles said she was, made do with roast stuffing in a special bowl. And what could Charles and Fiona do but wish to retire for Christmas afternoon to her bed, while the housekeeper and Green settled down in front of the television in Fiona’s living area? If the lady had any inkling of what may have been going on behind Fiona’s bedroom door after they had partaken of her once-a-year lunch, she gave no indication. Fiona knew that she could count on her housekeeper to refrain from showing attitude in the matter of two guests brought in unannounced, though the good lady had not been able to refrain from showing judgment in her approval of the man and dog.

  As for Green, she was totally focused on a dog show on the television screen. And as for Charles and Fiona, they were totally focused on themselves, on Fiona’s bed ensconced in Fiona’s boudoir. Fiona had once again dropped her evening dress worn on and off for many hours now, on the floor. This time, it just lay there in a sorry, much-worn heap. Charles took a good long look at Fiona as she was now, and as he had not failed to notice the night before in front of the firelight. Would he ever get enough of her freshness yet sexy demeanour, her wit, intelligence and humour? No. On top of all this, he would have to figure out a way to tell her the truth. But all that Charles wanted for Christmas, in all truth, was Fiona.

  Fiona, he could see, was slim yet curvaceous, endowed, it seemed, only for his pleasure. The thoughts raced through his head just as Fiona turned to look at him and asked to know what he was thinking. Charles knew what he should be thinking – of how to sort out his admissions, what he must, in the end, tell her. For Charles knew now that he wanted this relationship and possibly last night and this Christmas day to last forever, to hold this precious girl, partner at his rival firm, forever. He would have to start somewhere, if he were to reveal the truth – it had to be now.

  Charles was hampered by the fact that he had no clothes on, and would not have minded to stay as she was – similarly unhampered, except that it may again distract him from his purpose. But Fiona, it seemed, was laughing at him. What could she be laughing at? He was determined. “Fiona, love, I have something – no, a great many things to talk to you about,” he began. Fiona by now was laughing her tinkling ‘I’m with you’ laugh. What did she have in mind, he was wondering – another diversion, another adventure?

  Then, they heard furious scratching on her room door, followed by an unmistakably impatient bark. It was time for Green to be walked that evening before her bedtime! Fiona’s cell rang in a tune of Christmas Carols the very next instant. She reached out for it languidly, obviously not welcoming this diversion either, and it seemed to Charles that her aunt and uncle were wishing her a Merry Christmas. Fiona had just disconnected, when it rang again. This time, she looked positively annoyed, as she wished cousin Al back. This would not do, if Charles were to get to say what he had been about to say. And, what about that reminder from Green?

  Fiona did not have the advantage of wrapping herself in the velvet shroud she had made best use of, at Charles’ but felt she should do something, now. So she popped her head outside her door. There was no one there, so her sensible housekeeper had been given the message about wanting to be walked from Green, and had wisely stepped out to do the honour, without wishing to disturb Charles and Fiona within. Fiona had Charles, and his explanation, all to herself now. She could not wait to let him get on with it. She switched off her cell and settled down, waiting to hear.

  “You were saying, Charles?” she prompted. “Fiona, I will not like what I have to say, and I will say it just once, but the fact is, I cannot bear the thought of you thinking of me otherwise…” She was truly looking and laughing at him now, if he had doubted it earlier. He hated to have to shatter that innocence of her not knowing, but he would have to get it over with, now. Would she still look at him like this, when he was done? Probably not, but he was too far in, by now. He would have to continue, as she bade him to, now. “Well, it was to do with that library contract, which would have been yours…” But she stopped him. “Course it would! And what would that have to do with you, dear handsome hunk?” But there was a knowing in her expression. She knew!

  He stopped. “Fiona, what is it exactly that you know?” So she told him. She said she knew about him – Charles Beaufonte of Beaufonte and Latymer, courtesy information available rather quickly, after she had requested that blind date at Knight Male Escorts. What she did not know about, Fiona was saying, while Charles sat there dumbfounded, not to mention how well they suited each other – never mind Ganymede and his home, which she should have had some indication about, but had not. What Fiona was truly curious about, she said, was how he had managed to inveigle to escort her, Fiona Cunningham, and why She remembered him letting drop something about a library at the Christmas party, when she was working at cosying up to him, and she had heard him mention it now, just a little while ago.

  So then he came to, or rather found that Fiona had found him out. He told her in great detail about the local library planning and construction contract his tawny eyes ablaze.

  As for Fiona, she agreed to all – the library (though she would later have to refer to the other directors at Cunningham’s). But mostly, she agreed that they would have to partner each other in other ways, best for both. She would have to exit for more of that mulled wine, to celebrate. This time, she managed to shower and change into something more sensible, and be on time marked by Green, who happened to be entering the apartment at that instant, wondering about her master and his partner.

  One Night With Claus


  Khelsey Jackson


  Gretchen smiled at the computer screen because she had made a date for that night, even though it was Christmas. She didn’t want to spend time with her family because she didn’t want to hear them tell her how sorry they were about her and Robert; her soon to be ex-husband. Truth was Rob and she hadn’t been happy in a really long time, which was why tonight was so special.

  She was going to have sex with a complete stranger. They wouldn’t even know each other’s real names. She was going by Noel, and he would be going by Claus. She came up with the Christmas names.

  She Grinned to herself when she heard a knock at the hotel door. He was here. She stood up and walked to the door. Taking a deep breath she slowly opened the door. Her jaw dropped, when Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome, grinned at her. He had brown wavy hair that fell to his shoulders, and green hazel eyes that were roaming up and down her body. He was very tall, and his smile liquefied her to her core.

?” he asked, his voice deep, and she thought she might do something she would regret.

  “Claus,” she said, and prayed she stay sane.

  He instantly had her under his spell, with his dark hair and beautiful eyes. A low chuckle caught her ears. “Well Ms. Noel, are you going to let me in or would you like to do this in the hallway?”

  She raised her eyebrows, and then moved out of the doorway to allow him to enter the room. When he walked by, his sweet peppermint and vanilla wrapped around her. She shut the door behind him and rested against it. “I have never done this before,” she said as she bit her bottom lip. She had always been the one who was scared to have a one night stand, plus she had only been with Robert, and after what happened between them things would never be the same.

  Claus lifted his dark eyebrows as he walked back toward her. He framed her face in his large hands. “This is my first time hooking up from the site. At least we both know that this is what we want it to be, no expectations.”

  In the emails, they had talked about what they wanted to get from their night together. She had told him she wanted to feel passion. She hadn’t felt any in many years. He had told her that he would make sure there was plenty of it.

  She watched as his lips descended to hers, and she could hear her heartbeat in her ears. His lips tasted like peppermint, and she moaned into his mouth. He deepened the kiss by pressing her body closer to his, and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Noel,” he murmured against her lips. “Bedroom?”


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