Walker's Rules

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by Joannie Kay

  Walker’s Rules


  Joannie Kay

  ©2012 by Blushing Books® and Joannie Kay

  Copyright © 2012 by Blushing Books® and Joannie Kay

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  Kay, Joannie

  Walker’s Rules

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-60968-628-4

  Cover Design by Korey Mae Johnson

  © Romance Novel Covers / Jimmy Thomas

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  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

  Chapter One

  Cedar Ridge, Nevada


  “Haven’t you already got enough trouble out at your place, Walker?” Sheriff Tanner Graves asked with a grin for the other man.

  “I like trouble, Tanner.” Walker gave the Sheriff a smile, then turned as the door to the Sheriff’s office opened.

  “Mornin’, Sheriff. Walker, I suspected you might be here.” Judge Slater nodded, and then removed his hat. “Let’s get this over with. My wife isn’t feeling good this morning and I need to get back home to tend to her.”

  “Sorry to hear that, Judge.” Tanner frowned. Annabelle Slater was a nice woman and it didn’t seem fair that she was suffering so. Doc said there was nothing he could do but keep her comfortable at this point on. When she had her really bad days, Judge Slater didn’t leave her side for more than a couple of minutes. Tanner knew that the case would be settled with speed.

  “What did the boy do?” Slater asked without preamble.

  “Amos caught him stealing food. Didn’t have money to pay for it.”

  “You want him, Walker?” the Judge asked.

  “Yes, Your Honor. I always have room for one more boy at my place.”

  “Any of the ones out there giving you trouble?” he wanted to know.

  “Nothing I can’t handle,” Walker said in his deep voice, smiling.

  “Good. You willing to do the same for this kid, too?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Then it’s settled. Jessie Bridges is hereby remanded to your custody for the period of one year, with the standard punishment of a strapping for stealing to be administered today. Wave the standard fines, Sheriff,” he added, just as he always did. Walker was doing the kids a service, and it didn’t seem fair to make the man pay out good money for his willingness to turn a boy’s life around, and the boys never had a penny in their pocket. The Judge didn’t think it did a bit of good to send a kid to a reform school or a prison when they were stealing food to eat. A good strapping with a firm lecture cured that problem… and a place to live, food to eat, and a good influence like Walker Ames did a whole lot more good than putting the kids in with others who would just teach them bad things, and insure they were in trouble for the rest of their lives.

  “Yes, sir.” The Sheriff nodded respectfully. Judge Slater bid them a good day and left, all without setting eyes on the prisoner who was behind the door to the jail, locked in a cell. “Walker, this kid is a handful of spunk. He doesn’t like being touched, and I had one heck of a time locking him up. I know you’ve dealt with a couple others just as rowdy, but thought I should warn you before I let him out. He’s small, but slippery.”

  “Thanks, Tanner. I’m sure I can handle him.” Walker grinned. He was a big man, and he was strong. He didn’t boast about it; he didn’t need to. His size frightened some folks, so he tended to smile a lot to ease their fears… but he could hold his own when he had to.

  Tanner opened the heavy door to the jail and went inside, and Walker followed him, anxious to see Jessie Bridges. He was shocked to see how small the boy was! The poor kid must be starving, and he would see to it he had a good meal… after he gave him the strapping the Judge ordered, and they discussed how wrong it was to steal from others. “The Judge released you into Walker’s care, Jessie. Let’s go now.”

  “Is that him?” the kid looked up at Walker with the greenest eyes the man had ever seen. Jessie didn’t look afraid, just wary.

  “Yes. Walker Ames. He kept you from going to the boy’s reformatory, and you’ll be in his care for the next year.”

  “A year!” Jessie exclaimed. “For stealing a damned apple?”

  “Watch your language, son. We don’t talk that way at the Rocking W,” Walker said quietly. “Come on now, and we’ll head on out. You look like you could do with a good meal, and Mrs. Gibbons is a great cook.”

  “I don’t want to go with you. Where is this Judge? Why didn’t I get a chance to tell my side of things?” Jessie demanded angrily.

  “Boy, you don’t have a side,” Tanner stated. “You stole, and the Judge was kind enough to give you a chance to go with Walker instead of to the reformatory for the next year. Now let’s go! I have other things to do than stand here arguing with a half grown, smart-mouthed kid.”

  “I am not leaving. I demand to speak to the Judge!” Jessie insisted.

  Walker shook his head. “Stubbornness won’t get you anywhere, son. We’re leaving now, and you either come along under your own power, or mine. If I have to drag you home kicking and screaming, the licking you get for stealing will be doubled. Best you learn right off that I don’t tolerate this kind of foolishness.”

  Jessie glared at the big man but made no move to budge. “I am not leaving until I talk to the Judge.”

  “Yes, you are,” Walker had enough, and he marched into the cell and picked the kid up, wrapping his arm around Jessie’s back and lifting him off his feet. Jessie exploded in fury, kicking and cursing, shocking Walker with words no kid that age should know or understand the meaning of. He reacted instinctively and gave the kid’s backside a hard whack with his big hand. “Knock it off now, boy, or I’ll tan you here and now, and again when we reach the ranch!”

  Walker marched through the office and out the door to the wagon parked outside and he plunked the boy on the wagon seat. “Don’t run. I’ll catch you, and if you put me to the trouble, I’ll cut a switch and stripe you six ways to Sunday. I don’t know why you’re so bent against coming out to the ranch, boy, but it’s a lot better than going to the reformatory for a year. You’ll eat three good meals a day, and do chores, and study your lessons, but you won’t be beaten or starved, and you’ll be safe. Now, are you going to settle down?” Walker asked.

  Jessie nodded meekly. Walker looked into the green eyes for a moment and once satisfied the boy understood, he turned his back on the kid to say goodbye to Tanner. Just that quick, the kid jumped off the wagon on the other side and took off running. Walker gave chase, trying hard not to curse under his breath. The boy was going to give him a run for his money, and that was sure and certain! He was fast!

  Jessie ran with lightning speed, but Walker’s legs were longer, and he covered ground faster. Inevitably, Jessie was caught and spun around to look into angry brown eyes.

  “I warned you about that, didn’t I?” The green eyes blinked to hide tears and Walker calmed down immediately. “I want to be your friend, Jessie. At least give it a day or two before you decide to run. Now, if you turn tail and walk yourself back to my wagon, I’ll spare you the public switching I promised. If you take off on me again, we’re going to have us a serious talk right where I catch you. Now what’s it going to be?”

  Jessie didn’t say a word. He just spun on his heel and marched back to the wagon, and then climbed on the seat. Walker wasn’t taking any chances this time; he settled on the seat, waved goodbye to the amused Tanner, and headed out of town and for the ranch. It didn’t take him long to realize that the boy was planning to run the first chance he got. He was going to have to lock him up for the night… maybe for several nights. “Where you from, Jessie?” he asked.

  “Here and there.”

  “Where are your folks?”


  “I lost my folks when I was a kid, too,” Walker shared. “It was tough. I didn’t have anyone to turn to for help, and ended up getting into trouble. I got lucky and a man by the name of Gus Anders gave me a kick in the pants and straightened me out. If it wasn’t for him, I would have ended up in prison for sure. That’s why I try to help boys like you, Jessie. I don’t want to see you end up in the reformatory or in prison. Once we get past the strapping the Judge ordered for stealing, then as long as you behave yourself and do what you’re told, you won’t find it hard to live on the Rocking W.”

  “Strapping?” Jessie looked at him with startled eyes. “No damn way!”

  “Sorry, kid. Judge Slater ordered a strapping and we’ll take care of it as soon as we get to the ranch. I think it’s best to get it over straight away instead of letting you dread it. Once that is done, all you have to do is settle in and get along with the others, and do your chores and your lessons.”

  “You better not try strapping me!” Jessie declared angrily. “I won’t have it.”

  “You’ll have it, all right. Even if I have to bare you myself and hold you down.”

  “Bare!” Jessie’s voice squeaked and Walker had to restrain himself from grinning.

  “That’s right. When I have to tan you, it will be with my belt and on your bare backside. It will make sure you don’t want to get into trouble too often,” he explained. He didn’t add that it made darn sure he wasn’t too rough on a youngster either if he could see where the welts were. He didn’t want to be cruel. He knew first hand all about cruel, and no boy under his care would ever be treated the way he was as a kid by his uncle after his folks died. His father’s brother was a mean bastard.

  “No, I won’t let you do that!” Jessie said firmly.

  “Sorry, son, that is the way it is on my ranch.”

  “Take me back to town. I’d rather go to the reformatory.”

  “No you wouldn’t. Don’t you realize that the guards would beat you half to death if you sassed them the way you have me? They’d whip you raw. I might give you a tanning, but I won’t hurt you, Jessie. You have my word on that.”

  “I don’t want to go to your ranch. Let me go and I’ll leave the area and no one will ever know.”

  “I would know, and the answer is ‘no’. What’s with you, Jessie? Haven’t you ever had a tanning?” Walker asked with an amused grin. “Sure, it hurts, but it’s not worth all the fuss you’re making.”

  “My folks didn’t believe in hitting kids,” Jessie stated truthfully.

  “I’m not going to hit you, kid. Just take my belt to your rear until you get the message that stealing is wrong.”

  “I already know that.”

  “Then why did you do it?” Walker asked.

  “I was robbed and didn’t have any money. I was hungry.” It had been two days since Jessie had eaten, and the bushel of apples on the sidewalk in front of the store was simply too much temptation to resist.

  “You should have asked folks for help. Even Amos Jones at the Mercantile would have fed you if you’d told him you were hungry. You didn’t need to steal.”

  “I’m sorry,” Jessie said sincerely.

  “And you’ll be even sorrier in a few minutes,” Walker promised. “You can see the ranch now. Right over there.” He pointed proudly.

  Jessie had to admit that the ranch looked nice from a distance. Walker took pride in his place, and it showed. “Please let me go!” Jessie tried once more to convince Walker.

  “Can’t do that, son. You are in my custody for the next year. Best you can do is try to get along with the others and with me.” Walker knew the kid was set to run again, and he was ready to catch him if it was necessary.

  “Hey, Walker,” Jake greeted him. “Want me to take care of Ben and Ted for you?” he offered, patting Ben’s head as he grabbed his bridle.

  “Sure, and get some of the others to help carry these supplies into the house for Mrs. Gibbons.”

  “Sure, Walker,” Jake answered, giving the new kid a curious look. He sure was small.

  “This is Jessie Bridges, Jake. I’ll expect you to give him a hand settling in the next couple of days,” Walker said as he jumped down and then said, “Let’s go, Jessie, and I’ll show you the house and where you’ll bunk down at night.”

  Jessie gave running one more try, but with the same results. This time Walker had him before he got ten steps away, obviously expecting the attempt. He tucked Jessie under his arm one more time and carried him into the house and straight into his study, closing the door for privacy. Walker never punished any of the kids in front of others. He put the young boy on his feet and then said, “Jessie, this tanning is going to happen. The Judge ordered it, and we’ll get it done now. Drop your britches and bend over the desk,” Walker ordered as he unbuckled his belt and started drawing it through the loops on his pants.

  “No! I most certainly will not!” Jessie said furiously. “I demand to speak to that Judge! I will not be treated like this!”

  Walker looked at him in surprise. Jessie sure didn’t sound like the other kids he’d brought here over the last three years. He’d had boys cry, or get sullen. Or tell him they didn’t care. Some even put up a fight, but most just dropped their pants and got it over with. “You’re only making this harder on yourself, Jessie. Now drop your britches or I’ll take them down myself.”

  “No. I won’t let you!”

  “I’m done talking. If you want to make this strapping twice as bad because of your defiance, then it’s fine by me. I think you need to learn up front that I won’t tolerate being tested this way.” Walker grabbed Jessie, and in spite of the fight he put up, Walker easily jerked down his pants to his knees and then stopped in shock. “Good God! You aren’t a boy! Why didn’t you say something?” he demanded in his deep voice.

  “You didn’t give me a chance!” Jessie accused, and then cried out when he jerked her hat from her head. Two thick red braids fell down to give even more evidence of her femininity. “Let me go!” she pleaded when he took her by the arm and prevented her from pulling up her pants.

  “Sorry, I can’t do that,” Walker said firmly. “The Judge ordered a tanning for stealing. You did steal didn’t you, little girl?” Walker made his decision to see the punishment through, even though the kid was a girl. Girls had no more business stealing than boys did, and that was that.

  “It was just an apple, and I didn’t even get one bite!” she wailed as Walker pulled her over to the desk where he took a seat on the corner and drew her down over his left thigh.

  “Stealing is wrong, boy or girl, and while I won’t take my belt to a little girl, I have no qualms about using my hand to give you a good sound spanking.” Walker suited actions to words and spanked the seat of her cotton drawers.

  Jessie cried out in pain. “Owwww! Stop! You’re hurting me!” The thin cotton of her drawers was no protection whatsoever as his large hand covered her bottom in stinging slaps. “Owwww!” She kicked her legs and tried to get away, but her strength was no mat
ch for the big man.

  “That is the whole point, little girl. A spanking is supposed to teach you that what you did was wrong and give you a reason not to do it again!”

  “I won’t do it again, I promise!” she wailed, but Walker continued to spank her until she was sobbing and positive her bottom was swollen to twice its normal size. “I’m sorry!” she repeated over and over.

  Walker decided he had to be fair, and since she was just a little girl, he saw nothing wrong in baring her butt for the rest of the spanking. He didn’t want to hurt her, but he also wanted to give her a thorough enough spanking that he could look Judge Slater in the eye and tell him in all honesty that the spanking he gave her was equivalent to the strapping he’d ordered. If she were older, he wouldn’t do such a thing, but butts were the same on kids… He untied her drawers and slid them down and was a bit surprised to see that her bottom was already red. She had delicate skin, probably due to the red hair…

  “You son of a bitch!” Jessie screamed at him in pure, unbridled anger. “You let me go now or I swear I will kill you the first chance I get!”

  Walker brought his hand down even harder than before on her left cheek. “You just made this spanking a whole lot worse, little girl. I will not be talked to like that, and I won’t be cussed by a kid. You need to learn some respect.” He spanked hard, and made sure to pepper her sit spots with spanks meant to sting, and leave a lasting impression. She was not going to sit down for some time without remembering this spanking.

  “I’m sorry!” she finally cried out. “Oh, please stop! I’m sorry!”

  “You need to mind your manners, now, Jessie. Do you hear me?” he continued spanking until he heard her reply.

  “Yes! I will!” she bawled.

  Walker toned down the spanking just a bit, and continued with the real reason she was over his knee. “You cannot go around stealing from other people, Jessie, just because you want something they have. You could have asked for food. Someone would have been happy to help you.” He slapped his hand on her little bottom again and again, making sure to spank her upper thighs, too. He wasn’t used to spanking a girl’s bottom, but from the way Jessie was carrying on, he was sure he was making an impression.


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